Ok, been a couple of days since an update on this. I will reply to the above is a bit but let's get the harsh numbers out there first shall we:
P/L: -£3,330.97 C4P: 11,219
Looks grim right. It's not that bad, it was just shy of 4k before the last session. So what's happened? Simple really, played poorly, run poorly. One of the obvious leaks which cropped up over the weekend was calling in spots where I was calling to win the pot in the middle without really being able to beat a whole heap once the whole board was out there. I did start to chase the money a little. That means I got a little emotional, and that's bad because I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking about the hand, the range, the dynamic, none of that. It was I have X hand, if might be good, I want the X pot in the middle. Of course one way to go about this is to be the aggressor but many of these spots were stack bets on the river.
There's one leak. I've spotted at least half a dozen (you're only getting the one for now though, if you want the others come play ) and I'm in the process of plugging. And I've run bad. Saturday night I think it was I was 8 tabling NL200 and NL100. These were tables where I watched other pots and people getting 2/3 streets of value with middle pair v A high. When I got to showdown after firing for value I saw about a dozen sets, including three lovely oversets to mine. That'll hurt the roll and my feelings.
So I've reached an impasse, what to do? Do I keep on grinding for this 50K and if so how do I go about it? I'm still more than rolled to play NL400 - NL200 but I'm taking a break from those limits. Why? Well I've never said I was the best player in the world, and to live with the Styles, Coxys and LJamesLs of this poker world I need to be at the top of my game to just have a chance. I'm far from the top of my game, so we're dropping to NL100 and NL50 for the immediate future. In one way I have matured from a few years ago is I'm not doubling stakes to get my losses back, that way lies ruin. I'm cutting my stakes to sort my game out while chasing this 50k points. In a normal month I would have just taken a few days to a week off and returned to NL200+. I don't have that luxury if I'm going to get that hall decorating fund from this rake race. So I'm increasing hours, cutting stakes and ploughing ever forward. Apart from this thread and the odd look over the forum in my capacity as a Mod I'm cutting off from social media for a bit. There has been too much time mucking around on Twitter or reading Facebook. I have taken my eye off of the ball, wasn't putting in the hard hours with 100% concentration. That is something I can immediately fix.
Happy grinding all.
P.S. Congrats on making it to the end of a tl;dr post (for my mum, that's net speak meaning too long; didn't read). As a reward here are the hands from that mystery hand before where I folded AA on the turn. Player 2 called all the way down with KdTd (flopped top pair and FD which didn't make it). He lost the pot to the player I was worried about who was betting strictly for value all of the way down after flatting pre/leading flop with .......... the other two aces. FML (not telling to you that one Mum), nh, wp etc. Well at least I was right about not being able to beat his hand I guess.
Good luck fella, I have been reading this regularly lately. Look forward to seeing how going for 50K C4P works out. Btw belated grates on smashing 2012 on the shark leaderboards... pretty mean feat. Posted by TPTP123
Cheers man.
Oh the year when I could player this game. Feels like it was only just over a week ago
I would raise the flop fwiw at least then you should only have one villain to face. sure they can come over the top and you have to decide whether they have it or not, but at least you should be 1-on-1 by then. (I know I'm not in your league TD but sometimes a newbies view may be of use, maybe, sometimes, no....). But what do I know - I managed to bet 5400 to open the betting in a rebuy tonight when the blinds wee 100/200 - I blame the keyboard. (which I folded to a 9600 aipf - 99<QQ never good) PS given your style mr D, I would have thought you shouldn't be playing too many tables at the same time. ABC players can play 20+ maybe (although I still don't know how they manage it) but given your more exotic play I would have thought fewer tables and more focus might be necessary. good on you for posting - warts and all - it really is good to see how even the gods can run bad for a while Posted by GELDY
I know I've posted the result but regardless to that, if we raise the flop are we doing so with the intention of:
1) raise - getting it in if raised again 2) raise/call 3) raise/fold
My problem is all of these options look pretty suck to me in this spot. We're pretty deep against player 1, this is key IMO. and regarding being 1 - 1, player 1 is the one who wants to donk and player 2 is the draw chaser, not for sure we are going 1 on 1 as often as we think.
I've recached a pretty good level of tables for my style at the moment, not going to introduce any others this month, I need this level to be 'old slippers' level of comfort before increasing.
Thanks for your kind words Geldy, it's not so much warts and all but shotgun wounds and all right now. Hope you guys enjoy my pain
It started with the down swing continuing. In the DYM games I couldn't hold a 70/30 for the first half of the session, did better in the second half. All my cash sessions seem to come with their own 'lose 3 buy ins before you can win a pot' handicap. I was down and around 4k stuck for the month so far when I decided to do one more session. I fired up all of the nl100 and nl50 tables running. Nothing much had happened until on one table I looked down at pocket tens and then saw that UTG had open shipped the full £100 buy in. I had no idea who he was or what he'd done before. I folded, thinking it was some strange levelling aces play, then after all had mucked he shows 82o. Well, I haven't been that excited since I slipped into to see Under Siege when I was 14 (the cake scene gents, you know what I mean). I came out of mini view and there it was. Him in chat 'This is fun.' Three lovely little words. I picked up nines and AK in the next dozen or so hands. Lovely lovely holds. Then another guy starts doing it, it was as if Santa had quickly popped back and said 'Sorry Tommy, I must have left this present in the back of the sleigh by mistake, here you go.' A quick call of a 5bet jam later with QQ holding against j6o and I was up for the day. At long last, a winning day. Yummy.
Now onto today. Already played a quick cash session and had two hands nearly at the same time which just sums up everything that is poker and this month for me. I was running nl100 and nl50 tables, playing ok tbh, feeling relaxed and comfortable. Suddenly it goes of on one of the nl50 tables and I finally have set over set in my favour, after a half dozen or so run the other way. As the pot's being shipped the nl100 table where I had already more than doubled my buy in shows two lovely aces UTG. Raise obv, UTG+1 3 bets, a player who always seems to have it over on me and at least it feels to me always always has it when I call. Smiles. I small 4bet the same way I have in the past when my intention was to fold to his jam, but that's not the plan this time Amigo, and he massive overbet jams. Rejoice rejoice. I snap, yes he has Kings. I think finally the oil tanker of this downswing is swerving around. King of hearts on the turn. Boom, still can't win a pot off of this guy. Session completely ruined, tilt took care of a buy in on a nl50 table followed by a cooler from a short stacker on a nl100 forcing me to log out. We're pretty much as we were from yesterday now. At least I'm playing a little better. Just.
P/L: -£3,348.34 C4P: 13,605
Old Mandarin saying: 'Where there's life, there's hope. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Where there's John Terry, there's someone else's award.' Those Mandarins were smart men, I thought they just grew oranges.
Have you got a cut off figure in your head that you may quit this challenge if it were reached?
Looks worse than it is, if you end up down £3k for the month come the 31st then your still in overall profit, just that the gf won't get any painting done
Nice to see a warts and all account of your month, fair play to you!
I look forward to the run good beginning for you mate, chin up and I will be willing you along!
Ok, been a couple of days since an update on this. I will reply to the above is a bit but let's get the harsh numbers out there first shall we: P/L: -£3,330.97 C4P: 11,219 Looks grim right. It's not that bad, it was just shy of 4k before the last session. So what's happened? Simple really, played poorly, run poorly. One of the obvious leaks which cropped up over the weekend was calling in spots where I was calling to win the pot in the middle without really being able to beat a whole heap once the whole board was out there. I did start to chase the money a little. That means I got a little emotional, and that's bad because I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking about the hand, the range, the dynamic, none of that. It was I have X hand, if might be good, I want the X pot in the middle. Of course one way to go about this is to be the aggressor but many of these spots were stack bets on the river. There's one leak. I've spotted at least half a dozen (you're only getting the one for now though, if you want the others come play ) and I'm in the process of plugging. And I've run bad. Saturday night I think it was I was 8 tabling NL200 and NL100. These were tables where I watched other pots and people getting 2/3 streets of value with middle pair v A high. When I got to showdown after firing for value I saw about a dozen sets, including three lovely oversets to mine. That'll hurt the roll and my feelings. So I've reached an impasse, what to do? Do I keep on grinding for this 50K and if so how do I go about it? I'm still more than rolled to play NL400 - NL200 but I'm taking a break from those limits. Why? Well I've never said I was the best player in the world, and to live with the Styles, Coxys and LJamesLs of this poker world I need to be at the top of my game to just have a chance. I'm far from the top of my game, so we're dropping to NL100 and NL50 for the immediate future. In one way I have matured from a few years ago is I'm not doubling stakes to get my losses back, that way lies ruin. I'm cutting my stakes to sort my game out while chasing this 50k points. In a normal month I would have just taken a few days to a week off and returned to NL200+. I don't have that luxury if I'm going to get that hall decorating fund from this rake race. So I'm increasing hours, cutting stakes and ploughing ever forward. Apart from this thread and the odd look over the forum in my capacity as a Mod I'm cutting off from social media for a bit. There has been too much time mucking around on Twitter or reading Facebook. I have taken my eye off of the ball, wasn't putting in the hard hours with 100% concentration. That is something I can immediately fix. Happy grinding all. P.S. Congrats on making it to the end of a tl;dr post (for my mum, that's net speak meaning too long; didn't read). As a reward here are the hands from that mystery hand before where I folded AA on the turn. Player 2 called all the way down with KdTd (flopped top pair and FD which didn't make it). He lost the pot to the player I was worried about who was betting strictly for value all of the way down after flatting pre/leading flop with .......... the other two aces. FML (not telling to you that one Mum), nh, wp etc. Well at least I was right about not being able to beat his hand I guess. Posted by TommyD
Yeah seen the way you have been running, pretty horrendous tbh.
I'm going for the 50k too and also in the red so far this month. Running bad and playing worse (literally not thinking about situations at all just bashing buttons) not a good combination! As I was reading this though I could feel myself getting a little fired up and inspired to play through, something that can easily be lost when playing bad and losing.
Thanks for all of the messages guys. I'm pretty upbeat about the downswing tbh, they happen. It's that simple really.
Quick update for you, been playing better lately. I had one horrendously played session but varience kicked in and saved me some dough. Play alright today, I think I had my best session in terms of how I played earlier and getting the confidence back.
Lack of games today, cash wasn't that busy and the DYMs are not running as much as I hoped. This has really hit my points score (along with the stake drop down at cash). Still on course but losing some breathing room.
P/L: -£2,829.16 C4P: 15,846
£1.3k up from my lowest point in a couple of days. Can we say the first week didn't count? Thanks chums
Are you sill teaching maths at secondary school level these days or have you left now. I was a maths teacher and i must admit it surprises me that you can grind as much as you do as i hardly had a minute to spare with after school activities, marking and lesson preparation. I would have been just too tired to focus on playing. How many hours at the monitor do you manage to cram in in a week Tommy? Teaching is a hard, thankless job at times but has rewards in retrospect. It takes you over and unfortunately with the proliferation of drugs and a slip in respect given to authority figures and others in general, i don't have a lot of optimism for our society in the future. I despair of what i see at times but what can you do? Anyway, TY for the 'deconstruct' advice when i was a bit fed up with poker recently. I'm in a much better place now, have slowed down, studied hands and my game more and received good advice from friends in my team, THS. It' no use playing lots of poker without looking over what you've done. It's a strong way of guaging the image you give to opponents too. Standing back and trying to spot your own poor play is the best thing that you can do. Taking the steps to correct them is the hard part. It's a ongoing challenge but i can go at my pace as poker is a 'lively, interesting' pastime for me. Cheers again Tommy and all the best for 2013
Wanted some advice about MTT play, do you think players overplay AK? I have seen so called good MTT players get over excited with the hand and lose big pots.
Hey Tommy, Wanted some advice about MTT play, do you think players overplay AK? I have seen so called good MTT players get over excited with the hand and lose big pots. Thanks for any advice you can give Matt Posted by MattBates
Resist..... block ...... buttton.
Resist ...... block ....... button.
For those that don't know, Matt is referring to a couple of hands I played and lost tonight's Main Event, including my exit hand. Lovely memories.
Hi Tommy Are you sill teaching maths at secondary school level these days or have you left now. I was a maths teacher and i must admit it surprises me that you can grind as much as you do as i hardly had a minute to spare with after school activities, marking and lesson preparation. I would have been just too tired to focus on playing. How many hours at the monitor do you manage to cram in in a week Tommy? Teaching is a hard, thankless job at times but has rewards in retrospect. It takes you over and unfortunately with the proliferation of drugs and a slip in respect given to authority figures and others in general, i don't have a lot of optimism for our society in the future. I despair of what i see at times but what can you do? Anyway, TY for the 'deconstruct' advice when i was a bit fed up with poker recently. I'm in a much better place now, have slowed down, studied hands and my game more and received good advice from friends in my team, THS. It' no use playing lots of poker without looking over what you've done. It's a strong way of guaging the image you give to opponents too. Standing back and trying to spot your own poor play is the best thing that you can do. Taking the steps to correct them is the hard part. It's a ongoing challenge but i can go at my pace as poker is a 'lively, interesting' pastime for me. Cheers again Tommy and all the best for 2013 Posted by profman15
Hey Proffy
I think I've answered this to you way back in the thread somewhere. I'm currently on a career break from teaching. I'm glad my advice helped a bit. Just like with sport you do the hard work in training, in poker you do the hard work off of the tables. The game has changed and anyone who wants to improve to a decent level needs to review sessions, needs to post in forums and look at training sites/vids. IMO you can't learn everything from just playing anymore.
So I put in an ok amount of volume today. I got a bit of a kick in the special place earlier when a project I was trying to get going was dealt some news. It's still going along but it's taking a longer route. Sorry to be cryptic but when it gets going you will be the first to know and be spammed over it. I have a certain neurosis to not 'jinx' things I want to happen and I feel talking about them like they are a dead cert is the fastest way to destroy the dream. I'll give you a hint, it is strongly related to the football reporting and commentating I do for free (and love) and involves pound notes. Fingers crossed guys, fingers crossed.
So poker, over the last few days I've had some swings on the cash tables (win a grand, lose £700, win another grand etc). Sometimes it goes like this. Before the MTT and DYM grind at 8pm today I think my hole was reduced to around 2.7k in the red.
Then I final tabled the 8pm Rebuy Main Event, finishing 5th. After just winning the 9pm £110 BHer. This game is crazy for ups and downs.
P/L -£467.78 C4P: 18,024
Just glad there's no comma in the minus number anymore.
hi Tommy, don't post here very often but i do read here now and again and always enjoy finding out what's going on. was just wondering how the multi-tabling's going and if you did get around to buying a 2nd monitor? (sorry if i have missed any earlier up-dates re this.) dev
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Resist..... block ...... buttton. Resist ...... block ....... button. For those that don't know, Matt is referring to a couple of hands I played and lost tonight's Main Event, including my exit hand. Lovely memories. Posted by TommyD
I missed your exit hand in the 11r and asked Kev....when he said it was AK I nearly felt bad (as I had posted before the exit hand) but then thought about all the money you had won and lost my sympathy!
Well played last night, hopefully you are into profit for the month by the end of this weekend.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Hey Proffy I think I've answered this to you way back in the thread somewhere. I'm currently on a career break from teaching. I'm glad my advice helped a bit. Just like with sport you do the hard work in training, in poker you do the hard work off of the tables. The game has changed and anyone who wants to improve to a decent level needs to review sessions, needs to post in forums and look at training sites/vids. IMO you can't learn everything from just playing anymore. Posted by TommyD
Good stuff Tommy and good luck in the break. You must have so much more energy now. hope it works out for you. +1 to the reviewing hh ....it does improve your play. May be looking for a good coaching site....any recs?
hi Tommy, don't post here very often but i do read here now and again and always enjoy finding out what's going on. was just wondering how the multi-tabling's going and if you did get around to buying a 2nd monitor? (sorry if i have missed any earlier up-dates re this.) dev Posted by devonfish5
Hey Dev
The multi tabling is going ok. I'm finding my max capacity at the moment is between 8 to 10 tables (depending on how rested and focused I am, it's not an exact science that you can always do an X amount IMO, many conditional factors about myself and how I'm feeling).
No second monitor yet. If I make the double 50k I'm intending to use the left over from the Hall Decorating Fund to buy a small side monitor, not planning to use it for tables but for lobbies, Twitter, Forum etc. Then again getting change out of the fund may be a stiffer challenge. Anyone got an old BBC Computer monitor going cheap? I mean really cheap.
P/L: -£3,330.97
C4P: 11,219
Looks grim right. It's not that bad, it was just shy of 4k before the last session. So what's happened? Simple really, played poorly, run poorly. One of the obvious leaks which cropped up over the weekend was calling in spots where I was calling to win the pot in the middle without really being able to beat a whole heap once the whole board was out there. I did start to chase the money a little. That means I got a little emotional, and that's bad because I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking about the hand, the range, the dynamic, none of that. It was I have X hand, if might be good, I want the X pot in the middle. Of course one way to go about this is to be the aggressor but many of these spots were stack bets on the river.
There's one leak. I've spotted at least half a dozen (you're only getting the one for now though, if you want the others come play
So I've reached an impasse, what to do? Do I keep on grinding for this 50K and if so how do I go about it? I'm still more than rolled to play NL400 - NL200 but I'm taking a break from those limits. Why? Well I've never said I was the best player in the world, and to live with the Styles, Coxys and LJamesLs of this poker world I need to be at the top of my game to just have a chance. I'm far from the top of my game, so we're dropping to NL100 and NL50 for the immediate future. In one way I have matured from a few years ago is I'm not doubling stakes to get my losses back, that way lies ruin. I'm cutting my stakes to sort my game out while chasing this 50k points. In a normal month I would have just taken a few days to a week off and returned to NL200+. I don't have that luxury if I'm going to get that hall decorating fund from this rake race. So I'm increasing hours, cutting stakes and ploughing ever forward. Apart from this thread and the odd look over the forum in my capacity as a Mod I'm cutting off from social media for a bit. There has been too much time mucking around on Twitter or reading Facebook. I have taken my eye off of the ball, wasn't putting in the hard hours with 100% concentration. That is something I can immediately fix.
Happy grinding all.
P.S. Congrats on making it to the end of a tl;dr post (for my mum, that's net speak meaning too long; didn't read). As a reward here are the hands from that mystery hand before where I folded AA on the turn. Player 2 called all the way down with KdTd (flopped top pair and FD which didn't make it). He lost the pot to the player I was worried about who was betting strictly for value all of the way down after flatting pre/leading flop with .......... the other two aces. FML (not telling to you that one Mum), nh, wp etc. Well at least I was right about not being able to beat his hand I guess.
Oh the year when I could player this game. Feels like it was only just over a week ago
Thanks again TD.
1) raise - getting it in if raised again
2) raise/call
3) raise/fold
My problem is all of these options look pretty suck to me in this spot. We're pretty deep against player 1, this is key IMO. and regarding being 1 - 1, player 1 is the one who wants to donk and player 2 is the draw chaser, not for sure we are going 1 on 1 as often as we think.
I've recached a pretty good level of tables for my style at the moment, not going to introduce any others this month, I need this level to be 'old slippers' level of comfort before increasing.
Thanks for your kind words Geldy, it's not so much warts and all but shotgun wounds and all right now. Hope you guys enjoy my pain
It started with the down swing continuing. In the DYM games I couldn't hold a 70/30 for the first half of the session, did better in the second half. All my cash sessions seem to come with their own 'lose 3 buy ins before you can win a pot' handicap. I was down and around 4k stuck for the month so far when I decided to do one more session. I fired up all of the nl100 and nl50 tables running. Nothing much had happened until on one table I looked down at pocket tens and then saw that UTG had open shipped the full £100 buy in. I had no idea who he was or what he'd done before. I folded, thinking it was some strange levelling aces play, then after all had mucked he shows 82o. Well, I haven't been that excited since I slipped into to see Under Siege when I was 14 (the cake scene gents, you know what I mean). I came out of mini view and there it was. Him in chat 'This is fun.' Three lovely little words. I picked up nines and AK in the next dozen or so hands. Lovely lovely holds. Then another guy starts doing it, it was as if Santa had quickly popped back and said 'Sorry Tommy, I must have left this present in the back of the sleigh by mistake, here you go.' A quick call of a 5bet jam later with QQ holding against j6o and I was up for the day. At long last, a winning day. Yummy.
Now onto today. Already played a quick cash session and had two hands nearly at the same time which just sums up everything that is poker and this month for me. I was running nl100 and nl50 tables, playing ok tbh, feeling relaxed and comfortable. Suddenly it goes of on one of the nl50 tables and I finally have set over set in my favour, after a half dozen or so run the other way. As the pot's being shipped the nl100 table where I had already more than doubled my buy in shows two lovely aces UTG. Raise obv, UTG+1 3 bets, a player who always seems to have it over on me and at least it feels to me always always has it when I call. Smiles. I small 4bet the same way I have in the past when my intention was to fold to his jam, but that's not the plan this time Amigo, and he massive overbet jams. Rejoice rejoice. I snap, yes he has Kings. I think finally the oil tanker of this downswing is swerving around. King of hearts on the turn. Boom, still can't win a pot off of this guy. Session completely ruined, tilt took care of a buy in on a nl50 table followed by a cooler from a short stacker on a nl100 forcing me to log out. We're pretty much as we were from yesterday now. At least I'm playing a little better. Just.
P/L: -£3,348.34
C4P: 13,605
Old Mandarin saying: 'Where there's life, there's hope. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Where there's John Terry, there's someone else's award.' Those Mandarins were smart men, I thought they just grew oranges.
Quick update for you, been playing better lately. I had one horrendously played session but varience kicked in and saved me some dough. Play alright today, I think I had my best session in terms of how I played earlier and getting the confidence back.
Lack of games today, cash wasn't that busy and the DYMs are not running as much as I hoped. This has really hit my points score (along with the stake drop down at cash). Still on course but losing some breathing room.
P/L: -£2,829.16
C4P: 15,846
£1.3k up from my lowest point in a couple of days. Can we say the first week didn't count? Thanks chums
Are you sill teaching maths at secondary school level these days or have you left now. I was a maths teacher and i must admit it surprises me that you can grind as much as you do as i hardly had a minute to spare with after school activities, marking and lesson preparation. I would have been just too tired to focus on playing. How many hours at the monitor do you manage to cram in in a week Tommy?
Teaching is a hard, thankless job at times but has rewards in retrospect. It takes you over and unfortunately with the proliferation of drugs and a slip in respect given to authority figures and others in general, i don't have a lot of optimism for our society in the future. I despair of what i see at times but what can you do?
Anyway, TY for the 'deconstruct' advice when i was a bit fed up with poker recently. I'm in a much better place now, have slowed down, studied hands and my game more and received good advice from friends in my team, THS. It' no use playing lots of poker without looking over what you've done. It's a strong way of guaging the image you give to opponents too. Standing back and trying to spot your own poor play is the best thing that you can do. Taking the steps to correct them is the hard part. It's a ongoing challenge but i can go at my pace as poker is a 'lively, interesting' pastime for me.
Cheers again Tommy and all the best for 2013
Wanted some advice about MTT play, do you think players overplay AK? I have seen so called good MTT players get over excited with the hand and lose big pots.
Thanks for any advice you can give
Resist ...... block ....... button.
For those that don't know, Matt is referring to a couple of hands I played and lost tonight's Main Event, including my exit hand. Lovely memories.
I think I've answered this to you way back in the thread somewhere. I'm currently on a career break from teaching. I'm glad my advice helped a bit. Just like with sport you do the hard work in training, in poker you do the hard work off of the tables. The game has changed and anyone who wants to improve to a decent level needs to review sessions, needs to post in forums and look at training sites/vids. IMO you can't learn everything from just playing anymore.
So I put in an ok amount of volume today. I got a bit of a kick in the special place earlier when a project I was trying to get going was dealt some news. It's still going along but it's taking a longer route. Sorry to be cryptic but when it gets going you will be the first to know and be spammed over it. I have a certain neurosis to not 'jinx' things I want to happen and I feel talking about them like they are a dead cert is the fastest way to destroy the dream. I'll give you a hint, it is strongly related to the football reporting and commentating I do for free (and love) and involves pound notes. Fingers crossed guys, fingers crossed.
So poker, over the last few days I've had some swings on the cash tables (win a grand, lose £700, win another grand etc). Sometimes it goes like this. Before the MTT and DYM grind at 8pm today I think my hole was reduced to around 2.7k in the red.
Then I final tabled the 8pm Rebuy Main Event, finishing 5th. After just winning the 9pm £110 BHer. This game is crazy for ups and downs.
P/L -£467.78
C4P: 18,024
Just glad there's no comma in the minus number anymore.
hi Tommy,
don't post here very often but i do read here now and again and always enjoy finding out what's going on.
was just wondering how the multi-tabling's going and if you did get around to buying a 2nd monitor?
(sorry if i have missed any earlier up-dates re this.)
Well played last night, hopefully you are into profit for the month by the end of this weekend.
The multi tabling is going ok. I'm finding my max capacity at the moment is between 8 to 10 tables (depending on how rested and focused I am, it's not an exact science that you can always do an X amount IMO, many conditional factors about myself and how I'm feeling).
No second monitor yet. If I make the double 50k I'm intending to use the left over from the Hall Decorating Fund to buy a small side monitor, not planning to use it for tables but for lobbies, Twitter, Forum etc. Then again getting change out of the fund may be a stiffer challenge. Anyone got an old BBC Computer monitor going cheap? I mean really cheap.