As long as you pay the rake to sky then Yeh u get the points. Like I played the UKPC £550 side, its a sky event but obviously I got no points cos I bought in at DTD so sky didn't get my £50 rake.
If you satellite in or just BI direct to a £110 SPT through Sky then you will get the 100 points for your £10 rake same as playing the roller, but if you bought in direct on the day at the casino, the £10 rake goes to the casino so no points.
As long as you pay the rake to sky then Yeh u get the points. Like I played the UKPC £550 side, its a sky event but obviously I got no points cos I bought in at DTD so sky didn't get my £50 rake. If you satellite in or just BI direct to a £110 SPT through Sky then you will get the 100 points for your £10 rake same as playing the roller, but if you bought in direct on the day at the casino, the £10 rake goes to the casino so no points. Posted by Lambert180
Thanks for your response. I want to start attending SPT's soon, my bankroll is wasted being deposited on Sky, cos I don't play anything big. so I'll buy in direct through Sky to get the points, and start playing some live poker. Cheers..
SPTs are great and definitely worth going to.... but buying in direct to a £110 event so you can get £1 of RB sounds a bit crazy
Great promo with the ipads this month, I'm not greedy I'll settle for just winning 1
Not gonna be putting huge volume in on Sky this month cos I'm gonna be focussed on my stake this month but I'll be playing the £55 9pm BH pretty much every single night just to make sure I get my 50 points lol. I'll also be dedicating 1 week of the month to coming back and attempting to smash out some volume at 50NL to try and get a top 5 in one of the rakeraces.... not sure which week yet but it won't be the first cos that's when all the biggest grinders will win one and then they won't be allowed to win 1 in future weeks
SPTs are great and definitely worth going to.... but buying in direct to a £110 event so you can get £1 of RB sounds a bit crazy ================================== Great promo with the ipads this month, I'm not greedy I'll settle for just winning 1 Not gonna be putting huge volume in on Sky this month cos I'm gonna be focussed on my stake this month but I'll be playing the £55 9pm BH pretty much every single night just to make sure I get my 50 points lol. I'll also be dedicating 1 week of the month to coming back and attempting to smash out some volume at 50NL to try and get a top 5 in one of the rakeraces.... not sure which week yet but it won't be the first cos that's when all the biggest grinders will win one and then they won't be allowed to win 1 in future weeks Posted by Lambert180
No I'm just saying I've got a grand deposited with Sky and it is hardly used as I rarely play above £5.50's. So SPT's are the ideal way to spend it and I might as well get 100 points by paying through Sky, than do it through the casino and get no points.
Had a few life problems recently so not played for a couple of days (before last night) so bit of an update.
1) I mostly stuck to the £55 BH plan which has been a complete mare so far. Had a couple of days off, so have played it 5 times this month and think I've only made it past like 9:30pm once lol. Just can't seem to get anything going in them, So from my 5 games I've taken a total of 2 bounties so about £37 back.
2) I've been having a serious think about it recently, and I'll confirm when I sort things but I think I'm better off moving back to Sky full time, there are a few factors...
i) I'm essentially playing the same stakes on there that I'm rolled to play myself. $100/200NL in £ is basically £60/120NL but because I only get 50% of it, I'm essentially playing £30/60NL which I'm rolled to do myself
ii) The games are a lot tougher than they are on Sky and I think that's partially down to my own unwillingness to completely change my body clock. As it is, when I finish my sessions around midnight/1am, because 95% of the players are from the US, that means I'm standing just as 'peak time' is starting, so I'm mostly playing all my hours when it's basically the afternoon to them so vvv few recs, it's very reggy and they're good regs
iii) Connected to the above but I miss a good Fri/Sat/Sun night on Sky where the games are a lot better/very juicy, whereas on there Friday night is no different to a Wednesday afternoon (which sucks) but again think that's down to time difference etc.
iv) Coaching was always a big deal breaker for me but I know a couple of people that I think I could get better coaching from for a pretty reasonable price which imo would be more than paid for by the difference in standard/my winrate between here and there. So I can still continue to improve while playing these better games on Sky... jeez, who'd have thought someone would say the cash games were good on Sky!
v) Now I've got a good bit if experience, the jackpot/rakerace promo they have on there is like setting fire to money for me. Money is taken from every single pot to build the prizepool which is then distributed weekly but imo the only people that end up gaining from it is the people that finish top 5 but I literally have zero chance of making top 5 unless I start 30tabling for like 15hr per day.
3) Outside of the BHs, I've only played 2 cash sessions on here this month, the first one was a complete mare, couldn't win a pot to save my life, but the 2nd one (last night) went much better and I finished +£450 (just playing 50NL now). I'll post a hand from last night which I managed to win but I was just like wtf, I dunno what to do lol, probably ended up making a couple of mistakes but still won it.
I discussed it with others after and they thought I should flat the turn too.The turn 3b is just like wtfffff, he can't have 22/44 imo after 3betting pre, and I block both of the other possible sets. Don't know much about villain, he's not a reg afaik and not played with him much tonight (never seen him before). He can maybe have A2s/A4s. Turn might be a fold, I dunno... seems too nitty, then when he checks river I'm like wtffff lol cos now I think we can rule out AA/KK. I've went small cos I think it's only a vv weak range we can get called by and he folds his bluffs, but I think I can go bigger for value after discussion. I really dunno, weird spot.
Personally I'm tank jamming the river. 99% of the time your ahead and I think a jam may occasionally level the villain into thinking you have QJs/J10s.
Betting small may convince the villain your giving yourself room to b/f so I don't mind going small either.
Wouldn't go for anything middling though it's small/jam imo. Anything else just stinks of value.
Tbh it's a complete miracle the villain has any showdown value here as played lol!
After more thought on the matter, I made the decision today that at the moment the staking deal isn't the way forward for me. I let Paul Jackson know today and all was cool, I wanted to leave on good terms of course and was grateful for the opportunity so that's all ended as well as it could and I'm back to going it alone.
Played the Main and Mini cos there wasn't much 50NL action going when I logged on at 8pm. In for a double stack and add-on in both so £33 and £16.50.
Finished just outside the money in the main; 2 players limp, I ship 17xBB with AT and one of the limpers had AK, flops the K and it's gg. 40th out of 303.
The mini went a little better, I made the cash and was sitting middle of the pack with 18 left, then Scotty77 raises his SB into my BB, I 3bet KK, he 4bets, I ship, he snaps, AA, sigh, gg. Can't complain, I was right down at the bottom with maybe 40 odd left (near enough dead last) and then heatered for like 5 mins to spin up from like 11k to 50k, so I'm lucky to have cashed at all. Got £23.80 back for that.
Had another good night on the cash tables too, only played 4 tables all night. There is less action in terms of number of tables at 50NL but I'm happy playing less tables now and focussing on making better decisions. Finished +£270
Good decision I think Paul. At least your not in makeup and trying to grind yourselve out of the deal which can be a nasty spot.
You should be looking to bum hunt £100-300nl at primetime imo. There's nothing wrong with that imo. Trrruuuust me.
Also, I personnaly wouldn't even bother with 50nl unless your starting tables. Its just a complete regfeast, so make sure you have your reads on the regs if you are goin to continue playin 50nl.
Cheers Duck and TPTP. I definitely did learn a bit and improve as a player while playing on the stake... I understand much more about exploiting the tight regs now.
Yeah I know a fair few of the regs already cos quite a lot of them play 30/40NL too so I've played them there. It is pretty reggy but the games recently seem to have been surprisingly good (hence me being like 15 BIs up over 2 sessions). Will be looking to mix in some 100NL too soon when I see good games running.
Just sold a UKOPs package to a few of the Sky regs I speak to on FB. Only selling for 3 of the 4 MEs (don't fancy digging myself a big hole in the £55r) so 2 x £110 BHs and 1 x £110 freezeout. Just sold 40% this time for them 3 games, any other sides/minis etc I'll just cover myself.
The main got off to the absolute dream start, I'd trebled up to 6k and took 2 bounties inside the first 40 minutes, then the wheels just fell off. Lost a few small pots here and there, couldnt find any spots and before I knew it was pretty short and shoved A2s into KQ but couldn't hold. Finished 64/431 (40 paid) with £22.50 of heads.
The mini was a bit meh, never really got started, hung around for ages keeping my head above water but eventually got short and bust out AK < 77 aipf. Finished 263/581 with no heads.
Alongside them two I was playing 4 tables of 50NL and it was a really up and down night, started really well and was probably up £200-£250, then the 2nd half of the night I just couldn't win a pot, started getting pretty frustrated towards the end after an hour or two of it and ending up standing. By the time I stood I was gonna be happy to see any profit and ending up being in profit of just over £30 so I'll deffo take that.
On another topic... I'm gonna be doing another blog soon, I'll be talking about leaving the staking behind etc but also wanted to talk about something else to beef it up a bit and I'm not sure what. Being just pure poker talk can get a bit boring so if anyone has any ideas for something I can blog about that's a bit more entertaining then please let me know.
Hi Paul, very good blog and an interesting read not sure of a topic that not poker related, so how about you write something about the affect it has had on your personal life. What effect has it had on Emma, the rest of the family, how have you and your family coped when you've had downswings / upswings in general. Maybe write it from there pov, if its not to personal I think this would be an interesting read. Anyway just a thought gl with whatever you write sure it'll be v/good
Played a small session tonight was just playing 5 tables of 50NL for about 2 hours and ran pretty amazing. A fair few of the stackings were just gifts and coolers, but I did play the odd bit of good poker along the way too included a spot where I hero called an overbet river raise with what was basically just a bluff catcher. He'd been pretty crazy from the moment I sat down and had made a big river overbet like this a couple of times in the last few orbits but had never been called. Just figured it was vv polaraised and it was so hard for him to have a nutted hand given how he played it imo, like it has to be QT or nothing imo and the way he was playing I think he's deffo raising the turn with QT when he makes his straight especially considering how deep we are.
(will post below).
Managed to finished just over +£300 which is pretty sweet for just 2 hours grind!
FWIW I don't like your bet sizing. I know you multi-table but HP every street when we are 250bbs deep is not the correct way to go about either getting value or making a bluff. If we increase our bet size, we increase what we win (whether that's by winning at showdown or getting opponent to fold at or before river if we are bluffing) - and assuming we are making +ev decisions when playing hands that's exactly what we want to be doing.
I guess in this spot the river HP was OK although depends how often he's been raising the river since we have a hand really that wants value. I'd much rather try and induce a river raise with a hand like QJ/JT/KQ here. Who knows anyway, you could have bet £12.50 OTR and be raised anyway to a larger size of £50-£60 quid.
Wiiii just found out from a mate on FB that PokerPlayer magazine have tweeted my blog and they're going to be including it in next month's issue of the magazine. Best make sure I do my best to make it an entertaining read now!
Hey Ivan, I agree the bet sizing is on the small side here. It's not a multi-tabling issue, since I've changed my game a bit I now only play like 4-6 tables max so I can focus more and make better decisions. The sizing was player dependent to go a bit smaller than I normally would but I think in this spot looking back at it, I took it too far and went too small.
I wasn't trying to induce a bluff on the river, I expect to get called by lots of worse hands but when he raises, obviously my hand instantly turns into a bluff catcher (imo).
I decided to start my session later tonight (about 11pm) so that I could get a good few hours in post midnight. This is the week I'm gonna make an effort to win an iPad from the rake races and it started as of midnight so thought I'd get a bit of a head start. Had a bit of a mare tonight... not sure what the result is, I haven't looked yet as I'm writing this but session started well then it all went downhill. Most of the time it wasn't a big deal, I wasn't winning but I wasn't losing much either cos I just didn't have many situations to do anything, then I got coolered a couple of times before the end of the session.
Played 2 of the late night £11 BHs, cos they're good value but I'm not usually awake at this time to play them. Did ok in both, but nothing major. First one I was going ok then then bust 17/74 with 10 paid, can't even remember the exit but got £5.15 of heads. Second one was a bit better, but ended up bubbling the FT w/ AA<JTo, a really short guy UTG shoves 34s, big stack obv calls to bounty hunt, I reship my AA and he fancies going for 2 bounties. Meh it was a great spot to go CL just didn't work out. So I finished 7/90 and got £47.79 including heads.
Now I'll check the cash result.... and it was -£150. Turns out I could have done with shipping that BH to break even for the night.
Could be a lot worse considering just before I ended the session a table broke and I was HU with Tommy on 50NL MC and lost about £70 when I turned my nut flush after he'd already flopped a boat.
Not gonna be putting huge volume in on Sky this month cos I'm gonna be focussed on my stake this month but I'll be playing the £55 9pm BH pretty much every single night just to make sure I get my 50 points lol. I'll also be dedicating 1 week of the month to coming back and attempting to smash out some volume at 50NL to try and get a top 5 in one of the rakeraces.... not sure which week yet but it won't be the first cos that's when all the biggest grinders will win one and then they won't be allowed to win 1 in future weeks
i) I'm essentially playing the same stakes on there that I'm rolled to play myself. $100/200NL in £ is basically £60/120NL but because I only get 50% of it, I'm essentially playing £30/60NL which I'm rolled to do myself
ii) The games are a lot tougher than they are on Sky and I think that's partially down to my own unwillingness to completely change my body clock. As it is, when I finish my sessions around midnight/1am, because 95% of the players are from the US, that means I'm standing just as 'peak time' is starting, so I'm mostly playing all my hours when it's basically the afternoon to them so vvv few recs, it's very reggy and they're good regs
iii) Connected to the above but I miss a good Fri/Sat/Sun night on Sky where the games are a lot better/very juicy, whereas on there Friday night is no different to a Wednesday afternoon (which sucks) but again think that's down to time difference etc.
iv) Coaching was always a big deal breaker for me but I know a couple of people that I think I could get better coaching from for a pretty reasonable price which imo would be more than paid for by the difference in standard/my winrate between here and there. So I can still continue to improve while playing these better games on Sky... jeez, who'd have thought someone would say the cash games were good on Sky!
v) Now I've got a good bit if experience, the jackpot/rakerace promo they have on there is like setting fire to money for me. Money is taken from every single pot to build the prizepool which is then distributed weekly but imo the only people that end up gaining from it is the people that finish top 5 but I literally have zero chance of making top 5 unless I start 30tabling for like 15hr per day.
I discussed it with others after and they thought I should flat the turn too.The turn 3b is just like wtfffff, he can't have 22/44 imo after 3betting pre, and I block both of the other possible sets. Don't know much about villain, he's not a reg afaik and not played with him much tonight (never seen him before). He can maybe have A2s/A4s. Turn might be a fold, I dunno... seems too nitty, then when he checks river I'm like wtffff lol cos now I think we can rule out AA/KK. I've went small cos I think it's only a vv weak range we can get called by and he folds his bluffs, but I think I can go bigger for value after discussion. I really dunno, weird spot.
Re the hand...
Personally I'm tank jamming the river. 99% of the time your ahead and I think a jam may occasionally level the villain into thinking you have QJs/J10s.
Betting small may convince the villain your giving yourself room to b/f so I don't mind going small either.
Wouldn't go for anything middling though it's small/jam imo. Anything else just stinks of value.
Tbh it's a complete miracle the villain has any showdown value here as played lol!
Finished just outside the money in the main; 2 players limp, I ship 17xBB with AT and one of the limpers had AK, flops the K and it's gg. 40th out of 303.
Yeah I know a fair few of the regs already cos quite a lot of them play 30/40NL too so I've played them there. It is pretty reggy but the games recently seem to have been surprisingly good (hence me being like 15 BIs up over 2 sessions). Will be looking to mix in some 100NL too soon when I see good games running.
The main got off to the absolute dream start, I'd trebled up to 6k and took 2 bounties inside the first 40 minutes, then the wheels just fell off. Lost a few small pots here and there, couldnt find any spots and before I knew it was pretty short and shoved A2s into KQ but couldn't hold. Finished 64/431 (40 paid) with £22.50 of heads.
On another topic... I'm gonna be doing another blog soon, I'll be talking about leaving the staking behind etc but also wanted to talk about something else to beef it up a bit and I'm not sure what. Being just pure poker talk can get a bit boring so if anyone has any ideas for something I can blog about that's a bit more entertaining then please let me know.
So you can see I've already discussed how I got into the game etc. Any ideas are welcome.
not sure of a topic that not poker related, so how about you write something about the
affect it has had on your personal life.
What effect has it had on Emma, the rest of the family,
how have you and your family coped when you've had downswings / upswings in general.
Maybe write it from there pov, if its not to personal I think this would be an interesting read.
Anyway just a thought gl with whatever you write sure it'll be v/good
Regards Alan
(will post below).
Managed to finished just over +£300 which is pretty sweet for just 2 hours grind!
I wasn't trying to induce a bluff on the river, I expect to get called by lots of worse hands but when he raises, obviously my hand instantly turns into a bluff catcher (imo).
In which case your 2pr is still good
Ps welcome back and good luck
Played 2 of the late night £11 BHs, cos they're good value but I'm not usually awake at this time to play them. Did ok in both, but nothing major. First one I was going ok then then bust 17/74 with 10 paid, can't even remember the exit but got £5.15 of heads. Second one was a bit better, but ended up bubbling the FT w/ AA<JTo, a really short guy UTG shoves 34s, big stack obv calls to bounty hunt, I reship my AA and he fancies going for 2 bounties. Meh it was a great spot to go CL just didn't work out. So I finished 7/90 and got £47.79 including heads.