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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Monday 9th April

    Finally stopped haemorrhaging buy-ins. Played 58 DYM's, winning 41, and a bit of PLO cash gave me just over £100 profit today :) Although setting money targets in Poker is dumb, I'm hoping I'll back to break even this month before I have to go back to College next Monday. Still reckon I'll be able to get into Priority Club comfortably this month as well.

    Also missing playing @ 50NL, but need to not play there until I'm up to 50 BI's. My BRM is awful...

    4 x 20PLO, +£17.85

    £5.50 DYM - W41 L17, +£91.00


    Bankroll: £2,092.65
    Today: +£108.85
    This month: -£355.43 (Smaller sigh than before but still sigh...)
    C4P: 4,068 (£65.09, require 283 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • kidwizzz78kidwizzz78 Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2012
    Fairplay mate im enjoying reading your diary! and your killing them Dyms wont need to go back to college if you keep up that tempo!

    Gl for rest of the month and hope you make priority
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited April 2012
    never posted on your thread but like a lot of ppl have said i`m really enjoyin the thread keep it up plus why dont you just stick to dym`s they seem your most profitable m8
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Fairplay mate im enjoying reading your diary! and your killing them Dyms wont need to go back to college if you keep up that tempo! Gl for rest of the month and hope you make priority
    Posted by kidwizzz78

    If only I could win at the same rate I did today! Still about £100 down on all the DYM's combined this month, as I ran/played terribly at the start of the month in them. Should make Priority, hoping for around 7k by the end of this week and I'll maybe be able to finish the month with 12k or so.

    In Response to Re: Donk finally wins some money! [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    never posted on your thread but like a lot of ppl have said i`m really enjoyin the thread keep it up plus why dont you just stick to dym`s they seem your most profitable m8
    Posted by liamboi11

    If I were to quit college and leave home tomorrow, and I was playing Poker to pay a mortgage, then I would probably play DYM's and nothing else as you suggested as it'd be the best way for me to earn money from Poker. 

    However, whilst my record in £5.50 DYMs definitely isn't anything to be sniffed at (Played 352, Won 224, Lost 128, +£304, 15.7% ROI if my spreadsheet is 100% accurate), I constantly need something new, whether that's moving from STTs to Cash, or playing PLO and PLO8, just to stop me getting bored and give me a new challenge from time to time, so that I enjoy playing Poker. I'm still a recreational player so the most important thing for me is enjoying the game, whilst trying to be as good as I can and win as much as I can. 

    DYMs are very robotic, hence why I can play up to 16 DYMs at once but can only manage 4-5 cash tables. I enjoy DYM's, but I definitely wouldn't win as much if I played them 8-12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, as I'd just get bored of playing like a robot, start going all in with 72o and inevitably losing. Never going to play your best all the time, but at the same time, never want to put yourself in a situation where you know you'll play badly, either.

    Also, it's easy to get a DYM running during the day, but if you're on the site at stupid o'clock in the morning like I am now, there's only 1 DYM with people waiting to play, and that's a 30p DYM which is pointless for me, so being able to play cash as well means if I want to play Poker on here at 5am, I can still sit at a random 50NL table (or four) and give my money away there instead.

    Finally, it's always good to be have more than one string to your bow, as if something happens - such as DYMs in the lobby not respawning like the other day, or they get removed from the site like PokerStars last year - You always have something to fall back on. 
  • Spad3sSpad3s Member Posts: 269
    edited April 2012
    Pingu, you play 16 DYMs at the same time, what kind of monitor do you have?

    Played a couple of DYMs the other day, seems like theres a lot of fish on them.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk finally wins some money! [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Pingu, you play 16 DYMs at the same time, what kind of monitor do you have? Played a couple of DYMs the other day, seems like theres a lot of fish on them.
    Posted by Spad3s
    A pretty rubbish one, tbh - I have tons of overlap on my tables. If I'm playing 16 tables (which is my absolute limit) I have at least 3 or 4 where I can't see anything until they pop up from behind other tables when it's my turn to act, so usually only play 12, unless there's a reason to play more, such as the 500,000,000th hand, or last day of the month and I want a load of C4P, etc.

    The overlap doesn't become a big problem unless the buttons start overlapping, imagine if you're about to go all in on one table, another pops up from behind it and instead of jamming your AA, you jam 72o on another table and auto-fold your aces as you get timed out... Not good.

    There is a lot of fish in them, which has it's advantages and disadvantages. Tbh, I much prefer having a decent reg on my left on the bubble who understands concepts such as ICM, as it means I can jam a lot wider in the later stages and they understand that the mathematically correct play is to fold a wide range of hands, whereas a fish will call because he has QTo and it's the nuts because it's 2 picture cards, but it still plays fairly well against my range which sometimes is ATC - Just not well enough to make it profitable for either myself or the villain long term to be in that situation to begin with, so an important skill in DYMs is to identify the players that will call you light and be happy to take a 60/40 or something, and adjust your shoving range accordingly vs. them.
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited April 2012
    Yes evilpingu i aggree that sometimes it is easier to play against the regs who will fold our jams whereas other players will call with any 2 cards sometimes especially if they are a bigstack. I am now upto 16.50s and 22s with my bankroll now in the dyms and i personally have found the 16.50s and 22s easier than the 5.50s and 11s as we can get more folds.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Tuesday 10th April

    Not a particularly exciting day today. Woke up at about 3pm, to find the book I ordered, "Pot-Limit Omaha Poker - The Big Play Strategy", turned up in the post, and miraculously fitted through the letterbox as well, so I don't have to walk down to the post office tomorrow, yay.

    Played in the main and the mini, cashed in the mini (again) but went out of the main (again), which is slightly tilting as I'd be a millionaire by now if it was the other way around.

    Want to increase my Omaha volume but want to get to my C4P target too. Hmm, decisions...

    10PLO, +£5.42
    Action Table 37, +£44.60

    £5k Open (£22) - 139/309. trying to punish limpers by jamming when they have Pocket Kings, grr... Move the slider, then click the "raise" button if you're entering a pot. Comprende?
    £1k Mini Open (£3.30) - 14/377, £9.61 (+£6.31)
    PLO8 (£5.50) - 13/18, not played this in ages and played like a total fish.


    Bankroll: £2,121.48
    Today: +£28.83
    This month: -£326.60
    C4P: 4,158 (£66.53, require 292 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Wednesday 11th April

    Didn't play much today, not much to write except my finger is swollen from dropping a really difficult caught and bowled chance when playing cricket earlier in the local park with some lads from college, right on the end of the finger, ouch ) Luckily on my left hand, although **** painful every time I press the letter A, Q, or W on my keyboard.

    Need to get back to grinding DYM's tomorrow, before I start falling behind on my C4P target this month.

    £5.50 NLH DYM - W6 L2, +£16.00
    £5.50 NLO DYM - W0 L1, -£5.50 (Epic misclick, lol)

    £22 Doublestack - Out, 2nd night in a row where I was about to go deep in the main event, only to get KO'd by a limp/caller getting lucky. Must admit, I enjoy silently anti-railing people who knock me out by playing horribly. Nice way of de-tilting when you watch them go out a few hands later, lol.
    £3.30 Mini Doublestack - Out without cashing in 1st level, NFD v Set, missed. Standard.
    £11 Timed (60 mins) - Out


    Bankroll: £2,095.68
    Today: -£25.80
    This month: -£352.40
    C4P: 4,266 (£68.26, require 302 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Thursday 12th April

    Couldn't resist playing some 50NL. Was going to grind DYMs all evening, but family were, um, not very condusive to playing Poker tonight. Free house all weekend though, so should be able to get to at least 6k C4P this weekend if everything goes to plan, and get back on target for Priority Club.

    Will be up watching the Formula One practice live, so for anyone following my F1 tips thread, I'll post in there, probably after 1st practice and again after 2nd practice, with my thoughts.

    Shortest 40NL session ever, +£3.27
    Master Cash 3, -£21.21
    Master Cash 7, -£35.63
    4 x 50NL, +£56.84


    Bankroll: £2,098.95
    Today: +£3.27
    This month: -£349.13
    C4P: 4,397 (£70.35, require 311 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Friday 13th April

    Was going to grind today, didn't because the Cheltenham Freeroll was causing havoc at the time I was going to play - After loading up 5 tables and realising they were all running about as slow as a tortoise, I decided to give up until the freeroll finished. Will probably be straight back on the tables once I've finished posting though.

    Inability to grind the last few days is really peeing me off as I'm starting to fall behind on getting into Priority Club now ¬_¬

    20PLO, +£3.88

    £5.50 DYM - W3 L2, +£2.50

    Cheltenham Freeroll - 1600/2000. When will Sky learn that there's so much lag in these tournaments and they just can't cope with it? Got fed up with the lag and went all in with K3, got snapped off by 78o and lost. Meh.


    Bankroll: £2,105.33
    Today: +£6.38
    This month: -£342.75
    C4P: 4,432 (£70.91, require 328 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • Spad3sSpad3s Member Posts: 269
    edited April 2012
    Pingu how many cash tables you play?, can you not increase if you want more points.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk finally wins some money! [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    Pingu how many cash tables you play?, can you not increase if you want more points.
    Posted by Spad3s
    Usually 4 cash tables atm - I can't play more without overlap. Used to play 9 x 4NL tables a couple of months ago, and I can play 12 DYM tables, but decisions in those are a lot more robotic than at 50NL with a bunch of regs on your table, so I usually don't like having overlap on 50NL tables.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Saturday 14th April

    Only played DYM's today. Earlier session went well, was £100 up at one point. Evening session went terribly, with every fish in the world getting their money in a mile behind and getting lucky against me, which probably makes up for running like Usain Bolt earlier. Finished £60 up, and also got 300 C4P, keep getting that every day and I should be in Priority Club this month :)

    £5.50 DYM - W40 L21, +£64.50


    Bankroll: £2,169.83
    Today: +£64.50
    This month: -£278.25
    C4P: 4,737 (£75.79, require 329 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Sunday 15th April

    Another good day today, and I'm almost back to break even for the month now :) Played some 50NL, and while I was down for most of the session, somebody making a move with 2nd pair when I had top set for a £100+ pot meant I finished £20 up.

    Also had a session on Master Cash 9 which was televised, not sure if I played badly or got coolered several times and binked, probably a bit of both tbh, but won some more money there. Meanwhile, I was playing in the NAPS Freeroll, for anyone who entered the "Sky Poker Forum NAPS Table" (Big +1 to Vaigret for running that BTW) 

    £100 prizepool, not a massive amount of money but as I was registered and on the site anyway, thought I might as well give it a go, binked an ace on the river to stay in the tournament early on, rivered trip 5's against Maxally when I shoved A5 on the SB into his KK in the BB to stay in and double up, eventually got heads up against Shaun the Villa fan, went in with a pretty sizeable chip lead, KK v A8 I think was the final hand, flop AKK, so won the tournanament for £30, not a massive amount but a welcome boost to the bankroll nonetheless, and a Team 51 1-2 to boot. :)

    4 x 50NL, +£20.69
    Master Cash 9, +£36.59

    Forum NAPS Freeroll - 1/59, £30


    Bankroll: £2,257.11
    Today: +£87.28
    This month: -£190.97
    C4P: 4,795 (£76.72, require 347 C4P/day for the rest of the month to get into Priority Club)

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Donk finally wins some money! [EvilPingu's Diary]:
    . Meanwhile, I was playing in the NAPS Freeroll, for anyone who entered the "Sky Poker Forum NAPS Table" (Big +1 to Vaigret for running that BTW)  £100 prizepool, not a massive amount of money but as I was registered and on the site anyway, thought I might as well give it a go, binked an ace on the river to stay in the tournament early on, rivered trip 5's against Maxally when I shoved A5 on the SB into his KK in the BB to stay in and double up, eventually got heads up against Shaun the Villa fan, went in with a pretty sizeable chip lead, KK v A8 I think was the final hand, flop AKK, so won the tournanament for £30, not a massive amount but a welcome boost to the bankroll nonetheless, and a Team 51 1-2 to boot.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    KK never wins :(

    Obv some form of collusion going on there with  team 51,000 getting the 1/2 

    WP, GG

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Monday 16th April

    No more Poker today, probably not playing again until Thursday and will almost certainly have to give up on getting into Priority Club this month. 

    A bit of background for those who don't know, I'm 18, still at College and living with Dad (Mum died about two and a half years ago). I'm the only Poker player in my entire family, which means I often get told I'm just wasting my money (unlike everyone else who buys scratchcards, lottery tickets, that one out), and nobody recognises that there's any skill in the game. As a result, I often end up playing in an environment which isn't condusive to playing Poker to the best of my ability. My father isn't the brightest person around, nor is he someone who I'd particularly want a relationship with if he wasn't my Dad - After nearly 6 months of telling him that when I'm playing, stop trying to have a conversation with me and let me concentrate on Poker, he still hasn't got the message. 

    About an hour ago, I was playing 4 x 50NL tables - His girlfriend turns Skype off and goes to bed, so he decides to settle for second best and talk to his son instead. At this point, my session is going reasonably well, £40 down due to losing 2 flips for 100bb stacks (QQ v AK AIPF and JJ v A7ss on a T high board with 2 spades), but I wouldn't do anything differently if I played the hands again. I'm in a 3-bet pot with QQ, at which point, Dad comes in and starts talking, just for the sake of talking really. I politely tell him to go away, which doesn't work. I get to the river, there's 6 high straight on board with 3 hearts, and what would be a fairly easy fold, albeit a sigh fold, becomes a snap call when you have someone talking rubbish in your ear and putting you off. Opponent turns over 75hh for the flush.

    Result is that I go on tilt, having spewed £35, end up £150 down before leaving the tables with the remaining £200 or so that I had in play, and what would've probably been a loss of a few quid turns into a three figure loss -_- 

    An hour and a massive argument about why I'm a degenerate gambler, why the house always wins in Poker, and why I should leave home and get a job later (£200k BR challenge anyone?), I've decided that it's -EV to play Poker when you aren't allowed to concentrate on playing, so for the time being, I'll probably only play when I'm home alone, which makes my chances of getting into Priority club, never mind staying there and receiving any benefit from it next month, rather slim, so will probably just give up on Priority Club this month. If I get there anyway, then fair enough, if not, meh.

    1 x 50NL @ 5am, +£31.61
    4 x 50NL, -£151.95

    £5.50 DYM - W7 L6, -£1.50


    Bankroll: £2,135.27
    Today: -£121.84
    This month: -£312.81
    C4P: 4,957 (£79.31)

  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited April 2012
    Ah sorry to hear about the family situation.  Some of my friends/family still don't really understand it and its only since I've been on the show that they've come around!

    I'm sure someones mentioned it before, but why do you still play the fairly low stakes DYMs compared to where you choose to play cash? you have a laptop?  Does your Dad come into your room?  Maybe you could withdraw some money and arrange a grind station a little more private!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    You Dad just wants a chat with his Son, he doesn't understand what your doing - sounds like he just verbally lashing out on you because you tell him get lost -

    Sit him down and tell that when you have you headphones on you can not talk, but when headphones are off you can talk

    I feel for you, a lot of relations/partners etc.. don't understand why you can't talk and just get annoyed because they feel ignored - the same as going out to the pub or meal with someone and they start talking to someone on their mobile phone -
  • jh16jh16 Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2012
    Hey pingu, been a silent reader of your diary for a week or 2 now, its nice to read after i finish playing most eveing's and can relate to loads of things you post so always find it interesting!

    I remember you talking about buying a PLO book... Is it worth a read? Have you found it useful so far etc?

    Hope you can keep finding time to play.
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