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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,520
    edited July 2017
     Daley Thompsons decathlon on ZX Spectrum and Blitz on C64, life was so much simpler then.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2017
    Little update on the Don bet btw, I'm up to 43 subs now so nearing the half way mark and we are 12 days in with 19 days remaining...

    It really is touch and go whether I'm gonna make it or not. If I do 'fail' then I'm sure I'll have made a valiant effort.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------:
     Daley Thompsons decathlon on ZX Spectrum and Blitz on C64, life was so much simpler then.
    Posted by rabdeniro
    Lol sore fingers tap tap tap tap tap tap 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2017
    Hey so I changed the format of my recent idea slightly. I've decided it's now gonna be that viewers of the channel send me their suggestions/challenges (twitter, FB, comments on Youtube) of the hardest bits of games and I'll complete it. I'll give a shout out/thank you in the video to the person who suggested the challenge (that's more relevant for people who have got a Youtube channel themselves)

    It seems to have took off REALLY well. I've had tons of positive feedback about the idea and the first video and a good 50+ suggestions for challenges from various people already. There's a really good mix too, beating certain levels on Mario/Sonic, winning Rainbow Road on 200cc, beating certain bosses in games.

    Here's the first video anyway, someone asked me to complete the Turbo Tunnel from Battletoads.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2017
    Just a quick update on the bet with Donaldo, I called it a while ago but I reckon he is just gonna pip me to the win, I'm up to 61 subs now, reckon I'll make it to 90+ before the end of my first month but will fall short of 100.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Yo yo yo, bit late to update the final result of the bet with Don but better late than never.

    As I started to suspect was gonna happen mid-way through I didn't quite make it to 100 subs so I lost the bet... but I did get to 69 and I'm really happy with that. I'm also told by a lot of Youtubers that my view counts (which is far important than subs anyway) are really high for how new I am so that sounds good!

    I started a new series recently for a game called Lands of Lore. If you haven't heard of it, it's an old PC game, came out in 1993, and is a classic medieval fantasy RPG. Voiced by Patrick Stewart as well just top top it off!

    I played it SO many times as a kid, so was really eager to replay it and share it with loads of people that will never have heard of it (or bring back fond memories for those who have). Here is episode 1 so you can start from the beginning but I just uploaded episode 2 as well


    Had a great time at the SPT btw, so glad Sky have brought them back and that there's gonna be another one relatively soon. Didn't quite make it to day 2 sadly, busted about an hour before the end of day 1 stupidly 4bet jamming 99 into GoldenB's AA ...who I believe is still going last time I checked so at least he's using my chips well.

    Amazed how many people came up to me to compliment me on my Youtube channel, felt very nice, tyty again.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2017
    ul Paul with the challenge, but good to see the Don doing well
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    No worries, was only a fun fiver bet, mostly for bragging rights really. Next battle is which one of us gets to 1000 subs first, my money is on me of course ;) I'm hoping to do that by the end of this year, optimistic as ever!

    How goes it Geldy, not seen you around here for a longggg time? You tempted to come down to Brighton for the next SPT?

    Does anyone on here run a Fantasy Footy league, if there's no money involved and it's just fun that's fine. Just looks like the one I've done with a few Sky lads the last couple of years is dead and I'm doing a team anyway so thought I'd see if there's any leagues about.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Seems like I'm getting a bit of momentum going recently, the last few games I've played seemed to have been pretty popular (despite being 20+ years old) and I'm up to 85 subs now. Not far from the big milestone of 100 where Youtube will give you a custom URL so my channel link will be something like instead of something like

    It might be more up the street of people on here but gonna start doing some live streams soon too, I'm just setting up stuff like backgrounds for the stream etc then I'll be good to go, probably this coming week. They'll be just chilled out streams playing a bit of Mario or Mega Man or something and having a chat with whoever is in the chat box, answering questions etc. They'll probably be around the 10pm+ mark.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Hey folks, would you mind sparing 1 minute to help me out

    I'm doing my first ever live stream in a couple of days so I'm running a poll on Twitter for you to vote on which game I play.

    I'd really appreciate some votes so it isn't decided by about 2 people :p and if you fancy retweeting it to get word out that's even better :D

    Just need to click the link and pick an option :)

    Thanks for your help!

    I'll post up here closer to the time when I know what day it'll be but FYI the stream will be about 10pm ish so that my kids are deffo asleep... so you can stick it on in the background while you make FTs 
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited August 2017
    Done and done.

    Good luck with the live stream.
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited August 2017
    done and done  gl

    oh and i will do the sub thing

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Cheers guys, 36 votes in now and Super Mario World is absolutely crushing it 78% v 22% so looks like that'll be the first stream unless there's some major turn around.

    Gotta do some other stuff tonight but I'm thinking the stream is probably gonna be Tuesday or Wednesday
  • IH8UButlerIH8UButler Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2017
    Good luck with the channel mate one thing that might be good is if you could try and get a world record on one of your games, maybe on the next live stream, might generate a bit of interest? 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Cheers Butler, it's something to consider but sadly I can't just bang out world records like that they're nothing lol. These speed runs and stuff are done by unreal gamers who spend months and months practicing 1 game, I aint gonna be able to turn up 1 night on a live stream and beat them :D

    Deffo something that has been suggested tho, especially cos I do do challenge videos.

    Right, we go live for Super Mario World at 10:30pm. Tune in while you play the pokerz
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited August 2017
    Hi, I logged in at 22:36, nowt there , hope it went well.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Sorry Mumsie, I ballsed up the link I think. Emma said it's because I sent out the link for people to view it on Youtube Gaming instead of just plain Youtube which apparently means you HAVE to be logged in to Youtube or it won't let you see the stream. Something had to go wrong the first time round!

    It's really annoying cos obviously I was off all social media etc while doing the stream and then when I finished I had a bunch of messages from people saying they tried to join but couldn't. FYI, it has been auto uploaded to my channel now (and I'll be keeping them all in a playlist called Live Streams) so you have a quick browse of it if you like.

    Deffo won't be making the same mistake next time! Which btw will be very soon. I absolutely loved it, so I can't wait to do the next stream... I'm thinking maybe Friday night before I go away for the weekend.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Hey Hey!

    I made it to 100 subscribers today, pretty much dead on 6 weeks since my first video went up. Really happy to have that level of progress so quickly, and the view counts on my videos are chugging along nicely.

    Apart from it mentally being a milestone of getting into 3 figures, getting to 100 subs also means that Youtube give you a custom URL so instead of me linking my channel and it being like 

    Now it's a lovely...

    Massive thank you to everyone on here that's watched any of my videos or subscribed
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Hey all, we're gonna be finishing off Super Mario World on the live stream tomorrow night at 10:30pm same as last time. I should be able to wrap it all up tomorrow, the Star Roads, the Special Roads, the whole shabang. 

    I'll even give out the right link this time too ;) which now includes my new URL so is much easier to remember.

    Then we're gonna need a new game to play! I'm leaving it up to another Twitter poll to decide which game we play next time (I'll do both at some point anyway)

    P.S. I've got a video planned that should be going up soon as a thank you to everyone for helping me get to 100 subs. It's probably a really nerdy idea but I hope a few people think it's cool.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2017
    Yo mofos,

    Been a bit AWOL from here recently so haven't kept track. Have they started satellites for Brighton SPT yet? and if not, does anyone know when they start?

    I assume it's the same kinda set up, £220 BI, 2 x day 1s and a final on the Sunday?
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