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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited July 2015
    Well played last night mate, I tried to tell you when HU not to do a brag post today but you took it down in seconds. That FT yesterday was hyper turbo!  Bubble time shorts kept doubling up (inc you with the 77's) then suddenly was HU and that was over.

    Great to watch and well done again :) 
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2015


    (Congratzz!!! :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    Lol JJ, it's been so long since I looked in this thread, couldn't remember what bink your post relates too, so had a quick look at that date in my spreadsheet, it was a Sunday and I won the big 11bh, the late 22bh, and got 7th in Roller... good times.

    Thought I'd do a bit of a UKPC update although not a great deal to say really, it was a bit of a flop for me, with regards to the actual tournament anyway. The main started pretty bad, I dropped from 50k to about 30k in about 60 mins without seeing showdown once, just lots of spots where I had to bet/fold. I won a little pot, can't remember it exactly but took me o about 40k, and then came a nice double up to take me to about 90k.

    UTG1 opened, CO peels, and I squeeze from the SB with QQ, just CO calls. CO up to this point has been pretty decent, if not a little too agressive and bombing if his opponent shows any sign of weakness and it's worked out wel for him so far. Anyway, I cbet 822r and he calls. Gonna be tons of floats etc and I beat almost 100% of his range that calls. Turn is a 7 and I figure best chance of me getting the max is checking and letting him value bet worse and all his floats. He does bomb and I call. River is another 8 so it's 82278 now and he bombs again, pretty much putting me all-in, I call and he shows 55.

    Spent the next like 4-5 hours hovering around that 100k mark which I was happy with cos was stil above average, then the wheels came off. Blinds had gone up so losing a few small pots was costly, and long story short, I got moved to a new table to the left of Rose and was vvv short. I jammed KTo over her limp, she had to call with 44 (I was vv short) and it was gg.

    Was still a great weekend though, I love playing live, it's just a good laugh and you get to meet up with all the Sky regs I talk to online.


    So yeah, gonna get the diary up and running again, but not just boring old results day in day out. Things been going ok last few months, just plodding along nicely, consistent solid profits but no huge binks, and the curse of the Sky main is still on me. I bust the roller 16th last night (effectively) with AQ<A7, it's becoming a real monkey on my back now, lost count how many times I've finished 10th - 20th recently in mains and almost every exit has been a beat. I'm doing well in other comps though so certainly can't say I'm running bad, would just be nice to get that metaphorical trophy in the cabinet.

    So I'll start off with a HH from last night's Roller.

    What are people's thoughts on the turn, what are the pros and cons IYO of c/c v barrelling, and what do you do if we get raised on the turn (cry?). Obv, please ignore the result in analysis. I'm still torn about which option is better

    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    ThroneV Small blind   400.00 400.00 13090.00
    papi176 Big blind   800.00 1200.00 77436.50
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    Lambert180 Raise   1600.00 2800.00 22060.00
    AndyN90 Call   1600.00 4400.00 38760.00
    jordz16 Fold        
    darryl1976 Fold        
    ThroneV Fold        
    papi176 Call   800.00 5200.00 76636.50
    • K
    • J
    • J
    papi176 Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   1850.00 7050.00 20210.00
    AndyN90 Call   1850.00 8900.00 36910.00
    papi176 Fold        
    • 10
    Lambert180 Check        
    AndyN90 Bet   4450.00 13350.00 32460.00
    Lambert180 Call   4450.00 17800.00 15760.00
    • 8
    Lambert180 Check        
    AndyN90 Bet   17800.00 35600.00 14660.00
    Lambert180 All-in   15760.00 51360.00 0.00
    AndyN90 Unmatched bet   2040.00 49320.00 16700.00
    Lambert180 Show
    • J
    • A
    AndyN90 Show
    • A
    • 8
    Lambert180 Win Three Jacks 49320.00   49320.00 
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited August 2015
    My opinion on the turn would mainly depend on the villains opinion of me,  if he felt like i was bullying the table id be betting 3 streets for value with lots of worse hands available to him, if he had seen me bet flop fold turn a lot then id definitely be checking and allowing him to try and push me off and get value from a few worse hands...

    that said i think i remember this hand last night and the villain had lost a few pots and was playing super erratically so after seeing that id definitely be trying to induce him to make a move
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited August 2015
    I'm pretty sure you bust AK<A7 in the main ;) but vul nonetheless.
    With the AJ hand I like checking the turn, the only bad cards for us really are 9's and because you cbet so small he has a lot of stuff he can still have. If we bet turn and he ships on us we might have to lay it down as the only worse value hand he could reasonably have is QJ and I just don't see him bluffing in that spot. Also I'd be flatting QJ in that spot as literally 0 bad cards for our hand and let opponent barrel if he's bluffing so a shove might always be with a straight+.
    I don't think we get three streets of value from kings if we bet bet bet and hands like QT with marginal SD value will check back the turn and  could hero call a river bet (nobody ever believes it when you bet check bet)  and we get value from Kx too. Assuming Andy checked back turn the turn I'd prob bet 6500 or so on the river.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2015
    Flop bet is a little small
    Is that a tell? 
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2015
    Flop bet is a little small
    Is that a tell? 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Flop bet is a little small Is that a tell? 
    Posted by GELDY
    No not really. People were just playing too tight and passive (villian here has been pretty spew recently tho) so I was opening a lot and cbetting a lot and often against these type of people who are playing fit or fold poker, then a 40% cbet does the same job as a 60% cbet or whatever. So it just means it's cheaper the odd times people find a hand, and I obviously I can't just go small everytime I miss a flop but huge when I flop a monster so this flop sizing is just consistent with sizings I've been using/the sizing I would have used if I had A5s etc.

    I tend to always use smaller sizings than most think is the norm unless I have notes/reads to suggest I shouldn't. It just keeps villian's ranges wider and gives me more room postflop. It's to my benefit (imo) to play lotsss of small pots rather than fewer but bigger pots.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2015
    I'd noticed that I've started going a bit smaller on the flop bet myself - now I know why :-)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    Can't commit to a full-on MTT grind tonight cos I need an early night so just gonna do 3-4 hours of cash. I'm playing some 10/20nl with JJ railing to show him how it's done ;) I did this with him last week playing just 10NL and got absolutely hammered so trying to restore some pride tonight.

    Then I got a grim 15-16hours worth of driving to do on Wednesday and Thursday going there and back to liverpool twice!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    So much for restoring some pride at low stakes cash. 10NL started really well and was probably a couple of BIs up, then I sat at 20/30NL and just got absolutely destroyed by the deck. Few boring/standard ones like GII on flop with set v FD and don't hold, GII pre w/ KK v AA etc but this one stands out as a beauty lol...

    I actually said on the Skype call on the river (before I called) just watch him have 97 or quads now lol. Sounds ridic like, and I'm obv just never folding but the speed/confidence of his bets combined with the fact players at the tables are just SO passive meant I was convinced I was beat. Like reckon he prob c/c 9x on river and the speed of his bets imo just struck me as him knowing he has the nuts so doesn't need to think even for a split second about whether to value bet or not. Still have to call though :D

    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    rerouter Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £21.44
    nmongoosez Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £28.02
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 7
    rita2 Fold        
    fitzy_1 Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £19.40
    shaun399 Fold        
    Lambert180 Call   £0.60 £1.50 £19.40
    rerouter Call   £0.50 £2.00 £20.94
    nmongoosez Call   £0.40 £2.40 £27.62
    • 7
    • 9
    • 9
    rerouter Check        
    nmongoosez Check        
    fitzy_1 Bet   £1.20 £3.60 £18.20
    Lambert180 Call   £1.20 £4.80 £18.20
    rerouter Fold        
    nmongoosez Call   £1.20 £6.00 £26.42
    • 6
    nmongoosez Check        
    fitzy_1 Bet   £4.50 £10.50 £13.70
    Lambert180 Call   £4.50 £15.00 £13.70
    nmongoosez Fold        
    • 3
    fitzy_1 All-in   £13.70 £28.70 £0.00
    Lambert180 All-in   £13.70 £42.40 £0.00
    fitzy_1 Show
    • 9
    • 7
    Lambert180 Show
    • 7
    • 7
    fitzy_1 Win Full House, 9s and 7s £40.60   £40.60 

    @Timmyrara if you ever read in here. Wp again on Tuesday, I'd love to go on the show myself, how did you manage to pull it off? :p
  • MilitantGMilitantG Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2015
    Hey m8,  congratz on yesterday; was jus gna say your twitch stream was pretty cool to watch...when's the next viewing? 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    Cheers Militant, wp to you too, obv you were on the MBI FT with me but I also saw you were CL in the 9pm £55bh too but I didn't see how you got on cos I closed it once I bust. Suppose I should mention in here then, I won the MBI last night for about £750

    I haven't done a Twitch 'show' for quite a while now, I kinda lost interest cos there didn't seem to be that much interest in my stream. I'm open to the idea of bringing it back though if anyone would acually watch it lol.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    I've touched upon some of the difficulties my daughter, Lily, has had growing up in my diary in the past. She's 7 now, and we've been really trying with the doctors for most of her life to get an official diagnosis, one condition of which we were sure she had but it had just never been made official. Around 12 months ago, she was finally diagnosed as having EDS, it's a hereditory condition and Emma, my girlfriend/mother of Lily, was also diagnosed as having it at the same time.

    It's very much an unknown condition for most people and is often missed by doctors too due to a lack of knowledge/it being hard to spot/it being rare etc.

    So I'm thinking of doing some kind of fund raising shindig for EDS UK ^ Funnily enough Emma was thinking of doing the same but neither of us had mentioned it to the other. Any ideas are welcome! Emma is thinking of doing a skydive but gg me doing that, I don't even like children's rollercoasters lol

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited August 2015
    Just one idea for you; 24h poker grind (cash/MTTs etc) with any potential winnings going to the charity and I would sponsor you.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Just one idea for you; 24h poker grind (cash/MTTs etc) with any potential winnings going to the charity and I would sponsor you.
    Posted by CraigSG1
    Cheers Craig, and yeah decent idea, a mate also suggested maybe I Twitch the 24hr grind, make it a bit more interactive and probably help with donations etc.

    So if I go with the 24hr grind idea I'll prob do it all on Twitch.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2015
    so, the title of your thread is "lolpro and onwards" 

    it seems you should change it to "lolpro and backwards"
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2015
    After trying the 24h grind once, I advise against it. 

    Sleep is important, and rhythm is also important. Your body will not be happy if you do it, and it will most likely result in less volume long-term. Not to mention you'll just feel like **** for days to come. Try and do something that you either want to do that others are interested in, that won't kill you, or something that will put you in better physical/mental shape.


    home game in Brum? (I want this because I would like more money)
    try to run x miles before x date? (this would be funny, and it'd be good for you)
    meh that's me fin
  • LlamasLlamas Member Posts: 228
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    I've touched upon some of the difficulties my daughter, Lily, has had growing up in my diary in the past. She's 7 now, and we've been really trying with the doctors for most of her life to get an official diagnosis, one condition of which we were sure she had but it had just never been made official. Around 12 months ago, she was finally diagnosed as having EDS, it's a hereditory condition and Emma, my girlfriend/mother of Lily, was also diagnosed as having it at the same time. It's very much an unknown condition for most people and is often missed by doctors too due to a lack of knowledge/it being hard to spot/it being rare etc. So I'm thinking of doing some kind of fund raising shindig for EDS UK ^ Funnily enough Emma was thinking of doing the same but neither of us had mentioned it to the other. Any ideas are welcome! Emma is thinking of doing a skydive but gg me doing that, I don't even like children's roller coasters D lol
    Posted by Lambert180
    Do the skydive with me! I have to send you up the loft so I clearly have more of a problem with heights than you do. DO IT! P.S People would gladly hand money over knowing that you'd be crying all the way down.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2015
    I had a good month on Sky in August and things been going pretty poor on stake recently so I'm spending Sept putting all my effort into that. So taking a break from Sky for a bit and filling that screen space with more 888/party/stars.

    The aim for the month is 400 MTTs across those 3 sites. That's just 20 sessions with 20 comps per session so a very reasonable target.

    Kicked off tonight, only 17 MTTs tonight I think, can't remember cos I've deleted it from the little notepad doc I keep track of it in mid session. I'll stick graphs in for just Sept when I can get someone with a SS subscription to do them for me, but first night was a small loss. Few deep runs, 1 FT (1 $27ko turbo on 888) but no big scores.


    JJ/Dohhh has suggested an interesting charity bet for me if I choose to accept, and I guess by posting it here I am accepting it.

    The details haven't been totally finalised, we basically just need to decide on a number of hands, but basically I play $25NL zoom on stars for X number of hands. If I do it and lose money over the period I get £10 for charity, if I do it and win over the period I get £30 for charity.

    I'm under no illusions though, 25NL zoom on stars is worlds away from the standard on Sky and will be vv tough compared to simiilar stakes here, but it's only a bit of fun, and it's only gonna be over a very small sample anyway, maybe 5k hands, so anything can happen.
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