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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    edited February 2017
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    Shame we aren't even on the same page any more by the time it's been approved but it has now been given the all clear. 

    Think it took ~55hr in the end. Hope it was worth the wait :D
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2017
    A picture showcasing what you'd already described what you'd done; my weekend is complete.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    A picture showcasing what you'd already described what you'd done; my weekend is complete.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Cheers man, glad I could make your day.

    Cracking day of football here :D Everton smashing it with 4 goals for the Kak who I've got in FF :D couple of goals for Defoe in FF, and the icing on the cake, Pool with another terrible result. Opening the doors again for Spurs and Utd to gain some points/increase their lead.

    Vwp Hull. The table looks really exciting at the bottom! 6 teams all within 2 points of each other, gonna be a great end to the season. Obviously at the other end of the table it's pretty much gg short of some horror liverpool style slip up from Chelsea.
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    edited February 2017
    Niasse has finally started to pay off some of that big fee.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    Did my longest run of the year so far yesterday, just over 4 miles in about 53 mins. The pace aint great atm but just focussing on trying to up the distance cos I aint got long to get ready for this half marathon and up to now the longest I've ever ran non stop is just shy of 8km.... while a half mara is 21km.

    9.63 miles done in Feb now.

    Sat in having to wait around for delivery men all day. We ordered a new corner sofa and matching arm chair pre x-mas and it's finally due today. Had to put the 2 and 3 seater outside last night for the council pick up and they're gone now so sat in a vv empty looking living room... I'd provide a photo but who knows when it'd be approved ;)

    Also waiting on a washer/dryer coming too. 


    Cracking weekend of footy obvvv. Liverpool loss, Utd, Spurs and Everton win, doesn't get much better than that. I can't remember where they were for sure but did Liverpool drop from 2nd to 5th this weekend? Blowssss if so.

    Bossed the FF this week too, I had been lagging behind a bit in my league but this week put me back in contention.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited February 2017
    Very impressive (mainly the pic approval time and I suppose the FF team too)

    Have you got Sky_James on speed dial now?
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2017
    4 miles in 53 minutes
    Is that not a brisk walk?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    @Phantom - wow, that is impressive, no idea how this one got approved so quickly.

    @Jac - Umm, I dunno, possibly, I am going very slow like cos I am pretty unfit/never been good at long distance/endurance stuff. Pace was 13mins per mile which is about the slowest I ever 'run', was doing about 10 mins per mile the other day but then that was over half the distance.

    Cos I'm trying to train for a half marathon JJ always banged on at me to ignore speed and just focus on distance and not stopping.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2017
    Average walking pace is 3.1 miles an hour so yeah you're pretty slow :)

    I'm just jealous though. I couldn't do what you're doing these days.
    Very impressed. Keep it up.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    Not much to post atm but thought I'd add today's run onto my running total for Feb otherwise I'll forget. Upped the distance today, still going at snail pace but as Gary and JJ keep telling me, it's all about getting lots of distance done at this stage. 4.77 miles done today in 1hr 3 mins.

    Total for Feb: 14.4 miles

    Just about on target for 50 miles if I carry on as I am, but obviously the goal is for my runs to get longer and longer so it 'should' be easy...

    Gonna have a bash next time to see if I can push for 6 miles, maybe even whack on an extra half mile and I'll have completed half of a half marathon. Big jump in distance though.


    Not a big moan cos obviously it's a freeroll so it's all free money but imo the 10th birthday freeroll is a bit disappointing. It's a pretty milestone for Sky and they've put on a freeroll that is (iirc) about as good as the freeroll they run 7 nights a week, every week.

    I did snap register it when I spotted the password just after midday in case it filled up super quick cos I was expecting something big... then I looked at the prizepool lol, I've de-regged now so someone else can have my space (assuming it makes the 2500 cap)

    Anyway, it's all free money I guess.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited February 2017
    Just been catching-up here.

    Congrats on smashing the hour, that's a major landmark. Couch, to 5K, to 1 hour. Bravo, you're making excellent progress.

    Don't worry about pace at this stage, that'll naturally come later by itself without you even trying. Just focus on time on your feet. Walk breaks are fine, recommended even. Run/walk is a very popular and proven method of improving your stamina/endurance. Loads of people take walk breaks in half marathons, I'd estimate at least 50% of the field do. Probably 75%+ in full marathons. Managing 70 minutes on your feet by alternating say 5 minutes jog/ 1 minute walk (from the start, even when you don't feel like you need to walk) gives more physiological benefit than 60 minutes of non-stop jogging. Later you can reduce then eliminate the walking bits if you so wish.

    You asked about warm-up. I do hardly anything. No stretching, just a brisk walk from my house to where I start running, which is about 0.1 mile. I start with a relaxed jog and keep it easy for at least the first mile.

    I had a brutal session in my marathon training plan yesterday. 7 continuous miles at half-marathon race pace. I ran very easy for 3 miles to warm-up, plus 1.5 miles to warm-down after, so 11.5 miles total. I surprised myself and averaged 7-38/mile pace over the 7 mile HM section. My pace was 7-49/mile when I set my HM PB of 1-42-30 in Cardiff in November, so I know I'm going well at the moment.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    Cheers for all the advice and support Gary.

    I have been doing one day on, one day off with my runs so far, to give myself one rest day in between each run (running on Mon, Wed and Fri). I was gonna break that routine and squeeze another run in today but for the first time pretty much since starting to run at all pre x-mas I woke up today and both my thighs and calves just felt absolutely wrecked.

    I'm sure they'll be fine for tomorrow. 

    Do you think it's a good strat to be having a rest day inbetween runs? I mean obviously you gotta 'listen to your body/legs' and if they are proper dead then you need a rest, but assuming you feel fine, would you be happy running as often as you feel fine to?

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    Cheers for all the advice and support Gary. I have been doing one day on, one day off with my runs so far, to give myself one rest day in between each run (running on Mon, Wed and Fri). I was gonna break that routine and squeeze another run in today but for the first time pretty much since starting to run at all pre x-mas I woke up today and both my thighs and calves just felt absolutely wrecked. I'm sure they'll be fine for tomorrow.  Do you think it's a good strat to be having a rest day inbetween runs? I mean obviously you gotta 'listen to your body/legs' and if they are proper dead then you need a rest, but assuming you feel fine, would you be happy running as often as you feel fine to?
    Posted by Lambert180

    You're doing the right thing, that rest is absolutely crucial. You need to keep the balance right between training and recovery to improve. Pushing tired legs to do even more before they're ready is a big mistake. That'll just wear your muscles down until you either break-down with an injury, or quit running because it's a horrible experience (due to unneccesary exhaustion). A day of complete rest, or another kind of exercise (aka cross training), is best between your three runs at this stage. That'll give your body time to adapt to the stimulus generated by the exercise, and your fitness will improve.

    Later you'll get fit enough to run more often that 3 times a week if you want. But for now 3 is probably optimal. Even though I've been running for 2y 9mo and I'm in marathon training, I still run no more than 5 days per week, with 2 days of complete rest. At least 2 of my 5 running days are always 'recovery days', so only relaxed easy running is allowed. That leaves a maximum of 3 harder runs each week. For example the day after the tough HM session I mentioned above I went out for a 5 mile jog @ 9m-30s pace. My legs felt surprisingly good and I easily could have run further and/or further had I wanted, but I know how important it is to have either a rest or very easy day after any hard session to get the full benefit.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    Not much to post atm but thought I'd add today's run onto my running total for Feb otherwise I'll forget. Upped the distance today, still going at snail pace but as Gary and JJ keep telling me, it's all about getting lots of distance done at this stage. 4.77 miles done today in 1hr 3 mins. Total for Feb: 14.4 miles Just about on target for 50 miles if I carry on as I am, but obviously the goal is for my runs to get longer and longer so it 'should' be easy... Gonna have a bash next time to see if I can push for 6 miles, maybe even whack on an extra half mile and I'll have completed half of a half marathon. Big jump in distance though. ==================== Not a big moan cos obviously it's a freeroll so it's all free money but imo the 10th birthday freeroll is a bit disappointing. It's a pretty milestone for Sky and they've put on a freeroll that is (iirc) about as good as the freeroll they run 7 nights a week, every week. I did snap register it when I spotted the password just after midday in case it filled up super quick cos I was expecting something big... then I looked at the prizepool lol, I've de-regged now so someone else can have my space (assuming it makes the 2500 cap) Anyway, it's all free money I guess.
    Posted by Lambert180

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited February 2017
    That important 10th birthday. Lambo going for a payday
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    Oh dear Liverpool


    Had a mini moan on FB mixed up with a lol @ the liverpool result... 

    Am I the only one who is masssssssively bored with alll the 6th jokes RE Man Utd, at least we've only had to put up with them for half a season like but the 4th place jokes about Arsenal mannnn is there anyone anywhere that still thinks they're funny? It's all you see on Twitter/FB from these bookie pages and 'comedy' sports pages.
  • reelerreeler Member Posts: 422
    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Warning!!  - This is going to be a moany post so if you don't fancy reading that, it's best you save yourself the time and stop now. As hard as it may be to believe, I actually don't like moaning but when you commit to doing a diary, then it's best (imo) to be honest, and post about how you genuinely feel. There's no point BS'ing and pretending to be positive 100% of the time when most people aren't in reality or just hiding away and being the 'only post when you're winning' type so sometimes the diary takes a very moany turn cos that's how you feel. It's how I've been feeling for months now. I aint busto'd my roll (yet!) before anyone asks but I've deffo busto'd any shred of confidence I had left in my game. Just been consistently losing and/or breaking even for 6 months straight now. Roll has taken a bit of a knock ofc because while I haven't lost much I am obv withdrawing every month but that's not the main issue. I just have no faith in my ability to beat any format any more. Thankfully, I've had the roll to keep withdrawing month in, month out throughout this period So that's just the poker stuff out the way which actually in the grand scheme of things isn't so bad. For anyone who is mates with me or keeps up to date with my diary, you'll know that one of my daughters (Lily) who has just turned 8 has had a multitude of hurdles since she was born, too many for me to list them all, but she has some physical disabilities along with EDS and has recently been diagnosed with austism too. As of late, the 'symptoms' of which have escalated vvrapidly, she's becoming generally more unhappy, more angry, progressivly more violent/physically aggressive, she's often refusing to eat, refusing to sleep, she is swearing (seemingly involuntarily) at pretty much everyone, me, Emma, the teachers, other kids in her class, her sister Leah (5yr old) who is also becoming really upset by this whole situation. Naturally other parents at school are hearing about this behaviour and 'comments' have been made to the teachers apparently, although they made a point of saying they were comments and not complaints. The teachers are struggling to cope and hints have already been made (imo) at her being excluded/expelled from the school, which would be awful for Lily because she is SO reliant on routine etc that a whole different school would probably make her lose the plot. Suffice to say I (and Emma ofc) are stressed beyond belief. We're chasing up all of their relevant agencies etc RE: her mental health but most who have been in similar positions before will know that they are all vvvv slow to get anything done. I also considered getting a 'proper' job for a bit for some added security etc but having discussed it with Emma, it's just notfeasible given Emma's ongoing condition and the insane level of care Lily needs. So inbetween all of that, and poker I'm just losing the plot lol! Not really sure how to end this, cos I'm not really sure where I'm going atm but I really wanted to vent it all. I know this is pretty much not poker related at all, but it felt like a good place to get it out (for me). Not sure what poker I'll be playing this month, thinking of 'doing a Dohhh' and going back to absolute basics, start at the lowest of the low again (for a bit at least), get some confidence going etc, prove to myself I can actually beat some form of poker, and if I can't beat 4NL then it really is gg!
    Posted by Lambert180
    hi lambert ive read what you was saying about having a tough time at poker and tough time in life i think generally the 2 are linked. i think u just need a break form poker and try and solve some of the problems in your main life then your reluts will get better chin up m8
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited March 2017
    Hope things have improved for you since the post quoted above!

    If things are much the same - I would ask if you are enjoying your poker at the moment? Are you looking forward to every session etc.

    It sounds like the confidence has taken a little knock which can result in us 'trying too hard'. I find when I try too hard it can be really tough going. By far the majority of any successes I have had have been when I have been really enjoying the game. Also if you are not enjoying it then it can be easy to just 'go through the motions', miss little bits of information that are available and not get off those spots that it is reasonable not to get away from but that when you are 'zoned in' you would invariably get away from.

    If you feel you are not enjoying it the same (and you would rather not have a break) I would suggest mixing up the poker routine. Maybe find a new poker book you want to read, play at different times, find a poker show you haven't seen and start watching it, join a training site and get involved in their forum etc etc. Just basically anything that can spark that interest and enjoyment of playing poker again.

    Really hope everything goes well with your daughter and family, sounds like you have been having a very challenging time.

    Best of luck for 2017 onwards!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2017
    Wow, you really must have been reading back through the diary! I don't know off the top of my head but that quoted post must be the better part of 12 months old now.

    Thank you both for the concern/advice. 

    @Marky - I have pretty much been on a break for 12 months tbh. I've played bits and bobs over that period and have mostly enjoyed it, because I've been playing specifically when I feel like I actually WANT to play rather than when I NEED to to earn a living. I gotta give a big shout out to a lad I know on here (I won't name him incase he wants to remain anonymous), he was the person that introduced me to Matched Betting ~12 months ago and that is what's allowed me to take this break from poker. It's been a pretty unreal source of income and takes a fraction of the amount of time I used to spend playing poker (and 0 of the brain power required). 

    I am dipping my toe back in the water of poker more recently and the fact I have the sturdy other income means I can be a lot more detached about results although I can't see myself full on grinding again any time soon... mostly just because it's so hard to fit in the time required around everything else atm.

    RE: Matched Betting... Can't wait for Cheltenhammmm, gonna be worth a bucket load of £££

    I can't remember my last update RE: Lily but the the lady from the local council admits the private school for primary school aged children exists now and so the process begins at looking at getting her in there if the public schools don't have a place (which we still haven't heard back about).

    Proper dreadful week of FF so far, must have been what, 25 goals scored yesterday? and my players got the grand total of 1 of them (Mane), I would have had a 2nd from Zlatan but he decided to miss the penalty and get me minus points instead. I was counting on being saved by a captained Aguero who has 2 games... I thought the odd person might do the same as me, but turns out every man and his dog brought in Aguero and captained him this week so it's worthless now... I'm almost anti-railing him now cos some people triple captained him and I haven't!

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