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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited March 2013
    congratz dude... 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Cheers Donald, Daz and TPTP.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Played another 2 hours of 6tabling tonight, 20NL and 30NL.

    The first hour was just dreadful, no big losses just steady bleeding, just couldn't hit a flop to save my life and none of my c-bets seemed to work. Took a few pots down with multi-street bluffs but didn't get a chance to value bet postflop once for about an hour. Mega frustrating as well because I had great tables going, hardly any regs, just so many stations, but a station aint ya best friend when you can't hit 1pr ;)

    That all turned round in the 2nd hour of the session and I started to hit some flops. I'm pretty happy with the below hand, it was against a very good MTT player (that I didn't even know played cash really) so I knew he had some game. I c-bet standard, then check the turn cos I fancy he's gonna call pretty wide pre being IP and alot of the time he is gonna be flatting the flop, trying to take it off me on later streets and it looks like I've just given up after a failed c-bet.
    Lambert180 Small blind   £0.15 £0.15 £29.55
    SteamyD Big blind   £0.30 £0.45 £29.20
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    Ubbi4820 Fold        
    argo Fold        
    NemesisN1 Fold        
    X Raise   £0.90 £1.35 £29.56
    Lambert180 Raise   £2.65 £4.00 £26.90
    SteamyD Fold        
    X Call   £1.90 £5.90 £27.66
    • A
    • 9
    • J
    Lambert180 Bet   £3.20 £9.10 £23.70
    X Call   £3.20 £12.30 £24.46
    • 4
    Lambert180 Check        
    X Bet   £7.20 £19.50 £17.26
    Lambert180 Call   £7.20 £26.70 £16.50
    • A
    Lambert180 Check        
    X All-in   £17.26 £43.96 £0.00
    Lambert180 All-in   £16.50 £60.46 £0.00
    X Unmatched bet   £0.76 £59.70 £0.76
    Lambert180 Show
    • Q
    • A
    X Show
    • 8
    • Q
    Lambert180 Win Three Aces £57.90   £57.90
    As always, will have a route through for any interesting hands later or more likely tomorrow. Finished +£34.58 for the night.

    Bankroll: £1,041.13
    Poker Points: 1285
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited March 2013
    Just seen that you had hut your target, really brilliant fantastic effort. The fact you have done that from £20 is testamount to your hardwork, skill and knowledge. I bet it's been quite a jouney the highs and the lows.

    Really Impressive!!

    No idea how long you have been playing on here, but that really is brilliant.

    I asked you before, where to after you achieved this, the truth is where ever you want it to take you.

    Look forward to seeing you move up the ranks to the very top.

    Well done mate
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited March 2013
    WD on hitting the 1k mark

    I,m sure it will go keep going North if you carry on putting the work in - GL

    Pretty sick about SPT but k 6 off - I,ve made my own fair share of big mistakes in SPT,s tho
    You,ve given me a new aim for my diary - to try and stay in front of you as were doing pretty similar at the minute - Can have a little side bet if you want ? you should be favourite as your up to NL30 . I,m still on 2p-4p lol (and cant fit more than 4 tables )
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    Just seen that you had hut your target, really brilliant fantastic effort. The fact you have done that from £20 is testamount to your hardwork, skill and knowledge. I bet it's been quite a jouney the highs and the lows. Really Impressive!! No idea how long you have been playing on here, but that really is brilliant. I asked you before, where to after you achieved this, the truth is where ever you want it to take you. Look forward to seeing you move up the ranks to the very top. Well done mate
    Posted by LARSON7
    Thanks Larson. Yeah it's been a rollercoaster really, especially because a long time ago I was no where near as good as I am now.... that's not to say I'm great now (I still have tons to learn) just that I used to be terrible.

    I just looked and I started this diary on 22nd January 2012 and my BR was £140 at that point, since then I've been up to £400ish, then back down to like £90 in a really bad patch, back up to £800ish, back down to £500 and eventually now over the £1000 mark.

    That is the goal mate, it's gonna take a lot of work, but I think hard work and determination are the backbone of becoming a better player.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    In Response to post:
    WD on hitting the 1k mark I,m sure it will go keep going North if you carry on putting the work in - GL Pretty sick about SPT but k 6 off - I ,ve made my own fair s hare o f big mistakes in SPT,s tho Yo u ,ve given me a new aim for my diary - to try and s tay in front of you as were doing pretty similar at the minute - Can have a little side bet if you want ? you should be favourite as your up to NL30 . I,m still on 2p-4p lol (and cant fit more than 4 tables )
    Posted by MP33
    Cheers Paul, I'm probably just a fish on a little heater

    I didn't realise your diary was still going tbh cos there's only a few sections of the forum I ever look at, I'll have to pop in and have a look. I dunno ya know, at 30NL I can win money alot quicker, but I can also lose it alot quicker too ;)

    But yeah if you wanna come up with a side bet, I'll probably be up for it, dunno how we'd do it though. Also might be having a side bet with Evil Pingu for April to see who can earn the most poker points.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Well today was a day of ups and downs!

    Started by playing 6 tables for around 5 hours earlier in the day, I think roughly from 11am - 5pm (with an hour break in the middle) and it was a pretty brutal 5 hours. Not really any (many) big losing pots just a steady dribbling of chips due to the fact I think during the whole time I made 1 set, couldn't hit a flop, couldn't make anyone fold, barely picked up any premium hands in 5 hours etc etc. Again, really frustrating (doh must be on to something) cos with the exception of the first hour which was nit city, the tables were great, people were actually calling bets postflop without the nuts, shame I just didn't have a hand to V-bet all day :)

    The only memorable hand is me and Evil Pingu being CO (him) V BTN (me) and I 5bet ship JTo into QQ, I did manage to hit a T on the turn but no river bink for me.
    denty765 Small blind   £0.15 £0.15 £31.97
    rtc Big blind   £0.30 £0.45 £13.03
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 10
    EvilPingu Raise   £0.90 £1.35 £32.14
    Lambert180 Raise   £2.70 £4.05 £33.08
    denty765 Fold        
    rtc Fold        
    EvilPingu Raise   £5.70 £9.75 £26.44
    Lambert180 All-in   £33.08 £42.83 £0.00
    EvilPingu All-in   £26.44 £69.27 £0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £2.74 £66.53 £2.74
    EvilPingu Show
    • Q
    • Q
    Lambert180 Show
    • J
    • 10
    • K
    • 4
    • 5
    • 10
    • 7
    EvilPingu Win Pair of Queens £64.73   £64.73
    That session resulted in a loss of just under £150 which sounds really bad, but in reality it's only 5BIs and I have to get used to these amounts.

    So I came back for more tonight, think I started at about 8pm and finished @ 10:30pm and was only playing 4tables. It seemed in this session I was being repaid for the lack of cards in the first session and you can see 2 of these hands in Doh's clinic thread about how to make people fold. It's a funny game sometimes, the first session 6tabling for 5 hours, think I got AA once, or maybe twice. This session only 4tables and half the length and got AA probably 8-9 times.

    Anyways, the 2nd session went much better and I won back near enough the whole £150 so I am back above the £1000 mark now and I've earned about 400 poker points for a massive £4 ;)

    Total loss for the day was £23.50 so not even 1 BI.

    Bankroll: £1,017.63
    Poker Points: 1645
  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited March 2013
    That session resulted in a loss of just under £150 which sounds really bad, but in reality it's only 5BIs and I have to get used to these amounts.
    Yep - you have to get used these kinda swings if you wanna play higher. the trick is to get the most of the upswings and know when to stop on a dswong. and not let a dswong affect your normal life or playing tendencies. 

    £50nl at sky in monetary terms is the same as playing like $100nl at the bigger sites and is where you start to come up against full time grinders, except you wont really come across many "beasts" as you would elsewhere as they would've moved up  to midstakes imo elsewhere

    FWIW I think everytime i post in here i'm like move up, move up but now i'm gonna say don't move up until your ready or comfortable with flipping in a 50/50 toss preflop and not even care about how the board run outs... practise that and then your good to go.  I think your BRM requirements for this challenge have been seriously on the tight side... I wouldn't worry about having >30BIs until you get to 100nl imo but thats just me

    Also dont be affraid to stand from a table and rejoin the waitlist if things arent going your way, sometimes its a simple as having the wrong player(s) to your left. Gl dude.. really want to see you smash this challenge. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Cheers for the input TPTP.

    Yeah I definitely agree with the fact my BRM requirements on the nitty side to say the least at first but it didn't take me too long to loosen up a bit, and I was playing 20NL with like £500 which ok isn't really aggro BRM but much better than I originally planned, and I'm obv playing 30NL now with 1k.

    I definitely agree with the not moving up for a bit, and I think I'm at a good level now to be able to grind out some decent profits with a relatively safe roll.

    Yeah I know what ya mean, and I am getting out the habit of being stubborn and just thinking 'no I'm gonna stick with it and figure out how to beat this guy no matter what position he has on me'. And I'm definitely advocating (and always have really) Channing's tip abuot it not mattering if you're the best player on the table, you just find the weaker players and attack them over and over.
  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited March 2013
    N1 Paul.  The speediness of your progression is quite impressive, wd for putting in a lot of groundwork.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Cheers Will.

    While it might have been a nitty BRM wise at first, playing a lot at the lower levels definitely just gave me a chance to improve my game and get a lot of the basics fine tuned pretty cheaply.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Hmm, I thought my PPs, seemed a bit low yesterday for the volume I put in. Seems I was so tired last night that I mis-read an 8 for a 6.

    So I actually earned 560 points yesterday, which sets me in good stead to go for Priority next month because I know I'll be having probably 7-10 days of the month without playing.

    Felt pretty rubbish last night, the beginnings of man-flu obv and this morning I woke up feeling like death so definitely no poker for me today. Might post up a few hands though from last night.

    Bankroll: £1,017.63
    Poker Points: 1845
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    Cheers for the input TPTP. Yeah I definitely agree with the fact my BRM requirements on the nitty side to say the least at first but it didn't take me too long to loosen up a bit, and I was playing 20NL with like £500 which ok isn't really aggro BRM but much better than I originally planned, and I'm obv playing 30NL now with 1k. I definitely agree with the not moving up for a bit, and I think I'm at a good level now to be able to grind out some decent profits with a relatively safe roll. Yeah I know what ya mean, and I am getting out the habit of being stubborn and just thinking 'no I'm gonna stick with it and figure out how to beat this guy no matter what position he has on me'. And I'm definitely advocating (and always have really) Channing's tip abuot it not mattering if you're the best player on the table, you just find the weaker players and attack them over and over.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Does that mean i,m a megga nit? - Hardly even touch NL20 . personally i may be wrong but we,ve got simlar Br,s although you do play more than me - i think its to high to be multi-ing at NL30

    Ps - having said that - It depends who,s on the table - I had 1 session the other night at NL50 (£15 capped) and it was like a 2p 4p game with ppl tilting going all in every hand (also got the bad bts like in 2p -4p as well )
  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited March 2013
    Depends on your comfortability with loosing the money I guess.  To me i hate the idea of playing excessive rake so with a passive bankroll strat this could shave £'s off your winrate imo that will all add up and i would rather put that towards getting rolled to table select £100nl-300nl when the right time comes. 

    But to be fair i shouldn't really be giving advice on BRM as i started playing 50nl with 16bis just 4-6tablin and i play pure cash, without  hypers or donkaments or satiliites... so i guess its diff situations. not trying to brag btw

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    @MP33 - Tbh, I think it's really up to you, when I first started this I said I would get up to 50BIs for the next level before moving up, so play 4NL until I have £400 (50 BIs for 8NL), then play 8NL until I have £500, and so on, and I got slated for it. Looking back it was ridiculously nitty imo but I fell somewhere inbetween my original plan and the opinion of others, so think I was playing 10NL with about £300, and 20NL with about £500+

    With regards to multi-tabling and my BR... imo I'm playing few enough tables that it's not really having a detrimental effect on my game, I'm still playing pretty much exactly as I would with 1 table just the hands happen faster. Also I'm happy to take the step down if required, I'd probably drop back down to 20NL for a bit until I rebuilt if I dropped to say £800.

    Having said that, 300 BIs for playing 4NL is abuot as nitty as it gets lol but as Tikay always says, loads of people seem to have it built into them that they HAVE to move up in stakes, if you don't want to, then just don't.

    @TPTP - Yeah, think this was the turning point for me, I had like £300 and was being really nitty with my BR and just realised that actually losing the money wouldn't mean that much to me, granted it sucks a bit, but it wouldn't affect my real life or anything. And others have also pointed out to me how staying @ micro stakes too long can really stunt your growth with the really high rake.
  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited March 2013
    yeah like... i work full time, am parent and grind in the evening... i'm not gonna do that to pay more rake than i ultimately have to

  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited March 2013
    gl - see u at the felt!
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2013
    Hey lambert, really good to see your positive results. Now you are at £1k br, you really will notice that your starting to get serious rakeback if you put the volume in. 

    What I am interested to hear is how you cope with neg variance and tilt. Last sunday, I managed to tilt off half my br which was around£ £900 at the time in an evening. Every outdraw possible, a few crazy tv hands had me doing a jj and looking for a nl100 hu opponent getting it in with 89 on a 89 blank flop, running into qq and the river pairing to kill my two pair for £100 quid. Then just playing bad and losing another 1.5 buyins. 

    I have the mental game of poker, but I think its even deeper than that. I can unravel my personality and understand the flaws but to be brutally honest, its a total lack of discipline, which I can see you have in bundles.  

    I have built up BR's from £100 to £1-£2k before but its the same result. I dont trust myself not to do exactly the same thing as I did last sunday and I end up cashing out. Soo now I am back to £100! I supposed I shouldnt complain as I generally do not deposit these days.

    As for NL30, you hit it at the right time for whatever reasons there arent the regs around at the moment that where playing 6 to a table a few months ago. One thing I would say is the standard at nl30 is pretty high these days, theres a few players working up and a few casual players who are making a nice side income in the evenings.

    Hope to be back at nl30 soon, great diary one that I like to keep an eye on. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    Cheers Ace,

    I think I'm better at handling tilt and negative variance these days but still far far from perfect. One thing is safe to say though, it never leads me to go playing 100NL lol... it just generally makes me play a bit too loose at my current level if anything, but I aint done that for a while.

    I also have the mental game of poker but I preferred an audio book I have called The Poker Mindset. Discipline is always something I've been good at, I have the odd lapse like we all do but on the whole I think I'm pretty disciplined.

    There are definitely a few very good players @ 30NL but on the whole the games do seems pretty good atm.
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