@ Craig - No, there was no over-betting involved in the hand. It was early but those cames are pretty quick, if I remember rightly it was 40/80 (4k effective stacks), so he limps 80, I iso to about 240 and he calls, pot is now about 480, I go close to pot so something like 350, think he makes it just shy of 1000 and I ship. Should be more than happy getting 50xBB in on the flop in this scenario imo, sure sometimes you'll see flopped flushes, but that'll happen a lot less often than the times we see sets, 2pr, a bare NFD, a pr + NFD, a pr + half decent FD like QT with a half decent club. I've seen plenty of times people GII in spots like this as weak as QJ with no club, maybe cos they got a GS with their TP, maybe cos they 'put me on a FD', maybe cos they just fancy a gamble, but either way I think readless this is an absolutely stonewall GII and be happy about it in a low stakes BH on here.
RE: The AK hand prior to the HH posted, I don't even remember it tbh so I've no idea how that played out or how it would affect my play or yours. It's important not to be results orientated, I still think your turn sizing is too big... When it comes to barrelling the turn or not it's pretty close imo and there's gonna be a bit of levelling involved as to whether you do it or not. Ofc when I open UTG it's gonna be my tightest range, so when you 3bet you're also gonna have a pretty narrow range, maybe AQ+, TT/JJ+ for value and maybe the odd light 3bet combo. You know I'm a half decent player, so I'm not gonna be calling 3bets OOP with marginal/weak hands against a likely very strong range. Flop is standard, I like your sizing, it does a much better job on such a dry flop whether you're trying to get value or trying to give yourself a good price to get folds.
The turn is a terrible card to barrel in theory, but that's where the levelling comes in. I don't think I'll have made it to the turn with anything less than 77+ and AK, so given how strong my range is, in theory you should never be bluffing such a blank turn imo BUT then you can barrel it for that exact reason... it is a terrible card to bluff, and you know I'm decent and will understand it's a bad card to bluff so I should really rule out the weaker part of your range and assume you have the stronger end of your range TT/JJ+ which obv has me crushed.
But either way, I think you can barrel the turn smaller cos it gets the same job done when I'm towards the bottom end of my range, and when I'm towards the top of my range, 77,88, AA, KK you save yourself money when you have to give up on the river (which you should be on all rivers if i call again imo).
Out of interest, would you have used the same sizings pre, flop and turn with say AA? Something to consider against regs if you're gonna do X sizing with value and Y sizing with bluffs/the weaker part of your range.
Also RE: not discussing strat/hands (mentioned in the TPT thread), I really wouldn't worry about it, in fact I'd say it's vv important you do continue doing it. When it comes to cash in can become a bit of a tricky situation because you are going to play tens of thousands of hands against the same people over and over. MTTs are very different, I've had a lot of advice/discussed MTT strat with Bates and TommyD, but I could easily play every single main event for 6 months straight and not be surprised if I actually end up playing with them less than 10 times in that period, that's just MTTs for ya. In any given MTT, the split between people who have seen you discuss strat and will use the info and those that haven't/wont is probably close to 95% v 5% in favour of people having not seen it (it's probably <1% of the player base that actually use the forum).
Jeez this reply has got so long, I'll post this now and reply to others in a seperate one.
I do have days off quite often, my volume is pretty poor imo. I don't usually take 3 days off in a row but have done the odd time.
As for refocussing, I don't generally paly cash for X hours, then go straight into playing MTTs. I'll occasionally play them together but recently I think one game tends to suffer if I do, it's not always cash or always MTTs but I always seem to end up slightly in auto pilot on one. So during UKOPS I wasn't playing any cash at the same time, apart from one night and that was just cos I'd bust so many MTTs so fast that I didn't have any left to play lol.
Cheers for the input anyway Jordz.
Had the full day off yesterday, I really needed it after UKOPS. I was straight back into the good old cash tables today, bit of 50NL, bit of 100NL. One of the 100NL tables was really frustrating, it was a great table full of value but the guy to my direct right just ran over me... the two that spring to mind (although there were many more) are him getting it in on a 244hh flop with QJo, no pr, no draw.... he wasn't good when it went in, but he was by the river. Then peeling a 3bet with 94 and the flop coming Q94 when I've got AQ lol. I did have near £400 at one point on the table but that guy was responsible for me leaving with about £250.
Still managed to finish +£80 for the session so I'm happy with that, after UKOPS, any win is a win.
Pretty decent result tonight, so it might sound a bit moany but still felt like I ran pretty bad in a ton of spots.
Played the main, was floating around just over starting stack maybe 30 mins in. UTG minraises and I just flat KK in UTG1 because Bearlyther is in the blinds with about 12xBB and I expect him to jam decently wide and I know people love to go nuts once a shorty is all in, he jams A5s as expected, someone rejams behind for about 50xBB with JJ and I snap reshove. Bearly manages to spike an ace on the river but I hold against the JJ to take a bounty and still pretty much double up. The bustout was me opening JJ on the BTN and getting peeled by the SB who just would not fold ATC. He raises my cbet on a wet T high board and I call, turn is another T, and river is a brick so flush and straights have all missed, he jams, I call, and turns out he'd raised the flop with KTo... meh. 246/441 for just the £14.06 head
Mini I don't remember quite as well how it went, I got quite far but bust 148/552 with just 1 head for £1.88
Played the £6 sat into next week's double gte Thursday BH, just cos I saw there was a ton of overlay during late reg (20 odd runners when it needed 60 odd to meet gte). It ended up breaking the guarantee in the end and I managed to get a seat so £33 there.
So that paid for my other MTTs and finished +£4.44
Cash result was a lot better, I finished +£250 but could have been a lot better if I hadn't ran like I did.
This is the best one... talk about flop well!! then I get the justice turn card, then it's like nahhh no chance Lambo lol.
Stating the obvious that I aint updated for ages but it's because I aint played much for a while either. Had a couple of grim sessions of cash last weekend, I could post HHs but it's just standard bad beat yawn stuff. Had another mega frustrating deep run in the mini the other night and finished 19th for next to nothing again. I literally must have finished top 20 in the mini 5-6 times in the last couple of months and still those cashes combined probably total <£100
Anyways, decided to stop being an idiot and moaning about a lack of MTT scores when I only play like 5-10 comps a week if I'm lucky. I'm pretty confident I have a big edge in pretty much 100% of Sky comps but it's obviously ridiculous to expect to actually get regular results with that kinda lolvolume, so I'm making a proper push for MTTs from now on.
In the mornings, I'll probably play cash or will have to play other sites cos there just aren't any MTTs I wanna play on here at that time of day, then evenings will be devoted to MTTs. If I busto everything at a reasonable hour (11pm/midnight ish) then I'll play a couple of hours cash... if I'm going deep in stuff, I won't, simples.
Last night was the first night of me trying this out, devoting evenings to MTTs and had a few bits and bobs, heads here and there but managed to FT the £55 BH. Small cash cos I only took 1 head and finished 4th but still about +£100 for the night. Shipped A9o 4handed, Darsum called w/ 99 and flopped me practically dead with the case 9. Just nabbed this from Gary's thread...
£536.50 + £462.40 Head Prizes
£351.50 + £169.33 Head Prizes
£217.38 + £147.67 Head Prizes
£175.75 + £18.75 Head Prizes
Which brings me to a premature 2015 goal. I'll bring this up again closer to the end of the year or at the start of next year but I'm deffo going for a target of getting on the SS leaderboard for Sky MTTs, which is at stands would take just under £10k profit iirc.
Last night closest near misses... I stone bubbled a sat for a £110 Roller seat, and lost 88vA8 about 3 off the seats in another Roller sat to virtually lock up another £110. Few heads here and there but nothing else really.
Played some cash this morning and was +£100 so that was nice as set me up freerolling the night's MTTs.
Then tonight was another night of bricks. Stone bubbled a UKPC QF sat that I was just playing for the £50, came vv close to the seats in a £6 sat into the £55 speed BH, again was just playing it for the £55 (although it ran on quite late so think I'd have needed to just play it). The only cashes were 2 heads in BHs so just a small profit today thanks to the morning cash session.
Wednesday Rebuy tomorrow, goooooooo!!!
Oh yeah, just thought I'd share this, obviously it's rubbish at the mo, but should hopefully look a lot nicer in a few months. I finally got round to setting up a P5 account a few days ago. As I say it's pretty empty atm but iirc my total games played lifetime on FTP is like <5, stars is prob <10, and 888 is maybe 20 max.
I've been trying to play more MTT's recently too although I only play on Sky and a lot of night times am busy with other stuff so generally only get 1/2 nights during the week and the weekend at max! My results have been grim. Can't find my diary to update about it but yeah variance in MTT's just hurts!! I enjoy it from the cash grind but can't see me ever just playing MTT's.
I still can't fathom the value in playing sat's. What's your ROI% in them? I just think say you play the £6 sat into the £55. One in 10 cash right and maybe (optimistically?) you cash 1 in 5. So for every 5 sats you make £31 which is about £6 a satellite. I'm guessing they take at least an hour,maybe hour and a half? So that's maybe £4 an hour at the very most optimistic which would be good for just 1 table. But I'm guessing you don't cash 1 in 5 and they sometimes last longer than an hour so probably more like £1/£2? And surely you can just play an extra cash table and make that in 1 hour.
**** straight, I'm sure Pleno is shaking in his boots...
Yeah MTT variance can be grim, it's slightly less bad if you're playing in smaller fields and softer fields so should be less on here than on some other sites but still always the possibility of long bad patches.
Well I used to play cash and MTTs at the same time but I've tried to stop doing it now because I've found one always tends to suffer. It's not always cash or always MTTs, but I tend to have a little less focus on one of them and inevitably end up auto piloting more. Also, tbh it's one of the reasons that ignorance is bliss in poker... all winrates suck when you really look into them. I mean I play 30-50NL usually. so to make £2 an hour at 30NL, that's near enough 7xBB/hour which is a very very good winrate these days, especially when my winrate on that 1 table is not gonna be as good when I'm 7-8tabling as it would be 1tabling.
So yeah not really wanting to mix cash and MTTs atm so if I bust a couple of comps and I'm down to 4-5 tables, then it just makes sense to add something like that in. Even if it is like £2 an hour, seems silly to be playing 4-5 comps making £12 per hour, and just choose not to make £14 per hour instead. Obviously if there are better comps running, I'll play those, but sometimes there aren't.
Won my first MTT for a long time tonight, only a small one like but still can't beat winning an MTT.
The comp I won was a £200 GTD £5.50 Turbo, something I've never seen on here before. Only got like 40 odd runners, great little game in a good time slot for me so will deffo be playing that every night. It was all pretty standard until I got HU... I went into the HU with 80k v his 50k and blinds were 1.5k/3k so not a huge amount of play. Stacks got close to level, I shipped J7s, he called A4o and held and the stacks went to like my 1.5k to his 128k lol. Then boom, I ran insane from that point, won every single race and took it down for like £80
1Lambert180 - £79.552dinged7 - £47.303tiggertoo - £32.254Monkey402 - £23.655Richiegone - £17.206RowZ83 - £15.05 I obviously reserved all my rungood for that turbo comp cos I couldn't win a race in anything else I played.
Was in for £33 and £16.50 in the main and mini and ran relatively deep in both, 74/371 in main and 40/225 in mini, but no cashes. I found myself in another great spot 4 handed in a £6 direct to win a £110 roller seat (or the money in my case) then lost 3 races back to back and it was gg, such a grim bubble those but sick ROIs when I can hold a bit better.
Went pretty deep in the £2k BH, finished 47/282 but somehow managed to do it without a single head and was just outside the money. Finished just outside the money in the £200 GTD £5.50 freezeout when I got really unlucky after someone limp/called UTG with 35o from like 15xBB, called flop with a bare GS against my KK and turned it to leave me with a bowl.
Points = 8302
Gonna play a few cash sessions before the month is out just to get me over the line for Prio... can't say no to the great value freerolls, bit of extra cash and Champagne+Chocolates from Sky for making Prio at Xmas.
Very decent session this morning. I played cash again, one because I need/want to get the points for Prio and I'll never make it via MTTs and two, because there just aren't enough good comps starting vv early and I can't reg up that late or reg huge fields cos I need to be done by about 2pm atm.
Finished +£185 at cash.
The only MTT I played was my favourite comp on 888, it's a $4r starting at 10am (1pm and 4pm as well I think). I was only in for the standard double stack + addon so about $11, got ITM which was the top 40 and not long after shipped QQ pre straight into AA Finished 33/323 for $17.68
Points = 8655
Hoping to make it to 9k points tonight then it should be (relatively) easy to get the 10k points out the way in time to just play MTTs on Sunday.
Pretty grim evening of cash tonight, not quite sure how but I managed to only be like -£120 which is a pretty epic result considering I was playing 6-7 tables of 50NL and how well people ran V me. I must have got coolered for stacks at least 5-6 times no problem. I'll try and find a few
Couple of hands here just for comedy value where I was just stunned by the river flat. I mean yeh I got coolered BBY blah blah, but nevermind that, both of these hands are against the same villian... I mean if you wanted a definition of passive!
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Straight to the 6
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Straight to the 10
I won my 2nd free bet in the freebet FRs tonight as well, shame I couldn't go a bit further, the payjumps only really start in the top 10 and think I've finished like 11th-15th twice now lol. So I got 2 x £10 freebets.... all tips/suggestions are very much welcome cos I aint got a clue about sports betting.
Think flop is a check back (willing to be convinced otherwise) and river is not a v-bet imo. If it is £17.50 is far too big considering the fact you can have like 0 bluffs on the river. Think villain has played hand 1 pretty well tbh.
At least villain was kind enough to save you a tenner in hand 2!
Not loving hand 1. Think flop is a check back (willing to be convinced otherwise) and river is not a v-bet imo. If it is £17.50 is far too big considering the fact you can have like 0 bluffs on the river. Think villain has played hand 1 pretty well tbh. At least villain was kind enough to save you a tenner in hand 2! Posted by 77Chris91
Thankfully I blocked out the names so it's alright to say... the villian involved in these two hands is reallllllly bad, way too loose, to the point where he just won't fold pairs postflop.. wuold have to be like bottom pair on a horrid board for him to wanna fold imo.
Deffo not expecting him to fold any 2pr, any set, any King (he is capable of getting to the river with some), most 5x, 77-QQ, obv won't fold an ace that we chop with.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : Thankfully I blocked out the names so it's alright to say... the villian involved in these two hands is reallllllly bad, way too loose, to the point where he just won't fold pairs postflop.. wuold have to be like bottom pair on a horrid board for him to wanna fold imo. Posted by Lambert180
Fair enough seems more standard then. Still think against even someone really bad a smaller river bet allows you to get called by a much wider range though...
Not loving hand 1. Think flop is a check back (willing to be convinced otherwise) and river is not a v-bet imo. If it is £17.50 is far too big considering the fact you can have like 0 bluffs on the river. Think villain has played hand 1 pretty well tbh. At least villain was kind enough to save you a tenner in hand 2! Posted by 77Chris91
You wouldn't shove the river with the 2nd (but virtual) nuts in that spot? :S Villain definitely played it badly when he just flat the river!!
Based on Lamberts reads then the river value bet seems completely fine. Could go a tad smaller but I think even bad villains sense smaller bets to sometimes be a milking bet - they're not good enough to then find a fold but I think it just means the frequency of calls won't change much between say a £12 and £17.50 bet.
As for flop bet or check, I think it can go either way tbh. Villain will miss this board a lot and a small bet is great for value/protection. Obviously vs a better player it's a clear check but don't need to worry that much about balance and c-betting frequencies vs this villain.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : You wouldn't shove the river with the 2nd (but virtual) nuts in that spot? :S Villain definitely played it badly when he just flat the river!! Based on Lamberts reads then the river value bet seems completely fine. Could go a tad smaller but I think even bad villains sense smaller bets to sometimes be a milking bet - they're not good enough to then find a fold but I think it just means the frequency of calls won't change much between say a £12 and £17.50 bet. As for flop bet or check, I think it can go either way tbh. Villain will miss this board a lot and a small bet is great for value/protection. Obviously vs a better player it's a clear check but don't need to worry that much about balance and c-betting frequencies vs this villain. Posted by F_Ivanovic
Yeh river is complete auto shove not sure where you have got that from :S Said villain played hand 1 well not hand 2!
Pretty much agree with you re AQ otf. I didn't know at the time villain was a weaker player so I'm pretty much betting flop here 100% vs villain as described and checking vs a reg.
Just my opinion but I feel like the frequency of calls will change quite a lot between say £10.50 & £17.50 re river hand 1. Think even someone that is fairly inexperienced is likely to realise that we are very rarely bluffing considering how the board ran out. Just looks to me like this bet sizing limits villains calling range to Ax, 6x and flushes which is obv v bad for us.
I completely missed the back door flush in hand 1, thought villain's hand was only losing to 67. I agree with the smaller bet sizing now
One other thing I wanted to add is in hand 2 I would definitely be going bigger on both flop and turn. £3.25 OTF and then £8.75 OTT so that we can ship river for max value.
Yeah when I looked back at the 2nd hand when I posted it here I deffo thought I should have gone a lot bigger on flop and turn... villians range to call near pot is almost exactly the same as 60% pot so just missing value.
I used up my freebets today. I wasn't interested in trying to lock up a safe/tiny return, so just went for £10 on the enhanced odds Sky offered this week just cos it's good value imo...
Liverpool, United and Swansea to win - £50 ftw
Then the longshot 4fold for my other £10 free bet - Arsenal to win, City to win, Everton/Spurs draw, Liverpool/stoke draw - £570 ftw
RE: The AK hand prior to the HH posted, I don't even remember it tbh so I've no idea how that played out or how it would affect my play or yours. It's important not to be results orientated, I still think your turn sizing is too big... When it comes to barrelling the turn or not it's pretty close imo and there's gonna be a bit of levelling involved as to whether you do it or not. Ofc when I open UTG it's gonna be my tightest range, so when you 3bet you're also gonna have a pretty narrow range, maybe AQ+, TT/JJ+ for value and maybe the odd light 3bet combo. You know I'm a half decent player, so I'm not gonna be calling 3bets OOP with marginal/weak hands against a likely very strong range. Flop is standard, I like your sizing, it does a much better job on such a dry flop whether you're trying to get value or trying to give yourself a good price to get folds.
The turn is a terrible card to barrel in theory, but that's where the levelling comes in. I don't think I'll have made it to the turn with anything less than 77+ and AK, so given how strong my range is, in theory you should never be bluffing such a blank turn imo BUT then you can barrel it for that exact reason... it is a terrible card to bluff, and you know I'm decent and will understand it's a bad card to bluff so I should really rule out the weaker part of your range and assume you have the stronger end of your range TT/JJ+ which obv has me crushed.
But either way, I think you can barrel the turn smaller cos it gets the same job done when I'm towards the bottom end of my range, and when I'm towards the top of my range, 77,88, AA, KK you save yourself money when you have to give up on the river (which you should be on all rivers if i call again imo).
Out of interest, would you have used the same sizings pre, flop and turn with say AA? Something to consider against regs if you're gonna do X sizing with value and Y sizing with bluffs/the weaker part of your range.
Also RE: not discussing strat/hands (mentioned in the TPT thread), I really wouldn't worry about it, in fact I'd say it's vv important you do continue doing it. When it comes to cash in can become a bit of a tricky situation because you are going to play tens of thousands of hands against the same people over and over. MTTs are very different, I've had a lot of advice/discussed MTT strat with Bates and TommyD, but I could easily play every single main event for 6 months straight and not be surprised if I actually end up playing with them less than 10 times in that period, that's just MTTs for ya. In any given MTT, the split between people who have seen you discuss strat and will use the info and those that haven't/wont is probably close to 95% v 5% in favour of people having not seen it (it's probably <1% of the player base that actually use the forum).
Jeez this reply has got so long, I'll post this now and reply to others in a seperate one.
As for refocussing, I don't generally paly cash for X hours, then go straight into playing MTTs. I'll occasionally play them together but recently I think one game tends to suffer if I do, it's not always cash or always MTTs but I always seem to end up slightly in auto pilot on one. So during UKOPS I wasn't playing any cash at the same time, apart from one night and that was just cos I'd bust so many MTTs so fast that I didn't have any left to play lol.
Cheers for the input anyway Jordz.
Had the full day off yesterday, I really needed it after UKOPS. I was straight back into the good old cash tables today, bit of 50NL, bit of 100NL. One of the 100NL tables was really frustrating, it was a great table full of value but the guy to my direct right just ran over me... the two that spring to mind (although there were many more) are him getting it in on a 244hh flop with QJo, no pr, no draw.... he wasn't good when it went in, but he was by the river. Then peeling a 3bet with 94 and the flop coming Q94 when I've got AQ lol. I did have near £400 at one point on the table but that guy was responsible for me leaving with about £250.
Still managed to finish +£80 for the session so I'm happy with that, after UKOPS, any win is a win.
Points = 4909
It was only a -£25 session so not too bad, it'd just be nice if I could win a flip or two once in a while.
Points = 5380
Stating the obvious that I aint updated for ages but it's because I aint played much for a while either. Had a couple of grim sessions of cash last weekend, I could post HHs but it's just standard bad beat yawn stuff. Had another mega frustrating deep run in the mini the other night and finished 19th for next to nothing again. I literally must have finished top 20 in the mini 5-6 times in the last couple of months and still those cashes combined probably total <£100
Anyways, decided to stop being an idiot and moaning about a lack of MTT scores when I only play like 5-10 comps a week if I'm lucky. I'm pretty confident I have a big edge in pretty much 100% of Sky comps but it's obviously ridiculous to expect to actually get regular results with that kinda lolvolume, so I'm making a proper push for MTTs from now on.
In the mornings, I'll probably play cash or will have to play other sites cos there just aren't any MTTs I wanna play on here at that time of day, then evenings will be devoted to MTTs. If I busto everything at a reasonable hour (11pm/midnight ish) then I'll play a couple of hours cash... if I'm going deep in stuff, I won't, simples.
Last night was the first night of me trying this out, devoting evenings to MTTs and had a few bits and bobs, heads here and there but managed to FT the £55 BH. Small cash cos I only took 1 head and finished 4th but still about +£100 for the night. Shipped A9o 4handed, Darsum called w/ 99 and flopped me practically dead with the case 9. Just nabbed this from Gary's thread...
Last night closest near misses... I stone bubbled a sat for a £110 Roller seat, and lost 88vA8 about 3 off the seats in another Roller sat to virtually lock up another £110. Few heads here and there but nothing else really.
Played some cash this morning and was +£100 so that was nice as set me up freerolling the night's MTTs.
Then tonight was another night of bricks. Stone bubbled a UKPC QF sat that I was just playing for the £50, came vv close to the seats in a £6 sat into the £55 speed BH, again was just playing it for the £55 (although it ran on quite late so think I'd have needed to just play it). The only cashes were 2 heads in BHs so just a small profit today thanks to the morning cash session.
Wednesday Rebuy tomorrow, goooooooo!!!
Oh yeah, just thought I'd share this, obviously it's rubbish at the mo, but should hopefully look a lot nicer in a few months. I finally got round to setting up a P5 account a few days ago. As I say it's pretty empty atm but iirc my total games played lifetime on FTP is like <5, stars is prob <10, and 888 is maybe 20 max.
I think, I think......I think it's the sound of Patrick Leonard sobbing into his pillow.
Be afraid Pleno, sh11t just got real.
I still can't fathom the value in playing sat's. What's your ROI% in them? I just think say you play the £6 sat into the £55. One in 10 cash right and maybe (optimistically?) you cash 1 in 5. So for every 5 sats you make £31 which is about £6 a satellite. I'm guessing they take at least an hour,maybe hour and a half? So that's maybe £4 an hour at the very most optimistic which would be good for just 1 table. But I'm guessing you don't cash 1 in 5 and they sometimes last longer than an hour so probably more like £1/£2? And surely you can just play an extra cash table and make that in 1 hour.
Yeah MTT variance can be grim, it's slightly less bad if you're playing in smaller fields and softer fields so should be less on here than on some other sites but still always the possibility of long bad patches.
Well I used to play cash and MTTs at the same time but I've tried to stop doing it now because I've found one always tends to suffer. It's not always cash or always MTTs, but I tend to have a little less focus on one of them and inevitably end up auto piloting more. Also, tbh it's one of the reasons that ignorance is bliss in poker... all winrates suck when you really look into them. I mean I play 30-50NL usually. so to make £2 an hour at 30NL, that's near enough 7xBB/hour which is a very very good winrate these days, especially when my winrate on that 1 table is not gonna be as good when I'm 7-8tabling as it would be 1tabling.
So yeah not really wanting to mix cash and MTTs atm so if I bust a couple of comps and I'm down to 4-5 tables, then it just makes sense to add something like that in. Even if it is like £2 an hour, seems silly to be playing 4-5 comps making £12 per hour, and just choose not to make £14 per hour instead. Obviously if there are better comps running, I'll play those, but sometimes there aren't.
The comp I won was a £200 GTD £5.50 Turbo, something I've never seen on here before. Only got like 40 odd runners, great little game in a good time slot for me so will deffo be playing that every night. It was all pretty standard until I got HU... I went into the HU with 80k v his 50k and blinds were 1.5k/3k so not a huge amount of play. Stacks got close to level, I shipped J7s, he called A4o and held and the stacks went to like my 1.5k to his 128k lol. Then boom, I ran insane from that point, won every single race and took it down for like £80
1Lambert180 - £79.552dinged7 - £47.303tiggertoo - £32.254Monkey402 - £23.655Richiegone - £17.206RowZ83 - £15.05
I obviously reserved all my rungood for that turbo comp cos I couldn't win a race in anything else I played.
Was in for £33 and £16.50 in the main and mini and ran relatively deep in both, 74/371 in main and 40/225 in mini, but no cashes. I found myself in another great spot 4 handed in a £6 direct to win a £110 roller seat (or the money in my case) then lost 3 races back to back and it was gg, such a grim bubble those but sick ROIs when I can hold a bit better.
Went pretty deep in the £2k BH, finished 47/282 but somehow managed to do it without a single head and was just outside the money. Finished just outside the money in the £200 GTD £5.50 freezeout when I got really unlucky after someone limp/called UTG with 35o from like 15xBB, called flop with a bare GS against my KK and turned it to leave me with a bowl.
Points = 8302
Gonna play a few cash sessions before the month is out just to get me over the line for Prio... can't say no to the great value freerolls, bit of extra cash and Champagne+Chocolates from Sky for making Prio at Xmas.
Finished +£185 at cash.
The only MTT I played was my favourite comp on 888, it's a $4r starting at 10am (1pm and 4pm as well I think). I was only in for the standard double stack + addon so about $11, got ITM which was the top 40 and not long after shipped QQ pre straight into AA
Points = 8655
Hoping to make it to 9k points tonight then it should be (relatively) easy to get the 10k points out the way in time to just play MTTs on Sunday.
Couple of hands here just for comedy value where I was just stunned by the river flat. I mean yeh I got coolered BBY blah blah, but nevermind that, both of these hands are against the same villian... I mean if you wanted a definition of passive!
Points = 8997
Not loving hand 1.
Think flop is a check back (willing to be convinced otherwise) and river is not a v-bet imo. If it is £17.50 is far too big considering the fact you can have like 0 bluffs on the river. Think villain has played hand 1 pretty well tbh.
At least villain was kind enough to save you a tenner in hand 2!
Deffo not expecting him to fold any 2pr, any set, any King (he is capable of getting to the river with some), most 5x, 77-QQ, obv won't fold an ace that we chop with.
Based on Lamberts reads then the river value bet seems completely fine. Could go a tad smaller but I think even bad villains sense smaller bets to sometimes be a milking bet - they're not good enough to then find a fold but I think it just means the frequency of calls won't change much between say a £12 and £17.50 bet.
As for flop bet or check, I think it can go either way tbh. Villain will miss this board a lot and a small bet is great for value/protection. Obviously vs a better player it's a clear check but don't need to worry that much about balance and c-betting frequencies vs this villain.
Pretty much agree with you re AQ otf. I didn't know at the time villain was a weaker player so I'm pretty much betting flop here 100% vs villain as described and checking vs a reg.
Just my opinion but I feel like the frequency of calls will change quite a lot between say £10.50 & £17.50 re river hand 1. Think even someone that is fairly inexperienced is likely to realise that we are very rarely bluffing considering how the board ran out. Just looks to me like this bet sizing limits villains calling range to Ax, 6x and flushes which is obv v bad for us.
One other thing I wanted to add is in hand 2 I would definitely be going bigger on both flop and turn. £3.25 OTF and then £8.75 OTT so that we can ship river for max value.
I used up my freebets today. I wasn't interested in trying to lock up a safe/tiny return, so just went for £10 on the enhanced odds Sky offered this week just cos it's good value imo...
Liverpool, United and Swansea to win - £50 ftw
Then the longshot 4fold for my other £10 free bet - Arsenal to win, City to win, Everton/Spurs draw, Liverpool/stoke draw - £570 ftw
Wouldn't mind the latter one coming in too much