Poker is a cruel game Short stacked and loving QQ pre and when the cards flipped over looooooooooooooooool------- /> />>>> exit hand from tonights Mini Open I could done things with taht stack :S
I play MTT/STT/CASH/DYM using one BR, while recording my progress for each format
Here is my DYM trial from the 1st Dec
I don't love DYM's as they seem to be a massive grind for little return, apart from the C4P I played them in the past break even just for c4p But I am going to give them some effort this month, if I can stop making MTT/STT moves in these then I should be fine
Following the 20 buy in rule Need to hit £50 before I step up to £2.20 DYM's
Played one hand on NL20 for the GROTTO promotion and flopped 2nd nut str Never got any action though Then next hand picked up AA, no action - then stood
Lost 2 bi's - not great
DYM Update
win perc
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437 - Current roll £432 C4P 366
Played a little NL4/10, up two buy ins at NL4 then lost them at NL10 - str v FH & TPTK v Set !!!
Played some DYM, standing win percentage of 70% - going ok
Finished 3rd in a £2 BH MTT,I was 3rd on FT then my internet went, back to table 20 minutes later and there's only 3 left and I have 5 bb, SIGH!!! But my first hand was AA but no action lol
I have tweaked some of my MTT game in all stages and it appears to be working.
But it could also be just some run good )
I have also been reading up on expected value just to look at hands after and access
Hopefully it will correct some leaks/bad plays in my game, or just improve my current game as you can always get better
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437 - Current roll £476 C4P 436
DYM Moved onto £2 level because the £1 level was just seriously bad ! Found £2 level even worse tonight, maybe I am just running hot !
win perc
Played some MTT/SAT - nothing doing, made it up in cash after a -3bi start to the session ) Need to bink in an MTT or dedicate sometime to playing high volumne cash to get my BR moving again---------------------------------------- />>> onwards and upwards - variance be good !! Going to keep plouging on and when I've had enough of £2 DYM, I'll move up to £3 and so on - or maybe just hit a downswing and lose the lot
Update DYM Moved onto £2 level because the £1 level was just seriously bad ! Found £2 level even worse tonight, maybe I am just running hot ! DYM £ PLAYED MONEY IN CASHED OUT DIFF LOST START BR CURRENT BR win perc 1.15 46 £52.90 31 £62.00 £9.10 15 £25.00 £34.10 67.39% 2.25 11 £24.75 9 £36.00 £11.25 2 £34.10 £45.35 81.82% Played some MTT/SAT - nothing doing, made it up in cash after a -3bi start to the session ) Need to bink in an MTT or dedicate sometime to playing high volumne cash to get my BR moving again---------------------------------------- /> />> onwards and upwards - variance be good !! Going to keep plouging on and when I've had enough of £2 DYM, I'll move up to £3 and so on - or maybe just hit a downswing and lose the lot BR 17/11/2011 Starting roll £437 - Current roll £476 C4P 658 Posted by rancid
Update DYM Moved onto £2 level because the £1 level was just seriously bad ! Found £2 level even worse tonight, maybe I am just running hot ! DYM £ PLAYED MONEY IN CASHED OUT DIFF LOST START BR CURRENT BR win perc 1.15 46 £52.90 31 £62.00 £9.10 15 £25.00 £34.10 67.39% 2.25 11 £24.75 9 £36.00 £11.25 2 £34.10 £45.35 81.82% Played some MTT/SAT - nothing doing, made it up in cash after a -3bi start to the session ) Need to bink in an MTT or dedicate sometime to playing high volumne cash to get my BR moving again---------------------------------------- /> />> onwards and upwards - variance be good !! Going to keep plouging on and when I've had enough of £2 DYM, I'll move up to £3 and so on - or maybe just hit a downswing and lose the lot BR 17/11/2011 Starting roll £437 - Current roll £476 C4P 658 Posted by rancid
Update DYM Moved onto £2 level because the £1 level was just seriously bad ! Found £2 level even worse tonight, maybe I am just running hot ! DYM £ PLAYED MONEY IN CASHED OUT DIFF LOST START BR CURRENT BR win perc 1.15 46 £52.90 31 £62.00 £9.10 15 £25.00 £34.10 67.39% 2.25 11 £24.75 9 £36.00 £11.25 2 £34.10 £45.35 81.82% Played some MTT/SAT - nothing doing, made it up in cash after a -3bi start to the session ) Need to bink in an MTT or dedicate sometime to playing high volumne cash to get my BR moving again---------------------------------------- />>> onwards and upwards - variance be good !! Going to keep plouging on and when I've had enough of £2 DYM, I'll move up to £3 and so on - or maybe just hit a downswing and lose the lot BR 17/11/2011 Starting roll £437 - Current roll £476 C4P 658 Posted by rancid
What is your definition of bad, you have a very good cash percentage, what's the problem?
In Response to Re: Rancid and his Roll (Diary of a losing recreational player) : What is your definition of bad, you have a very good cash percentage, what's the problem? Posted by Dudeskin8
£2 is equally as bad, so I switched over tbh )
If my next session goes bad, I'll drop back down !!
Overall I feel I can beat up to £5.50, but I am not willing to place anymore of my BR into DYM's
I'm still confused by this 'DYM GRRRRR' line, you have a 60.9% cash rate at £2.25 (all be it over a tiny sample size) and a massive 68% at £1.15 (still tiny size). Over my 184 games at £2.25 I managed 59.2% which whilst not great I felt was pretty decent, I would have killed for that extra 2% lol, so you haven't got anything to moan about mate, try playing them and be losing money that's where it gets fun.
Short stacked and loving QQ pre and when the cards flipped over
looooooooooooooooool------- /> />>>>
exit hand from tonights Mini Open
I could done things with taht stack :S
Here is my DYM trial from the 1st Dec
I don't love DYM's as they seem to be a massive grind for little return, apart from the C4P
I played them in the past break even just for c4p
But I am going to give them some effort this month, if I can stop making MTT/STT moves in these then I should be fine
Following the 20 buy in rule
Need to hit £50 before I step up to £2.20 DYM's
£25 starting BR,
Played 25
cashed 17
bummed 8
c4p ?
I'll update this as and when I play some more
£1 DYM
Played mini open - bummed out
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437
Current roll £411
C4P 337
Played one hand on NL20 for the GROTTO promotion and flopped 2nd nut str
Never got any action though
Then next hand picked up AA, no action - then stood
Lost 2 bi's - not great
DYM Update
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437
Current roll £432
C4P 366
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437
Current roll £476
C4P 436
Not updated for a couple of days, registered for the DTD this evening so should be fun !
Been playing SAT/MTT, not much joy – bubbled in one MTT AKvAJ – J on river – SIGH !
Kept myself afloat with some NL8 cash mainly
Not played anymore DYM, can’t be asked !
So many games for such little reward and I am sure I can win more money playing cash !! I guess I just want to see if I can do something with DYM’s
Maybe I’ll move up to £5.50 and see if it’s worth it !!
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437
Current roll £472
C4P 522
Moved onto £2 level because the £1 level was just seriously bad !
Found £2 level even worse tonight, maybe I am just running hot !
Need to bink in an MTT or dedicate sometime to playing high volumne cash to get my BR moving again---------------------------------------- />>> onwards and upwards - variance be good !!
Going to keep plouging on and when I've had enough of £2 DYM, I'll move up to £3 and so on - or maybe just hit a downswing and lose the lot
17/11/2011 Starting roll £437
Current roll £476
C4P 658
Hope you enjoyed it!! Bit of a refeshing change from the grind maybe?? let us know, great if you could play again!!
Run Golden Squaddie!!
Quick update,
After a good start to £2 DYM, last night was toilet !
Get it in good AK v A6 for example, and watch the six hit turn !
AQ v A4, wheel for oppo ! blah blah blah
Cash was ok I am playing NL8 in the main
I played a little REBUY ! MTT and cashed for a small amount
I am getting it in as 60/40 fav at least – like the majority - I should be sitting at 80% )
I am never happy _)
8-2 first session
2-5 next session
so annoying
I am loving the call's I am getting AIPR tbh - AK v A4 for example
I am going to keep at it cause this is so easily beatable