Yes people, I played the hand really bad, I don't think I need anyone else to tell me this lol.
I reckon Rancid knows I'm pretty much the second biggest nit in Nittsville (only after Dudeskin lol), and with how the betting went, I struggle to think of a single hand he has here that I beat on the flop, AK, AA, KK, JJ... doubt he does this (especially against me once I've 3bet) with AQ or TT or lower.
In this case I think I probably saved myself some money but in reality I think I probably should have lost the full BI here. He must know that I can never fold the flop, or at least should never fold the flop and so him sticking the rest in on the flop, knowing he has next to zero FE means it's gonna be more for value and all the more likely I'm behind.
Tbh if he has a monster, AK/AA/KK/JJ, he might be wise to actually check to feign weakness hoping you believe it and try a failed bluff, knowing if you check behind it'll go in on the turn anyway. However from what he knows about you it's clear you're gonna have a tiny number of hands flatting half your stack pre so just thinks you can't fold.
What would have been funny is if he crazily had QQ too lol
Funny thing is, if he does have QQ, I'm probably better off (or about even) folding the flop than I am getting it all in, having rake taken, then splitting it!
Took a break from cash last night and was planning on the same again tonight.
Just thought I'd post because I decided to have my first go at qualifying for Blackpool. I aint gonna be spending much money on doing it this time, if I qualify cheaper then great, if not, I'll just not play at Blackpool.... well, maybe some side events.
So I played my first £5 satellite which finished 5-10 mins ago. 14 runners so there were 2 seats into the semi and 3rd got £19.20. There was a combination of very good play from me and some terrible play from some of the worse players in there. One hand quite late on, it was min-raised, I re-jammed with JJ and villian called off like 80% of his stack with 89off when he was not commited at all.
Anyway, got down to 3 handed, me a guy called Jeff something and cenachav... me and cenachav only had about 8-9k and the other guy had like 24k. Cenachav jams AJs from the button, I happily call on the BB with AK... I hit a straight and he hits a flush
No hard feelings Cenachav, had a good bit of banter through that sat, and I still got £19.20... just deciding now whether I use it to buy-in direct tonight or just play some more £5 sats cos I can probably get more attempts for my money.
I've been a bit distracted from poker these last few days. My brother (an avid chess player and occasional poker player) has convinced me finally to join up to It's free to sign up, and you can either play live chess online or correspondence chess.
I hadn't played a game of chess since I was about 15 or younger, and basically then I only knew the rules in terms of what moves each piece can make but nothing about strategy. But yeah, these last few days I've really got hooked on it.
Just binked a free entry into the Blackpool £24 Semi courtesy of 865. And I'm already £15 up after my first £5 satellite for Blackpool when I bubbled for £19, so who knows... maybe I'll be able to get to Blackpool and make a £15 profit in the process
I've been a bit distracted from poker these last few days. My brother (an avid chess player and occasional poker player) has convinced me finally to join up to It's free to sign up, and you can either play live chess online or correspondence chess. I hadn't played a game of chess since I was about 15 or younger, and basically then I only knew the rules in terms of what moves each piece can make but nothing about strategy. But yeah, these last few days I've really got hooked on it. Any other chess players out there? Posted by Lambert180
I used to play chess a few years ago, but I haven't play for ages.
I just subscribed to I will give it a go.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Journey Through Cash Games : I used to play chess a few years ago, but I haven't play for ages. I just subscribed to I will give it a go. Do you want to arrange a match? Posted by GreekWay
Yeah sure. As I said, I aint played for 10+ years and even then I only knew the absolute basics so I'm virtually learning from scratch and might not give you a great game, but yeah I'm up for a game.
My name on there is Lambert180, just thought it would be easy for me to remember and anyone who plays and is on Sky will remember it easily.
Bit gutted after tonight. Played the 'Coach Kendall' freeroll, think I played really well, got coolered early on getting KK in pre against AA, but managed to come back and chip up quite well. Was playing well, but in the very deep stages it became a case of needing to win races again and again. I managed to come 121st which normally I'd be quite happy with considering there were 1000 runners but I really wanted to take it down, or at least FT for a sky hoody.
Then I made a pretty swift exit from my free entry into the Blackpool semi I got injured in a previous hand and this hand happened...
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Two Pairs, Aces and 7s
I wanted to get it in on the flop when I had the most equity and knew I was virtually flipping even against AA. Was happy to double up (hopefully) or add 25% to my stack.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Journey Through Cash Games : Yeah sure. As I said, I aint played for 10+ years and even then I only knew the absolute basics so I'm virtually learning from scratch and might not give you a great game, but yeah I'm up for a game. My name on there is Lambert180, just thought it would be easy for me to remember and anyone who plays and is on Sky will remember it easily. Posted by Lambert180
Do you fancy playing best of 5 in chess and best of 5 on HUSNGs?
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Journey Through Cash Games : Do you fancy playing best of 5 in chess and best of 5 on HUSNGs? It should be fun. Posted by GreekWay
Yeah sounds good to me, what's your username on I'm up for the HU SnGs too, I like to think it's one of my most successful formats :P how big do you want the buy-in?
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Journey Through Cash Games : Yeah sounds good to me, what's your username on I'm up for the HU SnGs too, I like to think it's one of my most successful formats :P how big do you want the buy-in? Posted by Lambert180
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Journey Through Cash Games : My username on is Greek_Way. Do fancy playing five 2.10 HUSNGs? Posted by GreekWay
I don't seem to be able to find you. Maybe you can find me .... Lambert180
And yeah I'm up for £2.10 HU games, best of 5. I'm off to bed in a minute, so can't do it now, but I'm free pretty much every evening (except tomorrow night cos I'm playing a live game tomorrow).
Best of luck. It's refreshing to see a thread about HU sngs as they are a passion of mine. Are you still concentrating on the turbos? Posted by patwalshh
Not anymore, it had been my most profitable format so I was playing them to build my BR back up, but then I went and cashed at SPT Cardiff for £375 so that basically gave me back a decent enough BR where I was happy multi-tabling 10NL which is what I've been doing since. Although admittedly I've taken 1 too many days off recently cos I've been playing loads of chess... need to get back on the grind.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 - A Journey Through Cash Games : Not anymore, it had been my most profitable format so I was playing them to build my BR back up, but then I went and cashed at SPT Cardiff for £375 so that basically gave me back a decent enough BR where I was happy multi-tabling 10NL which is what I've been doing since. Although admittedly I've taken 1 too many days off recently cos I've been playing loads of chess... need to get back on the grind. Posted by Lambert180
Ahh grats on the cash. How does it feel to have your own Hendon page? How many tables of 10nl are you playing? Which format do you enjoy the most, stts, hu sngs or cash? I play chess too, would be cool to play you sometime.
I reckon Rancid knows I'm pretty much the second biggest nit in Nittsville (only after Dudeskin lol), and with how the betting went, I struggle to think of a single hand he has here that I beat on the flop, AK, AA, KK, JJ... doubt he does this (especially against me once I've 3bet) with AQ or TT or lower.
In this case I think I probably saved myself some money but in reality I think I probably should have lost the full BI here. He must know that I can never fold the flop, or at least should never fold the flop and so him sticking the rest in on the flop, knowing he has next to zero FE means it's gonna be more for value and all the more likely I'm behind.
But yeah 5bet jam or fold.
Just thought I'd post because I decided to have my first go at qualifying for Blackpool. I aint gonna be spending much money on doing it this time, if I qualify cheaper then great, if not, I'll just not play at Blackpool.... well, maybe some side events.
So I played my first £5 satellite which finished 5-10 mins ago. 14 runners so there were 2 seats into the semi and 3rd got £19.20. There was a combination of very good play from me and some terrible play from some of the worse players in there. One hand quite late on, it was min-raised, I re-jammed with JJ and villian called off like 80% of his stack with 89off when he was not commited at all.
Anyway, got down to 3 handed, me a guy called Jeff something and cenachav... me and cenachav only had about 8-9k and the other guy had like 24k. Cenachav jams AJs from the button, I happily call on the BB with AK... I hit a straight and he hits a flush
No hard feelings Cenachav, had a good bit of banter through that sat, and I still got £19.20... just deciding now whether I use it to buy-in direct tonight or just play some more £5 sats cos I can probably get more attempts for my money.
I hadn't played a game of chess since I was about 15 or younger, and basically then I only knew the rules in terms of what moves each piece can make but nothing about strategy. But yeah, these last few days I've really got hooked on it.
Any other chess players out there?
My name on there is Lambert180, just thought it would be easy for me to remember and anyone who plays and is on Sky will remember it easily.
Then I made a pretty swift exit from my free entry into the Blackpool semi
Dya think my thinking is sound here?
And yeah I'm up for £2.10 HU games, best of 5. I'm off to bed in a minute, so can't do it now, but I'm free pretty much every evening (except tomorrow night cos I'm playing a live game tomorrow).