This has been a really great month for me, certainly my best for a long time. Ive seen my bankroll go from £649.89 to almost double that at £1,163.95 (including C4P) which is an excellent profit of £514.06.
Ive also now spent around 2 weeks at 30NL and over a month at 20NL, its still very early days but I am feeling comfortable with the amounts involved and comfortable with the regs at the level.
Ive made IIRC about 6-7 FTs in March from only around 30 MTTs, no big scores yet but I just gotta keep going deep and they will come. April Targets
1. FINALLY get round to recording me playing a poker session (got the software downloaded now)
2. Achieve Priority - This will be very tough but I like a challenge
3. Dont Tilt! - By far the biggest cause of my losses and VITAL if Im putting in a lot of volume
look forward to seeing your session if you get it recorded will it be like smitalos in his video his session.?
also your last target is my biggest leak i`m a big tilter, for example I win 6 days out the week say on average 2-3bi`s up a day then my losing day out the week i would lose like 6-bi`s losing half my profit really something I need to fix.
congratulations on a great month Paul nice isn't it after putting in so much effort and seeing the reward makes it all worth while. 4 figure b/roll looks good too,doesn't it for the 1st time. what you and others are achieving now playing cash is going to inspire myself and others i'm sure,who are currently playing the micro levels. best wishes for April and making priority will certainly help too. 'be lucky' dev
Cheers Liam. If you mean will it be recording my screen as I play, while I talk over what I'm doing/why I'm doing it then yes, will it be as funny as Smitty? Not sure.
Yeah tilt is a real win-rate killer.
Thanks Dev. Yeah if I make Priority then it's pretty much 10 x 30NL BIs so will certainly help me along the way but I'm obviously wanting to make money from the games too. Years of Doh's ranting that 'profit /> C4P' sunk in a while ago.
Well the HU tourney yesterday totally sucked lol, cos I went out first round. Was just frustrating because of the 1hr 30 min drive to play for about 30 mins. but oh well, fast structure and HU I was well aware it could happen.
Didn't do too much wrong I dont think but sometimes that happens HU. It was starting stack of 5k with 10 minute blinds. Couple of iffy spots where I maybe bluffed 1 street too many but no major mistakes I dont think.
Pretty fast structure considering live you might only get 10 hands per 10 mins but yeah that was in my favour imo I wouldnt know what the levels were after that cos that's as far as I got lol. But yeah pretty standard stuff imo, Lost a decent sized pot @ 100/200, we both had about even stacks maybe 4500 v 5500 in his favour. I raised the BTN with 8T and barrelled a couple of streets on 8AA53 to see him a small Ax.
Next hand I have like just under 2k so about 9xBB, he shoves, I snap call with A6, he's got 22, board pairs to give me some extra outs but couldn't get there. Was fun while it lasted anyway.
Played some cash this morning and it started very badly, a few bad stack offs (maybe) and a couple of just nasty situations where I was on the wrong end of it, one of which being this but looking back against this villian I should know that it is 100% a boat on the turn...
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Full House, 10s and Queens
To be fair I probably got off quite lightly really, standard river call when you aint got the stone cold nuts
So yeah was down quite a bit of moniez early on in the session, managed to grind alot of it back though, still finished -£72.36 for the session which is well deserved after how badly I played some hands, not even worth clinic'ing cos I just know they're awful and why.
Slow start to the C4P, god knows why, I got my stack in enough today!! Anyways, will deffo be playing the Turbo ME tonight now that they've lowered the BI, which means I'll also be playing the mini too, but I'll probably stick 3-4 cash tables up too while I'm doing them.
Bankroll: £1,067.59 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 218
Well the HU tourney yesterday totally sucked lol, cos I went out first round. Was just frustrating because of the 1hr 30 min drive to play for about 30 mins. but oh well, fast structure and HU I was well aware it could happen. Didn't do too much wrong I dont think but sometimes that happens HU. It was starting stack of 5k with 10 minute blinds. Couple of iffy spots where I maybe bluffed 1 street too many but no major mistakes I dont think. 25/50 (100xBB deep) 50/100 - (50xBB deep) 100/200 (25xBB deep) Pretty fast structure considering live you might only get 10 hands per 10 mins but yeah that was in my favour imo I wouldnt know what the levels were after that cos that's as far as I got lol. But yeah pretty standard stuff imo, Lost a decent sized pot @ 100/200, we both had about even stacks maybe 4500 v 5500 in his favour. I raised the BTN with 8T and barrelled a couple of streets on 8AA53 to see him a small Ax. Next hand I have like just under 2k so about 9xBB, he shoves, I snap call with A6, he's got 22, board pairs to give me some extra outs but couldn't get there. Was fun while it lasted anyway. =============================================================================== Played some cash this morning and it started very badly, a few bad stack offs (maybe) and a couple of just nasty situations where I was on the wrong end of it, one of which being this but looking back against this villian I should know that it is 100% a boat on the turn... Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance mymum Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £18.80 X Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £56.76 Your hole cards Q A Lambert180 Raise £0.60 £0.90 £52.07 lurcha Fold liamboi11 Fold Rubbernix Fold mymum Fold X Call £0.40 £1.30 £56.36 Flop 10 Q Q X Check Lambert180 Bet £0.80 £2.10 £51.27 X Call £0.80 £2.90 £55.56 Turn 5 X Check Lambert180 Bet £1.99 £4.89 £49.28 X Raise £5.43 £10.32 £50.13 Lambert180 Raise £10.00 £20.32 £39.28 X Call £6.56 £26.88 £43.57 River 2 X Check Lambert180 Bet £15.20 £42.08 £24.08 X Call £15.20 £57.28 £28.37 Lambert180 Show Q A X Show 10 10 X Win Full House, 10s and Queens £55.48 £83.85 To be fair I probably got off quite lightly really, standard river call when you aint got the stone cold nuts So yeah was down quite a bit of moniez early on in the session, managed to grind alot of it back though, still finished -£72.36 for the session which is well deserved after how badly I played some hands, not even worth clinic'ing cos I just know they're awful and why. Slow start to the C4P, god knows why, I got my stack in enough today!! Anyways, will deffo be playing the Turbo ME tonight now that they've lowered the BI, which means I'll also be playing the mini too, but I'll probably stick 3-4 cash tables up too while I'm doing them. Bankroll: £1,06 7.59 (£ 24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 218 Posted by Lambert180
flat his turn 3bet or raise bigger to set up a river shove. think I prefer flatting
Well that was like the shortest Mini + Main I've ever had... think I was out of both by about 8:40pm lol. The mini I shipped 77 into AA, the main I just bluffed off into top pair who wouldn't fold
On the upside I was +£37.91 on the cash tables during that time so atm it stands at....
I've had a smoke and will be playing cash tables for as long as Emma lasts in the mini and the main (she's doing great in both so hopefully a good grind)
Bankroll: £1,089.00 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 268
Emma went out the main when there was a sneaky UTG limp w/ AQ and she shipped with a weaker Ax. She's not long bust the mini, just inside the cash BvB K8 shipped into A7 and couldn't get there.
So I probably played about 1hr 30 of 6tabling 30NL, and things definitely went better than my earlier session. Few ugly spots, like getting it in QQ v AA on the turn on a J-high board V Bromley04. Although to be fair, I dished out a few nasty ones myself like when I peeled J9s pre and got it in on KQT against KK and held
All in all, I made another £77.34 profit so a good way to end the day.
Priority wise, given 30 days in the month, I need an average of 333 per day. I'm only on 394 so far but didn't play yesterday. I expect to be getting a few 600+ days in so I can have quite a few days off but yeah, quite happy with the start from 1 day's play.
Bankroll: £1,166.34 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 394
No info to give really but Emma went for a bath so I decided to get a bit more grind in. Pretty much break even (+19p) session, but much more on target now C4P wise for 2 days of the month down.
Bankroll: £1,166.53 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 639 (£5.11)
Nice work mate, keep it going. Been a brilliant read this, i'm sure you will get your target of 50BIs for 50NL before the year ends the way you have been going so far
Cheers Skeg, I hope it goes as smoothly as people keep telling me it will be
I've been thinking about my diary a bit recently, and I really don't hope it all sounds like a glorified brag. I've certainly shown the downs in the past, and will continue to show them as they inevitably happen.
I just think back to when I was starting out and heard stories of people like Pryce6 and Scotty77 starting at the low levels and working their way to the top. Now I don't think I'm anywhere near their standard but I remember thinking at the time how great it would have been to have been able to see them do a blog/diary of their progress and how they got there and this is what I've always tried to acheive.
I know and agree with the adage of GIQ and I understand why some people don't want to post about £££ results at high stakes cash but as a low stakes player I always thought it would be interesting to hear the swings involved for some of the higher stakes players, so hopefully one day I'll be able to provide that.
Snook in a cheeky hour while Emma went out shopping. Really struggled to get tables going at first but finally managed to get up to 4 tables (2 x 20NL and 2 x 30NL) and made a small profit of £20.56
I'll be overseeing the points scoring for community Wednesday tonight. I was gonna play it myself but having set the target of Priority, and the fact I don't want to be playing every day of the month, I wanna use my poker time as efficiently as possible. Playing it would mean I'd still be playing so no day off, but basically a day off from earning any serious points and there's no way I can handle cash at the same time as 6tabling MTTs.
An aim within an aim... next session I'm gonna aim to get over the 1000 point mark.
Bankroll: £1,187.09 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 687 (£5.50)
1st time poster on your diary although I read it every day as I to am a low stakes player and always looking for inspiration from others.
Massive well done for hitting the 1K mark and having the confidence to move up levels
Both you and GaryQQQ are a credit to the community for taking the time out to share your thoughts in your diaries and it really helps me continue to understand the game
Thanks Spurs, it's always nice to hear people enjoy the diary.
Just finished a session there, think it was about 3 and half hours of 6tabling. Felt like a proper grind, towards the end I could tell I was losing focus, no bad decisions or anything but just getting tired and struggling to focus my eyes on the tables.
That said, it was a very good grind! I finished the session +£92.39 so have smashed the £1200 mark, and will have broken £1300 when my C4P comes in.
Bit disappointing on the C4P front because it felt like that session lasted forever! Obviously moniez />> C4P but yeah.
In desperate need of a smoke and a break from the tables, but should be back on the tables in time for happy hour because I wanna keep on top of the average 333 per day needed by finishing today on 1000+
Bankroll: £1,279.48 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 876 (£7.01)
Yeah why not. I'm too tired atm, just trying to get the scores finished for this Community Wednesday thing, but if you gimme a shout on my diary sometime, tomorrow or whenever you're free, then I'm up for a best of 5.
EDIT: btw as you can see, I didn't come back for another session to get to 1k points because I've been mucking about with these scores for ages.
Got a session in today. Started pretty well, but made some proper awful calls at stages, playing well mostly but every now and then a failed hero call set me back again so was always playing catch up throughout the session. Finished a little bit down and rightly so, should have been more tbh.
Although it sucked to get it in QJ v JT on Jxx board for about 200xBB @ 20NL (I had my reasons to get it in there and be happy about it) and turn insta binks the T
So finished -£2.65 which is pretty great after some of the donkeyish play and lost a few races AK v PPs etc. I did make one very good (imo) hero call which was correct but I won't past that here cos it was on MC so gonna send it into the show tonight.
Broke the 1000 point mark today after being too tired to do it last night, need about another 250 tonight though for me to still be on track for where I should be after 4 days.
Bankroll: £1,276.83 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 1062 (£10.62)
Well tonight was cooler city for me. Checked with others to make sure I'm not just being a fish and they were all genuine coolers, so I got stacked in spots I can't ever fold about 6 times. Was also really swingy in general cos there were a few more aggro players tonight than normal, got it in AK v QQ or QQ v AK I think 3 times, and only lost 2, so that's pretty standard.
Session was a lot worse than it finished but towards the end, one of the tables was breaking and I ended up playing HU with one of the best players at the level (imo) and managed to stack him twice somehow.
Finished the night -£75.96 which I'm pretty amazed by considering how brutal it was.
Just about dead on target for Priority atm, would nice to be able to get ahead a bit though so I don't end up relying on having to finish it off on the last day of the month.
Bankroll: £1,200.87 (£24 C4P to come) Poker Points: 1326 (£13.26)
I didn't play at all yesterday. I did plan a big Friday night grind as it's a good night to play but instead me and Emma watched about 6 hours straight of Dexter which was obv MILES more fun than grinding away. Such a brilliant show, I dread to think what them kinda shows (24 etc) would be like if you had to actually watch an hour, then wait a whole week for the next one. I've always been late coming to them so have had the option to do 'em in big chunks.
It does mean I'm a bit behind on the grind, points wise but I'll sort it out at some point. Bit annoying cos I thought I'd catch up on points with a grind tonight but I quite fancy playing the main and mini for a change... dunno I'll decide in a bit.
Just finished playing for an hour, only 4 tables. I also played my first bit of 40NL in that session just cos I seen a table going with a lot of randoms on it and wanted to get sat down somewhere. Dunno why tables were so hard to get going on a Saturday evening, I sat down at one 30NL table pretty much at the start of a session, empty table, trying to get some games going. By the end of the hour, not 1 person had sat with me. Clearly no1 likes me
Anyway, I got my £24 C4P through today and in that session I was +£44.50 so a good hour there.
Someone PM'd me recently asking me to send them the cash spreadsheet I use to track my results, and it reminded me that I haven't used that spreadsheet for ages. Ever since I went on a horrible run, which I now recognise was partly coolers but my game then was also SO full of gaping leaks it's unbelievable, it was just so depressing updating it and Rancid suggested I stop focussing on the results all the time and just try to play well and let things happen.
So I'm gonna get back on track with completing that now.
In other news, Emma has somehow convinced me, and I use the word convinced very loosely (I didn't really have a say), that it's a good idea to get 2 kittens. We went to see them the other night but they're still only 6 weeks old so gotta wait another couple of weeks before we can take them home, so I'll stick a few pictures up of them soon.
This has been a really great month for me, certainly my best for a long time. Ive seen my bankroll go from £649.89 to almost double that at £1,163.95 (including C4P) which is an excellent profit of £514.06.
Ive also now spent around 2 weeks at 30NL and over a month at 20NL, its still very early days but I am feeling comfortable with the amounts involved and comfortable with the regs at the level.
Ive made IIRC about 6-7 FTs in March from only around 30 MTTs, no big scores yet but I just gotta keep going deep and they will come.
April Targets
1. FINALLY get round to recording me playing a poker session (got the software downloaded now)
2. Achieve Priority - This will be very tough but I like a challenge
3. Dont Tilt! - By far the biggest cause of my losses and VITAL if Im putting in a lot of volume
nice isn't it after putting in so much effort and seeing the reward makes it all worth while.
4 figure b/roll looks good too,doesn't it for the 1st time.
what you and others are achieving now playing cash is going to inspire myself and others i'm sure,who are currently playing the micro levels.
best wishes for April and making priority will certainly help too.
'be lucky'
Yeah tilt is a real win-rate killer.
Thanks Dev. Yeah if I make Priority then it's pretty much 10 x 30NL BIs so will certainly help me along the way but I'm obviously wanting to make money from the games too. Years of Doh's ranting that 'profit /> C4P' sunk in a while ago.
Didn't do too much wrong I dont think but sometimes that happens HU. It was starting stack of 5k with 10 minute blinds. Couple of iffy spots where I maybe bluffed 1 street too many but no major mistakes I dont think.
25/50 (100xBB deep)
50/100 - (50xBB deep)
100/200 (25xBB deep)
Pretty fast structure considering live you might only get 10 hands per 10 mins but yeah that was in my favour imo I wouldnt know what the levels were after that cos that's as far as I got lol. But yeah pretty standard stuff imo, Lost a decent sized pot @ 100/200, we both had about even stacks maybe 4500 v 5500 in his favour. I raised the BTN with 8T and barrelled a couple of streets on 8AA53 to see him a small Ax.
Next hand I have like just under 2k so about 9xBB, he shoves, I snap call with A6, he's got 22, board pairs to give me some extra outs but couldn't get there. Was fun while it lasted anyway.
Played some cash this morning and it started very badly, a few bad stack offs (maybe) and a couple of just nasty situations where I was on the wrong end of it, one of which being this but looking back against this villian I should know that it is 100% a boat on the turn...
So yeah was down quite a bit of moniez early on in the session, managed to grind alot of it back though, still finished -£72.36 for the session which is well deserved after how badly I played some hands, not even worth clinic'ing cos I just know they're awful and why.
Slow start to the C4P, god knows why, I got my stack in enough today!! Anyways, will deffo be playing the Turbo ME tonight now that they've lowered the BI, which means I'll also be playing the mini too, but I'll probably stick 3-4 cash tables up too while I'm doing them.
Bankroll: £1,067.59 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 218
On the upside I was +£37.91 on the cash tables during that time so atm it stands at....
I've had a smoke and will be playing cash tables for as long as Emma lasts in the mini and the main (she's doing great in both so hopefully a good grind)
Bankroll: £1,089.00 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 268
Emma went out the main when there was a sneaky UTG limp w/ AQ and she shipped with a weaker Ax. She's not long bust the mini, just inside the cash BvB K8 shipped into A7 and couldn't get there.
So I probably played about 1hr 30 of 6tabling 30NL, and things definitely went better than my earlier session. Few ugly spots, like getting it in QQ v AA on the turn on a J-high board V Bromley04. Although to be fair, I dished out a few nasty ones myself like when I peeled J9s pre and got it in on KQT against KK and held
All in all, I made another £77.34 profit so a good way to end the day.
Priority wise, given 30 days in the month, I need an average of 333 per day. I'm only on 394 so far but didn't play yesterday. I expect to be getting a few 600+ days in so I can have quite a few days off but yeah, quite happy with the start from 1 day's play.
Bankroll: £1,166.34 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 394
Bankroll: £1,166.53 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 639 (£5.11)
I've been thinking about my diary a bit recently, and I really don't hope it all sounds like a glorified brag. I've certainly shown the downs in the past, and will continue to show them as they inevitably happen.
I just think back to when I was starting out and heard stories of people like Pryce6 and Scotty77 starting at the low levels and working their way to the top. Now I don't think I'm anywhere near their standard but I remember thinking at the time how great it would have been to have been able to see them do a blog/diary of their progress and how they got there and this is what I've always tried to acheive.
I know and agree with the adage of GIQ and I understand why some people don't want to post about £££ results at high stakes cash but as a low stakes player I always thought it would be interesting to hear the swings involved for some of the higher stakes players, so hopefully one day I'll be able to provide that.
I'll be overseeing the points scoring for community Wednesday tonight. I was gonna play it myself but having set the target of Priority, and the fact I don't want to be playing every day of the month, I wanna use my poker time as efficiently as possible. Playing it would mean I'd still be playing so no day off, but basically a day off from earning any serious points and there's no way I can handle cash at the same time as 6tabling MTTs.
An aim within an aim... next session I'm gonna aim to get over the 1000 point mark.
Bankroll: £1,187.09 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 687 (£5.50)
Just finished a session there, think it was about 3 and half hours of 6tabling. Felt like a proper grind, towards the end I could tell I was losing focus, no bad decisions or anything but just getting tired and struggling to focus my eyes on the tables.
That said, it was a very good grind! I finished the session +£92.39 so have smashed the £1200 mark, and will have broken £1300 when my C4P comes in.
Bit disappointing on the C4P front because it felt like that session lasted forever! Obviously moniez />> C4P but yeah.
In desperate need of a smoke and a break from the tables, but should be back on the tables in time for happy hour because I wanna keep on top of the average 333 per day needed by finishing today on 1000+
Bankroll: £1,279.48 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 876 (£7.01)
I've started playing the turbo heads up games, just wondered if you would like a £1 game, best of 5?
EDIT: btw as you can see, I didn't come back for another session to get to 1k points because I've been mucking about with these scores for ages.
i wont be on tomor till after 11ish, we could get it going at midnight or just after if you are about.
Although it sucked to get it in QJ v JT on Jxx board for about 200xBB @ 20NL (I had my reasons to get it in there and be happy about it) and turn insta binks the T
So finished -£2.65 which is pretty great after some of the donkeyish play and lost a few races AK v PPs etc. I did make one very good (imo) hero call which was correct but I won't past that here cos it was on MC so gonna send it into the show tonight.
Broke the 1000 point mark today after being too tired to do it last night, need about another 250 tonight though for me to still be on track for where I should be after 4 days.
Bankroll: £1,276.83 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 1062 (£10.62)
Well tonight was cooler city for me. Checked with others to make sure I'm not just being a fish and they were all genuine coolers, so I got stacked in spots I can't ever fold about 6 times. Was also really swingy in general cos there were a few more aggro players tonight than normal, got it in AK v QQ or QQ v AK I think 3 times, and only lost 2, so that's pretty standard.
Session was a lot worse than it finished but towards the end, one of the tables was breaking and I ended up playing HU with one of the best players at the level (imo) and managed to stack him twice somehow.
Finished the night -£75.96 which I'm pretty amazed by considering how brutal it was.
Just about dead on target for Priority atm, would nice to be able to get ahead a bit though so I don't end up relying on having to finish it off on the last day of the month.
Bankroll: £1,200.87 (£24 C4P to come)
Poker Points: 1326 (£13.26)
I didn't play at all yesterday. I did plan a big Friday night grind as it's a good night to play but instead me and Emma watched about 6 hours straight of Dexter which was obv MILES more fun than grinding away. Such a brilliant show, I dread to think what them kinda shows (24 etc) would be like if you had to actually watch an hour, then wait a whole week for the next one. I've always been late coming to them so have had the option to do 'em in big chunks.
It does mean I'm a bit behind on the grind, points wise but I'll sort it out at some point. Bit annoying cos I thought I'd catch up on points with a grind tonight but I quite fancy playing the main and mini for a change... dunno I'll decide in a bit.
Just finished playing for an hour, only 4 tables. I also played my first bit of 40NL in that session just cos I seen a table going with a lot of randoms on it and wanted to get sat down somewhere. Dunno why tables were so hard to get going on a Saturday evening, I sat down at one 30NL table pretty much at the start of a session, empty table, trying to get some games going. By the end of the hour, not 1 person had sat with me. Clearly no1 likes me
Anyway, I got my £24 C4P through today and in that session I was +£44.50 so a good hour there.
Someone PM'd me recently asking me to send them the cash spreadsheet I use to track my results, and it reminded me that I haven't used that spreadsheet for ages. Ever since I went on a horrible run, which I now recognise was partly coolers but my game then was also SO full of gaping leaks it's unbelievable, it was just so depressing updating it and Rancid suggested I stop focussing on the results all the time and just try to play well and let things happen.
So I'm gonna get back on track with completing that now.
In other news, Emma has somehow convinced me, and I use the word convinced very loosely (I didn't really have a say), that it's a good idea to get 2 kittens. We went to see them the other night but they're still only 6 weeks old so gotta wait another couple of weeks before we can take them home, so I'll stick a few pictures up of them soon.
Bankroll: £1,269.37
Poker Points: 1427 (£14.27)