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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited January 2017
    Good luck with the Dyms Lambert
    Hate them myself
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    I agreed a good few months ago now to do a half marathon with JJ but we never set a date/specific race but tonight we agreed to do one with Pingu in his hometown of Swindon. Registration opens on 1st Feb so we're all gonna get signed up for that... I think it's in September so plenty of time to get myself sorted/ready.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Woah, this is news to me. I was planning to antirail you both and throw rotten tomatoes at you.

    Eek, I'd better get running.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Woah, this is news to me. I was planning to antirail you both and throw rotten tomatoes at you. Eek, I'd better get running.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Rofl, I dunno if you're joking now, I just assumed when you tagged me it was cos you were gonna do it too. It is proper ages away tbf, plenty of time 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    Good luck with the Dyms Lambert Hate them myself
    Posted by Jac35
    Not sure I'll be sticking to DYMs for long to be honest, still chipping away at them atm, still always gonna get back on to MTTs I think but DYMs have that niceness where you can't really ever lose too much in a session, well not in my 'sessions' which consist of 15-20 games, and I like that. 

    Wpwp to JJ converting his forum freebie into over £1k last night in the £110 BH. I had 10% of him so confirmed having my biggest winning month 'at poker' for months :D

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Woah, this is news to me. I was planning to antirail you both and throw rotten tomatoes at you. Eek, I'd better get running.
    Posted by EvilPingu

    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Rofl, I dunno if you're joking now, I just assumed when you tagged me it was cos you were gonna do it too. It is proper ages away tbf, plenty of time 
    Posted by Lambert180
    Loads of donald traits going on here. 

    Picking one miles away is just an excuse to put it off and eventually not even bother.

    I thought we were looking at early 2017, and at the latest early/mid summer. 

    Also the Swindon one is very expensive, I'm not a fan of that choice. 

    When it was suggested I agreed to do it thinking it'd be a good one to do, but I expected at least one beforehand. 

    Lets find something better, a more localised event thats about 20 quid and around April time. 

    Get out there training both of ya. lazy so ds.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to  Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Loads of donald traits going on here.  Picking one miles away is just an excuse to put it off and eventually not even bother. I thought we were looking at early 2017, and at the latest early/mid summer.  Also the Swindon one is very expensive, I'm not a fan of that choice.  When it was suggested I agreed to do it thinking it'd be a good one to do, but I expected at least one beforehand.  Lets find something better, a more localised event thats about 20 quid and around April time.  Get out there training both of ya. lazy so ds.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Yeah all good/valid points. I'm deffo up for doing one sooner than that too and yeh Swindon one is a bit pricey. Less reason to go all that way to Swindon and pay a chunk of money if Andy aint even doing the run (I assumed he was) but he might have been joking and is actually doing it.

    Deffo do one before Sept though. You say more localised... but me and you couldn't live much further apart so it aint gonna be local for at least one of us!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Yeah all good/valid points. I'm deffo up for doing one sooner than that too and yeh Swindon one is a bit pricey. Less reason to go all that way to Swindon and pay a chunk of money if Andy aint even doing the run (I assumed he was) but he might have been joking and is actually doing it. Deffo do one before Sept though. You say more localised... but me and you couldn't live much further apart so it aint gonna be local for at least one of us!
    Posted by Lambert180
    yeh by localised I meant like a smaller event with a smaller field and more reasonable price. 

    I dont really care where it is, somewhere (flat) around oxford or swindon is fine.

    Just get ready. 
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    Less reason to go all that way to Swindon and pay a chunk of money if Andy aint even doing the run (I assumed he was) but he might have been joking and is actually doing it.
    Posted by Lambert180

    In, was joking :P Will get out there when it's not negative infinity degrees outside. #SouthernSoftie

    Going to a tryout for the local American Football team in a couple of weeks (February 11th). I was talking to Pat about signing up like 10 days ago, because he used to play for a team not too far from me, he was like "Yeah give it a go", literally the last conversation I had with him :( So I'm motivated to at least give it a **** good effort.

    Obviously if I enjoy it and decide to join the team, then I'll probably need to get in better shape to compete anyway.

    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : yeh by localised I meant like a smaller event with a smaller field and more reasonable price.  I dont really care where it is, somewhere (flat) around oxford or swindon is fine. Just get ready. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Swindon course is confirmed fairly flat by the looks of it, obv some undulation but they've avoided all the big hills.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    +1 Andy, it's an effort to go and run as it is (although I do find it enjoyable once I've started) but f*ck doing it in literallly sub-zero temperatures.

    Still grim to think about Pat, I know you talked to him quite a lot. Last time I spoke to him properly (not just swapping $$$ with him on Stars) was him telling me about his exploits with Columbian women.

    Been bashing up the DYMs again tonight*

    Won 13 of the 17 games I played
    *running really good

    Numbers for the month are a bit more realistic but still respectable.


    I had a piece of JJ's action in that £110 BH he won a seat for in that forum comp that was worth about £100 too so about +£150 for the month. I'll deffo take that for me just messing about for a few hours for a few nights.

    Bookie bashing going well,  had a few things go my way so I'm about ~£1500 up and have put hardly any time in to it this month.


    Having a total nightmare with the whole education/local authority system for Lily at the mo. The school, the local authority and every medical professional (and me and Emma) agrees that she needs to be moved to a school for people with special educational needs because the school she's in atm just isn't capable of providing the support she needs. At the moment she's doing pretty much nothing in school, playing with play-doh, drawing pictures etc cos it's the only way they can get her to sit in the classroom. So we went through a whole process called an EHCP (education health care plan) about 6 months ago which culminates in applying for the entry into a few of the special educational needs schools in the area. 

    They got back to us at the time (6 months ago) and said none of the schools have any places for her. Annoying but I guess there's nothing you can do, so Lily just had to stay where she is until she could re-apply in 6 months time. Now 6 months on we are going through the process again to re-apply for all those schools so we had a meeting yesterday to get all the forms sorted etc and the person from the local council basically said she's pretty sure there are still no places so it's likely to just get knocked back again for her to re-apply again in 6 months time. Apparently you're not allowed to be on a waiting list for the school, they don't do waiting lists, so you just have to hope there is a spot around the time you apply (which is once every 6 months) which just seems insane. Even if spots come up, chances are it'll be in the 5 month window while you're waiting to be allowed to apply again and someone else will have taken it. Whole lot of rungood needed for a spot to appear just at the right time!!

    Her clinical psychologist said there is a small pot of funding if it's felt kids really can't carry on in their current school but there are no places anywhere, to pay for them to be put into private special educational needs schools. That was good news until the lady from the local authority said that in our county the only private schools of that type start from high school age upwards.

    So it seems like she's gonna just get bounced back for the next couple of years until she's secondary school age by which point she's gonna be milesss behind education wise cos she's not really learning anything at school atm.  I know it's easy to moan from the outside etc but the whole system seems to be a farce.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    Few good results in the FA cup this weekend. Unlucky Jac that a last minute goal stopped you getting the job done first time round, and Pingu's Leeds had a total mare today but it's always good to see Liverpool carry on in their current form :D

    Also, the local team round here are Oxford Utd so I keep a bit of an eye on them, they've been on the up the last couple of years and got a cracking result against Newcastle yesterday.

    Huge game coming up in the premiership for me, need Chelsea (and Liverpool) to carry on in their current forms and for Chelsea to bag an easy 3 points which would be a hammer blow to the bet with JJ, especially as Utd are at home to Hull
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    = I had a piece of JJ's action in that £110 BH he won a seat for in that forum comp that was worth about £100 too so about +£150 for the month. I
    Posted by Lambert180
    Now this I really don't understand.  Why would JJ "sell" some action.  I mean he won the comp and the entry was FREE  so why sell?  

    P.S. The fact he entered a comp(at least TWICE) to a tourney he HATES is beyond me! 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Now this I really don't understand.  Why would JJ "sell" some action.  I mean he won the comp and the entry was FREE  so why sell?   P.S. The fact he entered a comp(at least TWICE) to a tourney he HATES is beyond me! 
    Posted by Glenelg
    Lol I can't speak as to why he would enter the comp twice when he knew the prize was something he'd hate, that's a good question...

    As for the first bit, I think it's 2 factors (although I haven't asked him so I am guessing)...

    1) If he sells say 50% then he can lock up a nice easy £55 totally risk free which is more than most will make when they play that comp, and he's still effectively playing a £55 tourney where he can make even more money. JJ has always played vv low stakes generally so even though he's ridic overrolled for it, he still sees +£55 as a solid result 'bink'

    2) If he sells action then it forces him to play the tournament and play it seriously.  JJ hates these type of MTTs (and in fact most MTTs on Sky cos they are all ante-less) so when he's been given £110 seats in the past, and even once where he played a roller sat for the £££ but it ran on too late past the start time of the roller so he couldn't de-reg for the £££, he has literally just open shoved every hand until he bust. So I guess seeling forces him not to do that cos he'd never do that when it's other people's money on he line.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited January 2017
    That is a terrible situation re your daughter. Have you thought about writing to your MP?
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    That is a terrible situation re your daughter. Have you thought about writing to your MP?
    Posted by QUICKFEET

    Or local paper.

    Or see if there is a case to made v Local authority for disability discrimination? Everyone has the right to an education and it seems Lily is not getting an appropriate one at the moment.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    Cheers, I think that might be the next step, writing to our MP I mean. Annoyingly our MP used to be David Cameron who would have had a lot of power obviously but he's stepped down now. A couple of people have suggested that with the recent developments.

    The thing is, I kind of see where they are coming from in the sense that they are saying there physically isn't the space for another child in the school and I can't see them expanding a school for 1 kid (although if Lily is missing out on a place, you can guarantee lots of others are) so I'm not sure what they're supposed to do/what an MP could do. Clearly Lily needs more help, I just don't know what anyone is supposed to do.

    Today has been the first morning for what feels like ages without the kids (Lily was off school sick all last week with a chest infection) and the weather was about as good as it has been for a month so I got out for a run. I know I always bang on about this but it really is massiveeee (for me anyway) how much of a difference it makes when you don't run for a couple of weeks.

    Needless to say I proper struggled. A few times I had to stop, walk for a couple of mins and then start running again so that's skewed the time a bit cos I probably spent 10 mins of that walking. 

    On the positives, in the past (once I stopped doing couch to 5k where they suggest you walk parts) I've always just ran to the point where I feel I can't run anymore then stopped and walked home whereas this time I ran as much as I could, walked for a couple of mins, ran some more, walked a bit, ran some more etc.

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited January 2017
    It probably isn't only your kid that is waiting to get the education they need. If it was, you would get notification as soon as a space became available as they wouldn't want the school being under utilised and risk closure.

    If nothing else David Cameron should be sympathetic as he had a disabled child himself. What do you have to lose?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    It probably isn't only your kid that is waiting to get the education they need. If it was, you would get notification as soon as a space became available as they wouldn't want the school being under utilised and risk closure. If nothing else David Cameron should be sympathetic as he had a disabled child himself. What do you have to lose?
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    Yeah David Cameron is definitely understanding of this kind of thing. Emma's cousin had cerebral palsy (he's passed away now sadly) and David Cameron was great in helping him get all the support he needed and would phone Emma's auntie personally once a week and check in on how she was doing etc and that was while he was busy being prime minister. Now that he's not prime minister anymore and he's stepped down from being the MP for our area too I dunno how much power he'd have, but as you say there's nothing to lose, and I can always contact the new MP for our area too.

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2017
    I have a bit of experience with the issues mentioned above. You will have to fight for everything you get for your daughter but dont be dishearetened. The school might be able to get an extra staff member to work individually with her if you can prove the need with your EHCP and in any case most of the specialist provisions you are thinking of are filled with mixed ability pupils and the educational/academic side is often secondary to caring for the most exceptional challenging behavior etc and keeping a routine with personal care/changing/timeouts/tactile play etc all to arrange and keep consistent. You may be better served trying to keep your daughter in mainstream education for as long as possible where she might pick up basic reading/writing which will help A LOT in future.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    I have a bit of experience with the issues mentioned above. You will have to fight for everything you get for your daughter but dont be dishearetened. The school might be able to get an extra staff member to work individually with her if you can prove the need with your EHCP and in any case most of the specialist provisions you are thinking of are filled with mixed ability pupils and the educational/academic side is often secondary to caring for the most exceptional challenging behavior etc and keeping a routine with personal care/changing/timeouts/tactile play etc all to arrange and keep consistent. You may be better served trying to keep your daughter in mainstream education for as long as possible where she might pick up basic reading/writing which will help A LOT in future.
    Posted by jimb0d1
    Cheers for the input, I haven't given all the details on here because as you can imagine it's longgg story. Lily has had funding for 1-to-1 care since she was in pre-school, and that has carried over into primary school, she's 8 now and has been seen by pretty much every type of doctor going. Her clinical psychologist says that she's never seen anyone like Lily before and that she thinks she struggles so much because she has Autism and Tourettes and it's those 2 combined that are causing a lot of problems, she very much wants to be in control of everything but at the same time the tourettes stops her having control a lot of the time which causes her tons of anxiety.

    One problem with the current school is just that it's a pretty tiny village school in our tiny little village in the middle of nowhere. The positives of that are that it's vv high acheiving mainly because the class sizes are like 15-20 pupils in a class with 1 teacher and 2 teaching assistants which is worlds away from when I was a kid and it was 1 teacher to cope with 30 odd kids. The downside though is that it's vv small and they just don't have the facilities to cope, for instance she spent ~6 months point blank refusing to be in the classroom but they don't have a single spare room for her to go to so they had to set up a little desk in the hallway/reception of the school (which is very small)

    Fwiw academically she is pretty strong. They had assessment last year and they said she had the reading and comprehension of an 11 year (this was when she was 7), she's always been far ahead of the class when it came to reading, she's vv creative and loves writing her own stories etc. She's got a near perfect memory (probably autism to thank for that) so she's great at remembering facts for things like history. 

    I did mention it on here a long time ago but we bought her this Pokemon book because she was a big fan, and it listed all (600+) Pokemon, what they evolve from/in to, their moves etc and she just spent night after night reading it for a week or two and then knew everything inside out about all 600+ Pokemon. The one subject she struggles at is Maths and she is quite far behind on that, she just doesn't seem to understand some of the basic concepts/building blocks of how maths works and so even her 6 year old sister is considerably further on with Maths than Lily is. 

    Where she really lacks is knowing how to interact socially with people but that's totally standard for people with autism. Like you suggested we did always want to try and keep her in mainstream school as long as we could initially but as time as progressed we just think it's more important that she's in an environment where she's happy. As it is now, she is very much unhappy at school which leads to her throwing things at teachers etc and just gradually getting more and more aggressive.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind ------- : Lol I can't speak as to why he would enter the comp twice when he knew the prize was something he'd hate, that's a good question... As for the first bit, I think it's 2 factors (although I haven't asked him so I am guessing)... 1) If he sells say 50% then he can lock up a nice easy £55 totally risk free which is more than most will make when they play that comp, and he's still effectively playing a £55 tourney where he can make even more money. JJ has always played vv low stakes generally so even though he's ridic overrolled for it, he still sees +£55 as a solid result 'bink' 2) If he sells action then it forces him to play the tournament and play it seriously.  JJ hates these type of MTTs (and in fact most MTTs on Sky cos they are all ante-less) so when he's been given £110 seats in the past, and even once where he played a roller sat for the £££ but it ran on too late past the start time of the roller so he couldn't de-reg for the £££, he has literally just open shoved every hand until he bust. So I guess seeling forces him not to do that cos he'd never do that when it's other people's money on he line.
    Posted by Lambert180

    GREAT reply & thanks. Some good reasoning behind the selling. 
    BTW the 2nd bit was tongue in cheek.
    Hope matters with your daughter get sorted, must be VERY frustrating.  GL

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