As and when you know the dates, give me a shout and I'll see what I can do. But £500 is not a bad price these days to fly all the way to west coast America.
Cheers Harry, I'll drop you a PM when I know more.
As a bit of background, we found out nearly a week ago that Emma's brother who lives in San Francisco has something called AVM. I don't know the full details but I believe it's an issue with the arteries around the brain or at least it is his case. He was brought in to the hospital a few days ago when he went numb down one side of his body and has been sedated most of that time while they try to drain the blood from around his brain. They've had awake on and off for for the last couple of days and he is now able to talk although seems to have trouble finding the words he wants to say. He's been able to lift the thumbs on both hands which is a good sign but is still unable to move his toes and obviously they won't be can't be sure yet if there will be any lasting damage to his brain.
Emma's bro is quite high up (director of product design) in Yahoo and we've had a phone call from the CEO of Yahoo who is very good friends with him saying that they're gonna do whatever it takes to make sure he gets the absolute best possible care so it's great to have that support. Seems pretty crazy knowing the CEO of Yahoo is involved!
So we're looking to go out there to see him in the very near future which means me and Emma are both in a rush to get ourselves passports.
Yeah my BR has taken a bit of a beating but at this stage it's not enough to force me to move down stakes... JUST! So yeah can still continue as I am now but can't afford to continue getting battered for too much longer.
Grind schedule is organised and decent, possibly too rigid if anything. I'm definitely doing well with the volume, usually playing between 9-12 tables for the better part of 40hr per week. I generally do like 6-7 hours on a Friday and Saturday night, then do 4hr sessions a few other weeknights and a few weekdays to make up to about 40hr. This has reduced a little over the last week or so because I'm finding it mentally tough just getting butchered every session. Sometimes I find it hard to switch off after a horrible session but if I'm playing on the Xbox 360 or watching a film with the girlfriend or something then that generally takes my mind off it all.
I can't help but feel that my game has become a little more robotic of late. Not like being a massive nit just waiting for the nuts but sometimes missing out on villian dependent moves so might miss out on a street of value against X villian because he's stationy or by incorrectly paying off Y villian because he's just nut peddling. So these are definite leaks.... but then I dunno if I'm overthinking this and possibly just trying to find excuses for why I'm losing. There's no doubting, no matter what I say, the majority of is it pure and simple variance giving me a kick in the chops. Very good idea about spending some time to focus on a particular player and figuring out how to destroy him. One thing I do know is that there are a group of players who all play my level and who are all staked by the same person and all have virtually identical nut peddling games, so watching one of them is basically the equivelant of watching about 6+ of the regs at my level.
It's really hard to know what the best thing to do is. Part of me wants to reduce the tables and try to get some focus back because I'm wondering if the problem is playing so many tables.... but at the same time, I played about 100,000 hands in my first month which were pretty much all while 12tabling and I smashed it, and really don't think I ran particularly well in the process.
Obviously I'd love to be sponsored by Sky or something lol but would have no idea how to go abou it and doubt they'd want to. There's nothing really special about me, other than I guess they could say I'm the guy that spun it all up from £20 but I'm sure there's a million others out there that have done similar.
FWIW, this is my 3rd month of playing full time and so far my first 2 months have been profitable. First month was a very good start, but the 2nd month I kinda got out of jail and only managed to have a very small winning month thanks to rakeback and a couple of MTT binks on another site. It would have been a lot more profitable if not for losing something in the region of £1.2k at cash before the end of last month and this month started in similar fashion which has left me trying to 'get out of it' again.
Okay, I can only call it how I think i see it. And to be honest I think going back to your comfort zone is not best way forward if your serious about this full time stuff.
The hardest part about becoming a full time online cash reg is bedding in after that luxurious 4-6 week honeymoon period when no one has played THAT much volume against you.... thereafter players start developing reads on you... and if there's a whole bunch of them being staked you - can bet your house their prob discussing strategy against certain opponents as well. (Not calling anyone out just sayin it like it is).
This is when it counts for something, now its about playing 1 hour and studying for 2 hours. Putting that extra time in to develop new readjustments you need to make against the regs. ESPECIALLY in 3bet pots, once you do some studying away from the table and work on "3bet+ pot" reads versus 1 oppononent and your adjustments start coming off it doesn't half feel good.
You can always consider some coaching as well... ultimatley its your call but i think heading over to sngs and then coming back to cash in the future isnt going to answer where things are at in terms of your skills and development areas. It might be as small an area as just grinding out another 200K hands... but its hard to go into lockdown mode on a downswing to even it out just to breakeven!!
RE the sky sponsership thing, thats down to you to make happen. Youve done all the hard work with this blog and the evidence is all in here with the hard work. There's no reason why you can't follow in the footsteps or scotty or redmond... thats what you should be aiming for imo to get the most out of this experience. Even if its not that likely to happen... if you keep knocking on the door you never know!!!
Meant to reply ages ago but cheers for the advice TPTP, I'm definitely gonna spend some time picking on particular regs and trying to get much more detailed reads.
And yeah the Sky thing is down to me to make it happen, it's definitely something I've always been interested in like. I was well happy with Tikay picked me to play for Team Sky Poker and would deffo love to get more involved with Sky like that, maybe even make a guest appearance on 861.
I meant to post up this morning so I'll post up in the tone/manner I intended to at the time lol.
Well the hits just keep on coming! It's now the better part of 7-8 weeks where I've barely managed to have 1 winning session at any format. This morning was my first time back at cash in about a week, and it wasn't any kinder to me than it was on my last visit. I also played a couple of MTTs. To the best of my recollection I got it in pre 5 times this morning (twice in MTTs and 3 times in cash).
Cash AKo v JJ - lose AKs v QQ - lose JJ v ATo - lose
MTTs £5 BH exit - AA v KK - lose £11 BH exit - KK v AA - lose (gotta laugh at them two)
All pretty standard spots...(well except someone getting stacks in with ATo at 20NL) just a shame all 5 of them didn't go my way. Also had a pretty rough time of people just generally outdrawing me in cash at a higher than normal rate. Bricked every MTT except a £5 timed tourney where I cashed for just over £20 so that saved my MTTs for the morning.
This evening went a little better. I went in with a clear plan... win the Mini, and win the Priority freeroll. Things didn't quite go to plan as I bust the Mini in probably <30 mins. Pretty standard, I got shortish, and 3bet shipped AT, it was a little deeper than I normally 3bet jam but I know you get such ridic light calls in the Mini BHs so think it was fine, called by KQ and couldn't hold anyway.
I didn't win the Priority FR but I did manage to get my first ever cash in one of them and £160 comes in very handy when you're bleeding money like no-one's business. shawsok - £7402MIKEY802 - £4403SoLack - £3004b123n - £2205Lambert180 - £1606winner5603 - £140
I also had my first winning session at cash for what feels like about a million years. Only a small win of £33.25 but I'll take anything at the mo.
So all in all, pretty brutal morning, but finished about +£145 tonight on MTTs and +£33 on cash to claw back this morning's losses and make a bit of a profit. Fingers crossed All this rungood I'm due will all be released this weekend and I can get a nice score at the SPT.
Morning session started off pretty horrible and thought I was in for another slog, but it did manage to pick up towards the end, and I clawed back most of the earlier losses to finish -£6.73... I'll take that, given how I ran.
Dohhhhh's requested more HHs in the diary so here are a couple from this morning (he specifically requested I post the first one)....
Moore has been open shipping or 3bet shipping pretty much every hand for the last. Don't see any point 3betting to iso, not gonna get people calling 25xBB ships too light behind me.... it's not a BH or is it...
Check the flop to give them 1 chance to try and get me out of the pot if they want to, even though it's a dry side pot, most people don't realise... either way I'm not folding. Nice cooler flop either way lol.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Flush to the 10
Next up, just a nice 3 outter.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Two Pairs, Jacks and 10s
The just for some balance, I'll post a hand where I won
Was gonna play quite a few MTTs this morning but such a poor selection going. Don't fancy playing a £5 BH with 15% rake when 1st place is about £40! So in the end I just played a £5.50 timed tourney where I cashed for £27.66 and a few MTTs over in foreign lands. Not been doing too well on there for a couple of weeks, got my first cash in a while today but it was tiny, came in the somewhere in the 40th - 50th region in a €5 which had €500 FTW... I got €6.57 lol.
Amusingly, I'm about +£260 this month on MTTs, the only format I'm in profit for this month.
That A10 vs J10 hand, he has more outs than you realise I think Posted by hhyftrftdr
Lol sorry 7 outs then. At first glance (or 2nd glance cos u just told me) I thought it was 6 outs cos of the 8s but he'd have a straight flush. Still drawing fairly thin.
Interesting read last few pages. I have my own opinions (most you wouldn't like so I'll keep them off the thread) but one thing I will say is you shouldn't be playing 12 tables.
Given the state of the games can you think of a worse way to beat up regs than doing exactly the same as them? Grinding as many tables as you can in a robotic style just adds to the problem.
My opinion? Play 6 tables (8 maximum) and develop a style that beats the other 5 nut peddlers on your table... Then you'll enjoy the game a bit more too.
Pryce, do you not think it's also kinda robotic stealing blinds and the like? Playing against "nut peddlers" as you put it. It's really boring playing against tight players.
Tho I agree to an extent it must be pushing buttons playing 12 tables. If that's what paul was doing, he'd be as well playing the same levels as DTM.
Yeah I have to agree I dont know how profitable and good for your game it can be to 12 table. But I'm sure you have experimented with different numbers of tables and found that generates the most profit? It could be worthwhile though to try doing so again - one session just play 3 tables, another play 5 tables, another play 8 tables. Do this a few times and see how your winrate does doing this.
I often find just 1/2 tabling sometime I get my most profit. I do sometimes wish I could mass multi-table but when you can win 8 BI just single tabling over a few hours it doesn't seem so bad!!
Pryce, do you not think it's also kinda robotic stealing blinds and the like? Playing against "nut peddlers" as you put it. It's really boring playing against tight players. Tho I agree to an extent it must be pushing buttons playing 12 tables. If that's what paul was doing, he'd be as well playing the same levels as DTM. Posted by LARSON7
Of course it's boring playing against tight players, why do you think the games are in the state they are in? Even weaker players are capable of looking at tables and deciding not to play against the same 5 players, who only give them action when they have a set or KK+...
I went through a stage of having absolutely zero motivation to play - not because I couldn't win but because I found it so mind numblingly boring!
I haven't played cash on sky properly for a long time so I can't say for sure, but from what I've heard it's pretty reggy and tight. Poker is changing - gone are the days where you had 4 rec players to extract money from on each table. You have to be able to beat good players/regs and spending time developing your game to do that is incredibly important.
By the way, not having a go Lambert. Just you say a few times how you want to improve and move up etc - both won't happen robotically grinding 12 tables. Sounds like you kinda know this anyway.
TILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wrote a massive reply, clicked post and it timed me out!! Let's start again, good job I got a virtually photographic memory so should be able to rewrite very quickly.
Hey Nick, I heard you were back around the scene, I'll come and say hello at DTD this weekend.
Don't worry about any comments you may think sound harsh, I can take it and I've already had 'varied' responses from my recent updates. Feel free to post what yuo like on here, PM me, email me (you should still have my email address) or post up a comment on my blog:
Obv you can keep it to yourself if you'd prefer like.
I definitely agree with the whole 12tabling thing, and I haven't been playing more than 6-7 tables recently and intend to carry on that way at least for the forseeable future. I came to the same realisation myself recently and since a few people have pointed it out to me. Improving and moving up is definitely paramout, there's no way I'd do this for a living with the intention of staying at these levels and having to grind 50+ hours a week to make a modest living and just make a load of rakeback, so I'm putting more effort into actually trying to spend some time learning/improving rather than just spending all my time playing.
@Larson - There is a bit more to it than just stealing blinds. And imo it's not really robotic, it's essentially the opposite, it's about having good notes/reads on people and using them to exploit them so you're actually adapting to people's play. The other side of the coin is to virtually play every hand readless/in a vacuum and just play every single situation in the exact same way against every single opponent cos 'thats how you play a set on K89r' or whatever.
@Ivan - There's no way on earth you can win 8 BIs 1tabling for a couple of hours on the NLHE tables as they are now without some serious heatering, I don't care how good you are lol. I agree though, I could probably improve my winrate per table by reducing tables, although obv I'd have to look into what it does to my actual hourly rate. During September, I played pretty much 12tables the whole month and maintained a winrate of 5xBB per hour per table. I only played 100k hands so while it's a decent sample, it's by no means gospel as to what it would be long term. FWIW though, I am on a pretty horrendous downswing, it's not like, I'm suddenly now running around EV and I'm losing cos I need to rungood to win.
Too tired atm to post an update, off to bed now but just wanted to post this hand so I don't forget, what a beauty.
The disgusting thing is, the K on the river should probably have saved me, and I should probably find a fold there cos he's just never bluffing in this spot and he's never 3bet shipping the river with trips, it's just always gonna be like KK/99/TT.... somehow KT/K9 if he was feeling fruity on the flop lol. So could save myself £20 here but raise/folding that river just feels so disgusting (deffo don't think I should just flat fwiw).
Too tired atm to post an update, off to bed now but just wanted to post this hand so I don't forget, what a beauty. The disgusting thing is, the K on the river should probably have saved me, and I should probably find a fold there cos he's just never bluffing in this spot and he's never 3bet shipping the river with trips, it's just always gonna be like KK/99/TT.... somehow KT/K9 if he was feeling fruity on the flop lol. So could save myself £20 here but raise/folding that river just feels so disgusting (deffo don't think I should just flat fwiw). Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance jameswins Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £71.27 aceshigh04 Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £20.56 Your hole cards 6 6 rancid Raise £0.60 £0.90 £45.53 POKEY2011 Call £0.60 £1.50 £39.40 blackb00sh Fold Lambert180 Call £0.60 £2.10 £55.97 jameswins Fold aceshigh04 Call £0.40 £2.50 £20.16 Flop 9 6 10 aceshigh04 Check rancid Bet £1.40 £3.90 £44.13 POKEY2011 Fold Lambert180 Raise £4.05 £7.95 £51.92 aceshigh04 Fold rancid Call £2.65 £10.60 £41.48 Turn K rancid Check Lambert180 Check River K rancid Bet £7.95 £18.55 £33.53 Lambert180 Raise £19.50 £38.05 £32.42 rancid All-in £33.53 £71.58 £0.00 Lambert180 Call £21.98 £93.56 £10.44 rancid Show K K Lambert180 Show 6 6 rancid Win Four Kings £91.76 £91.76 Posted by Lambert180
Personally the only 2 hands that make any sense the way the hand played out. is either AKhh or KK
sick run out though. But your right it probabaly is a fold on the river, you know rancid aint shoving light.
As a bit of background, we found out nearly a week ago that Emma's brother who lives in San Francisco has something called AVM. I don't know the full details but I believe it's an issue with the arteries around the brain or at least it is his case. He was brought in to the hospital a few days ago when he went numb down one side of his body and has been sedated most of that time while they try to drain the blood from around his brain. They've had awake on and off for for the last couple of days and he is now able to talk although seems to have trouble finding the words he wants to say. He's been able to lift the thumbs on both hands which is a good sign but is still unable to move his toes and obviously they won't be can't be sure yet if there will be any lasting damage to his brain.
Emma's bro is quite high up (director of product design) in Yahoo and we've had a phone call from the CEO of Yahoo who is very good friends with him saying that they're gonna do whatever it takes to make sure he gets the absolute best possible care so it's great to have that support. Seems pretty crazy knowing the CEO of Yahoo is involved!
So we're looking to go out there to see him in the very near future which means me and Emma are both in a rush to get ourselves passports.
Yeah my BR has taken a bit of a beating but at this stage it's not enough to force me to move down stakes... JUST! So yeah can still continue as I am now but can't afford to continue getting battered for too much longer.
Grind schedule is organised and decent, possibly too rigid if anything. I'm definitely doing well with the volume, usually playing between 9-12 tables for the better part of 40hr per week. I generally do like 6-7 hours on a Friday and Saturday night, then do 4hr sessions a few other weeknights and a few weekdays to make up to about 40hr. This has reduced a little over the last week or so because I'm finding it mentally tough just getting butchered every session. Sometimes I find it hard to switch off after a horrible session but if I'm playing on the Xbox 360 or watching a film with the girlfriend or something then that generally takes my mind off it all.
I can't help but feel that my game has become a little more robotic of late. Not like being a massive nit just waiting for the nuts but sometimes missing out on villian dependent moves so might miss out on a street of value against X villian because he's stationy or by incorrectly paying off Y villian because he's just nut peddling. So these are definite leaks.... but then I dunno if I'm overthinking this and possibly just trying to find excuses for why I'm losing. There's no doubting, no matter what I say, the majority of is it pure and simple variance giving me a kick in the chops. Very good idea about spending some time to focus on a particular player and figuring out how to destroy him. One thing I do know is that there are a group of players who all play my level and who are all staked by the same person and all have virtually identical nut peddling games, so watching one of them is basically the equivelant of watching about 6+ of the regs at my level.
It's really hard to know what the best thing to do is. Part of me wants to reduce the tables and try to get some focus back because I'm wondering if the problem is playing so many tables.... but at the same time, I played about 100,000 hands in my first month which were pretty much all while 12tabling and I smashed it, and really don't think I ran particularly well in the process.
Obviously I'd love to be sponsored by Sky or something lol but would have no idea how to go abou it and doubt they'd want to. There's nothing really special about me, other than I guess they could say I'm the guy that spun it all up from £20 but I'm sure there's a million others out there that have done similar.
FWIW, this is my 3rd month of playing full time and so far my first 2 months have been profitable. First month was a very good start, but the 2nd month I kinda got out of jail and only managed to have a very small winning month thanks to rakeback and a couple of MTT binks on another site. It would have been a lot more profitable if not for losing something in the region of £1.2k at cash before the end of last month and this month started in similar fashion which has left me trying to 'get out of it' again.
Meant to reply ages ago but cheers for the advice TPTP, I'm definitely gonna spend some time picking on particular regs and trying to get much more detailed reads.
And yeah the Sky thing is down to me to make it happen, it's definitely something I've always been interested in like. I was well happy with Tikay picked me to play for Team Sky Poker and would deffo love to get more involved with Sky like that, maybe even make a guest appearance on 861.
I meant to post up this morning so I'll post up in the tone/manner I intended to at the time lol.
Well the hits just keep on coming! It's now the better part of 7-8 weeks where I've barely managed to have 1 winning session at any format. This morning was my first time back at cash in about a week, and it wasn't any kinder to me than it was on my last visit. I also played a couple of MTTs. To the best of my recollection I got it in pre 5 times this morning (twice in MTTs and 3 times in cash).
AKo v JJ - lose
AKs v QQ - lose
JJ v ATo - lose
£5 BH exit - AA v KK - lose
£11 BH exit - KK v AA - lose (gotta laugh at them two)
All pretty standard spots...(well except someone getting stacks in with ATo at 20NL) just a shame all 5 of them didn't go my way. Also had a pretty rough time of people just generally outdrawing me in cash at a higher than normal rate. Bricked every MTT except a £5 timed tourney where I cashed for just over £20 so that saved my MTTs for the morning.
This evening went a little better. I went in with a clear plan... win the Mini, and win the Priority freeroll. Things didn't quite go to plan as I bust the Mini in probably <30 mins. Pretty standard, I got shortish, and 3bet shipped AT, it was a little deeper than I normally 3bet jam but I know you get such ridic light calls in the Mini BHs so think it was fine, called by KQ and couldn't hold anyway.
I didn't win the Priority FR but I did manage to get my first ever cash in one of them and £160 comes in very handy when you're bleeding money like no-one's business.
shawsok - £7402MIKEY802 - £4403SoLack - £3004b123n - £2205Lambert180 - £1606winner5603 - £140
I also had my first winning session at cash for what feels like about a million years. Only a small win of £33.25 but I'll take anything at the mo.
So all in all, pretty brutal morning, but finished about +£145 tonight on MTTs and +£33 on cash to claw back this morning's losses and make a bit of a profit. Fingers crossed All this rungood I'm due will all be released this weekend and I can get a nice score at the SPT.
Morning session started off pretty horrible and thought I was in for another slog, but it did manage to pick up towards the end, and I clawed back most of the earlier losses to finish -£6.73... I'll take that, given how I ran.
or is it...
Dohhhhh's requested more HHs in the diary so here are a couple from this morning (he specifically requested I post the first one)....
Moore has been open shipping or 3bet shipping pretty much every hand for the last. Don't see any point 3betting to iso, not gonna get people calling 25xBB ships too light behind me.... it's not a BH
Check the flop to give them 1 chance to try and get me out of the pot if they want to, even though it's a dry side pot, most people don't realise... either way I'm not folding. Nice cooler flop either way lol.
Was gonna play quite a few MTTs this morning but such a poor selection going. Don't fancy playing a £5 BH with 15% rake when 1st place is about £40! So in the end I just played a £5.50 timed tourney where I cashed for £27.66 and a few MTTs over in foreign lands. Not been doing too well on there for a couple of weeks, got my first cash in a while today but it was tiny, came in the somewhere in the 40th - 50th region in a €5 which had €500 FTW... I got €6.57 lol.
Amusingly, I'm about +£260 this month on MTTs, the only format I'm in profit for this month.
Tho I agree to an extent it must be pushing buttons playing 12 tables. If that's what paul was doing, he'd be as well playing the same levels as DTM.
Hey Nick, I heard you were back around the scene, I'll come and say hello at DTD this weekend.
Don't worry about any comments you may think sound harsh, I can take it
have my email address) or post up a comment on my blog:
Obv you can keep it to yourself if you'd prefer like.
I definitely agree with the whole 12tabling thing, and I haven't been playing more than 6-7 tables recently and intend to carry on that way at least for the forseeable future. I came to the same realisation myself recently and since a few people have pointed it out to me. Improving and moving up is definitely paramout, there's no way I'd do this for a living with the intention of staying at these levels and having to grind 50+ hours a week to make a modest living and just make a load of rakeback, so I'm putting more effort into actually trying to spend some time learning/improving rather than just spending all my time playing.
@Larson - There is a bit more to it than just stealing blinds. And imo it's not really robotic, it's essentially the opposite, it's about having good notes/reads on people and using them to exploit them so you're actually adapting to people's play. The other side of the coin is to virtually play every hand readless/in a vacuum and just play every single situation in the exact same way against every single opponent cos 'thats how you play a set on K89r' or whatever.
@Ivan - There's no way on earth you can win 8 BIs 1tabling for a couple of hours on the NLHE tables as they are now without some serious heatering, I don't care how good you are lol. I agree though, I could probably improve my winrate per table by reducing tables, although obv I'd have to look into what it does to my actual hourly rate. During September, I played pretty much 12tables the whole month and maintained a winrate of 5xBB per hour per table. I only played 100k hands so while it's a decent sample, it's by no means gospel as to what it would be long term. FWIW though, I am on a pretty horrendous downswing, it's not like, I'm suddenly now running around EV and I'm losing cos I need to rungood to win.
@DTM - The games are awful for the most part lol.
The disgusting thing is, the K on the river should probably have saved me, and I should probably find a fold there cos he's just never bluffing in this spot and he's never 3bet shipping the river with trips, it's just always gonna be like KK/99/TT.... somehow KT/K9 if he was feeling fruity on the flop lol. So could save myself £20 here but raise/folding that river just feels so disgusting (deffo don't think I should just flat fwiw).
sick run out though. But your right it probabaly is a fold on the river, you know rancid aint shoving light.