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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • GreekWayGreekWay Member Posts: 462
    edited November 2013
    It's nice to see my lovely advice to be posted by a pro. :)

    If you know how to cash in the various deposit bonuses on both poker and betting you can make a decent amount of money and grow your bankroll. Problem is that I didn't back in the days, so I have used most of them by now and by bankroll is still 0.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    so did Mr. Trickett reply on twitter?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    so did Mr. Trickett reply on twitter?
    Posted by The_Don90
    Yeah he said he plays under The_Don90 when he's grinding Sky Pokerz.

    Lol nah he didn't, and fwiw, it was a joke, I'd say the chance he plays here is < 0.01%
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : Yeah he said he plays under The_Don90 when he's grinding Sky Pokerz. Lol nah he didn't, and fwiw, it was a joke, I'd say the chance he plays here is < 0.01%
    Posted by Lambert180

    That's 1000/1.

    If you're willing to lay me 50/1 (a 2% chance) I'll have that $10 u owe me on it being him?

    That's a hugely +ev bet for you!

    I may be the most gullible person on that thread (I normally am) but I don't know why the rock wud lie!


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : Yeah he said he plays under The_Don90 when he's grinding Sky Pokerz. Lol nah he didn't, and fwiw, it was a joke, I'd say the chance he plays here is < 0.01%
    Posted by Lambert180
    Haha for the record i dont care if he does or doesnt either. Just banter lol 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Aint updated for a couple of days. I did go off to play cash after the TOTP game as I said I would and finished +£90

    Small wins @ cash on Monday and Tuesday coming to about +£60 combined.

    And haven't long finished my first morning session in agesss. Forgot how little runs on Sky in the mornings :( so ended up playing a bit of everything.

    Played a few HU SnGs (£5s) and finished +£8.50
    Played a bit of cash, HU and 6max and finished +£60.90

    Played 2 MTTs and 1 sat. Bricked a £5.75 BH and got 1 head (£1.13) in a £3.30 BH. The sat was a £2.50 Micro sat for the UKPC QF, 1in5 and got 7 runners, I won that and just took the £11.50 cos 7:15pm (the QF time) is a really bad time for me to play. So finished a grand total of +£1.08 from MTTs lol.

    As you can see, things are going a lot better recently though.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited November 2013
    good to see you running better m8,just a shame you passed your bad run on to me thanks alot :)
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    good to see you running better m8,just a shame you passed your bad run on to me thanks alot :)
    Posted by liamboi11
    What happened?

    You had a £220 stack on a nl20 table yesterday!

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : What happened? You had a £220 stack on a nl20 table yesterday!
    Posted by splashies
    was playin 50nl yesterday and never went well, at one point had like 5 out of 6 tables with £100+ and was still down around £200ish lol
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    good to see you on the rise again paul.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Cheers guys, things are definitely on the up..... for now.

    I decided to withdraw £100 from my roll here and stick it on DTD's website as I'm looking at getting into some satellites over there for the £1k Sky ME in Feb, and also want to try and make the £1k UKIPT at DTD too which I think isn't until April. I'd have liked to try to get into the UKIPT there at the end of this month but it's a bit short notice.

    I played an £11 BH tonight which was going very well until I 4bet shipped JJ to see the 3bettor snap me off with QJo and flop the Q leaving me drawing to 1 out. Unfortunately no heads, no cash.

    Things were better at cash though, took a few pretty nasty beats for stacks, but still managed to finish +£70 so I'm happy with that.

    Reaaaaaalllly need to get back on the volume though, got a little prop bet with Dohhh that I'll make Prio this month which shows how much faith he has in my current volume lol. So profits going well this month, points not so much... still confident I'll make Prio easy, just gotta get myself back on it.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Well volume was better tonight, played for about 5hr 30 mins before I hit the point where I was just too tired to go on (and play well).

    Continued trying to earn the points at the DTD club games and am now only 7 points short... would have got there tonight but didn't start them til about 10pm and games had dried up by about midnight (to the point of me actually being the only person sat on a table at my stakes). Got pwnned on there again by variance, a standard KK v AA aipf spot, and then a slightly less standard spot where a guy peels a 3bet with J7o against my AA and check/calls 3 streets on J8377. Meh, all I want now is to get them 25 points before busto'ing the £100 lol.

    As for the cash on Sky, started very well, took a big dip in the middle putting me slightly in the red, then turned it back around for an epic profit of £1.68. On the upside, I probably earned literally 10x that in C4P tonight. Points total is marginally less embarrassing at 1.5k but still a lot of work to do to win this prop bet.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    What the forfiet of the prop bet ?

    Do you think you can win, as 1.5k seems abit behind schedule by my maths.

    How do you find the ipoker software? 

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited November 2013
    Nice turnaround since i last looked

    Not sure what the prop bet is but wouldn,t risk going for it to much at the expense of losing part of your roll


  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Don't worry it's only a $10 bet lol. Me and JJ been having these kinda bets for a few months now (on different things, but usually volume related) and up to now it's been a case of he wins a bet, I give him double or nothing on the next bet and I win, he wins the next bet etc, so no money has actually changed hands yet lol, 10k points will get me back to evens on the betting ;)

    Yeah I'm not gonna go mental and damage my profits just to win $10 off JJ but yeah Don think I can still get it fairly easy. I can make about 500 points per cash session if I put in a decent length session, so with 8.5k to go that's 17 sessions and there's 21 days left of the month. Obv I don't play every day of the month but I do put 2 sessions in per day alot of the time.

    Meh, not sure tbh about it, I used to play on Titan loads years ago so I've already played on it loads although not for a very long time. Not appreciating the softwares skillz at coolering me though ;) It's alright I guess, I wouldn't say I dislike it but I wouldn't describe it as nice.
  • jams88jams88 Member Posts: 694
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : was playin 50nl yesterday and never went well, at one point had like 5 out of 6 tables with £100+ and was still down around £200ish lol
    Posted by liamboi11
    and sitting on a normal 6max nl20 table with £240!!!! lol

    How can you say the games are tough in the mornings when me and liam were there every morning last week spewing away in style. value to be had!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Got completely butchered on the cash tables on Sky tonight. Alot of standard stuff, being on the wrong end of all the coolers and just not being able to hold when getting it in.

    This one sucked. Feel free to give input. The reason I didn't 5bet is cos I know Ivan is capable of 4betting light especially when stacks are deep so I wanted to keep all them hands in his range + 5betting does narrow my range down a ton...
    Donttelmum Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £40.90
    F_Ivanovic Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £65.28
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    surf22 Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £67.61
    Lambert180 Raise  £2.00 £2.90 £38.50
    torres215 Fold     
    Donttelmum Call  £1.90 £4.80 £39.00
    F_Ivanovic Raise  £5.40 £10.20 £59.88
    surf22 Fold     
    Lambert180 Call  £3.60 £13.80 £34.90
    Donttelmum Fold     
    • 10
    • 7
    • 9
    F_Ivanovic Bet  £5.20 £19.00 £54.68
    Lambert180 Call  £5.20 £24.20 £29.70
    • 7
    F_Ivanovic All-in  £54.68 £78.88 £0.00
    Lambert180 All-in  £29.70 £108.58 £0.00
    F_Ivanovic Unmatched bet  £24.98 £83.60 £24.98
    F_Ivanovic Show
    • A
    • 8
    Lambert180 Show
    • K
    • K
    • 4
    F_Ivanovic Win Flush to the Ace £81.80  £106.78
    Thoughts of calling this river? Given the line pre, flop and turn, I was almost certain they had 22-88. So when it comes quads on the river, it felt pretty sigh for a second, then I came to the conclusion I still had the best high card against his entire range to go with the quads. FWIW, I 100% made a mistake by not shoving the turn imo
    nu Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £20.00
    Cbhoy932 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £12.99
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    simonnatur Fold     
    eva11 Call  £0.20 £0.50 £38.43
    ronnieg197 Fold     
    Lambert180 Raise  £0.80 £1.30 £18.94
    nu Call  £0.70 £2.00 £19.30
    Cbhoy932 Call  £0.60 £2.60 £12.39
    eva11 Call  £0.60 £3.20 £37.83
    • 8
    • 6
    • 6
    nu Check     
    Cbhoy932 Bet  £1.60 £4.80 £10.79
    eva11 Fold     
    Lambert180 Call  £1.60 £6.40 £17.34
    nu Fold     
    • 6
    Cbhoy932 Bet  £3.20 £9.60 £7.59
    Lambert180 Call  £3.20 £12.80 £14.14
    • 6
    Cbhoy932 All-in  £7.59 £20.39 £0.00
    Lambert180 Call  £7.59 £27.98 £6.55
    Cbhoy932 Show
    • A
    • A
    Lambert180 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    Cbhoy932 Win Four 6s £26.58  £26.58
    On the upside, I finished earning my 25 points on DTD tonight for FR thing and made just over £10 profit so hopefully I can get a few seats out of that.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2013
    KK hand pretty unlucky! I've had 3 hands tonight (2 in holdem, 1 in omaha) where I held the nuts and a flush redraw and every time I missed the flush. One time I hit the flush was vs you!! Flatting pre seems fine pretty much instant folding to a 5-bet! Guess you could raise flop given how drawy it is but call is OK and obv have to call turn. My range is probably combo draws, some 7x and AA/KK and possibly AK. So yeah think you have right equity vs that to call!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    its hard for 9 high to win a high card battle 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    so 5 betting narrows your range but flatting 4 bets doesn't

    so what do you flat 4 bets with to keep yourself nice and wide ?


    please don't respond just have a think about it, surely you should have a better reason to flat

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