This is gonna be an SPT update so it could turn into a novel or maybe not... I'll just go with it.
Well this was the first time ever (apart from a short stint with TommyD) that I've got to sit with some Sky regs on my table out of about 6 SPTs I've played. I started off with GregHogg, Oban, ChrisDbhoy, David666 and the rest were unknowns to me. Got off to a great start, really bossed the table, a few well timed bluffs and a few boards I connected nicely with took me from 30k up to 60k by the first break.
When I came back off break, I got up to about 65k before having a table move to Kazzzz's table. This is where it all went downhill, should probably have spent a bit more time getting to know my new table before getting up to my old tricks and shortly found myself back on 30k.
Another table move which I was pretty happy about saw me sat with a table full of unknowns, pretty aggro table, pretty much only thing that happened in abuot 30 mins was me opening a few times and having to fold to 3bets.
Then another table move! I've now got a guy sat 2 to my left who opens virtually every unopened pot, 3 bets virtually every open, and 4bet pretty much every single time he got 3bet, this guy was completely running over the table. He was the BB to my button so I'd been keeping my head down a bit at first.
We get back from the break, I'm in the BB and aggro man is not back yet UTG (to my direct left) who is a pretty short stack opens, he gets 3bet, I flat call AKs thinking the UTG opener will reship and then I will either re-ship over the the 3bettor if he flats or call it off V him. Turns out UTG just flats...
Flop is AJ2r, first to act, I check expecting some action I can ship over... plan fails AGAIN cos it gets checked round. Turns come a 4 and I fire out a small bet (1 free card is enough!), UTG ships over the top, the preflop 3bettor folds and I snap call to see 56s. Lovely stuff, fade the 4 outer to double up to about 65k again.
Then the dreaded hand arises. I should point out, I lost this hand 100% through a stupid mistake from me. It folds to me and I open from the CO with K6o, SB 3bets (mr aggro) but nothing new there, I flat because I know his 3bet range is ridic wide, we're still about 80xBB deep at this point, I have position, and know he will just value town himself if I hit at all well.
Flop is A23, he c-bets and I flat because I know he can't have many Ax hands in his range, and I have alot in mine and think I can take it off him on the turn. Turn is a 7 and he checks so I lead and he calls. River is a 9, again he checks so I bet. The board is now A2379 and I've got K6. He sits and tanks for a good minute or so before calling. I then instantly muck my hand because I don't see he can call with anything worse than K6, and after my cards go in the muck, he turns over K4!!!
I was completely speechless, firstly at the fact he made such a sick hero call, and secondly that I actually had the best hand (not even a split cos my 6 plays) and mucked. I just let the rest of the table think he was good obv, I'm not announcing I folded the best hand. All I had to do was show my hand and I'm on 100k but instead I'm back down to 20k Learnt a big lesson from that, never ever muck your hand live until you've been shown a better hand.
It was after this hand Tikay decided to let me know that the aggressive guy 2 to my left he is called Dave Shallow and won WPT Dublin last year for around 250k.
I spoke to him on the break which was shortly after and was saying what a sick call it was, and he explained that it actually looks alot better than it is, and when he explained it, he's right. He said it's basically the same as calling with KK because if I call the flop with a 2 or 3, I'm just checking back the turn, if I hit my 7 or 9 then I'm just checking back turn and river, so basically I can only ever have Ax or complete air, and he beats pretty much all of my air with K-high. Sigh... so much to learn.
That left me with 25k, which was still very playable (I think something like 30 bigs). I tightened up a bit after that, was up and down a bit more, think I got up to 50k at one point and then back down to 35k @ 600/1200. I open the SB with A2 2 minutes before the end of the break, the BB 3bets me which I'm expecting him to do alot because I'm opening virtually ATC on an unopened SB, so I 3bet ship, he calls with 77 and I can't get there. It's perhaps a spot I didn't need to take but as always nowadays, I'm looking to build a stack and will get loads of folds in that spot imo. Pretty frustrating thinking I could have had 100k but I certainly learnt a big lesson from that hand and won't ever make that same mistake again.
At least I won my £10 last longer with Percival so it's not all bad
Just for the purpose of updating my BR and whatnot, the only thing I've done today was play a Micro TSP sat for £2.80 which I won, then I bust out of the Semi making a pretty bad all-in call pre with JJ
Dave Shallow is a great player by all accounts At first you just think he's a nutcase but he is a very very good player. Known as Dubai on another forum you go on
6 months ago as you all know I set my target to grind it up from £150 @ 4NL up to 50 BIs for 20NL (£1000) within 12 months, and here we are 6 months ahead of time and the job is done
It's a great feeling to look at my account and see a 4 figure sum! I'll probably sort it out tomorrow probably but I'll post up with the new plan (and update the diary title) but the next plan is to grind it up to 50NL.
More details to come but for now, I'm going to get a takeaway for me and the girlfriend. FWIW, here is a big hand from my session earlier which helped me get over the line.
c/c the turn and river there is nothing short of horrendous imo. Pretty sickening outcome but you can never expect K6 to be good there!!! Just one of those things. VUL Posted by Curt360x27
The more I think about it the worse it gets. It's absolutely criminally bad!
Well done Paul, ul last night I was watching the live stream at the time and felt really sick, about that hand.I have done it in a live game before,nothing big, but got into an argument, as I had to lose the pot!
Hey Paul, first of all well done on hitting your target probably a bit overshadowed by your live story lol it's funny because without context some plays can seem so ridiculous, if someone made that call when you were playing like a small stakes bh you would be like wtf donk how can he call there, but then when you find out it is a very good player and hear the reasoning etc you think wow genius call. A fine line between genius and madness in this game i'm starting to learn lol
Right, so target number 1 is complete, I've got to £1000 by grinding through micro stakes cash.
Target number 2 begins here. My new aim is to build up to 50 BIs for 50NL (£2500) by the end of 2013. Nothing much is gonna change for the time being, still just playing 20NL and 30NL for the moment, especially as 40NL never seems to run. May take the odd shot @ 50NL when I get to around £1500 but mostly 20NL and 30NL.
Will still obv be playing some MTTs and what not on the side.
So that's 50 x 30NL BIs in the next 9 months to meet my target.
Hey Paul, congrats on smashing your target, from reading your analysis of hands you're definitely a very capable player. Was good to meet you last night at SPT - I wished Rastafish was holding K high when I made a stupid (hero??) call, no he'd lived up to the name and hit the flush on the river. Best of luck with the new plan.
@ Doh - Lol, nice 4bet. I might have saved your bacon after the guy with QQ just flats
@ Rancid - Cheers mate. Here comes the tough bit, it's gonna be way harder beating my way through to 50NL than it was through the micro stakes. P.S. Thanks for completely owning me again this morning lol. Level myself so much against you and the one time I'm actually good calling down with 2nd pr, you bink your set on the river One day I'll win a pot off you that's more than about 25xBB !!!
@ Devon - Cheers, yeah it really is a great feeling just seeing 4 figures in my account (and knowing that it aint been at the cost of my bank account to be there). The next few months I suspect will be very tough so think I need all the 'good lucks' I can get
Got a good length grind in today, combined probably around 3 hours of 6tabling 20NL and 30NL. Started badly, couple of stack offs, one was pretty bad, the other one was V Rancid and that's always gonna be bad. Also lost a AKs v QQ aipf which is pretty standard. Was about -£70 at that point
Then I had to pick my daughter up from preschool. Got back on the grind for another hour or so when I got back and managed to turn it all round to a loss of about £1.80.
Not had a look through the HHs yet but I know there are definitely a few clinic worthy hands in there, so I'll get that sorted later tonight.
Details to be confirmed but I think I'm gonna be going for Priority in April and me and Evil_Pingu have decided to get a small prop bet going to see who can earn the most points in April. FWIW, I earned 212 this morning so need to do about 47 X that to make Priority....
This is gonna be an SPT update so it could turn into a novel or maybe not... I'll just go with it.
Well this was the first time ever (apart from a short stint with TommyD) that I've got to sit with some Sky regs on my table out of about 6 SPTs I've played. I started off with GregHogg, Oban, ChrisDbhoy, David666 and the rest were unknowns to me. Got off to a great start, really bossed the table, a few well timed bluffs and a few boards I connected nicely with took me from 30k up to 60k by the first break.
When I came back off break, I got up to about 65k before having a table move to Kazzzz's table. This is where it all went downhill, should probably have spent a bit more time getting to know my new table before getting up to my old tricks and shortly found myself back on 30k.
Another table move which I was pretty happy about saw me sat with a table full of unknowns, pretty aggro table, pretty much only thing that happened in abuot 30 mins was me opening a few times and having to fold to 3bets.
Then another table move! I've now got a guy sat 2 to my left who opens virtually every unopened pot, 3 bets virtually every open, and 4bet pretty much every single time he got 3bet, this guy was completely running over the table. He was the BB to my button so I'd been keeping my head down a bit at first.
We get back from the break, I'm in the BB and aggro man is not back yet
Flop is AJ2r, first to act, I check expecting some action I can ship over... plan fails AGAIN cos it gets checked round. Turns come a 4 and I fire out a small bet (1 free card is enough!), UTG ships over the top, the preflop 3bettor folds and I snap call to see 56s. Lovely stuff, fade the 4 outer to double up to about 65k again.
Then the dreaded hand arises. I should point out, I lost this hand 100% through a stupid mistake from me. It folds to me and I open from the CO with K6o, SB 3bets (mr aggro) but nothing new there, I flat because I know his 3bet range is ridic wide, we're still about 80xBB deep at this point, I have position, and know he will just value town himself if I hit at all well.
Flop is A23, he c-bets and I flat because I know he can't have many Ax hands in his range, and I have alot in mine and think I can take it off him on the turn. Turn is a 7 and he checks so I lead and he calls. River is a 9, again he checks so I bet. The board is now A2379 and I've got K6. He sits and tanks for a good minute or so before calling. I then instantly muck my hand because I don't see he can call with anything worse than K6, and after my cards go in the muck, he turns over K4!!!
I was completely speechless, firstly at the fact he made such a sick hero call, and secondly that I actually had the best hand (not even a split cos my 6 plays) and mucked. I just let the rest of the table think he was good obv, I'm not announcing I folded the best hand. All I had to do was show my hand and I'm on 100k but instead I'm back down to 20k
It was after this hand Tikay decided to let me know that the aggressive guy 2 to my left he is called Dave Shallow and won WPT Dublin last year for around 250k.
I spoke to him on the break which was shortly after and was saying what a sick call it was, and he explained that it actually looks alot better than it is, and when he explained it, he's right. He said it's basically the same as calling with KK because if I call the flop with a 2 or 3, I'm just checking back the turn, if I hit my 7 or 9 then I'm just checking back turn and river, so basically I can only ever have Ax or complete air, and he beats pretty much all of my air with K-high. Sigh... so much to learn.
That left me with 25k, which was still very playable (I think something like 30 bigs). I tightened up a bit after that, was up and down a bit more, think I got up to 50k at one point and then back down to 35k @ 600/1200. I open the SB with A2 2 minutes before the end of the break, the BB 3bets me which I'm expecting him to do alot because I'm opening virtually ATC on an unopened SB, so I 3bet ship, he calls with 77 and I can't get there. It's perhaps a spot I didn't need to take but as always nowadays, I'm looking to build a stack and will get loads of folds in that spot imo. Pretty frustrating thinking I could have had 100k but I certainly learnt a big lesson from that hand and won't ever make that same mistake again.
At least I won my £10 last longer with Percival so it's not all bad
Just for the purpose of updating my BR and whatnot, the only thing I've done today was play a Micro TSP sat for £2.80 which I won, then I bust out of the Semi making a pretty bad all-in call pre with JJ
Bankroll: £953.48
Poker Points: 938 (£7.50)
At first you just think he's a nutcase but he is a very very good player.
Known as Dubai on another forum you go on
Wp both of you for bothering to read it all!
Just about to do a new update in a new post...
6 months ago as you all know I set my target to grind it up from £150 @ 4NL up to 50 BIs for 20NL (£1000) within 12 months, and here we are 6 months ahead of time and the job is done
It's a great feeling to look at my account and see a 4 figure sum! I'll probably sort it out tomorrow probably but I'll post up with the new plan (and update the diary title) but the next plan is to grind it up to 50NL.
More details to come but for now, I'm going to get a takeaway for me and the girlfriend. FWIW, here is a big hand from my session earlier which helped me get over the line.
Bankroll: £1,008.34
Poker Points: 970 (£7.76)
Target number 2 begins here. My new aim is to build up to 50 BIs for 50NL (£2500) by the end of 2013. Nothing much is gonna change for the time being, still just playing 20NL and 30NL for the moment, especially as 40NL never seems to run. May take the odd shot @ 50NL when I get to around £1500 but mostly 20NL and 30NL.
Will still obv be playing some MTTs and what not on the side.
So that's 50 x 30NL BIs in the next 9 months to meet my target.
Wish me luck!
Well done lambert. Good luck on the 2nd challenge!!
Cold 4 fail
Congrats Paul.
it's a nice look seeing 4 figures staring back at you isn't it.
makes all the hard work worth while.
i'm sure the next few months will be fun too,especially if you start playing at the higher level of nl50
best wishes on reaching your next target.
(* *)
@ Rancid - Cheers mate. Here comes the tough bit, it's gonna be way harder beating my way through to 50NL than it was through the micro stakes. P.S. Thanks for completely owning me again this morning lol. Level myself so much against you and the one time I'm actually good calling down with 2nd pr, you bink your set on the river
@ Devon - Cheers, yeah it really is a great feeling just seeing 4 figures in my account (and knowing that it aint been at the cost of my bank account to be there). The next few months I suspect will be very tough so think I need all the 'good lucks' I can get
Got a good length grind in today, combined probably around 3 hours of 6tabling 20NL and 30NL. Started badly, couple of stack offs, one was pretty bad, the other one was V Rancid and that's always gonna be bad. Also lost a AKs v QQ aipf which is pretty standard. Was about -£70 at that point
Then I had to pick my daughter up from preschool. Got back on the grind for another hour or so when I got back and managed to turn it all round to a loss of about £1.80.
Not had a look through the HHs yet but I know there are definitely a few clinic worthy hands in there, so I'll get that sorted later tonight.
Details to be confirmed but I think I'm gonna be going for Priority in April and me and Evil_Pingu have decided to get a small prop bet going to see who can earn the most points in April. FWIW, I earned 212 this morning so need to do about 47 X that to make Priority....
Bankroll: £1,006.55
Poker Points: 1182 (£11.82)
Was never in doubt