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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited September 2015
    Replied mate
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Had a couple of FTs last night, but both quite small ones, a $12 FO and the 55KO on 888, and I bust both in 9th :( so was a small loss on the night.

    Comps: 155
    Profit/Loss: +$6498

    Updated graph for the month...

    It was a pretty bad night last night in terms of busting lots of comps very fast so towards the end of the night I was only 5tabling and was a bit too late to reg up more so played some more £10 Hypers on Sky. Won 8 out of 13 for +£23.50

    I am planning on replying to you btw Waller, I'm just trying to think of what the best way of doing it is.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Feel realllly knackered tonight for some reason and I aint gonna be online tomorrow so thought I'd just do the results super quick now.

    Small win tonight, about +$50 overall. The best result was FT'ing a $10 turbo rebuy on party, it had 380 runners iirc, I got 8th for $350 ish, think it was $1.4k ftw. Plays crazy shallow at the sharp end though, I think 1 person on the FT had >10bb, so yeh you gotta win them races.

    Few other small cashes, and yeah abuot +$50

    Comp count is always gonna be out at this time cos SS doesn't add them until they've finished and loads won't have yet.

    Comps: 162
    Profit/Loss: +$6549

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Total bricks last night, got a few heads in a 27pko but otherwise 0 cashes.

    Comps: 190
    Profit/Loss: +$6137

    Played a few of £10 Hypers when tables were low at end of night, won 2, lose 1 for +£8.50 and 1tabled 20nl for a bit for another like +£8.50

    Gonna be starting a new thread for my Twitch thing cos I'm doing a 'runitup' style thing, won't expalin too much here cos I'll just be repeating myself in the new thread.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Forgot to update my last session, and I played tonight, the former was about a $200 loss and tonight was about +$300

    No big wins tonight, few min cashes, few heads, 4th in a $16 turbo from 230 runners for $300 and 4th in $22 deepy from 200 runners for $350

    Will have to update comp count tomorrow cos it's Sunday and most comps I played won't be finished so I'll have to put a guess in for now.

    Comps: 230
    Profit: +$6208

    Gonna do another couple of hours Twitch tomorrow morning, so need my sleep now.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited September 2015
    Have a look out the window at the supermoon.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Forgot to update my last session, and I played tonight, the former was about a $200 loss and tonight was about +$300 No big wins tonight, few min cashes, few heads, 4th in a $16 turbo from 230 runners for $300 and 4th in $22 deepy from 200 runners for $350 Will have to update comp count tomorrow cos it's Sunday and most comps I played won't be finished so I'll have to put a guess in for now. Comps: 230 Profit: +$6208 Gonna do another couple of hours Twitch tomorrow morning, so need my sleep now.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Slept in?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : Slept in?
    Posted by Phantom66

    Hit the nail on the head...

    ...and DTM has covered why it happened. Emma was really excited about the blood moon last night and got me to stay up till it happened fully which iirc must have been in the region of 4:30am. Tbh I felt it was a bit anti-climatic, I was expecting something more stunning.

    But yeh I woke up about 30 mins prior to when I was supposed to be live on Twitch, plus both my kids have had to take the day off school sick so I gg'd the Twitch morning so I could be around to help Emma with the kids.

    Which reminds me actually of a conversation I was having with some of the lads a couple of days ago... I was saying that at the UKPC Percy asked me how my volume was going, I replied and he said something like 'yeah and you've got a girlfriend and 2 kids so it must be pretty tough'. I'm not getting the violin out lol but I think Perc is the ONLY person ever to acknowledge (verbally at least) the difference that makes. Almost 100% of people I know that play for a living are either single, childless or both. It certainly can be done (Thewy did it long enough with a lot more kids than me!) but it makes a pretty big difference, especially as Emma's EDS does raise a variety of issues and make certain tasks tough for her.

    And on that topic, Emma posted a blog the other night so I'll share it here, it's only vv short

    To make up for this morning, I'm gonna do a night time Twitch of the Sky Spin Up tonight. Should be around 8pm so make sure you tune in!
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : Hit the nail on the head... ...and DTM has covered why it happened. Emma was really excited about the blood moon last night and got me to stay up till it happened fully which iirc must have been in the region of 4:30am. Tbh I felt it was a bit anti-climatic, I was expecting something more stunning. But yeh I woke up about 30 mins prior to when I was supposed to be live on Twitch, plus both my kids have had to take the day off school sick so I gg'd the Twitch morning so I could be around to help Emma with the kids. Which reminds me actually of a conversation I was having with some of the lads a couple of days ago... I was saying that at the UKPC Percy asked me how my volume was going, I replied and he said something like 'yeah and you've got a girlfriend and 2 kids so it must be pretty tough'. I'm not getting the violin out lol but I think Perc is the ONLY person ever to acknowledge (verbally at least) the difference that makes. Almost 100% of people I know that play for a living are either single, childless or both. It certainly can be done (Thewy did it long enough with a lot more kids than me!) but it makes a pretty big difference, especially as Emma's EDS does raise a variety of issues and make certain tasks tough for her. And on that topic, Emma posted a blog the other night so I'll share it here, it's only vv short To make up for this morning, I'm gonna do a night time Twitch of the Sky Spin Up tonight. Should be around 8pm so make sure you tune in!
    Posted by Lambert180
    I do understand that its harder for someone with kids to grind but surely you must know people that have kids and work whether it be poker as a job or another job? Also, I would have thought someone without kids would grind more than a normal full time job.

    I can think of at least 3 off the top of my head that you know that have kids and play full time. Also another couple that have kids and work full time and put in a decent grind.

    I am not saying it is easy but I don't think it should be!
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2015

    You should have your balls chopped off if you don't make sure Emma gets an automatic car pdq. Life can be tough enough without unnecessary hardships. 

    Partner and two kids. Join the family. 
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited September 2015
    Completely off topic from your tourney run goods - but I just wanted to say that having met your Emma at UKPC in Aug that you're a very lucky man to have her!! (and I hope you realise it lol).  Not many people would go to UKPC just to support their other half - and more so with Emmas struggles it's even more amazing.  

    PS I also 2nd the fact that Emma would prob find life so much easier with an automatic car.   I actually drive one myself now - but from personal choice rather than necessity.  I drive stop, start, stop, start all the time and love the freedom of the automatic. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    +1 Matt, it deffo shouldn't be easy. That wasn't like a cry for help or anything, it was just a conversation I was having with the lads the other day.

    Geldy/Rose I think I'd have my balls chopped off if I got rid of her car lol, she absolutely loves the one she has now. I think one of the points of her blog is that she wants to continue doing as much as she can while she can still do it, so she isn't gonna want an automatic car until it's an absolute must (her choice not mine!)

    And yes Rose, I know full well how lucky I am to have Emma and for the fact she still puts up with me!
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited September 2015
    My cousin's super sporty auto car going for cheap!

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2015
    I think one point is fairly clear, you should be playing more poker. You can use any amount of excuses possible but you've spent years developing your game to this level, you even decided to turn it into a job for yourself which was a risky decision. You have to now spend as much time as possible playing and learning, otherwise it can easily be a mistake. Often, imo, us poker professionals don't realise how fortunate we are. Yes, I do think playing poker for a living takes more mental ability than a lot of other jobs, that seems fairly clear since it's a mental game - you're constantly in a battle against other professionals and if you slip behind, then you can't make it any longer. This applies very strongly in cash but still in tournaments too. But what we must remember is that we're doing this firmly out of choice and there's much less security in poker compared to a normal job, but the benefit? there's not much of a ceiling. Sure, that ceiling has been starting to appear for the past few years, but it's still significantly higher than for most other jobs. 

    You are effectively your own CEO - you make the decisions, you decide what happens. It is more difficult with a girlfriend and kids, sure, but your girlfriend has to understand what it takes to make poker work (and I'm sure Emma does), and one of the greatest things you can do for your kids is to work as hard as possible NOW while you have one of the best opportunities for a vast amount of quick $$$. Create schedules, every day, including poker, gf, kids. everything with a strategy makes life easier. 

    From a personal perspective, I would ditch twitch asap. The reward isn't there and I think it's almost a complete waste of time. It seems a no brainer to me - spend this time, and other time that you're wasting, learning and/or playing. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Wow, didn't expect all this from what was a passing comment, and just a small segment of a convo I'd had elsewhere. I guess the response is understandable without more details/the full context of that conversation and Emma thought I should probably clarify our circumstances.

    I thought I'd get Emma to help out with this post (I'm still doing the writing) to make sure I accurately cover her POV. I won't go into loads of details but both of our children (5yr old and 7yr old) have complex needs (Lily has EDS and Autism, Leah has a bowel condition and is also suspected of EDS), and as I've mentioned in the past Emma has EDS too... if one parent has EDS then there's a 50% chance of any child having it too so we lost 2 flips there ;)

    I agree schedules are great but in our circumstances they're almost always pretty useless (Emma's words) because problems arise very regularly and almost always without any warning. There's a ton of symptoms that come along with Emma's condition, one of which is that she generally dislocates a variety of different body parts (knees, shoulders, fingers etc) multiple times a week and suffers from chronic fatigue. When Emma is having a bad day, which is pretty common, I essentially take the role of a single parent and a carer for Emma, and so tbh work comes last in those situations. This means my hours often do reflect how good a week Emma is having. 

    We were actually discussing the other day about what it would be like if I ever had a 'regular' 9-5 kinda job again and we concluded that I just wouldn't be able to do it, because Emma needs someone to be around to help too often (and there's no family to help).

    Emma has told me off now for how long this post has got! And I can put the violins away now, again I don't want sympathy etc. just felt like I needed to clarify where I was coming from.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
     From a personal perspective, I would ditch twitch asap. The reward isn't there and I think it's almost a complete waste of time. It seems a no brainer to me - spend this time, and other time that you're wasting, learning and/or playing. 
    Posted by percival09
    I'll concede to that point though... begrudgingly :p

    I remember a while ago having a chat with PatWalsh for something he was doing for uni, think it was about the psychology of poker players. He mentioned about how a huge % of poker players love the plaundits and use it as a big motivation, whether that comes in the form of Pocket5s, sharkscope, hendon mob, being on 861, being respected/popular in a forum/community, getting trophies/photos taken at live comps (when u win), being mentioned in poker media etc etc.

    I deffo fall into that category, I don't have a big ego on the tables (I know plenty that do), it never affects me game in that way, but I deffo do love all that stuff, and have probably wasted too much time on it tbf. ****, I probably wouldn't even have a diary on here full stop if I didn't want the 'audience'. Need to be more efficient with the use of my time.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    +1 Geldy/Rose I think I'd have my balls chopped off if I got rid of her car lol, she absolutely loves the one she has now. I think one of the points of her blog is that she wants to continue doing as much as she can while she can still do it, so she isn't gonna want an automatic car until it's an absolute must (her choice not mine!) 
    Posted by Lambert180
    fair enough if she loves her car.

    but these days an automatic is the preferred choice for many, and seen as an upgrade to having a manual (although not if you're a boy racer who likes to spin the wheels at the traffic lights, and i'm thinking Emma shouldn't really be doing that). so when Emma is ready to change you should look to inspire her to upgrade it to an automatic.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2015
    Yo just finalising the stats for last month, then I can file it away as another failure ;)

    Comps: 241
    Profit: +$5816

    The final graph...

    And for anyone who's into this sort of stuff, the final stats page...

    Didn't make 400 comps, not even close. I was powering on at the start of the month, lost momentum when I couldn't play stake for a week, and st


    Back on the Sky wagon this month... exciting! I've missed the Sky games. I'm also gonna be putting in some hours at cash (at my usual stakes) to shoot for Prio for the first time in probably close to 12 months.

    I usually get in the region of 5k points from MTTs on here, so need another 5k points from cash in the mornings. Can break it up anyway, 20 mornings of 250 points, 15 sessions around the 330 points mark, whatever.

    Anyway, played some today and got about 300 points. Having to play multiple levels due to lack of tables running so had 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100nl open. Was doing great on every table except ofc the one 100nl table where I got destroyed lol, so finished about -£100.

    Back for some MTTs tonight
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    Very nice month Lambert good luck for October.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2015
    Cheers Timmy, you gonna be shooting for the Punta Cana thing.. if only to get some money from the leaderboard? Seems a bit meh to me cos it's just swamped by people playing RRs or crazy amounts of Hypers where they just know they're playing too many to ever be +EV. Each to their own I guess.

    Happy to be able to say I came back to Sky 'with a bang', just took down the 9pm £55bh first night back :D

    Good to wipe out the cash losses and then some from the morning.

    Only 466 points today, need to be getting 500+ per day really, must do better.

    Lambert1802650001£490.25 + £215.81 Head Prizes4£72.70TTayseer02£291.50 + £171.67 Head Prizes4 SLANLEAT03£198.75 + £56.25 Head Prizes2 
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