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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited April 2012
    Hi again mate.

    Your right in thinking 4nl would be too low for me to take it serious and in all honesty even as high as 200nl i wouldnt be playing scared money but with the experiance i have (or even havnt) got lol i thought it better to drop down to 20nl and 30nl while i practiced my multitabling.

    Been playing 7 tables at one point today which isnt bad for a beginner i should think so im really pleased with the start i have made and the game seems to be coming naturally to me.

    Just came off playing 3 tables of 50nl and did ok but also noticed a few leaks in my game what i need to plug before the cash goes rushing out, like calling reraises out of pos to good players etc which is like burning cash in my opinion but i am a very fast learner and i will get there eventually im sure :)

    Ive taken alot of time out over the past few days to take notes etc on most of the regs betting patterns etc and will soon be ready to go to war with them :)

    When i first sat at a table the other day i thought i had it all worked out and it was going to be a breeze but after only about 5 hands i realised that there is alot more to this game than i first thought and i suppose only playing the game and getting the experiance of being at the table with cash on the line will be the only thing that makes me a winner in the long run.

    Think i am going to try the big bounty hunter tourament tonight so will prob need alot of luck in that from what i have seen on tv in the past :)

    Good luck at the tables mate and also in hitting your targets for the month.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    I think an "I won a pot against Lol_Raise" brag is appropriate here, as it'll probably never happen ever again in my life, lol.
    igetya Sit out        
    gerrard9 Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £107.71
    RockOak Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £21.53
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    LOL_RAISE Raise   £1.50 £2.25 £48.25
    hurst05 Fold        
    EvilPingu Raise   £4.50 £6.75 £48.93
    gerrard9 Fold        
    RockOak Fold        
    LOL_RAISE Raise   £10.00 £16.75 £38.25
    EvilPingu All-in   £48.93 £65.68 £0.00
    LOL_RAISE Fold        
    EvilPingu Muck      
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    @ Arazi - 7 tables is pretty awesome, as long as you can keep up with everything that's going on.

    I had the same thing when I started, having watched the channel for ages I thought "This game will be easy". I'm probably stating the obvious when I say that the game is much harder when the cards aren't face-up, lol. Used to be especially difficult when I tried playing 4NL in the same way that I'd seen everyone playing @ High stakes on the telly. Took me a while to figure out how they could call my 4-bet bluff with middle pair and no kicker, lol.

    GL in the BH tonight, TID :)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2012
    Not been on much recently but just caught up with this thread (thought u,d blown the lot by the sound of the title thread)

    Getting very interesting since that big win - GL with rest of diary

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    @ MP33 - Not blown it all yet but not through lack of trying, lol.


    Thursday 5th April

    Today went pretty well, with the exception of playing 100NL Master Cash which cost me £200 and meant that today was another losing day, unfortunately. However, could have been much worse.

    Killer hand was KK vs 78o, I raise from UTG to £3, villain 3-bets to £7, I 4-bet to £21, villain peels. I'm down at this point to around £100. Anyway, flop is 678 with 2 of a suit on the board, I bet £28, villain effectively sets me all in, I jam and villain calls the extra few quid or w/e, I'm expecting to see QQ/JJ, maybe nut flush draw, was strangely pleased to see 78o, despite being miles behind. Getting 4-bets called by 78o... Do it more often plz people, it's printing money (well, for me, lol)

    Anyway, as a result, posted in the show thread asking about how many buy-ins I need for 100NL with my style, the answer I got was 50 buy-ins, so will try to keep away from the 100NL tables until I have a BR of £5k (if that ever happens)

    1 x 50NL + MC8, +£26.29
    Master Cash 12, -£200. Kings busted by 78o (Stop playing this level until I'm rolled for it)
    4 x 50NL, +£105.24

    £5.50 DYM - W1 L6, -£28.50
    £22 DYM - W1 L0, +£18.00

    £5.50 Tournament - 36/74
    £2.20 Deep Stack -  54th, £0.00
    £2.30 BH - 112/256, £0.75
    £2.30 BH - 180/256, £0.00
    £11 BH - 173/317, no bounties


    Bankroll: £2,119.90 (Including £54.54 C4P Due)
    Today: -£94.52
    This month: -£328.14
    C4P: 2,949

  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited April 2012
    EvilPingu think you have the same idea as me always on the telly now want to get my hands analaysed analysed!  You also used to be on quite a number of my dym tables.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012

    I nearly done a Pingu but only finished 8th in the roller - so pished
    Won the seat in a frenzy, wow they are fun -

    Seriously though Pingu why are you playing NL50 and £2 MTT's - makes no sense

    At least play £10+ MTT's

    Think you need some stability or some kind of level you can sit in


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk spews bankroll after Roller bink. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    EvilPingu think you have the same idea as me always on the telly now want to get my hands analaysed analysed!  You also used to be on quite a number of my dym tables.
    Posted by bearlyther
    Aye, will always play on the TV tables if I'm watching the show to get my play analysed, always looking to improve my game.

    DYM's, err...went through a period of a few days of playing between 9 and 16 DYM tables. However, a downswing which resulted in me losing all confidence in my DYM game, combined with me feeling comfortable playing @ 50NL and wanting to improve my cash game, means I'm usually playing cash these days.

    Will probably be back on the DYM's in the not-too-distant future, still playing the occasional one but just not really feeling like playing them most days ATM.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2012
    I like the erratic game selection, makes diary v interesting :D

    6x £5 dyms, who cares if you lose em all, as long as u win the £33 one!!!!  :)

    5 tabling 50nl whilst at the same time scanning sky bet for a 2/1 cricket bet & have £1 ew on it! lol. 

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk spews bankroll after Roller bink. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    BRM FTW I nearly done a Pingu but only finished 8th in the roller - so pished Won the seat in a frenzy, wow they are fun - Seriously though Pingu why are you playing NL50 and £2 MTT's - makes no sense At least play £10+ MTT's Think you need some stability or some kind of level you can sit in enjoy
    Posted by rancid
    Ouch! WP to get that far though. Is 8th a cash this week or wasn't there enough runners? Pretty decent ROI if you did cash, and even if you didn't, you can still be pleased with the performance as it's not an easy tournament.

    £2 MTT's were basically 'cause I've never multitabled MTT's before, with the exception of the main and the mini, so wanted to have a go at it without buying into several £11+ tournaments.

    Definitely agree about needing stability, I just play whatever I feel like playing when I log on, which ATM is 50NL. Next week it'll be HU, the week after it'll be DYM's, then I'll decide I hate DYM's and learn Badugi or something... I'm hopeless at sticking to one thing for any length of time.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    I like the erratic game selection, makes diary v interesting :D 6x £5 dyms, who cares if you lose em all, as long as u win the £33 one!!!!  :) 5 tabling 50nl whilst at the same time scanning sky bet for a 2/1 cricket bet & have £1 ew on it! lol. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    The funny thing is that I actually do that, I have a "betting bankroll", currently consists of about £50 which is only for sports betting, no poker money on sports betting and vice versa, so I'll be playing 100NL Mastercash, while deciding whether or not it's worth sticking 10p on Jimmy Anderson to be England's top run scorer...

    There was actually a time where, because Sky Bingo have a couple of free games every hour, I'd have Sky Bingo open on my laptop and only play the free games, hoping to win even though there was a thousand people playing the free game, and a prize pool of £10 or something.

    This was at the same time as having a dozen or so 4NL tables open. I decided it wasn't worth the time and effort (and putting up with the automated voice going "Eight and four, eighty four...Four and three, forty three" in the background) after about a week of winning nothing. 

    I won one of their chatbox games and they were meant to credit my account with 50p - they have people in the chat box who are presumably employed to talk to everyone and entertain, they're all women and they actually never shut up! Going on Sky Bingo feels like walking into the girl's loos by accident or something... - Anyway, I wasn't allowed my 50p as I didn't actually buy any tickets. :')
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    sports betting is for de gens - muwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited April 2012
    Can i jus say ur diary has got alot better since u binked :) so keep up the good work

    was only bashing the whor e' ing and valid explanation so gl 

    also lol quality betting £1 on sports and £100 on pokers i like it! 
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Can i jus say ur diary has got alot better since u binked :) so keep up the good work was only bashing the whor e' ing and valid explanation so gl  also lol quality betting £1 on sports and £100 on pokers i like it! 
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    Diary has definitely improved now that I have a decent amount of money to play with - When I was posting "Played 4NL today, had AA v KK, won £5", it wasn't the most exciting thing on the forum to read. Things have definitely livened up a bit now though on here :)

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Diary has definitely improved now that I have a decent amount of money to play with - When I was posting "Played 4NL today, had AA v KK, won £5", it wasn't the most exciting thing on the forum to read. Things have definitely livened up a bit now though on here :)
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Just to be the voice of reason, don't feel you need to entertain us with spew/bad beats/coolers at NL100.

    I really don't want to be reading NL100 -£560

    Only 20 buy in's )


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary] : Just to be the voice of reason, don't feel you need to entertain us with spew/bad beats/coolers at NL100. I really don't want to be reading NL100 -£560 Only 20 buy in's ) BRM EVILBINGO BRM
    Posted by rancid
    Dw, you probably won't be reading anything about 100NL for a while unless I see a super soft table :)
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Friday 5th April

    Played mostly tournaments today. Had what turned out to be a very short 10PLO session before the iPad freeroll as the table broke.

    10PLO, +£3.78
    iPad Freeroll - Out 243/342, played 2 hands, got my money in ahead twice, went behind twice.
    £11 Rebuy Open (1 Rebuy, 1 Addon),  44/335, £0.00 - 4-bet shoved 99 into a player who was playing like a complete donk for the most part, arguing in the chat box and tilting, unfortunately they had AA.
    £3.30 Mini Open, 269/384, £0.00 - Got all the money in pre flop with AA and lost, c'est la vie.
    £24 Super Roller semi, 15/48, jammed into AA...


    Bankroll: £2,063.38 (Including £54.54 C4P Due)
    Today: -£56.52
    This month: -£384.66
    C4P: 3,049


    Haven't eaten anything other than chocolate all day so off to get some food, will be back later once I've eaten and there's some seats on the 50NL tables. Will post any hands of interest in here.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Saturday 7th April

    Started off by playing a 50NL session before going to bed @ 3am. Wasn't anywhere near my best, but should've been a couple of hundred quid up in the session. However, 2 big pots where I got my money in as a 93% and 88% favourite both times respectively, only to get rivered, meant that I ended up £100 down instead. C'est la vie.

    Woke up, sat at MC9. Doubled up when someone stacked off with top pair against my set. Later got away from JJ for £10 against a fish who thought the old limp/call UTG and check/min raise "trap" with AA/KK would actually work against me... No. Aforementioned fish (who would probably stack off with TPTK in the same spot as this one) then doubled up with 36 v my set of 5's after hitting a backdoor flush, which was slightly annoying... Left the table at that point before I tilted and donked off the rest of my money.

    In a nutshell, would probably be £400-£500 up today if my hands could actually hold up, but they can't ) Gotta love Poker. Anyway, dropped below 40 BI's so no more 50NL until I get back up to £2,500. Everything else went terribly, until an evening DYM session in which I won 17 out of 20 games @ £5.50.

    Anyway, downloaded the free PC kindle app, and picked up "The Mental Game of Poker" for just over a fiver. If it stops me tilting when a bad player gets lucky and wins a buy-in from me, then it'll have been worth buying.

    00:28 - 02:58, 4 x  50NL, -£98.32
    13:02 - 13:24, MC9, -£37.48
    10PL, +£0.10 (Sat at Pot Limit Hold'em table instead of PLO table by accident)
    2 x 10PLO, +£35.51

    £5.50 DYM - W29 L11, +£70.00
    £11 DYM - W2 L1, +£7.00

    £2.30 Omaha BH, 2/7, £1.75 + £0.75 (Profit: £0.20)
    £24 Roller Semi - 17/60. Based on the standard of some of the satellites I played, I'll be buying in direct anyway as at least half of the field tomorrow won't know whether a straight beats a flush or the other way around. #Valuetown


    Bankroll: £2,016.39
    Today: -£46.99
    This month: -£431.69 (Sigh)
    C4P: 3,506 (£49.08)

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    In Response to Re: Donk attempts to raise bankroll, gets 3-bet. [EvilPingu's Diary] : The funny thing is that I actually do that, I have a "betting bankroll", currently consists of about £50 which is only for sports betting, no poker money on sports betting and vice versa, so I'll be playing 100NL Mastercash, while deciding whether or not it's worth sticking 10p on Jimmy Anderson to be England's top run scorer... There was actually a time where, because Sky Bingo have a couple of free games every hour, I'd have Sky Bingo open on my laptop and only play the free games, hoping to win even though there was a thousand people playing the free game, and a prize pool of £10 or something. This was at the same time as having a dozen or so 4NL tables open. I decided it wasn't worth the time and effort (and putting up with the automated voice going "Eight and four, eighty four...Four and three, forty three" in the background) after about a week of winning nothing.  I won one of their chatbox games and they were meant to credit my account with 50p - they have people in the chat box who are presumably employed to talk to everyone and entertain, they're all women and they actually never shut up! Going on Sky Bingo feels like walking into the girl's loos by accident or something... - Anyway, I wasn't allowed my 50p as I didn't actually buy any tickets. :')
    Posted by EvilPingu
    That was my problem for a while - For a few months last year i,d have 4 or 5 bingo bingo sites running in the background playing the free games, but they,ve gotten far to busy and arn,t on as much now. It was hard to do ( as you can,t lose as your not risking anything ) but i,ve had to knock it on the head now as it takes up to much time and lose concentration at poker

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Sunday 8th April

    Played really well until about five past eight. Sigh!

    Also, I am now a member of Team 51 :D 

    £25k Super Roller - Out, 126/334. 
    Master Cash 7, +£31.41
    £5.50 DYM - W20 L8, +£46.00

    League Stars Freeroll -  46th, was just gambling as I was concentrating on the Super Roller.


    Bankroll: £1,983.80
    Today: -£32.59
    This month: -£464.28 (Sigh)
    C4P: 3,765

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