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Lolpro runs eternally terrible [EvilPingu's Diary]



  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Internet was being hopeless today, so didn't get anywhere near as much time playing as I would've liked. Seriously need to increase the volume if I have any plans to get into the top 150 on the STT league and the subsequent freeroll.

    Currently, 30th place has around 1,500 points, and 150th place has just under 600 points. These are probably slightly higher than usual because of the "Full House" promotion, but 150th is definitely achievable, and around 90 points a day for a shot at TSP in the beginning of April? Falling behind atm but if I can catch up, which isn't impossible, then why not? :)


    £1.15 NLH - W1 L0, +£0.85
    £2.25 PLO8 - W2 L1, +£1.25


    £200 Download FR - Virgin Media was playing up, so didn't start playing until level 5. As a result, I decided to donk my chips off and enter something else, or get a big stack trying :P

    Bankroll: £108.82 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: +£2.10
    C4P: 550
    STT League points: 416
    Cash League points: 168
    MTT League points: 0


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Was about £20 up, then decided to play some NL4, left the table about 10 minutes later due to tilt, about £8 down.

    1st hand...FFS, sigh fold.
    poustilaki Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £1.58
    NEOSTYLE Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £3.62
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    pageyboy03 Fold        
    genlee Fold        
    EvilPingu Raise   £0.16 £0.22 £3.85
    poustilaki Fold        
    NEOSTYLE Call   £0.12 £0.34 £3.50
    • 9
    • 7
    • 9
    NEOSTYLE Check        
    EvilPingu Bet   £0.17 £0.51 £3.68
    NEOSTYLE Call   £0.17 £0.68 £3.33
    • 8
    NEOSTYLE Check        
    EvilPingu Bet   £0.68 £1.36 £3.00
    NEOSTYLE Call   £0.68 £2.04 £2.65
    • J
    NEOSTYLE All-in   £2.65 £4.69 £0.00
    EvilPingu Fold        
    NEOSTYLE Muck        
    NEOSTYLE Win   £1.88   £1.88
    NEOSTYLE Return   £2.65 £0.16 £4.53

    Another hand that makes you question people's intelligence. How stupid can people be? A2 /> K4 > JJ AIPF? I'm all for respecting other players, but you can't seriously call these people poker players. Ridiculous. Might as well head over to Sky Vegas stick their entire bankroll on 00, more chance of winning something that way.
    NEOSTYLE Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £4.51
    Dazza63 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £0.65
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    pageyboy03 Call   £0.04 £0.10 £0.64
    genlee Raise   £0.08 £0.18 £2.45
    EvilPingu Raise   £0.20 £0.38 £2.80
    poustilaki Fold        
    NEOSTYLE Fold        
    Dazza63 Fold        
    pageyboy03 All-in   £0.64 £1.02 £0.00
    genlee Call   £0.60 £1.62 £1.85
    EvilPingu All-in   £2.80 £4.42 £0.00
    genlee All-in   £1.85 £6.27 £0.00
    EvilPingu Unmatched bet   £0.47 £5.80 £0.47
    pageyboy03 Show
    • 2
    • A
    genlee Show
    • 4
    • K
    EvilPingu Show
    • J
    • J
    • 4
    • K
    • 5
    • 6
    • 3
    pageyboy03 Win Straight to the 6 £1.95   £1.95
    genlee Win Two Pairs, Kings and 4s £3.41   £3.41

    Then tilted, shoved QQ into KJ on a KT2 flop, and AT into KQ on a JT9 flop.

    Just to annoy me even more, 99 < KQ AIPF. What a load of c**p.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2012
    they hands are just typical of how im doing today at NL4. i thought i ran the worst i could towards end of last month but today has topped it. im in 2 minds wether to carry on and play thru or just smash comp to bits. it can be demoralising at times
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of a moaning fish.:
    they hands are just typical of how im doing today at NL4. i thought i ran the worst i could towards end of last month but today has topped it. im in 2 minds wether to carry on and play thru or just smash comp to bits. it can be demoralising at times
    Posted by TINTIN
    I know exactly what you mean, it's so annoying when you put your money in as a 80% favourite and lose 80% of the time, lol. Will probably leave NL4 for a week or two, I need to get STT League Points anyway.


    Finished for today, healthy profit thanks to binking one of the PLO8 tournaments, could've been better if it wasn't for the worst NL4 session ever though. Won't get much time to play tomorrow, but got the house to myself all weekend :) Playing catchup on the STT League atm, so will be playing a lot of HU games and DYM's whenever I get the chance.

    Would like to get up to 1,000 STT points this weekend, to ensure a top 150 position at the end of the month and hopefully close the gap on 30th place as well. As most of my time is spent staring at the lobby or spamming the F5 key on Facebook, rather than actually playing Poker, I think if I try, I should be able to not drop any further behind points wise, and slowly catch up to the top 30. Definitely won't be easy, but not impossible either :)


    £3.30 NLH - W1 L0, +£2.70
    £0.30 PLO - W1 L0, +£0.20


    £0.55 Turbo - W4 L1, +£1.25
    £1.05 Turbo - W4 L2, +£1.70
    £2.10 Turbo - W5 L2, +£5.30
    £1.05 Hyper - W2 L2, -£0.20

    £1.10 4 Player HU - W1 L0, +£2.90


    16:55, £1.10 PLO8 - 1st/21, won £10.50 (£9.40 Profit)


    3 x NL4, -£9.48. Not quite sure how to describe these players without getting myself forum banned. Ridiculous.

    Bankroll: £122.59 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: +£13.77
    C4P: 579
    STT League points: 458
    Cash League points: 170
    MTT League points: 10

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    QQ hand - Bet more on flop, halfpot is way too small. River fold probz ok only losing to 10 so close but as he's shoved he probably wants paying.

    JJ - wp, only issue is sitting with £3.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012

    Both hands raise more pre, bet more on flop


    Always bet ¾ pot minimum for value

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Couldn't update this yesterday before going to bed as internet was playing up, sigh.

    £1.15 NLH - W0 L1, -£0.00 **
    £3.30 NLH - W1 L0, +£2.70
    £2.25 PLO8 - W1 L1, -£0.50

    ** Disconnected from game due to ISP being hopeless, buy-in refunded


    £1.05 Turbo - W0 L4, -£4.20. Ran into an opponent who kept flopping 2 pair, generally getting lucky. Limped every button and thought me raising most buttons was bingo. Sigh :')
    £2.10 Turbo - W0 L2, -£4.20. A2 > 22 AIPF, 34 vs. AK, flop A25.


    15:40 - £2.20, 15 min, £100 GTD timed tourney - Won £8.30 (+£6.10)

    Bankroll: £122.49 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: -£0.10
    C4P: 598
    STT League points: 472
    Cash League points: 170
    MTT League points: 10


    Started the day by cashing in one of the new timed tournaments and a PLO8 DYM, went downhill from there.  Lost a PLO8 DYM but won a £3.30 NLH DYM, so around £8 up.

    Decided to play some HU Turbos, 4 against 1 person which were all pretty farcical, three times I ran overpairs or TPTK into a flopped 2 pair, and the other time, I shoved on the button into KK. Fair enough, but was more annoyed by this person in the chat box calling me a bingo player because I raised most of the time on the button. Sorry for knowing how to play heads up, just keep limping your button every time please, and find something better to do than abuse people in the chat box, like improve your own game ) Rant over.

    Then played 2 more games against someone else, where I ran AK into 34 on an A25 flop (Sigh...) and A2 vs. 22 AIPF. Ace on the flop, of course.

    I was 10p down at this point, so played a £1.15 DYM, basically wanted to record a profit on my spreadsheet for the day instead of a loss. Down to 4 players, flop a set of 6's, internet freaks out and won't reconnect. Contacted customer care and got my buy-in back, but still slightly annoying to flop a set of 6's, think you're going to win a big pot and probably knock the other guy out, then the internet cuts out.

    On the bright side, it's nice to have a c**p day and only be 10p down :)
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Seem to be inexplicably running like Usain Bolt @ £3.30 DYM's, and running badly in every other DYM level this month, how strange. Also found I can fit 9 tables on my screen if I change a few settings, so obviously, I tried it. Felt fairly comfortable doing it but think I'll build my bankroll before trying that again, even though it didn't go too badly. Actually won more when playing 9 tables than I did the rest of the day, sigh.

    Tried moving back up to £5.50, some of the players on there tonight must have rocks for brains, quite frankly. AK < 74 AIPF (Yes, he called with 7 high), T5 < 33 AIPF (Stealing the blinds, how can you call with 33 in a DYM?), and I can't remember my hand when I shoved, and the guy who limped in called with A6. Sigh. £16.50 down thanks to people who don't have a clue what they're doing, and back to grinding £3.30.

    Said it before and I'll say it again, JohnConnor's blog is wrong IMO, 20 buy-ins is nowhere near enough. At least, not for me.


    £1.15 NLH - W0 L2, -£2.30
    £2.25 NLH - W1 L4, -£7.25
    £3.30 NLH - W6 L3, +£6.30
    £5.50 NLH - W0 L3, -£16.50

    Bankroll: £102.74 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: -£19.75
    C4P: 659
    STT League points: 521
    Cash League points: 170
    MTT League points: 10

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2012
    have 2 agree with u Evil regarding 20 buy-ins
    not being enough.
    i did ask jc about that and he did say that
    he was only using that ammount 4 his dym challenge.,
    and that to play dym,s properly ,if u like,
    he would use the 100 buy-in rule.
    ie;to play at £3.30 level
    u should have a b/roll of around £330 or more.
    which basically means each loss is only 1% of your b/roll.

    i did lose £41.70 a week or so ago in 1 night,
    so i do know how it can go,on a bad night,
    as i do use the 100 buy-in rule myself,
    although it hurt,obviously,
    it was only 10% of my b/roll
    whish was at that time £415 approx.

    i think with your b/roll as it stands around £100
    any higher than £1.15 is risky,
    but that,s not to say u shouldn,t play higher,
    like i say just hurts more if u do lose.

    like jc said 2 me,it,s all about risk & reward,
    the rewards are certainly there so just keep going for it.

    best wishes as always


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    EvilPingu Small blind   15.00 15.00 805.00
    KN0WLES80 Big blind   30.00 45.00 1150.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    EvilPingu Raise   45.00 90.00 760.00
    KN0WLES80 Raise   120.00 210.00 1030.00
    EvilPingu Call   90.00 300.00 670.00
    • Q
    • Q
    • 9
    KN0WLES80 Bet   150.00 450.00 880.00
    EvilPingu Call   150.00 600.00 520.00
    • 9
    KN0WLES80 All-in   880.00 1480.00 0.00
    EvilPingu All-in   520.00 2000.00 0.00
    KN0WLES80 Unmatched bet   360.00 1640.00 360.00
    EvilPingu Show
    • Q
    • Q
    KN0WLES80 Show
    • A
    • J
    • 4
    EvilPingu Win Four Queens 1640.00   1640.00
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of a moaning fish.:
    have 2 agree with u Evil regarding 20 buy-ins not being enough. i did ask jc about that and he did say that he was only using that ammount 4 his dym challenge., and that to play dym,s properly ,if u like, he would use the 100 buy-in rule. ie;to play at £3.30 level u should have a b/roll of around £330 or more. which basically means each loss is only 1% of your b/roll. i did lose £41.70 a week or so ago in 1 night, so i do know how it can go,on a bad night, as i do use the 100 buy-in rule myself, although it hurt,obviously, it was only 10% of my b/roll whish was at that time £415 approx. i think with your b/roll as it stands around £100 any higher than £1.15 is risky, but that,s not to say u shouldn,t play higher, like i say just hurts more if u do lose. like jc said 2 me,it,s all about risk & reward, the rewards are certainly there so just keep going for it. best wishes as always devon 
    Posted by devonfish5
    Have actually stepped down to £1.15 now, although I am playing 9 tables at a time. This is so that I can get a decent amount of C4P, and as £1.15's still give 7 league points each, it should also push me further up the TSP league.

    Interestingly, I've started running a lot better in DYM's now that I'm playing 9 at a time, so I must have some flaws in my game which are more noticeable when I'm only playing a couple of tables - Probably over-aggression.

    Was about £12 down at one point today, although have fought my way back up to almost break even, will post again after Master Cash with full breakdown of everything :)
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of a moaning fish.:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a moaning fish. : Have actually stepped down to £1.15 now, although I am playing 9 tables at a time. This is so that I can get a decent amount of C4P, and as £1.15's still give 7 league points each, it should also push me further up the TSP league. Interestingly, I've started running a lot better in DYM's now that I'm playing 9 at a time, so I must have some flaws in my game which are more noticeable when I'm only playing a couple of tables - Probably over-aggression. Was about £12 down at one point today, although have fought my way back up to almost break even, will post again after Master Cash with full breakdown of everything :)
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Big 'ol +1 to this lol
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    This is just pure carnage. 6 players, down to 3 in one hand. Was never folding KK here.
    stephen333 Small blind   100.00 100.00 3325.00
    PokerM8781 Big blind   200.00 300.00 305.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    newman07 All-in   1230.00 1530.00 0.00
    lionessxx Call   1230.00 2760.00 1955.00
    EvilPingu All-in   1475.00 4235.00 0.00
    OutfoxedYa Call   1475.00 5710.00 705.00
    stephen333 Fold        
    PokerM8781 All-in   305.00 6015.00 0.00
    lionessxx Call   245.00 6260.00 1710.00
    • 2
    • 2
    • 5
    lionessxx All-in   1710.00 7970.00 0.00
    OutfoxedYa Fold        
    lionessxx Unmatched bet   1710.00 6260.00 1710.00
    PokerM8781 Show
    • K
    • 8
    newman07 Show
    • A
    • 10
    lionessxx Show
    • A
    • A
    EvilPingu Show
    • K
    • K
    • J
    • 8
    lionessxx Win Two Pairs, Aces and 2s 6260.00   7970.00
    Back in profit again for today, also think I'll be in the top 150 of the TSP league now as well although not checked yet.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Was about £12 down at one point so delighted to finish the day in profit, 154th on the STT rankings on the TSP league, so will probably be in the top 150 sometime tomorrow, and hopefully keep going from there :) Despite only winning £1.25, it's probably been better than the days that I've made more because I've dug myself out of a hole rather than just running good. Also found a couple of flaws in my game in the process.


    £1.15 NLH - W26 L10, +£11.45
    £1.15 PLO - W0 L1, -£1.15
    £2.25 PLO8 - W0 L1, -£1.75


    £0.55 Turbo - W1 L1, -£0.10
    £1.05 Turbo - W0 L1, -£1.05
    £1.05 Hyper - W2 L3, -£1.25


    14:55 £1.10 PLO8 - 14/20, Nut flush draw, backdoor nut low draw, and gutshot vs. flopped straight. Missed everything.
    15:40 £2.20, £100 GTD 15 min timed - AJ < AK < AA AIPF, then shoved with about 4 big blinds and got called by big stack with 9 high, who hit trips. Sigh.
    16:55 £1.10 PLO8 - 7/24, Short stack, was 14/14 at one point but still managed to get to 7th, luck eventually ran out.

    Bankroll: £103.99 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: +£1.25
    C4P: 750
    STT League points: 717
    Cash League points: 170
    MTT League points: 10

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    £1.15 NLH DYM - W15 L5, +£7.00
    £2.25 PLO8 DYM - W0 L1, -£2.25

    Bankroll: £110.99 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: +£4.75
    C4P: 793
    STT League points: 822
    Cash League points: 170
    MTT League points: 10
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    Not such a good day today, lost £3.65 on an NL4 table where everyone else made loads from a maniac who was all in with any two every hand, lost twice to straights when I had opponent dominated pre-flop, and didn't manage to win as many DYM's as I lost.

    Will take forever to build up a decent bankroll playing £1.15 DYM's, but playing 6-9 tables at a time is good fun, not too bothered at being £15 down this month, enjoying the game most importantly, and still got a few days to hopefully end the month break even or with a small profit.

    On the bright side, I'm now closer to 30th place on the TSP league, only 867 points behind 30th place.

    £1.15 NLH DYM - W16 L17, -£5.95 (Rake at this level is brutal)

    NL4 - Lost £3.65, was on a table with a lunatic, around £150 on the table at the end, shame that hardly any of it was in my stack. Run better plz )

    Bankroll: £99.14 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: -£9.60
    C4P: 864
    January C4P Target: 1200 (£12)

    30th place in STT League: Boss89 - 1,801 points
    My STT League points: 934
    Difference: -867
    Projected 30th place on March 31st: 7,126 points
    Points/day required: 91.05 (13 x £1.15 DYM wins every day for a shot at qualifying for Team Sky Poker in April, lol)

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2012
    yeh,was wathing that crazy cash table Evil.
    u just got unlucky buddy,
    that big dave certainly is shall we say ...loose.

    keep going m8, and stick with good brm
    and it will come in the end.

    best wishes 

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    On the £1.15 DYM's I would really consider forgetting all about these as like you say the rake is crazy.

    Your current roll of £99.14 gives you 30 BI's at £3.30 which I think is enough to 2-3 table the level and at least break into the 10% rake band which overall will benefit you loads. If you drop down below say £80 then just grind NL4 back to £100 again, this can be a bit stressful if you're close to breaking point but with sufficient run good you should be fine.

    Good luck mate,


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of a moaning fish.:
    On the £1.15 DYM's I would really consider forgetting all about these as like you say the rake is crazy. Your current roll of £99.14 gives you 30 BI's at £3.30 which I think is enough to 2-3 table the level and at least break into the 10% rake band which overall will benefit you loads. If you drop down below say £80 then just grind NL4 back to £100 again, this can be a bit stressful if you're close to breaking point but with sufficient run good you should be fine. Good luck mate, Carl.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Have played 111 £1.15 DYM's this month, W66 L45, for a £4.35 profit, so only just beating the rake at that level. You're probably right about playing at £3.30 on less tables, stayed at £1.15 for most of today, pretty much break even again. Only benefits of staying at £1.15 are that I'd get more C4P and League Points playing 9 x £1.15 than 3 x £3.30. I'm not too keen on the idea of any more than 1 table with only 30 buy-ins, fed up with having days of not doing much wrong, and losing 20% of my bankroll because of just running bad, so being a lot stricter with my BRM now.


    £1.15 NLH DYM - W9 L7, -£0.40
    £2.25 NLH DYM - W2 L1, +£1.25
    £3.30 NLH DYM - W1 L0, +£2.70

    £0.55 HU - W1 L0, +£0.45
    £1.05 HU - W0 L1, -£1.10


    Bankroll: £102.04 (Including £50 deposit)
    Today: +£2.90
    C4P: 910
    January C4P Target: 1200 (£12)

    30th place in STT League: Edrich - 1,925 points
    My STT League points: 1,019
    Difference: -906
    Projected 30th place on March 31st: 7,299
    Points/day required: 93.73
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    Yeah I totally get where you're coming from on losing chunks of your BR, same happened to me recently, done about 15 BI's in 2 days at the £3.30 level, lituarlly a vertical drop on SS lol. Stung like **** but the problem was I wasn't playing bad just losing every flip and tons of 70-30's etc. 

    Have slowly build back now but it takes a lot of effort and patience all whilst knowing that run could strike at any time in the future....

    Good luck mate, and keep grinding !
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