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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2015
    I haven't played 25 for 3 years, and I haven't played Sky in even longer time, but it won't be very much tougher. the regulars will know what they're doing more, but the great thing about those stakes on stars is that there will be a lot of fun players. you might even have an average of 1/table, or more, so it should be alright.

    I wouldn't worry too much, 5k hands like you say is just a bit of fun
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Cheers for the input Perc.

    Turns out I don't even know what day it is. My last update was listing all the comps I played in the first day of Sept... then JJ pointed out to me on FB that it was still August yesterday.

    So today was actually the first day of the 400+ comp grind. Rubbish day in terms of results, but decent volume. The 'highlight' was finishing 103rd in a $27 turbo ko on stars out of about 1300 for $75 so pretty meh.

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    I had a good month on Sky in August and things been going pretty poor on stake recently so I'm spending Sept putting all my effort into that. So taking a break from Sky for a bit and filling that screen space with more 888/party/stars. The aim for the month is 400 MTTs across those 3 sites. That's just 20 sessions with 20 comps per session so a very reasonable target. Kicked off tonight, only 17 MTTs tonight I think, can't remember cos I've deleted it from the little notepad doc I keep track of it in mid session. I'll stick graphs in for just Sept when I can get someone with a SS subscription to do them for me, but first night was a small loss. Few deep runs, 1 FT (1 $27ko turbo on 888) but no big scores. ==================================== JJ/Dohhh has suggested an interesting charity bet for me if I choose to accept, and I guess by posting it here I am accepting it. The details haven't been totally finalised, we basically just need to decide on a number of hands, but basically I play $25NL zoom on stars for X number of hands. If I do it and lose money over the period I get £10 for charity, if I do it and win over the period I get £30 for charity. I'm under no illusions though, 25NL zoom on stars is worlds away from the standard on Sky and will be vv tough compared to simiilar stakes here, but it's only a bit of fun, and it's only gonna be over a very small sample anyway, maybe 5k hands, so anything can happen.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Def over estemating the quality at 25 nl zoom.... dont get me wrong there are soe great regs playing that level who crush but 25nl is still so fishy that paying ABC would make you breakeven to 2 bb p/100 winner

    If anyone wanted to take action against you winning at that level I would offer 7/5

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Cheers itsover4u, given me a bit more confidence. I dunno tbh, I'm only going from what I've heard other people say anyway cos I've never played more than maybe a few hundred hands of cash on stars ever. I've been a winner at 50NL on here over a pretty chunky sample but I've always been told the standard of stars cash games, even at low stakes, is miles ahead of Sky.

    I got my first win in a while last night, although it was in the comp with by far the smallest 1st prize of all the comps I play so was only a vv small winning session with some other smaller cashes alongside.

    I'll post the graph but annoyingly SS has decided that the 1 comp it wanted to miss out when updating was the one I won :D

    And I'll post the lobby of the comp I won just to show what's missing

    So I'm down a little for the month atm, but winning a comp with 368 runners is a great confidence boost after so long without much in the way of results, and very happy so far with volume.

    Back again for more tonight!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2015
    I've always been a bit confused as to why you're just playing mtts predominantly now Paul. From what I understand the variance is a lot higher than cash.
    As a sole income this must put a lot of pressure on you?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    I've always been a bit confused as to why you're just playing mtts predominantly now Paul. From what I understand the variance is a lot higher than cash. As a sole income this must put a lot of pressure on you?
    Posted by Jac35
    A lot of people think there is more variance with cash compared to MTTs but it depends on what MTTs you play. If you game select well and play non stars MTTs (well smaller field MTTs) then the variance is reduced significantly. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    I've always been a bit confused as to why you're just playing mtts predominantly now Paul. From what I understand the variance is a lot higher than cash. As a sole income this must put a lot of pressure on you?
    Posted by Jac35
    I was/am kinda trying to get ahead of the curve. Just in the short time I've been playing full time, cash games are getting worse and worse. I'm not saying csah games are dead yet, but it'll go that way. In fact Perc just mentioned the other day that big changes are coming in on stars and a lot of the cash players that were getting 70% RB and relied on that will soon be lucky to get half that, and he reckons that's gonna result in a lot of stars regs stopping playing cash.

    MTTs are just so much softer and imo will be like that for a vvv long time because there is a large luck factor in the short term of MTTs, and anyone can have a lucky night and bink big, and that's what will always keep weaker players coming back. Everyone can dream of getting lucky and winning the roller, or the sunday million or doing a chris moneymaker. To some I'm sure it's like the lottery, they know they're a losing player, but just that one time, all the stars may align and they win huge. Whereas more and more weak players are sitting in cash games where they just have no hope of winning so they get fed up.

    So I think it's only a matter of time before others make similar moves on and I wanna be ahead of them, and (with the help of marc wright) already be one of the ones crushing and having made loads from the games when everyone else comes over and has to start brushing up on their MTT game.

    Yes swings can be bigger, but imo the rewards/profits are bigger too. Fwiw, the swings are bigger on sites outside of Sky cos most comps are much bigger than your average sky field and the standard is a little better in general. On Sky, the swings are relatively small. Like I play about £250 per night of MTTs on Sky and have had many a -£1k period this year but we've had 8 months this year, 7 of those I've been in profit and 6 of those were 4 figures, and I haven't ran particularly amazing, I haven't really had any huge wins, just consistent solid grinding out small wins.
  • ommomm Member Posts: 444
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Cheers itsover4u, given me a bit more confidence. I dunno tbh, I'm only going from what I've heard other people say anyway cos I've never played more than maybe a few hundred hands of cash on stars ever. I've been a winner at 50NL on here over a pretty chunky sample but I've always been told the standard of stars cash games, even at low stakes, is miles ahead of Sky. I got my first win in a while last night, although it was in the comp with by far the biggest 1st prize of all the comps I play so was only a vv small winning session with some other smaller cashes alongside. I'll post the graph but annoyingly SS has decided that the 1 comp it wanted to miss out when updating was the one I won :D And I'll post the lobby of the comp I won just to show what's missing So I'm down a little for the month atm, but winning a comp with 368 runners is a great confidence boost after so long without much in the way of results, and very happy so far with volume. Back again for more tonight!
    Posted by Lambert180

    Congrats on the first place, I've recently signed up to Party really the main reason being to qualify for larger live events at DTD, however I'm having great difficulty adapting to the software, I find the cards difficult to see, especially when poultice tabling, seems to constantly freeze (just got a brand new really fast PC), and for the life of me I cannot find where I can see opponents cards when I win at showdown (I know where the reply button is, but once replied the cards do know show). Of course I would imagine time will make a difference but any advice on making these issues better?
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : Congrats on the first place, I've recently signed up to Party really the main reason being to qualify for larger live events at DTD, however I'm having great difficulty adapting to the software, I find the cards difficult to see, especially when poultice tabling, seems to constantly freeze (just got a brand new really fast PC), and for the life of me I cannot find where I can see opponents cards when I win at showdown (I know where the reply button is, but once replied the cards do know show). Of course I would imagine time will make a difference but any advice on making these issues better?
    Posted by omm

    +1 from me Paul (again). WP.

    As for HH omm.....there is a menu tab at the top of the table screen (near the lobby tab). If you click on that, HH is in there. It took me a while to find that how to change the clock to BST.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Cheers guys.

    Yeah Omm in the top right corner of the table there is the Hand ID, if you click on the number then it loads the recent HHs for that tourney in a little window and you can view them all. It looks absolutely horrible though, vv hard to read/scroll to where you want to without it just seeming to do what it wants. If I wanna check a HH or check what someone mucked on Party, I always just use the bit in PT4 that lists recently played hands cos it's easier to read.

    It can be a bit iffy tbh with freezing yeh, no getting round that, and as for reading the cards, I always find it takes a bit of getting used to whenever I start playing on a new site just cos on

    Fwiw, just jumped on a freeplay table to show you, this is what mine looks like and it's fairly easy to read. If you don't already do it then 100% go and put '4 colour deck' on, should do that on every site. You can go to the options tab on left hand side of lobby, then on the 'Basic' tab there's a button 'Customize' where you can change a few bits, table background, card types etc but not much you can change really.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Brief session update from last night. 'Won' another MTT last night, I put it in inverted commas because we were 3handed and did a chop. It was a small $6 turbo rebuy on 888 and 3handed I had 1.1mil and the other two had like 300k and 400k with the blinds at 15k/30k so I got like $550 when 1st prize was $630. So we were just playing on for Pocketfives medal brags lol, 400k man knocked out 300k man, then I had AK<78 for the gold medal, had to settle for silver.

    A variety of other small cashes in $16 turbo, $12 rebuy, DTD Mini, big11, 13ko, 27ko, 10 super ko made for about +$300 sesh.

    Here's graph mostly for game counts now though cos SS is missing all sorts so just gonna keep runnning totals for this month too.

    Comps: 75
    Profit/Loss: -$157
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Quick update cos about to get into a big Sunday grind.

    Pretty rough session last night, just didn't race well, pretty much all bricks, maybe totalled $100 cashes across all comps, and that was mostly down to 1 hand of pure heat lol. There's a $55ko on 888 where it's $25 per head (it's not progressive) and it really is such a crazy soft tournament. Stacks are all 3k at 10/20 cos it's the very first hand, I get dealt AA UTG, I open to 60, UTG1 3bets to 190, BTN ships 150bb (lol) with AKo, I tank a bit and call, UTG1 comes along too also with AKo :D

    $50 of heads and freerolling the comp by the 2nd hand ;)

    Anyway, lost pretty much what I won last session.

    Comps: 97
    Profit/Loss: -$558

    Going into a big Sunday now so Profit/Loss tomorrow is probably either gonna be minus a 4 figure amount or I'll be back in the black. Gl everyone with their Sundays.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Pretty meh Sunday, running the same as I was the day before. Just one of these standard periods where the races don't go your way, must have lost at least 10 x 80/20s.

    I did win one race which was probably the most funny/mental race I've ever seen. It was in the DTD Micro ($5), shorty w/ like 5bb jams, about 12bb rejams, about 35bb rejams, I've got like 17bb w/ AKs and it's prob not the best call ever but thought meh, wanted to spin it up or finish that comp so I call, then guy behind cold calls lol.

    Turns out to be my AKs v AQ v AJ v KQ v 96s. Board doesn't pair, no flush, no1 makes a pair and AK high is good to nearly 5x my stack.

    I had a really deep run in a $10 super KO on stars which took me till about 3:30am to finish and ended in much frustration. I came 20th out of just over 2200 for $90 :( First chance for a big score on stars in ages. Few other little cashes and I was about -$300 for the night.

    I was 1tabling that $10 stars comp from about 1am onwards and really couldn't be bothered to re-reg more MTTs so just played some £10 Hypers on Sky to keep me busy. Started great and was 5-1 up, then got this opponent who just could not lose a hand lol, frustrating because he was possibly the worst player I've ever seen at Hypers, literally snapping off jams w/ 34o etc, basically ATC but just won every race. He got me back to 5-5 before I finally won 1 then he left :(

    Ended up winning 16 and losing 14 for a fiver profit and some pointsss

    Latest graph...

    Comps: 118
    Profit/Loss: -$879

    On the positives, I aint made it 4 figures into the red yet :D Seriously though, the numbers might seem big, but for what I'm playing, this isn't like a horrific start to a month or anything, it's fairly standard.

    Volume going great, results not!

    Back on the grind tonight, gl all.
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015
    Good luck for the rest of the month Buddy!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Cheers Timmy.

    Few issues came up with a mate, so didn't play yest and can't play tonight for the same reason. Will be back vv soon though.

    Was just mooching around online as I do and stumbled across this... it's got all my highlights from the Twitch days (and some really old stuff)

    Top vid on there was the double FT of $11r and $35 turbo, when I got about 300-350 viewers. Good times.

  • ommomm Member Posts: 444
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Pretty meh Sunday, running the same as I was the day before. Just one of these standard periods where the races don't go your way, must have lost at least 10 x 80/20s. I did win one race which was probably the most funny/mental race I've ever seen. It was in the DTD Micro ($5), shorty w/ like 5bb jams, about 12bb rejams, about 35bb rejams, I've got like 17bb w/ AKs and it's prob not the best call ever but thought meh, wanted to spin it up or finish that comp so I call, then guy behind cold calls lol. Turns out to be my AKs v AQ v AJ v KQ v 96s. Board doesn't pair, no flush, no1 makes a pair and AK high is good to nearly 5x my stack. I had a really deep run in a $10 super KO on stars which took me till about 3:30am to finish and ended in much frustration. I came 20th out of just over 2200 for $90 :( First chance for a big score on stars in ages. Few other little cashes and I was about -$300 for the night. I was 1tabling that $10 stars comp from about 1am onwards and really couldn't be bothered to re-reg more MTTs so just played some £10 Hypers on Sky to keep me busy. Started great and was 5-1 up, then got this opponent who just could not lose a hand lol, frustrating because he was possibly the worst player I've ever seen at Hypers, literally snapping off jams w/ 34o etc, basically ATC but just won every race. He got me back to 5-5 before I finally won 1 then he left :( Ended up winning 16 and losing 14 for a fiver profit and some pointsss Latest graph... Comps: 118 Profit/Loss: -$879 On the positives, I aint made it 4 figures into the red yet :D Seriously though, the numbers might seem big, but for what I'm playing, this isn't like a horrific start to a month or anything, it's fairly standard. Volume going great, results not! Back on the grind tonight, gl all.
    Posted by Lambert180

    He probably just read Teddybloats HUSNG stratergy blog and decided to widen his range ;-)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    He must have Omm! He must have imagined the bit where Teddy said do not fold any hand ever.

    There's been a little issue with the stable recently so not been able to play (no i aint been sacked), will be sorted soon. So in the meantime I'm taking JJ up on his offer of the charity challenge at 25nl zoom on stars as he mentioned in his diary.

    It's pretty addictive that zoom lark, I've never played it before (for more than a min or two), crazy how fast you can get through hands when 4tabling it. Ran pretty bad first session, rec'd a couple of coolers, set under set etc, and lost the 2 allins of the session QQ<AK and Kx < 89dd on KQx dd, but happy with what the games are like. As a couple of people have said, definitely still a lot of weaker players in the pool, and definitely don't feel out of my depth at all which is something I thought I might do (mostly due to fear mongering from others).

    Finished down 2 BIs ($52), was -$17 in terms of EVaments fwiw after 2k hands which only took like 2hr, maybe 2.5hr.

    Graph so far...

    Can deffo see how people can put crazy volume in on stars at zoom getting in like 1k hands per hr.

    So I got 3k hands to turn it around.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    It's pretty addictive that zoom lark
    Posted by Lambert180
    It has been said recently that zoom players are like hero in addicts. 

    Now you've experienced it, (zoom, not hero in afaik), do you think there's any truth in that statement?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Lol JJ, well there's truth in the fact that it's addictive, but hero in, I'd imagine is considerably more harmful to you.

    Really is great fun Zoom, starting to <3 it.

    Got another mini session in today for the challenge and a much better one than yesterday.

    3700 hands played now and I'm now +$65 total (so this morning was about +$115)

    New graph....

    EV line is now almost dead on actual profit so that's nice. The next session will deffo be the one that takes me to 5k hands and finishes off the challenge and still all to play for.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    Anddd that's me done for zoom... for a little while anyway. I may grind bits of it in the daytime when it's so much easier to fit in than a big MTT session you gotta commit to and can't stand if necessary.

    Final totals are...

    5003 hands played

    Here's the final graph...

    So I won the bet and JJ will be shipping £30 here...


    I'm also glad to say all stable issues have been sorted, so gonna withdraw all my own money from stars now, to be topped up by the guys, and then it's back for a big Sunday MTT grind tomorrow. Not played MTTs in what feels like ages so pretty excited (almost certainly won't feel that way at 2am tomorrow/Monday lol)

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