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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • darryn1973darryn1973 Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Wiii just finished another winning session on the stake and now in profit for the month, plus I'll be getting my RB today which is like $250-$300 (it's paid weekly) plus I get the rakerace money (also weekly) this weekend which is another $150-$200. So got a little bit of MU to get rid of from the first month but my RB/Promo money that I'm getting in the next day or two covers most of that, couple more good results this month and then I'm right back on track. (in profit lifetime) after a very rubbish start to the stake.
    Posted by Lambert180
    hi Paul

    always read your blog. Like to get to your standard in the future. What site do you plan cash on and is it  the best for RB?


  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited March 2014
    Not tempted to sack off the stake after your 6max bink and Roller FT? (assuming its possible to walk away). Those results must have swollen your roll on Sky?

    I know the coaching must be useful however.

    Apologies if its not something you want to get into on here!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    @Darryn - It's a relatively small site on the Winning Poker network called Ladspoker. To be honest, I don't know what their normal RB is because the people that stake me to play on there get preferential RB so I get 50% RB btu I don't know what the 'normal' people playing on their own money get. Even still 50% aint the best out there, pretty sure you can get 60% maybe more through rakeback websites if you play on ipoker.

    @Harry - Nah don't mind discussing it on here at all, I've always been happy to talk about anything on here. I did consider it for a bit but I think it's better all round for my longevity that I stay as I am. A few reasons...

    1) I'm playing $200NL with them so that's like £120NL if it was in pounds. If I wanted to play that I'd deffo want over £10k in my roll. Remember I sold 50% of my 6max action so I only got £9k of it and I banked a large amount of that to add to our 'buying a house' fund.

    2) Now I've had a chance to test out the coaching I think it's gonna be hugely beneficial so even if I thought this would be slightly worse financially, I think the coaching gives it a big plus longterm. I'm not happy with mediocrity/plodding along doing pretty well at mid stakes... obviously it's good now and pays the bills but I want to keep improving, learn to beat the games more and more, move up etc etc. I don't mean I wanna get to the real nosebleeds of like £100/£200 (blinds I mean) but ideally would like to be comfortable and level out maybe at 500NL/1000NL ($$$). Long way off obv but I think sticking with them gives me a MUCH better chance of getting there.

    3) I have less (none) of the worry of increasing my roll to move up on there. Once I have a proven track record of being a winner at 100/200NL and they think I'm good enough then they can just decide I'll start playing 400NL for instance and there's no pressure on me to make sure I'm rolled etc because it's all on them. So basically I get to keep 100% of my profit split every month for life stuff and don't have to worry about setting aside X amount for moving up stakes.

    4) I get to use HEM. I knew it would come in very useful but I really wasn't getting half as much benefit out of it as I should/could be but just 1 coaching session where we went through a ton of things on HEM, he gave me a new HUD setup/template and already I can see what a big difference it'll make.


    On a side note, I was randomly just having a quick flick through this diary earlier today and it's nuts to look back at some it now. I didn't read it all, just jumped from page to page like had a peak at page 7, jump to page 12, jump to page 15 etc. There was one point where I was bragging/happy that I was gonna finish with a +£10 month lol. You only have to go back as far as like Sept 2012 and I was grinding 4NL (it can be done Donald!)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2014
    thanks for sharing Paul
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    thanks for sharing Paul
    Posted by GELDY
    Yup +1

    N1 Paul
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    On a side note, I was randomly just having a quick flick through this diary earlier today and it's nuts to look back at some it now. I didn't read it all, just jumped from page to page like had a peak at page 7, jump to page 12, jump to page 15 etc. There was one point where I was bragging/happy that I was gonna finish with a +£10 month lol. You only have to go back as far as like Sept 2012 and I was grinding 4NL (it can be done Donald!)
    Posted by Lambert180
    lol nice rub Paul. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    Cheers Dave and Geldy.

    It wasn't meant to be a rub Don lol, just know sometimes you get frustrated and feel like it's pointless grinding away at 4NL but was just saying 'look what can come from that if you put the work in'.


    Well today has been a bit sh!t all round, will post about it a bit later but really cba at the moment. It did lead to me having a lot of freetime on my own with nothing to do though so I ended up writing 2 poker strat guides lol... standard Lambo usage of time.

    One is about BRM (boooooring for most, but lots post asking about it) which I'll post right now. The other one that may be a bit more interesting is a basic guide to MTTs. It's not hugely in depth and won't go into different ranges you should be oplaying at different times etc (and that would be very hard/impossible anyway as it's largely down to the table you're on) but just a bit about the different stages of tournaments, how/when you should change geats etc. The MTT isn't quite finished, just a tiny bit of work to do on it but will be up vv soon.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2014
    No Nl4 guide paul ;) 

    Looking forward to the guides. Hope the issues get sorted. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    Cheers Don. Nah don't wanna tread on JJ's feet :) His guide is plenty good enough though.

    Ok so the moans/issues...

    This is just a side point but I got woke up at about 4am Friday morning with what at the time I thought was toothache, but I got out of bed and I realised it was really bad earache. I know that sounds weird but it's because it hurt the whole left side of my face. That ear is still completely blocked and I can't hear anything out of it.

    On Thursday I had to get my car MOT'd and serviced which cos £160, they said they thought I had an oil leak but fixed it by adjusting the pressure switch. The day before I also had to tax it which cost £220.

    Then today I'm driving up to Liverpool to see my daughter, I get about 20 miles into the 170 mile journey, I'm on the M40, then I hear a loud bang, see a huge plume of black smoke come from my bonnet and swiftly get over to the hard shoulder...

    I call the AA man and wait 45 mins for him to turn up and take me to the nearest services (Warwick), he's just a recovery guy so says he can't do anything but he's got a guy on his way to the services to have a look at it and potentially tow me home if that's the only option. So I sit at the services for another hour waiting for the 2nd guy to turn up.... I did go to Burger King so it wasn't all bad ;) This is where I was sat on my own bored with only a laptop for company (with no internet access) so wrote the 2 guides mentioned above.

    He eventually turns up, I explain what happened and the recent servicing info and before he even looked at the car he said something along the lines of 'I think your car is f&cked' lol. He checks under the bonnet, jacks it up and has a look under and then says 'yeah, there was a fault with the oil pump so no oil was actually going into the engine so it's basically blown a big hole in your engine'. In short, I'd need a new engine which would cost more than the £1600 I paid for the car so that's gg car.

    So he's gonna just tow me home, but my AA cover through my bank only covers me to be taken home if I'm within 10 miles and I was 36 miles away (the 20 miles I'd done + some for being taken to the services). So my two options are upgrade my cover via the bank which is ~£150 OR take out a brand new policy direct with the AA for £69 so that was an easy decision, and I can get the policy transferred over to Emma's car tomorrow.

    So he towed me home the old fashioned way with a tow bar, a journey that took a little over an hour cos you obv can't go that fast while towing. I have terrible travel sickess... it's not an issue when I'm driving but I'm sure other sufferers will know that it's worse when you're in the back seat, I think it's something to do with not being able to see moving scenery etc in front of you. Well ofc I'm like 2ft behind an AA van so can't see a single thing and feel like I'm gonna puke for pretty much the entire journey home, which is probably made worse by my ear problem cos it's your inner ear that messes with your sense of balance/whether you feel dizzy etc. Pretty much the worst hour of my life that I can remember for quite some time and I paid £69 for the privilege 

    So I felt rough with the ear, I now feel like death, I'm £69 worse off and no longer have a car after getting it MOT'd/serviced just 2 days ago :D

    On the plus side, I can send my tax disc back and get most of the £220 back, and cancel my insurance to get some £££ back. 
  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited March 2014
    On the plus side at least you can get yourself a better car now
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited March 2014
    that story's brutal -  i hate cars lol

    last year I was driving along, in my automobile, (sorry couldnt resist lol) when i heard a weird noise when i chnaged gear about a mile from my house. Gentle free wheeled it home and then phoned a mate who's a mechanic. He drove it about and said yh there's something seriously wrong with your gearbox you'll need to get that looked at. Phoned AA guy who then came and looked at it and drove it about a bit and said yh that needs to go into a grage. Took it to garage and they said yh no-one should have been driving that car at all lol 

    gg gear box, fly wheel and a strut (pretty sure that  one was the garage just wanting a few extra quid) and gg £1500!! any slight creak or noise from the car now has me terrified.

    I hate cars!!

    Edit: 170 mile journey to see your daughter - kudos!! that must be tough (being so far apart) and I bet there's a lot of people wouldnt make that effort!
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2014
    that modern day sage, tyler durden said that the things you own end up owning you. few possessions exemplify that more than effin cars.

    look forward to the MTT guide. i am terribad at them.

    paul, you are a boss lad.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    Yeah no idea what car I'm gonna get next Pez

    Cheers JD. Yeah I live down in Oxfordshire now and have a daughter that lives in Liverpool (where I'm originally from) so I do that 170 mile journey and have her for the weekend every other week.

    Cheers Teddy, nice quote. The guide is more gonna about general strategies, like I'm not going into specific ranges you should be playing or 'how to play poker', it's more about changing gears, and the different things you need to think about at different stages of an MTT, but combine that with your beastly knowledge of theory and you'll be sorted.


    Only played 4 tables on lads poker tonight + the roller on Sky. I've been playing a lot less tables recently, like NEVER more than 6 just cos I need to be a lot more focussed on gameflow and be able to make more play specific decisions etc now I'm playing a much more laggy style.

    I late regged the Roller and just sold 25% to JJ again, I'm posting now so it obv wasn't another FT ;) Going along pretty steady always sticking around average but never really above it. Then a pretty sigh exit hand. I went for the slight overbet shove on the turn just cos I think the flop donk means he definitely either has a draw (really can only be stuff like J9) or some kinda decent made hand like QT etc and I don't think he's ever folding any of them on the turn... unfortunately he had the one made hand that got there.
    gndimochet Small blind  150.00 150.00 4485.00
    danny1958 Big blind  300.00 450.00 38311.25
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 10
    drworzel Fold     
    craigcu12 Fold     
    gamesjames Fold     
    Lambert180 Raise  600.00 1050.00 12677.00
    gndimochet Fold     
    danny1958 Call  300.00 1350.00 38011.25
    • 10
    • 6
    • 8
    danny1958 Bet  1350.00 2700.00 36661.25
    Lambert180 Raise  3000.00 5700.00 9677.00
    danny1958 Call  1650.00 7350.00 35011.25
    • K
    danny1958 Check     
    Lambert180 All-in  9677.00 17027.00 0.00
    danny1958 Raise  19354.00 36381.00 15657.25
    danny1958 Unmatched bet  9677.00 26704.00 25334.25
    danny1958 Show
    • 10
    • K
    Lambert180 Show
    • 6
    • 10
    • 7
    danny1958 Win Two Pairs, Kings and 10s 26704.00  52038.25
    Oh well, can't win 'em all, and the blow was cushioned by the fact I was doing well at cash on the stake at the same time. Managed to finish +$500 over there which now means I've had a +$1500 like 4-5 days (before RB and promos) so getting a bit of heat going over there.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2014

    the donk bet on the flop i would say is sure to be atleast top pair, normally we expect them to do it with draws too but the thing with this guy is when he choose to limp with KQs I start thinking now he doesn't feel keen on raising incase he missed.

    the flop was played fine.
    what i might have did on the turn was just bet another 3000/fold because the chances are he has got K10 108 97 or a set the only hand i see that is behind is 86.

    Then again i would have went in the same route as yourself.

    good luck with the MTT guide looking forward to it.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    the donk bet on the flop i would say is sure to be atleast top pair, normally we expect them to do it with draws too but the thing with this guy is when he choose to limp with KQs I start thinking now he doesn't feel keen on raising incase he missed. the flop was played fine. what i might have did on the turn was just bet another 3000/fold because the chances are he has got K10 108 97 or a set the only hand i see that is behind is 86. Then again i would have went in the same route as yourself. good luck with the MTT guide looking forward to it.
    Posted by craigcu12
    I think your giving far to tight a range to the villian. I mean i dont have reads and i think you where on the table, i loaded for about 5 hands before paul busted and switched off after. However surely he can have plenty of Tx hands, and i think personally (i might be wrong) bet folding 2 pair with 20 bigs behind might be a slight mistake. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    Think you're giving him a too tight of a range Craig as Don said.

    For a start, I deffo don't think he's donkbetting such a dry flop if he's super strong so imo he pretty much never has 79/66/88/TT so we can rule them out mostly. His range on the flop is probably like J9 and lot of TP/2nd pr hands so AT/KT/QT/JT/T9/T7/A8/K8/89 and maybe the vulnerable bottom 2pr 68.

    Without being rude, he didn't seem like the type that liked to fold a pair, especially when my stack was so small compared to his so he could take the punt and if he doubles me up, he's still in amazing shape. So the only hands that go ahead of me on the turn are KT/K8, I genuinely don't think he's ever folding any of the Tx above, 68, J9, 89 and probably calling with the A8 maybe K8 a fair amount of the time. I deffo don't wanna check the turn, I don't think I can bet/fold this hand in this spot against this guy and I figured he was prob calling the shove pretty much just as often as he'd call say a 3k so prefer to get him committed now before scare cards come/his draws miss.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2014
    I agree totally with your analysis,and I know your playing more laggy but isn't 106s a bit too loose with your chip stack? And against someone you don't think will fold any pair/draw means your often going to need to fire more bullets to try and win pot, therefore risking a bigger percentage of your stack? Not a criticism as such, just an MTT question. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2014
    Well the mire laggyness is more in cash and on the other site where most people play very differently to in sky.

    T6s is near the bottom of my range but I think its still an open from the button. He doesn't like to fold pairs but he's still folding pre a fair chunk and I guess I should have mentioned SB had been sat out from the start of the mtt so only 1 player to get thru. I did start with over 40xBB so I'm still pretty much opening as wide as I would with say 100xBB
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Well the mire laggyness is more in cash and on the other site where most people play very differently to in sky. T6s is near the bottom of my range but I think its still an open from the button. He doesn't like to fold pairs but he's still folding pre a fair chunk and I guess I should have mentioned SB had been sat out from the start of the mtt so only 1 player to get thru. I did start with over 40xBB so I'm still pretty much opening as wide as I would with say 100xBB
    Posted by Lambert180

    My bad. Misread your chipstack. Yeah, I guess it's still ok if it's just through one but I guess your always wondering if the BB is aware also that you'll be wider than normal and can end up levelling yourself. :)I guess it also depends on how active you have been. 
  • thefa1lacythefa1lacy Member Posts: 201
    edited March 2014
    Lambert in a much much much earlier post, you say you got 100 points for playing a Sky event, an SPT maybe. Do they always do this, I've never heard of that?? Thanks in advance. 
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