In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : I live quite close to Harlow, it's not a bad drive to get there. Stories of Harlow? Sure I will tell some as and when, fun place, interesting people. Two words for you though as a local for Harlow, Bingo Bill. What a hero! Posted by TommyD
Been reading this thread alot, but on my phone at work so cant really post anything. When I get home I tend to play and not post so whilst im just finishing a sessions thought i'd drop by.
Have really enjoyed reading it so far makes those boring hours at work go so much quicker thanks
Great read Tommy as others have stated, a mixture of poker, life and anything and everything, keep it up. Always look to check out the days musings when I settle down for the evening.
So I went to the dentist today. Just a check up and luckily I've been a good boy this six months so no drilling to be done (although I've stopped getting lollys for this, annoying).
I've been going to the same dentist all of my life and while she is an absolutely lovely woman, I cannot look at her without that pang of fear and dread. I just can't stand going to the dentist and to be fair I'm the same with the hairdressers. I really don't like being touched for that long as well as being pretty powerless in the chair, perhaps I'm a control freak. I should chat to her more and be friendly but to be honest I practically run out of that place. Maybe I'll take flowers next time. Then again they do deliver....
So I went to the dentist today. Just a check up and luckily I've been a good boy this six months so no drilling to be done (although I've stopped getting lollys for this, annoying). I've been going to the same dentist all of my life and while she is an absolutely lovely woman, I cannot look at her without that pang of fear and dread. I just can't stand going to the dentist and to be fair I'm the same with the hairdressers. I really don't like being touched for that long as well as being pretty powerless in the chair, perhaps I'm a control freak. I should chat to her more and be friendly but to be honest I practically run out of that place. Maybe I'll take flowers next time. Then again they do deliver.... Posted by TommyD
wow . can oddly relate to this, at least i'm not the only freak. I hate the dentist so much i actually stopped going, feel so helpless sat in the chair, while a random man sticks fingers in my mouth and crazy dentist tools, while asking me to open my mouth wider and wider . "I'm opening it as wide as i can u *****".
So I went to the dentist today. Just a check up and luckily I've been a good boy this six months so no drilling to be done (although I've stopped getting lollys for this, annoying). I've been going to the same dentist all of my life and while she is an absolutely lovely woman, I cannot look at her without that pang of fear and dread. I just can't stand going to the dentist and to be fair I'm the same with the hairdressers. I really don't like being touched for that long as well as being pretty powerless in the chair, perhaps I'm a control freak. I should chat to her more and be friendly but to be honest I practically run out of that place. Maybe I'll take flowers next time. Then again they do deliver.... Posted by TommyD
I'm exactly the same with hairdressers - So much so that I recently decided to cut my own hair in a drunken stupor. It actually went surprisingly well and saved me a few quid
Tonight I said something in the chatbox which is the closest I have come to insulting someone in at least the last five years. It's not something I'm proud of, feel a bit bad about it because I know what I was thinking as I typed it. What I was thinking was stronger than what I put.
It's something about PLO MTTs that make me go a little funny in the head. The way I bust in the UKOPS PLO event sent me on a bit of life tilt, and a similar thing happened tonight in the All Rounders League PLO MTT.
While I've been cruising in the top three for most of the tourny, I have recently dropped into the pack as the blinds get deep and the stacks get shallow. I'm still 5 of 11 and cruising along. I get dealt bad aces, I raise TBH happy to pick up what's there, someone 3bets, I shove and they call off most of their stack. Totally their decision, their money their choice, I know this, I say this and you might say I even preach this.
They flip over AK84 rainbow and get there on the river. If this was Holdem I type gl all and move on, have done this for years. But this is another PLO MTT fail for me in a game I think (rightly or wrongly) I have a big edge in. I'm still not up to tilt level though. A few of the others at the table type the usual sick or wow. Then the fellow who bust me types. 'Right, sick. But I like eet.' I don't know if it was the chirp, the fact AK84 rainbow is a bag of broken spanners or the fact he insisted on typing in a regional accent, but I had to say something.
So i typed 'I take it this is the first time you've played PLO.' I instantly regretted it, that's really not what I do or how I play the game. The fellow replies as if I was asking a genuine question and told me about the PLO SnGs he plays on another site, seemed quite pleasant. Guess I got it through.
So I went to the dentist today. Just a check up and luckily I've been a good boy this six months so no drilling to be done (although I've stopped getting lollys for this, annoying). I've been going to the same dentist all of my life and while she is an absolutely lovely woman, I cannot look at her without that pang of fear and dread. I just can't stand going to the dentist and to be fair I'm the same with the hairdressers. I really don't like being touched for that long as well as being pretty powerless in the chair, perhaps I'm a control freak. I should chat to her more and be friendly but to be honest I practically run out of that place. Maybe I'll take flowers next time. Then again they do deliver.... Posted by TommyD
For me its 2 things at the dentist, the initial injection where i wince and theres always a little tear comes out of one eye... then that Grinder thing,, dont know the technical term, shakes my head like something demented. And one of the plusses of a balding napper, buy a ten quid shaver and go over my head once a week and I then do not have to look at the back of my head in a hairdressers mirror say, yes, thanks, nice ta, when all I want to do is run.
i was being srs about getting a HU game if you want to try and play regs, other than launder&rosie i dont think there are others who sit at HU table that will actually play you.
ive been chat tilting alot this month, not had a winning week since 2012 came around gets pretty frustrating. i make sure to just give abuse to regs though dont want to tap the tank and all that
I thought the live shows tonight were excellent, Jakally was great, as were Rich and Stuart.
On a personal note it's the second live show in a row that's really exposed the holes in my game. I'm making too many mistakes at the moment. Time to use a Jack Lemon monologue to illustrate where I am right now. In the not so great but good popcorn feel good movie 'The Legend of Bagger Vance' Jack explains the playing style of two real life golfers. The first is Bobby Jones who's described as making tough shots look easy and average shots look even easier, flawless poetry in motion. The other is Walter Haggen, a man who will shoot more bad shots in a round than most golfers shot in a season, but who knows that one great shot makes up for all of the bad ones and more. In poker I've always been a bit of a Walter. I need to work hard and become a Bobby.
There is one hand I want to look at though. The action in question is whether or not to raise/fold the river. I want to give my logic as to why I thought it was a call and I'd like this logic to be dismantled. I will probably argue my case but in no way think this is me being stubborn or not having an open mind, what I'm looking for is, if it's right, to have accepted conventions broken.
To the hand, I make my set on the river, happy days. What has stopped me raising is the strange line taken by the other player I don't know this player, don't think we've played this player before so please treat him as an unknown. He's limp/called pre which weighs his range heavily in the small pair/Suited cons area. It could be a rag ace, seen a few people at this level limp/call with those type hands. The next odd action is the lead on the turn. It worries me as it's a straightening card. The river brings my set but also completes a flush and we are led into again. I think I am getting value by raising from 77 pretty much exclusively. It just doesn't feel like other sets. I also think that raising here is exploitable, but as I have no history with the villain I don't know if they are capable of this. In summary my opponent's weird line just confused me into caution, lately I've been a little spewy and I've been taking cautious routes when unsure, got to get out of that habit. I also really need to work on knowing when to raise rivers with non nut or near nut value holdings.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : I live quite close to Harlow, it's not a bad drive to get there. Stories of Harlow? Sure I will tell some as and when, fun place, interesting people. Two words for you though as a local for Harlow, Bingo Bill. What a hero! Posted by TommyD
He occasionally frequents G-Luton too, what a character, the original & best Mr C Station.
He sometimes sits in the £2 £2 Dealers choice game, which plays much bigger than £2 £2 should, & it gets pretty hairy, as you cannot get him off anything.
If you sit at that game with £1,000 in front, & Bill is on the Table, the whole lot is going to go in pretty soon, & you don't have the faintest idea what he is going to turn up with.
He catches sometimes, & we lose a tidy pot we think we should have won, but you gotta take those setbacks with a shrug of the shoulders, because he is great value. Cake & eat it, & all that.
What a shame that a good few players don't understand that playing loosey-gooseys will result in a few standard outdraws, but over time will be very profitable. It really makes me sad to see them moan at a loosey outdrawing them, without seeing the other side of the coin.
If you have any words of advice for these guys, let me know, please, because I try, day after day, to explain it to them, but every day I see scores of comments along the lines of "I had J-J, idiot called me with rag ace, & guess what, he got there". (Don't you just groan @ the cheap sarcasm?!) It spoils their enjoyment of a lovely game, simply because they cannot grasp the very obvious logic.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Legend! He occasionally frequents G-Luton too, what a character, the original & best Mr C Station. He sometimes sits in the £2 £2 Dealers choice game, which plays much bigger than £2 £2 should, & it gets pretty hairy, as you cannot get him off anything. If you sit at that game with £1,000 in front, & Bill is on the Table, the whole lot is going to go in pretty soon, & you don't have the faintest idea what he is going to turn up with. He catches sometimes, & we lose a tidy pot we think we should have won, but you gotta take those setbacks with a shrug of the shoulders, because he is great value. Cake & eat it, & all that. What a shame that a good few players don't understand that playing loosey-gooseys will result in a few standard outdraws, but over time will be very profitable. It really makes me sad to see them moan at a loosey outdrawing them, without seeing the other side of the coin. If you have any words of advice for these guys, let me know, please, because I try, day after day, to explain it to them, but every day I see scores of comments along the lines of "I had J-J, idiot called me with rag ace, & guess what, he got there". It spoils their enjoyment of a lovely game, simply because they cannot grasp the very obvious logic. Loving the Diary, fine work Mr D. Posted by Tikay10
Called Bingo for a reason, ATC ) good luck trying to narrow his range )
I've been following this thread from the beginning, excellent read!
Had the 'pleasure' of sitting to your left in the two All Rounder events for most of the night and did notice your chatbox comment following your exit from PLO MTT.
Hardly the most offensive parting comment and there were no ****, but yes I did think wow Tommy's lost it, though as you say, you pulled it off and did at least leave through gritted teeth.
I too find the losses at PLO to be more tilting than NLH, maybe that's because I am still a relative novice at Omaha and perhaps can't see everyone's logic, or maybe it is the beauty or beast of the game?
In fact last night (I believe), was my first Omaha MTT of the year, this was after my experiences in the first UKOPS sat and a couple of other MTT's around that time, where I just couldn't get my head around the majority of play from my opponents from the start to my untimely exits.
Up until then I had been getting more and more drawn towards the game of Omaha, but then snapped and decided it was just a joke of a game, full of Bingo style play.
Anyway here's a more light hearted confession on the theme of Omaha.
On Saturday afternoon, I decided to play an £11DYM NLH game, only when the first hand was dealt, did I get the shock of seeing 4 cards being dealt, not sure how I managed to register for the wrong event, (obviously Sky's fault), but no harm done as I thought I could cope with a DYM Omaha game.
Then to my horror, I realised it was PLO8, a game of which I really didn't know the basic rules, I had a couple of attempts when the game was first launched on Sky and failed miserably.
My confusion increased when I think on two occasions I lost the low hand, (when each time I thought I was good), to someone holding Ace high!
I though the low hand was with card values 8 or less, how can someone win the low hand win with an Ace, or was I misreading the screen shot of the winning low hand?
So, I sat out for a few hands, quickly ready a couple of tutorials, (ahhh so Ace is high and LOW in PLO), don't know why I couldn't consider the possibility of an Ace being a low card, but there you go.
I think you can also use the same card to make up a high hand and a low hand, though still not entirely sure on that one.
Anyway with 5 minutes worth of knowledge, I went back to the table and believe it or not I managed to finish in the top 3!
Poker has the potential to bring enjoyment and satisfaction on so many levels!
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.: [QUOTE. Anyway here's a more light hearted confession on the theme of Omaha. On Saturday afternoon, I decided to play an £11DYM NLH game, only when the first hand was dealt, did I get the shock of seeing 4 cards being dealt, not sure how I managed to register for the wrong event, (obviously Sky's fault), but no harm done as I thought I could cope with a DYM Omaha game. Then to my horror, I realised it was PLO8, a game of which I really didn't know the basic rules, . Posted by TheDart
Another funny..I had been only playing poker on-line for a couple of weeks when one night 4 x hole cards popped up when I reg'd for a £1:10 DYM! I had NO idea why! I asked in the chat box if everyone had 4 x hole cards despite it being obvious they had. Anyway they all thought I was acting it/drunk. I then had to google the word Omaha after I noticed it on the top banner. A quick Google obvs helped as I cashed, more by accident than design tho! Luckily it wasn't PLO8 which I've just discovered. I've also mistakenly reg's for a £11 DYM (way above my level) and cashed without playing a hand! . Question ..Do you ever NOT play because you don't feel in the right" frame of mind or do you force yourself to sit and "see how it goes". I do a fair bit of running and sometimes I have to force myself to go for a run because experience has shown me that those can be the days I have my best sessions. Just wondering if poker is the same? Great daily diary read BTW pad
Tonight I said something in the chatbox which is the closest I have come to insulting someone in at least the last five years. It's not something I'm proud of, feel a bit bad about it because I know what I was thinking as I typed it. What I was thinking was stronger than what I put. It's something about PLO MTTs that make me go a little funny in the head. The way I bust in the UKOPS PLO event sent me on a bit of life tilt, and a similar thing happened tonight in the All Rounders League PLO MTT. While I've been cruising in the top three for most of the tourny, I have recently dropped into the pack as the blinds get deep and the stacks get shallow. I'm still 5 of 11 and cruising along. I get dealt bad aces, I raise TBH happy to pick up what's there, someone 3bets, I shove and they call off most of their stack. Totally their decision, their money their choice, I know this, I say this and you might say I even preach this. They flip over AK84 rainbow and get there on the river. If this was Holdem I type gl all and move on, have done this for years. But this is another PLO MTT fail for me in a game I think (rightly or wrongly) I have a big edge in. I'm still not up to tilt level though. A few of the others at the table type the usual sick or wow. Then the fellow who bust me types. 'Right, sick. But I like eet.' I don't know if it was the chirp, the fact AK84 rainbow is a bag of broken spanners or the fact he insisted on typing in a regional accent, but I had to say something. So i typed 'I take it this is the first time you've played PLO.' I instantly regretted it, that's really not what I do or how I play the game. The fellow replies as if I was asking a genuine question and told me about the PLO SnGs he plays on another site, seemed quite pleasant. Guess I got it through. Posted by TommyD
Hi Tommy
I got wind of your diary watching Rich Orford the other night. He's a fan and i see why!! Had a good read and i'm still going as there's so much good stuff as well as tips for a relative novice( just 7 months of serious learning). I'm an ex maths sec school teacher i'm sooo pleased to say. Your subject? Best poker books IYO? Nice to see you beat yourself up for the chat incident. I've seen some really big rants and i have no hesitation in reporting it. Whether its injustice tilt or not, i don't see why the table has to put up with it. Can their chat be turned off, i ask? As you say poker is there to be enjoyed...lets enjoy it. Its a learning process, i'm loving Tommy. The book collection is growing but the correct route isn't obvious to me and any tips for new but keen players would be a great helptp me and others. If i had to ask you could you consider writing a short article for people new to the game but playing very regularly and willing toput time and effort in to improve. Could it consider:
1. statistics aimed for 2. games to play to learn most 3. most diff skills to acquire 4. what to spend my time on. 5. analysis of hands...what to look for. 6. taking, organise, priorities of what to note, any software help 7. how to approach the learning process in the most efficient way. 8. whether some form of coaching at thi stage would be worthwhile, cost effective etc
Sorry for the extensive list, tommy, but i do feel you're keen to help and obviously have a deep knowledge. any time you could spend on this would benefit alot of players who enjoy the game recreationally but do want to improve. I had to take ill-health retirement from teaching over ten years ago stemming from the tragic suicide of my brother, Mark. it sounds corny but i've put him inside me and lived my life to get the most from it now. New skills are there to be learned. Golf i love but gallstones have stopped that for over 6months. Now i've had the op that will return but poker is another skill i'd like to improve. cheers Tommy, keep up the good work.
Tommy can u analyse your thoughts on this hand for me last night All Rounder PLO, obviously tounaments are my fortay(well supposed to be) but for some reason im always a bit lost in PLO ones. I am average but just feels bit weird and i dont feel like a have a proper strategy for PLO or maybe im a bit limited due to lack of experiance?
I am aware my hand isn't the greatest pre as i have 3 of the same suit altho 3 cards work very well together. at this point i was looking for a spot, i actually did think its possibly utg has QQ/KK/AAxx type hands. Due to my stack i didnt want to just call and let digger in for cheap and once im raising im sort of accepting that its a bit of a gamble all in. Do you think this is ever a good spot? be ruthless on your thoughs please, also if you could give any advice about improving my MTT game for PLO other then use position is obviously key.
I have no reads on both opponents as ive never played them PLO and was only just moved to the table a few hands ago.
Villain is a fish (anyone who L/C is in my books), cant see the 7 helping villains range(may give him oesd) i mean 53? 58? i doubt this, Kh is a nice card for you. . . (when thinking of raising for value with you'r set on the river ovc), there are probably plenty of K-combos in villains L/C range, so we are only losing to AhXh prob<Ah9h, seeing he did not open pre, small suited cards are there too i suppose. Tricky v unknown, but because he L/C i would not automatically give him credit for the Flush, also from my experience, fish do not value bet, his bet looks a scared bet imo, and he is so likely to have a K a lot of the time. Losing value tilts me more than bad-beats, and its a huge leak that i am always trying to fix in my game.
O yes - Bingo - emmmm what can I say :S
Been reading this thread alot, but on my phone at work so cant really post anything. When I get home I tend to play and not post so whilst im just finishing a sessions thought i'd drop by.
Have really enjoyed reading it so far makes those boring hours at work go so much quicker thanks
Great read Tommy as others have stated, a mixture of poker, life and anything and everything, keep it up. Always look to check out the days musings when I settle down for the evening.
I've been going to the same dentist all of my life and while she is an absolutely lovely woman, I cannot look at her without that pang of fear and dread. I just can't stand going to the dentist and to be fair I'm the same with the hairdressers. I really don't like being touched for that long as well as being pretty powerless in the chair, perhaps I'm a control freak. I should chat to her more and be friendly but to be honest I practically run out of that place. Maybe I'll take flowers next time. Then again they do deliver....
can oddly relate to this, at least i'm not the only freak. I hate the dentist so much i actually stopped going, feel so helpless sat in the chair, while a random man sticks fingers in my mouth and crazy dentist tools, while asking me to open my mouth wider and wider . "I'm opening it as wide as i can u *****".
Tonight I said something in the chatbox which is the closest I have come to insulting someone in at least the last five years. It's not something I'm proud of, feel a bit bad about it because I know what I was thinking as I typed it. What I was thinking was stronger than what I put.
It's something about PLO MTTs that make me go a little funny in the head. The way I bust in the UKOPS PLO event sent me on a bit of life tilt, and a similar thing happened tonight in the All Rounders League PLO MTT.
While I've been cruising in the top three for most of the tourny, I have recently dropped into the pack as the blinds get deep and the stacks get shallow. I'm still 5 of 11 and cruising along. I get dealt bad aces, I raise TBH happy to pick up what's there, someone 3bets, I shove and they call off most of their stack. Totally their decision, their money their choice, I know this, I say this and you might say I even preach this.
They flip over AK84 rainbow and get there on the river. If this was Holdem I type gl all and move on, have done this for years. But this is another PLO MTT fail for me in a game I think (rightly or wrongly) I have a big edge in. I'm still not up to tilt level though. A few of the others at the table type the usual sick or wow. Then the fellow who bust me types. 'Right, sick. But I like eet.' I don't know if it was the chirp, the fact AK84 rainbow is a bag of broken spanners or the fact he insisted on typing in a regional accent, but I had to say something.
So i typed 'I take it this is the first time you've played PLO.' I instantly regretted it, that's really not what I do or how I play the game. The fellow replies as if I was asking a genuine question and told me about the PLO SnGs he plays on another site, seemed quite pleasant. Guess I got it through.
And one of the plusses of a balding napper, buy a ten quid shaver and go over my head once a week and I then do not have to look at the back of my head in a hairdressers mirror say, yes, thanks, nice ta, when all I want to do is run.
ive been chat tilting alot this month, not had a winning week since 2012 came around gets pretty frustrating. i make sure to just give abuse to regs though dont want to tap the tank and all that
On a personal note it's the second live show in a row that's really exposed the holes in my game. I'm making too many mistakes at the moment. Time to use a Jack Lemon monologue to illustrate where I am right now. In the not so great but good popcorn feel good movie 'The Legend of Bagger Vance' Jack explains the playing style of two real life golfers. The first is Bobby Jones who's described as making tough shots look easy and average shots look even easier, flawless poetry in motion. The other is Walter Haggen, a man who will shoot more bad shots in a round than most golfers shot in a season, but who knows that one great shot makes up for all of the bad ones and more. In poker I've always been a bit of a Walter. I need to work hard and become a Bobby.
There is one hand I want to look at though. The action in question is whether or not to raise/fold the river. I want to give my logic as to why I thought it was a call and I'd like this logic to be dismantled. I will probably argue my case but in no way think this is me being stubborn or not having an open mind, what I'm looking for is, if it's right, to have accepted conventions broken.
To the hand, I make my set on the river, happy days. What has stopped me raising is the strange line taken by the other player I don't know this player, don't think we've played this player before so please treat him as an unknown. He's limp/called pre which weighs his range heavily in the small pair/Suited cons area. It could be a rag ace, seen a few people at this level limp/call with those type hands. The next odd action is the lead on the turn. It worries me as it's a straightening card. The river brings my set but also completes a flush and we are led into again. I think I am getting value by raising from 77 pretty much exclusively. It just doesn't feel like other sets. I also think that raising here is exploitable, but as I have no history with the villain I don't know if they are capable of this. In summary my opponent's weird line just confused me into caution, lately I've been a little spewy and I've been taking cautious routes when unsure, got to get out of that habit. I also really need to work on knowing when to raise rivers with non nut or near nut value holdings.
The hand:
He occasionally frequents G-Luton too, what a character, the original & best Mr C Station.
He sometimes sits in the £2 £2 Dealers choice game, which plays much bigger than £2 £2 should, & it gets pretty hairy, as you cannot get him off anything.
If you sit at that game with £1,000 in front, & Bill is on the Table, the whole lot is going to go in pretty soon, & you don't have the faintest idea what he is going to turn up with.
He catches sometimes, & we lose a tidy pot we think we should have won, but you gotta take those setbacks with a shrug of the shoulders, because he is great value. Cake & eat it, & all that.
What a shame that a good few players don't understand that playing loosey-gooseys will result in a few standard outdraws, but over time will be very profitable. It really makes me sad to see them moan at a loosey outdrawing them, without seeing the other side of the coin.
If you have any words of advice for these guys, let me know, please, because I try, day after day, to explain it to them, but every day I see scores of comments along the lines of "I had J-J, idiot called me with rag ace, & guess what, he got there". (Don't you just groan @ the cheap sarcasm?!) It spoils their enjoyment of a lovely game, simply because they cannot grasp the very obvious logic.
Loving the Diary, fine work Mr D.
I've been following this thread from the beginning, excellent read!
Had the 'pleasure' of sitting to your left in the two All Rounder events for most of the night and did notice your chatbox comment following your exit from PLO MTT.
Hardly the most offensive parting comment and there were no ****, but yes I did think wow Tommy's lost it, though as you say, you pulled it off and did at least leave through gritted teeth.
I too find the losses at PLO to be more tilting than NLH, maybe that's because I am still a relative novice at Omaha and perhaps can't see everyone's logic, or maybe it is the beauty or beast of the game?
In fact last night (I believe), was my first Omaha MTT of the year, this was after my experiences in the first UKOPS sat and a couple of other MTT's around that time, where I just couldn't get my head around the majority of play from my opponents from the start to my untimely exits.
Up until then I had been getting more and more drawn towards the game of Omaha, but then snapped and decided it was just a joke of a game, full of Bingo style play.
Anyway here's a more light hearted confession on the theme of Omaha.
On Saturday afternoon, I decided to play an £11DYM NLH game, only when the first hand was dealt, did I get the shock of seeing 4 cards being dealt, not sure how I managed to register for the wrong event, (obviously Sky's fault), but no harm done as I thought I could cope with a DYM Omaha game.
Then to my horror, I realised it was PLO8, a game of which I really didn't know the basic rules, I had a couple of attempts when the game was first launched on Sky and failed miserably.
My confusion increased when I think on two occasions I lost the low hand, (when each time I thought I was good), to someone holding Ace high!
I though the low hand was with card values 8 or less, how can someone win the low hand win with an Ace, or was I misreading the screen shot of the winning low hand?
So, I sat out for a few hands, quickly ready a couple of tutorials, (ahhh so Ace is high and LOW in PLO), don't know why I couldn't consider the possibility of an Ace being a low card, but there you go.
I think you can also use the same card to make up a high hand and a low hand, though still not entirely sure on that one.
Anyway with 5 minutes worth of knowledge, I went back to the table and believe it or not I managed to finish in the top 3!
Poker has the potential to bring enjoyment and satisfaction on so many levels!
[QUOTE. Anyway here's a more light hearted confession on the theme of Omaha. On Saturday afternoon, I decided to play an £11DYM NLH game, only when the first hand was dealt, did I get the shock of seeing 4 cards being dealt, not sure how I managed to register for the wrong event, (obviously Sky's fault), but no harm done as I thought I could cope with a DYM Omaha game. Then to my horror, I realised it was PLO8, a game of which I really didn't know the basic rules, .
Posted by TheDart
Another funny..I had been only playing poker on-line for a couple of weeks when one night 4 x hole cards popped up when I reg'd for a £1:10 DYM! I had NO idea why! I asked in the chat box if everyone had 4 x hole cards despite it being obvious they had. Anyway they all thought I was acting it/drunk.
I then had to google the word Omaha after I noticed it on the top banner. A quick Google obvs helped as I cashed, more by accident than design tho! Luckily it wasn't PLO8 which I've just discovered.
I've also mistakenly reg's for a £11 DYM (way above my level) and cashed without playing a hand!
Question ..Do you ever NOT play because you don't feel in the right" frame of mind or do you force yourself to sit and "see how it goes". I do a fair bit of running and sometimes I have to force myself to go for a run because experience has shown me that those can be the days I have my best sessions. Just wondering if poker is the same?
Great daily diary read BTW
I got wind of your diary watching Rich Orford the other night. He's a fan and i see why!! Had a good read and i'm still going as there's so much good stuff as well as tips for a relative novice( just 7 months of serious learning). I'm an ex maths sec school teacher i'm sooo pleased to say. Your subject? Best poker books IYO?
Nice to see you beat yourself up for the chat incident. I've seen some really big rants and i have no hesitation in reporting it. Whether its injustice tilt or not, i don't see why the table has to put up with it. Can their chat be turned off, i ask? As you say poker is there to be enjoyed...lets enjoy it. Its a learning process, i'm loving Tommy. The book collection is growing but the correct route isn't obvious to me and any tips for new but keen players would be a great helptp me and others.
If i had to ask you could you consider writing a short article for people new to the game but playing very regularly and willing toput time and effort in to improve. Could it consider:
1. statistics aimed for
2. games to play to learn most
3. most diff skills to acquire
4. what to spend my time on.
5. analysis of hands...what to look for.
6. taking, organise, priorities of what to note, any software help
7. how to approach the learning process in the most efficient way.
8. whether some form of coaching at thi stage would be worthwhile, cost effective etc
Sorry for the extensive list, tommy, but i do feel you're keen to help and obviously have a deep knowledge. any time you could spend on this would benefit alot of players who enjoy the game recreationally but do want to improve. I had to take ill-health retirement from teaching over ten years ago stemming from the tragic suicide of my brother, Mark. it sounds corny but i've put him inside me and lived my life to get the most from it now. New skills are there to be learned. Golf i love but gallstones have stopped that for over 6months. Now i've had the op that will return but poker is another skill i'd like to improve. cheers Tommy, keep up the good work.
Steve aka profman15
Villain is a fish (anyone who L/C is in my books), cant see the 7 helping villains range(may give him oesd) i mean 53? 58? i doubt this, Kh is a nice card for you. . . (when thinking of raising for value with you'r set on the river ovc), there are probably plenty of K-combos in villains L/C range, so we are only losing to AhXh prob<Ah9h, seeing he did not open pre, small suited cards are there too i suppose. Tricky v unknown, but because he L/C i would not automatically give him credit for the Flush, also from my experience, fish do not value bet, his bet looks a scared bet imo, and he is so likely to have a K a lot of the time. Losing value tilts me more than bad-beats, and its a huge leak that i am always trying to fix in my game.
Loving the thread btw m8.
Great diary, thank you.
Tommy's gonna have a hard job keeping up with all these questions, he's getting more than Tikay!
Great job, excellent thread.