Went to the kids school Xmas party on Friday and was knackered/cba grinding by the time I got back so took the night off, which left me with just Saturday to make Prio if I wanted to stick to my plan of getting it out the way so I could focus on a big MTT day for Sunday.
So last night I started at about 8pm with the 8997 points from my last update and decided to not stop until I got to 10k, I did it and stood with dead on 10,000 points a little after 2am. Smashed it and finished the night +£400, a long overdue big session.
Now it's a big Sunday today including the $109 $2million GTD on stars.... one timeeeee
Yeah it should be a given if I wasn't so lazy Paul but nah seriously, the first week of November was almost 100% MTTs because I was playing UKOPs and even with those bigger BIs, you still get hardly any points compared to grinding cash. Then the last week of November I was grinding MTTs too, so I just put a few cash sessions in at the end to make sure I got over the line.
Tonight was pretty decent
I ended up not playing a huge schedule, in fact it was a tiny schedule but whatever... on the various different sites I played:
Stars $11 Storm - no good
$109 $2mil GTD - no good and didn't win any of the prizes
Big 11 - The guarantees for all the Bigs and Hots were trebled tonight for Carnival week. It got 24,380 runners and had a little shy of $25,000 for first place. Sadly I didn't come that close but I finished 2186th for about $22
888 Just a $2.50 turbo with I think $1500 GTD. You were only allowed 1 rebuy in the whole comp (and there was no add-on) so I took mine straight away, then my very first hand was AA<JJ aipf and that was my rebuy gone lol. Built my stack up pretty well again and had about 3x starting stack then GII AK v AJ, and a J on the flop bust me miles from the money.
Sky £11 Mini Roller - Was plodding along well for most of this, nothing spectacular but steadily increasing my stack, got pretty close to the money but shoved AT, called by QJ and a J on the flop was gg me.
£3k £11 BH - Smashed this from start to finish so was really gutting to finish where I did. I got off to a great start then just seemed to be taking head after head, was a top 5 stack probably about 30 mins into the comp and remained a top 5 stack until there was maybe 30 runners left. Then lost a lot of races and eventually bust in 19th out of 316 for £38.44
£55 Speed BH - I only played this cos Dohhh is always binking seats from the AI sats, and I was chatting to a few of the lads and decided to give them a go. Dohhhh forgot to register the first AI sat which was probably a good thing cos he has an unreal record in them and I binked a seat first go for £3. He then registered the 2nd AI sat and went and binked one too from his first £3 go. I ran pretty well from start to finish, the first got was winning a flip 66 v AT against Gazza, and when that happens I KNOW I'm running good. Ran well lots, and eventually me and JJ both got to the FT. I had a unlucky big flip on the FT but in comps like this you can just never turn down spots like this imo.... I'm 1/5, UTG ships for about 10xBB, SB i think reships for about 20xBB, and I reship/call when I'm sat with about 28xBB. UTG has AT, SB has QQ and I have AK, if I did hold I'd be 1/3 with something ridiculous like 80% of the chips in play but I couldn't find the A or K. So I was left fairly short (but it aint that short but this comp), managed to do some spinning, shipped A6o BvB, called by A3o, I flop my 6 but it goes runner runner straight and I'm left v short again. Dohhh ships AJ, I snap from the BB w/ A9 and flop my 9. Next hand I get AK, shove, Doh calls with QJ and I hold to get down to 3handed. Long story short but I knock out the shorty 3handed and then win the HU to take it down from a £3 AI sat
So a small schedule but a +£800 night. Maybe more binks like this to come hopefully as I'm now gonna be grinding MTTs every night instead of cash.
Lambert1801760001£407 + £324.21 Head Prizes8£99.78Doyley9602£242 + £127.73 Head Prizes4 luckme00203£165 + £28.13 Head Prizes1 DOHHHHHHH04£121 + £52.73 Head Prizes2 Ranners05£88 + £60.94 Head Prizes3
First big bink of the new focus on mtts? MTT heads seem to run in streaks, maybe selective memory - but well done hope it gives you the confidence / impetus to put some results together. Not a bad end to the month eh. Posted by TeddyBloat
Cheers Teddy
Yeah definitely the first big bink. I'm not sure if it can be classed as a bink but I won an MTT on here the other day too, just a £5 turbo for about £80.
Only played about 100 MTTs in the last week or so since I've been grinding MTTs so early days yet but a good start, hopefully many more binks to come.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : Cheers Teddy Yeah definitely the first big bink. I'm not sure if it can be classed as a bink but I won an MTT on here the other day too, just a £5 turbo for about £80. Only played about 100 MTTs in the last week or so since I've been grinding MTTs so early days yet but a good start, hopefully many more binks to come. Posted by Lambert180
No it can't
Nice result tonight! I got completely owned in that $109 on Stars...they don't know when to fold on that site
It was my first session of the month tonight and got a pretty decent start to the month.
Tournaments I bricked were....
£11 Turbo main £1k GTD £11 BH £300 GTD £5.50 Timed Tourney £12 Sat to £55 BH £200 GTD £5.50 freezeout £200 GTD £5.50 turbo £6 Sat to £55 BH
Tournaments I cashed...
£5.50 Mini Turbo BH - Another deep run in the mini but lost 2 races as a 60/40 to bust, finished 28/573 for £23.68
£6 Sat to £55 BH - 1 seat GTD + money in this, I got HU with a pretty decent CL, got it in KJ v Ax, made a pair but he rivered his Ace, lost another race to be left with vv little. Managed to spin up a little bit then lost another flip so bust in 2nd place for £33
£2k GTD £11 BH - Best £11 BH of the day, love this comp. Long story short it was my first FT of the month, and I think I got a little unlucky in one hand on the FT to be left short, then I shoved my last I think 8xBB wit K4 BvB, called by QT but he flops the Q to bust me. I finished 4/245 for £114.14
So all in all pretty much a +£100 day, so not too bad.
I got one comedy hand from the £11 BH that I FT'd, where I got vv lucky to double when I should really have just got a fold. Check this out for a value shove ... I decided to turn my hand into a bluff on the river cos there are a fair few hands that beat me and I think as played he pretty much never has a flush... he didn't have a flush but didn't expect him to call with this!!
Not sure I can think of too many hands that beat you on the river that aren't a flush? What kind of hands do you think villian could have here? Fun hand though btw wp on the deep run
Meh maybe it was a bad spot to turn my hand into a bluff, I'm not sure, Dohhhh said he's gone between hating, loving, liking and dislking it multiple times.
Decent morning session on cash today, finished +£80
I noticed btw on the live show thread that I won a Turbo Tuesday free entry for next week... freebies
Yeah i think the shove is good, as there is decent money in the middle, you played your hand in the same way you would had you had the A of hearts and it stops you getting bluffed as you cannot call a shove
Like the shove. Your pretty much at the bottom of your range and villain rarely has a flush otr as played. A soon as he clicked call I would have assumed I'd bust and have started looking at something else lol. Posted by 77Chris91
Lol I did, he proper snapped it off and I was like sjdbsjldbgsjkldg how have u got a flush (in my head)... then the chips got shipped to me and I was like wtf lol
Tonight was pretty grim, I've ran pretty bad in all the satellites I've been playing since I started grinding MTTs but tonight was the icing on the cake. I stone bubbled a £55 BH sat, a sat into the £50 UKPC Semi, and a £110 UKOPS ME sat, that's a lot of stone bubbles considering I played 4 sats all night lol
Pretty much bricks all round everywhere else as well. Close to the money in the £200 GTD, 4 off the money in the £1k £11 BH with £7 of heads, semi deep in the £2k £11 BH again but bust outside the money with about £5 of heads. Main and Mini didn't go very well.
About -£85 in total, so at least it was covered by this morning's cash session. Then I played a few HU SnGs to close out the night, won 3 out of 4 games at £10.50s for an £18 profit.
On the bright side, this advent calender promo thing for today, I'm pretty sure that 300 points would easy be enough to make the top 100 on here for 1 day, and I made 400, so should be in for a free tenner
Dunno if it's the new MTT routine or partly that with a combination of other factors but I feel like a lack of sleep has caught up with me and I'm absolutely exhausted. I generally get woke up by the kids about 7am and get up not long after to get them ready and do the school run, and that's completely normal, has been for years, but the difference is that now playing MTTs, I've been ending up going to bed like 1-2am almost every night... which I guess can't be too bad cos it means I aint bust all my comps really early, but it's getting tiring. Maybe my body will adjust, not sure, we'll see.
So yesterday I got back from dropping the kids off to school in the morning, sat on the couch and could barely keep my eyes open, feel asleep and that was gg morning session. Decided to take the night off too (even though I was gutted to miss the softest main of the week) to get an early night and catch up on my sleep so I could come back refreshed.
One of my daughters been struck down with some kind of illness today anyway and had to have today off school, so just decided to play 5 x £10 HU SnGs cos that's enough for me to make the 25 points needed for the freeroll tonight so that I can include that in tonight's schedule.
I won 4 out of 5 of them for a £27.50 profit so not too shabby.
Feeling pretty gutted at the moment, I had two great runs going toinght, and in the biggest comps on here, the £55 BH (I was abuot 5/32) and the Main. The former was a blow up on my part, I took a wierd/bad line which kinda backed me into a corner and I ended up doing a huge chunk of my stack with JJ<AA. Main wasn't a mistake but still gutting how often I have been deep in mains and just can't seem to hold off from being coolered in that last hour or so. I bust the main in 23rd 3b jamming JJ into AA.
So cashed for about £90 in main
Missed the money and no heads in £55 BH
Just outside the money in that 9:30pm £11 BH again 52/396 (40 paid), was a big one tonight with £500+heads up top. Got £5 of heads in that.
Bricked the mini, no heads, GII AQ v AT v T9 and got beat by both. Bricked a £10 UKPC QF, the iPhone FR, a £12 sat into the £55 BH, and another £11 BH.
-£43 night in all when the night held such promise about an hour ago
Meh night of MTTs again, could get boring to read this but it's MTTs innit so 90% of the time I'll have no results to report.
Semi deep run in mini ended with AT<AK aipf, think I was fairly close to the money, wasn't really looking tbh, got 1 head. Bust very close to the money in an £11 BH (£1k GTD) with 1 head, bricks all round elsewhere.
Then I realised it was 11pm Sat night (I'd bust all comps by this point) and I should go play some cash. I went to look and the tables were absolutely grim, literally seen better Wednesday afternoons. Hardly any tables running, 5 of the same names on every table, and 3-4 regs on every single waiting list. I did sit at 2 x empty 50NL tables for a while to get some going but got no takers.
Eventually sat on 1 table where 2 people were playing HU, I don't usually have a go at people but I sat down and literally the VERY first hand after I sit, the reg instantly stood up, and sat back down so he had direct position on the other guy (who was obv a rec). Imo, that's right up there near the top of the list for nut worst things you can do etiquette-wise. I mean ffs, most regs already have a pretty big edge against your average rec, is it really necessary 1) to eek out that extra edge and 2) to do it in such a blatant fashion.
Hate seeing people do it. If you're joining the table then of course pick the best seat, that's common sense, but not swapping seats all the time to get position on certain players.
Anyway, I got lucky to cooler the rec guy, he left, and I cba playing HU, especially as I was already tilted after the arguement which ensued after I called him out on it, but apparently 'that's poker'. So I left +£50
Decided to play a few HU SnGs. Lost the only £21 game I played courtesy of JJ<QT aipf then at the £10s I played 9 and won 5 for a small £5.50 profit so lost £15.50 overall
I haven't updated for ages because I haven't played for ages. I've had an absolute nightmare with internet suppliers over the last couple of months. We originally had broadband with BT and at the end of September/start of Oct we asked BT to upgrade our service to highspeed broadband (Infinity). Weeks and weeks later, when two different activation dates had passed without anything happening, and like 20 phone calls to people who clearly had no idea what they were doing, we gave up towards the end of November.
So we decided to just ditch BT and move over to EE to get high speed broadband from them. All was going smooth, EE were arranging everything, they said our activation date was X of December (can't remember now) and all was agreed. Then BT decided they hadn't mucked up enough, they had to get one more mistake in before we left, so they thought it was a good idea to cancel our internet supply a week before EE had said they were gonna start supplying us.
So long story short, I aint had internet for a week, which is pretty frustrating when you need it to work! The missing work part aside, I've really loved being away from the internet tbh, no forum, no social media etc. it's been nice. So I think going forward I'll probably continue to take a bit of a back seat with regards to all that.
Tonight was the first night playing so I had a lot of catching up to do seen as I've barely been able to play this month and I was only about +£100 for the month iirc, so the plan was to just win the roller
Bricked the £3k £11 BH, getting it in with 55 v A8 on A57r to see running 8s to bust me. Bricked the Mini Roller, can't remember how.
The only other comp was the £110 Roller which I'm gutted about atm, I was going fine pretty much the whole way. I took a small knock early doors when I flopped trip 2s on 922 and the villian had 99. The hand got showed on 861 and thankfully the villian played it in such a bizarre way that I managed to lose very little. From there it all went went, constantly chipping up slowly all the way through to the very deep stages, sitting with a top 10 stack from about 50 left, then got very unlucky for a pretty big pot against rivermunky... not just a clever name when I had QJ v J8 and the runout was 79JJ8
That was a big knock to my stack, I was down to 30k and shortly after blinds went up to 1ki/2k, at this point I think I was 20/26 with 21 paid. Eventually I 3bet shoved 66, looked up by KQ and bust I think in 24th
Suppose I should give a bit of an update after last night's session.
Volume has been terrible again this month although at least this time it wasn't completely down to my own laziness. As you know, I had no internet for like 7-8 days of the month and then ofc it's Xmas so many a morning/night doing stuff like xmas shopping, putting tree up, enjoying xmas/visiting family etc.
Easily my lowest points total for 2014 that's for sure (although that's largely because when I have played it's been MTTs).
Anyway, had been a bit of a rubbish month, was floating around the break even/small loss/small profit kinda area for most of the month, but yesterday helped sort that out...
Played all the UKOPS events from when I logged on about 8pm ish (£110 main, £55 BH, £22 BH, £11 Mini) and 2 x £11 BHs.
I also played 10 x £3 AI sats for the main during late reg, won one seat for £110 so £80 profit there.
The £55 BH got off to an absolute stonker of a start after this mental hand. After all the flop action when it got back to me, I did start to think 'aslfjnlsdnfsld someone's got JJ!' but I'm just never folding. They didn't and I held/did a re-get-there.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Full House, 3s and Kings
Shot to CL and was pretty much freerolling the comp after that hand which is always nice. Stayed CL and within the top 5 for almost the whole of the comp but sadly it didn't amount to much cos I lost a few races and 60/40s near to the money and ended up busting 17th (18 paid) for about £140.
Can't remember Mini but I bust pretty early, and can't really remember £22 BH but I finished 215/442 and just about covered my BI in heads for about 50p profit.
The main as some will already know went a lot better. Was plodding along nicely, chipping up slowly from the start, then got an absolute gift... all 3 of us are 10k effective, I minraise UTG at 150/300, guy just 3b ships 10k (!!) w/ AKo, guy behind calls the AI with 10k himself holding KK, and we hold to go up to about 37k, putting me in the top 10. Went back to chipping up slow and steady after that and stayed in the top 20 all the way to bubble. Then the wheels came off, just couldn't win a pot and kept losing races, the big one was AQ<AT which left me with 30k at 1250/2500 when we were 6 from the money and suddenly I'd gone from being very comfortable to looking very likely to not cash. Getting the odd shove through I somehow managed to cash (40 were paid) but was sat 39/40 by the time I did.
Then I had spot that happened to work out great for me, I shipped K7o on the BTN iirc, SB called, but then BB reshipped and got the SB to fold which is obv amazing cos now I only gotta beat 1 hand to treble up. The BB had AJo and I managed to win the 40/60 and treble up to a playable stack. Shortly after I held 55 v AT to knock out a 5xBB shorty, then chipped up a bit thru stealing. Blinded down a bit then doubled by winning a flip against Sam1986 (!!) w/ AT v 33, run out was K959, then 5 river for the double pair up.
Few 3b shoves got thru, then doubled AA />AQs, then not long after AK>AQ to really get in contention to win the MTT (yeah ok I ran pretty good!). I'll make an appearance on 861's highlights of the FT on Tuesday for all of 1 hand. Very first hand on FT, CL opens (IhaveAAids) and I 3b shove ATo, he calls AQo and it's gg. Finished 6th for £1952 and a pretty sweet end to the year. Always frustrating when you finish an MTT in any spot other than 1st, especially when you see £10k up top, but very happy with the result, especially after being so short around the money and fully expecting to not even cash.
That's not my biggest online score and takes my SS to a new peak of about £3.6k profit, plan to get that over £15k this time next year when a lot of my volume will be switching to MTTs.
Tomorrow will be the last session of the year for me, will be playing all the UKOPS, then I'm done for this year.
I got a £50 freebet this Xmas from Sky, gutted I missed sticking it on the last enhanced odds spot cos I planned to and forgot, but stuck it on a treble for this Friday.... City, Utd and Chelsea to win, £160 ftw.
As always, I'm late to the 2014 summary party but thought I'd do a vv quick one. If I'm honest, 2014 has been a little disappointing, one serious bink helped make it a pretty good year all round but otherwise I've underachieved imo and I largely have to blame myself for that.
Of course the highlight of the year was finishing third at the UKPC 6max side event for £18,000 which at the time was only my 2nd HM flag but then I had only played about 10 live events ever. Now I've played about 11 live events and have a 3rd HM flag after mincashing the Grand Prix Final at DTD. That bink was about 10 months ago though so guess I need to find something new to start bragging about soon!
Just got Pingu to skope my MTTs for the year and here it is. Not bad I guess, largely thanks to my recent UKOPS bink, but then any MTT graph is rubbish if you take out the bigger scores, and obviously I did have the horror show of the previous UKOPS which was pretty much a -£1k dent on the SS (I did sell 50% tho). The main thing is the embarrassing volume, obviously it's understandable when 95% of my volume has been cash but 398 games in a whole year is just bad... it certainly makes a lack of binkage unsurprising.
I mentioned this a few weeks/months ago but for 2015 I'm gonna be really hammering the volume for MTTs.Then an interesting opportunity came up very recently (this came after my decision about upping MTT volume)... someone I know a little bit contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in joining a stable ran by a couple of people including Marc Wright. I had to have a good think about it, there are so many factors to consider but there are two major things that have swung me in favour of taking the opportunity....
1) I'd be getting regular MTT coaching from Marc Wright which is worth it's weight in gold imo.
2) I've discussed a few potential issues that I thought may come up and they've been vv flexible about it all. They don't expect me to be putting in crazy volume, they're happy for me to still play cash on Sky with my own £££ (which I'd really only do in mornings anyway but I want that flexibility) and I can keep all my own action in Sky MTTs (just easier cos I'm using my own £££ for cash on here) which I'd prefer anyway.
So I'll be dropping a few of the smaller Sky MTTs from my schedule like £11 BHs, and won't be doing stuff like playing £10 sats for the money just to fill up my table count etc.
I'm gonna have to put a shed load of hard work in myself cos I really wanna get the absolute max out of getting coaching from such a sicko but I know it'll be worth it.
So goals as mentioned recently are that I'll be
1) Top 20 on the SS Leaderboard for Sky 2) Win a ME (finally!)
Gonna be giving this UKPC promo a go via the MTT route, seems a pretty top heavy points system so realistically you need to finish top 2 in the main or mini alongside some other very decent results to have any chance imo but we're all in the same boat so glgl all!!
Pretty decent start to the year. Nothing spectacular in most of my comps, bricked obth £55 BHs, covered the mini BI w/ £6.33 of heads, cashed the main with a few heads in 47th for £65 ish, bricked 1 x £11 BH and covered my BI in another w/ £13.13 of heads.
The decent part was that I flicked in a £5 UKPC Semi Direct, came 1/15 to win a seat, then won (finished top 8) in the Semi so got my £220 final seat on Sunday for £5.
So last night I started at about 8pm with the 8997 points from my last update and decided to not stop until I got to 10k, I did it and stood with dead on 10,000 points a little after 2am. Smashed it and finished the night +£400, a long overdue big session.
Now it's a big Sunday today including the $109 $2million GTD on stars.... one timeeeee
Tonight was pretty decent
I ended up not playing a huge schedule, in fact it was a tiny schedule but whatever... on the various different sites I played:
$11 Storm - no good
$109 $2mil GTD - no good and didn't win any of the prizes
Big 11 - The guarantees for all the Bigs and Hots were trebled tonight for Carnival week. It got 24,380 runners and had a little shy of $25,000 for first place. Sadly I didn't come that close but I finished 2186th for about $22
Just a $2.50 turbo with I think $1500 GTD. You were only allowed 1 rebuy in the whole comp (and there was no add-on) so I took mine straight away, then my very first hand was AA<JJ aipf and that was my rebuy gone lol. Built my stack up pretty well again and had about 3x starting stack then GII AK v AJ, and a J on the flop bust me miles from the money.
£11 Mini Roller - Was plodding along well for most of this, nothing spectacular but steadily increasing my stack, got pretty close to the money but shoved AT, called by QJ and a J on the flop was gg me.
£3k £11 BH - Smashed this from start to finish so was really gutting to finish where I did. I got off to a great start then just seemed to be taking head after head, was a top 5 stack probably about 30 mins into the comp and remained a top 5 stack until there was maybe 30 runners left. Then lost a lot of races and eventually bust in 19th out of 316 for £38.44
£55 Speed BH - I only played this cos Dohhh is always binking seats from the AI sats, and I was chatting to a few of the lads and decided to give them a go. Dohhhh forgot to register the first AI sat which was probably a good thing cos he has an unreal record in them and I binked a seat first go for £3. He then registered the 2nd AI sat and went and binked one too from his first £3 go. I ran pretty well from start to finish, the first got was winning a flip 66 v AT against Gazza, and when that happens I KNOW I'm running good. Ran well lots, and eventually me and JJ both got to the FT. I had a unlucky big flip on the FT but in comps like this you can just never turn down spots like this imo.... I'm 1/5, UTG ships for about 10xBB, SB i think reships for about 20xBB, and I reship/call when I'm sat with about 28xBB. UTG has AT, SB has QQ and I have AK, if I did hold I'd be 1/3 with something ridiculous like 80% of the chips in play but I couldn't find the A or K. So I was left fairly short (but it aint that short but this comp), managed to do some spinning, shipped A6o BvB, called by A3o, I flop my 6 but it goes runner runner straight and I'm left v short again. Dohhh ships AJ, I snap from the BB w/ A9 and flop my 9. Next hand I get AK, shove, Doh calls with QJ and I hold to get down to 3handed. Long story short but I knock out the shorty 3handed and then win the HU to take it down from a £3 AI sat
So a small schedule but a +£800 night. Maybe more binks like this to come hopefully as I'm now gonna be grinding MTTs every night instead of cash.
Lambert1801760001£407 + £324.21 Head Prizes8£99.78Doyley9602£242 + £127.73 Head Prizes4 luckme00203£165 + £28.13 Head Prizes1 DOHHHHHHH04£121 + £52.73 Head Prizes2 Ranners05£88 + £60.94 Head Prizes3
Yeah definitely the first big bink. I'm not sure if it can be classed as a bink but I won an MTT on here the other day too, just a £5 turbo for about £80.
Only played about 100 MTTs in the last week or so since I've been grinding MTTs so early days yet but a good start, hopefully many more binks to come.
Nice result tonight! I got completely owned in that $109 on Stars...they don't know when to fold on that site
Tournaments I bricked were....
£11 Turbo main
£1k GTD £11 BH
£300 GTD £5.50 Timed Tourney
£12 Sat to £55 BH
£200 GTD £5.50 freezeout
£200 GTD £5.50 turbo
£6 Sat to £55 BH
Tournaments I cashed...
£5.50 Mini Turbo BH - Another deep run in the mini but lost 2 races as a 60/40 to bust, finished 28/573 for £23.68
£6 Sat to £55 BH - 1 seat GTD + money in this, I got HU with a pretty decent CL, got it in KJ v Ax, made a pair but he rivered his Ace, lost another race to be left with vv little. Managed to spin up a little bit then lost another flip so bust in 2nd place for £33
£2k GTD £11 BH - Best £11 BH of the day, love this comp. Long story short it was my first FT of the month, and I think I got a little unlucky in one hand on the FT to be left short, then I shoved my last I think 8xBB wit K4 BvB, called by QT but he flops the Q to bust me. I finished 4/245 for £114.14
So all in all pretty much a +£100 day, so not too bad.
I got one comedy hand from the £11 BH that I FT'd, where I got vv lucky to double when I should really have just got a fold. Check this out for a value shove
Decent morning session on cash today, finished +£80
I noticed btw on the live show thread that I won a Turbo Tuesday free entry for next week...
A soon as he clicked call I would have assumed I'd bust and have started looking at something else lol.
Pretty much bricks all round everywhere else as well. Close to the money in the £200 GTD, 4 off the money in the £1k £11 BH with £7 of heads, semi deep in the £2k £11 BH again but bust outside the money with about £5 of heads. Main and Mini didn't go very well.
About -£85 in total, so at least it was covered by this morning's cash session. Then I played a few HU SnGs to close out the night, won 3 out of 4 games at £10.50s for an £18 profit.
On the bright side, this advent calender promo thing for today, I'm pretty sure that 300 points would easy be enough to make the top 100 on here for 1 day, and I made 400, so should be in for a free tenner
Points = 525
So yesterday I got back from dropping the kids off to school in the morning, sat on the couch and could barely keep my eyes open, feel asleep and that was gg morning session. Decided to take the night off too (even though I was gutted to miss the softest main of the week) to get an early night and catch up on my sleep so I could come back refreshed.
One of my daughters been struck down with some kind of illness today anyway and had to have today off school, so just decided to play 5 x £10 HU SnGs cos that's enough for me to make the 25 points needed for the freeroll tonight so that I can include that in tonight's schedule.
I won 4 out of 5 of them for a £27.50 profit so not too shabby.
So cashed for about £90 in main
Missed the money and no heads in £55 BH
Just outside the money in that 9:30pm £11 BH again 52/396 (40 paid), was a big one tonight with £500+heads up top. Got £5 of heads in that.
Bricked the mini, no heads, GII AQ v AT v T9 and got beat by both. Bricked a £10 UKPC QF, the iPhone FR, a £12 sat into the £55 BH, and another £11 BH.
-£43 night in all when the night held such promise about an hour ago
Ah well, back again tomorrow!
Semi deep run in mini ended with AT<AK aipf, think I was fairly close to the money, wasn't really looking tbh, got 1 head. Bust very close to the money in an £11 BH (£1k GTD) with 1 head, bricks all round elsewhere.
Then I realised it was 11pm Sat night (I'd bust all comps by this point) and I should go play some cash. I went to look and the tables were absolutely grim, literally seen better Wednesday afternoons. Hardly any tables running, 5 of the same names on every table, and 3-4 regs on every single waiting list. I did sit at 2 x empty 50NL tables for a while to get some going but got no takers.
Eventually sat on 1 table where 2 people were playing HU, I don't usually have a go at people but I sat down and literally the VERY first hand after I sit, the reg instantly stood up, and sat back down so he had direct position on the other guy (who was obv a rec). Imo, that's right up there near the top of the list for nut worst things you can do etiquette-wise. I mean ffs, most regs already have a pretty big edge against your average rec, is it really necessary 1) to eek out that extra edge and 2) to do it in such a blatant fashion.
Hate seeing people do it. If you're joining the table then of course pick the best seat, that's common sense, but not swapping seats all the time to get position on certain players.
Anyway, I got lucky to cooler the rec guy, he left, and I cba playing HU, especially as I was already tilted after the arguement which ensued after I called him out on it, but apparently 'that's poker'. So I left +£50
Decided to play a few HU SnGs. Lost the only £21 game I played courtesy of JJ<QT aipf then at the £10s I played 9 and won 5 for a small £5.50 profit so lost £15.50 overall
Points = 938
So we decided to just ditch BT and move over to EE to get high speed broadband from them. All was going smooth, EE were arranging everything, they said our activation date was X of December (can't remember now) and all was agreed. Then BT decided they hadn't mucked up enough, they had to get one more mistake in before we left, so they thought it was a good idea to cancel our internet supply a week before EE had said they were gonna start supplying us.
So long story short, I aint had internet for a week, which is pretty frustrating when you need it to work! The missing work part aside, I've really loved being away from the internet tbh, no forum, no social media etc. it's been nice. So I think going forward I'll probably continue to take a bit of a back seat with regards to all that.
Tonight was the first night playing so I had a lot of catching up to do seen as I've barely been able to play this month and I was only about +£100 for the month iirc, so the plan was to just win the roller
Bricked the £3k £11 BH, getting it in with 55 v A8 on A57r to see running 8s to bust me. Bricked the Mini Roller, can't remember how.
The only other comp was the £110 Roller which I'm gutted about atm, I was going fine pretty much the whole way. I took a small knock early doors when I flopped trip 2s on 922 and the villian had 99. The hand got showed on 861 and thankfully the villian played it in such a bizarre way that I managed to lose very little. From there it all went went, constantly chipping up slowly all the way through to the very deep stages, sitting with a top 10 stack from about 50 left, then got very unlucky for a pretty big pot against rivermunky... not just a clever name
That was a big knock to my stack, I was down to 30k and shortly after blinds went up to 1ki/2k, at this point I think I was 20/26 with 21 paid. Eventually I 3bet shoved 66, looked up by KQ and bust I think in 24th
Volume has been terrible again this month although at least this time it wasn't completely down to my own laziness. As you know, I had no internet for like 7-8 days of the month and then ofc it's Xmas so many a morning/night doing stuff like xmas shopping, putting tree up, enjoying xmas/visiting family etc.
Easily my lowest points total for 2014 that's for sure (although that's largely because when I have played it's been MTTs).
Anyway, had been a bit of a rubbish month, was floating around the break even/small loss/small profit kinda area for most of the month, but yesterday helped sort that out...
Played all the UKOPS events from when I logged on about 8pm ish (£110 main, £55 BH, £22 BH, £11 Mini) and 2 x £11 BHs.
I also played 10 x £3 AI sats for the main during late reg, won one seat for £110 so £80 profit there.
The £55 BH got off to an absolute stonker of a start after this mental hand. After all the flop action when it got back to me, I did start to think 'aslfjnlsdnfsld someone's got JJ!' but I'm just never folding. They didn't and I held/did a re-get-there.
Can't remember Mini but I bust pretty early, and can't really remember £22 BH but I finished 215/442 and just about covered my BI in heads for about 50p profit.
The main as some will already know went a lot better. Was plodding along nicely, chipping up slowly from the start, then got an absolute gift... all 3 of us are 10k effective, I minraise UTG at 150/300, guy just 3b ships 10k (!!) w/ AKo, guy behind calls the AI with 10k himself holding KK, and we hold to go up to about 37k, putting me in the top 10. Went back to chipping up slow and steady after that and stayed in the top 20 all the way to bubble. Then the wheels came off, just couldn't win a pot and kept losing races, the big one was AQ<AT which left me with 30k at 1250/2500 when we were 6 from the money and suddenly I'd gone from being very comfortable to looking very likely to not cash. Getting the odd shove through I somehow managed to cash (40 were paid) but was sat 39/40 by the time I did.
Then I had spot that happened to work out great for me, I shipped K7o on the BTN iirc, SB called, but then BB reshipped and got the SB to fold which is obv amazing cos now I only gotta beat 1 hand to treble up. The BB had AJo and I managed to win the 40/60 and treble up to a playable stack. Shortly after I held 55 v AT to knock out a 5xBB shorty, then chipped up a bit thru stealing. Blinded down a bit then doubled by winning a flip against Sam1986 (!!) w/ AT v 33, run out was K959, then 5 river for the double pair up.
Few 3b shoves got thru, then doubled AA />AQs, then not long after AK>AQ to really get in contention to win the MTT (yeah ok I ran pretty good!). I'll make an appearance on 861's highlights of the FT on Tuesday for all of 1 hand. Very first hand on FT, CL opens (IhaveAAids) and I 3b shove ATo, he calls AQo and it's gg. Finished 6th for £1952 and a pretty sweet end to the year. Always frustrating when you finish an MTT in any spot other than 1st, especially when you see £10k up top, but very happy with the result, especially after being so short around the money and fully expecting to not even cash.
That's not my biggest online score and takes my SS to a new peak of about £3.6k profit, plan to get that over £15k this time next year when a lot of my volume will be switching to MTTs.
Tomorrow will be the last session of the year for me, will be playing all the UKOPS, then I'm done for this year.
I got a £50 freebet this Xmas from Sky, gutted I missed sticking it on the last enhanced odds spot cos I planned to and forgot, but stuck it on a treble for this Friday.... City, Utd and Chelsea to win, £160 ftw.
Of course the highlight of the year was finishing third at the UKPC 6max side event for £18,000 which at the time was only my 2nd HM flag but then I had only played about 10 live events ever. Now I've played about 11 live events and have a 3rd HM flag after mincashing the Grand Prix Final at DTD. That bink was about 10 months ago though so guess I need to find something new to start bragging about soon!
Just got Pingu to skope my MTTs for the year and here it is. Not bad I guess, largely thanks to my recent UKOPS bink, but then any MTT graph is rubbish if you take out the bigger scores, and obviously I did have the horror show of the previous UKOPS which was pretty much a -£1k dent on the SS (I did sell 50% tho). The main thing is the embarrassing volume, obviously it's understandable when 95% of my volume has been cash but 398 games in a whole year is just bad... it certainly makes a lack of binkage unsurprising.
Plans for 2015
I mentioned this a few weeks/months ago but for 2015 I'm gonna be really hammering the volume for MTTs.Then an interesting opportunity came up very recently (this came after my decision about upping MTT volume)... someone I know a little bit contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in joining a stable ran by a couple of people including Marc Wright. I had to have a good think about it, there are so many factors to consider but there are two major things that have swung me in favour of taking the opportunity....
1) I'd be getting regular MTT coaching from Marc Wright which is worth it's weight in gold imo.
2) I've discussed a few potential issues that I thought may come up and they've been vv flexible about it all. They don't expect me to be putting in crazy volume, they're happy for me to still play cash on Sky with my own £££ (which I'd really only do in mornings anyway but I want that flexibility) and I can keep all my own action in Sky MTTs (just easier cos I'm using my own £££ for cash on here) which I'd prefer anyway.
So I'll be dropping a few of the smaller Sky MTTs from my schedule like £11 BHs, and won't be doing stuff like playing £10 sats for the money just to fill up my table count etc.
I'm gonna have to put a shed load of hard work in myself cos I really wanna get the absolute max out of getting coaching from such a sicko but I know it'll be worth it.
So goals as mentioned recently are that I'll be
1) Top 20 on the SS Leaderboard for Sky
2) Win a ME (finally!)
Gonna be giving this UKPC promo a go via the MTT route, seems a pretty top heavy points system so realistically you need to finish top 2 in the main or mini alongside some other very decent results to have any chance imo but we're all in the same boat so glgl all!!
The decent part was that I flicked in a £5 UKPC Semi Direct, came 1/15 to win a seat, then won (finished top 8) in the Semi so got my £220 final seat on Sunday for £5.