In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Good stuff Tommy and good luck in the break. You must have so much more energy now. hope it works out for you. +1 to the reviewing hh does improve your play. May be looking for a good coaching site....any recs? Posted by profman15
Coaching sites? There's plenty of free information out there on a variety of sites. The big ones which are one Google search away are where I'd start (can't name places really due to forum rules). I know of at least two very good players on this site who either offer coaching or have coached in the past if you are looking for a 'one to one' deal. Both are, IMO, very good players indeed and I have heard very positive coaching reviews from people they coached (we both know there is a big difference between being able to do it and being able to teach/coach it).
I can't really say their names but if you're looking for something along those lines put something up on the forum and I'm sure someone will contact you soon. Ok that last sentence looked like a line from a Gangster movie, whatever you do, don't go through the toll booth. Or go fishing.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : I missed your exit hand in the 11r and asked Kev....when he said it was AK I nearly felt bad (as I had posted before the exit hand) but then thought about all the money you had won and lost my sympathy! Well played last night, hopefully you are into profit for the month by the end of this weekend. Posted by MattBates
Haha, cheers mate. No probs, the Main exit hand was losing with AK without running it into Aces. It was AK<AJ AIPF. No complaints, got out of jail AJ />KK in the £110 BHer FT.
We'll see but after tonight I can't see it being that soon, update up next!
The mid month grinding down is in full flow. You may have seen people talk about this last year during that huge rake race. The middle of the month is always the hardest to maintain. Because I've dropped down some stakes I have increased my volume but not enough to keep the inital pace going. As a result I think I'm running out of breathing room. Still very doable, but I wanted to set a quicker pace than this in order to take a complete break for a few days before the Feb grind.
Right now I'm playing so gosh darn tired. Donked some off today in the last cash sess and just couldn't focus on the MTTs. Made a little in earlier cash sessions and DYMs though before the 'sleepy eyes' kicked into full force. Played awful in that last session, was getting slapped around like an amateur and just not thinking. It wasn't clicking buttons, I just couldn't zero in to any feel for the session.
Note to self, buy an IV drip and and an extra large coffee pot. That might do it.
P/L: - £893.68 C4P: 19,543
Need to start putting in those 2k points days again. At least Sunday should have plenty running to give me a shot.
Morning Tommy, loving the updates, especially the fact you are quite happy to post both good and bad days. Top stuff that, and very rare!
I think the number of tables you play is slightly less important (on Cash) than it was last year, due to weighted contribution.
I was up to 13 at times last Jan, (which was horrible for me), but am sticking to 8 - 9 this time round. I think any more than that, I'm going to have to play tighter, and lose out on points per table anyway.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Hey Dev The multi tabling is going ok. I'm finding my max capacity at the moment is between 8 to 10 tables (depending on how rested and focused I am, it's not an exact science that you can always do an X amount IMO, many conditional factors about myself and how I'm feeling). No second monitor yet. If I make the double 50k I'm intending to use the left over from the Hall Decorating Fund to buy a small side monitor, not planning to use it for tables but for lobbies, Twitter, Forum etc. Then again getting change out of the fund may be a stiffer challenge. Anyone got an old BBC Computer monitor going cheap? I mean really cheap. Posted by TommyD
hi Tommy, i'm glad it's going ok yes multi-tabling is an art in itself,i think.i've been messing about experimenting with it for the last 6 months or so,i guess. the most i did ever have running was 24...aaaagh and a nightmare at the time. lol obviously i'm nowehere near your levels and i guess i can afford to try things out,but i guess all mistakes and any losses i've had whilst doing this are all relative to our b/rolls.
my only conclusions are this; more is better than less too many is worse than too few 10 is more than 9 9 now seems easy 12-15 has becomes my most favourite closely followed by 15-18 18-21 is doo-able but not advisable 24-30 forget it.... unless you're called beaney
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : hi Tommy, i'm glad it's going ok yes multi-tabling is an art in itself,i think.i've been messing about experimenting with it for the last 6 months or so,i guess. the most i did ever have running was 24...aaaagh and a nightmare at the time. lol obviously i'm nowehere near your levels and i guess i can afford to try things out,but i guess all mistakes and any losses i've had whilst doing this are all relative to our b/rolls. my only conclusions are this; more is better than less too many is worse than too few 10 is more than 9 9 now seems easy 12-15 has becomes my most favourite closely followed by 15-18 18-21 is doo-able but not advisable 24-30 forget it.... unless you're called beaney lol oh,and a second monitor is essential. gl dev Posted by devonfish5
Tommy is a qualified maths teacher... I am sure he already knows this. But thanks for clarifiying this for the rest of us
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Tommy is a qualified maths teacher... I am sure he already knows this. But thanks for clarifiying this for the rest of us Posted by GREGHOGG
just my little joke hoggers... i knew that was coming lol dev
No second monitor yet. If I make the double 50k I'm intending to use the left over from the Hall Decorating Fund to buy a small side monitor, not planning to use it for tables but for lobbies, Twitter, Forum etc. Posted by TommyD
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy
it´s all about leverage
"honey, I will get his decorating done for you - for sure. and if I get a cheap second monitor - right here - right now - I´ll even be able to use gold leaf for the decoration. OK love.........."
Morning Tommy, loving the updates, especially the fact you are quite happy to post both good and bad days. Top stuff that, and very rare! I think the number of tables you play is slightly less important (on Cash) than it was last year, due to weighted contribution. I was up to 13 at times last Jan, (which was horrible for me), but am sticking to 8 - 9 this time round. I think any more than that, I'm going to have to play tighter, and lose out on points per table anyway. Good luck for the rest of the month mate. Posted by jakally
Thanks very much Neil. My ego isn't too bad so I don't mind putting up the losers as well as the winners. Obviously harder and less pleasant but as I'm not exactly the most consistent winner (on a daily basis) anything else would just look and feel bogus.
Good point re Weighted Contribution, yes it does mean the looser players in theory won't need to play as many tables as they did before the change to maintain that level of points. I've found the need to adjust my game a little due to the change, I've gone tighter rather than looser which is something I didn't expect. Maybe what ego I had thought 'the nits are going to have to play my game now' and in my arrogance I thought it was going to be easier for me. I forgot that any adjustment made by opponents, any at all really, requires me to adjust. Some of the tighter players from before have come out all guns blazing and are doing better than they did when they were much tighter. Obviously others are finding it more of a struggle. I sort of dropped the ball by not preempting this and have been playing catch up since.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : hi Tommy, i'm glad it's going ok yes multi-tabling is an art in itself,i think.i've been messing about experimenting with it for the last 6 months or so,i guess. the most i did ever have running was 24...aaaagh and a nightmare at the time. lol obviously i'm nowehere near your levels and i guess i can afford to try things out,but i guess all mistakes and any losses i've had whilst doing this are all relative to our b/rolls. my only conclusions are this; more is better than less too many is worse than too few 10 is more than 9 9 now seems easy 12-15 has becomes my most favourite closely followed by 15-18 18-21 is doo-able but not advisable 24-30 forget it.... unless you're called beaney lol oh,and a second monitor is essential. gl dev Posted by devonfish5
Finding our optimal level when it comes to playing style versus number of tables is something which transcends bankrolls and stakes, IMO it's a matter any semi serious grinder should think carefully about and constantly work at/reassess and go on again.
24 tables? Yucky. I'm guessing this was DYMs? I can see me being able to do that for full ring DYMs but 6 max ones would be far too tough, you get to the bubble quicker and stay there for longer IMO.
Will get the second monitor and as I said before, I'm adding tables slowly, piece by piece. What's the rush?
god stupid moron logging me out site cliffs. what is the limiter for you tommy, your head or your puter re 8+ tabling? coaching is so much more valueable than just grinding imo. Posted by beaneh
The limiter is me noggin. I use a high end (at least it was eight months ago) gaming PC which can eat up as many tables as I can throw at it. Also while I am on Wi Fi I went out and got a next gen router which broadcasts the broadband about ten times better than the Sky Broadband hub. Sadly Sky Broadband don't like you not using their hub so the Modem I also got lies dusting in the garage before making it's adventure onto ebay (unless I switch providers very soon). I could hack the protocols and access ports needed but apparently you snap break the T & Cs everyone reads which they click 'ok' and I just don't want to risk suddenly having by Broadband cut off. So right now the Hub (still the old one, I must order one of those cubey new ones) is ethernetted into the router which pumps to the PC.
Back to my head and its issues, at the moment when I hit 11+ tables I stop playing poker. It's no secret I'm much more of a flop and streets player in cash (my excuse for a certain amount of passive preflop play I guess). As soon as I turn it up to eleven then I'm clicking buttons. So the plan is to add one at a time, get to a level where I am as comfortable as I was before I added another, then go one more. And if I reach a point where I never get comfortable with a number, I drop one off and stay at one level forever more, well maybe not forever, just until I try again. I rely a lot on past experience with a player, general experience re: ranges/hand history, psychology and, I really hate this term, feel. When I play too many I'm not gathering any information for the future. When I play too many I start guessing and I'm no longer playing poker, I'm just clicking buttons.
I agree re: coaching as it stands now. I don't think that was always the case but people who think about the game and can actually coach it have got a ton better in the last decade. Before that all most people could teach you were the hand rankings, where to buy Super System and say 'go with your gut.'
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Tommy, Tommy, Tommy it´s all about leverage "honey, I will get his decorating done for you - for sure. and if I get a cheap second monitor - right here - right now - I´ll even be able to use gold leaf for the decoration. OK love.........." Posted by GELDY
Q. When/at what stage in your poker career did you realise "Hey, I good be good at this poker lark!" Just wondering if, after making a few adjustments to your game, you had an epiphany?
Hi Tommy - continuing our table chat the other day. What does AVB bring to Tottenham that Harry didn't?
Also, be interested in ur thoughts / hand / play in this hand. Haven't posted my hand here yet but found it played on my mind a bit after as it was a rare time that myself, you and Ben played against each other early on in a £55 DYM and it was either a case of big hands clashing and then avoiding each other due to it being early in the DYM or a bit of a levelling war against known players!
Q. When/at what stage in your poker career did you realise "Hey, I good be good at this poker lark!" Just wondering if, after making a few adjustments to your game, you had an epiphany? Pad Posted by Glenelg
There's never been a magic moment, just a gradual increase in confidence, knowledge and experience. Improving on MTTs would be the closest thing I've experienced to what you are talking about, about two years ago I put in a heck of a lot of effort to improve in MTTs and when the I noticed me making completely different decisions than before and the results coming in, that was a bit of a 'ohhhh, rightttt, that explains it.' moment.
Hi Tommy - continuing our table chat the other day. What does AVB bring to Tottenham that Harry didn't? Also, be interested in ur thoughts / hand / play in this hand. Haven't posted my hand here yet but found it played on my mind a bit after as it was a rare time that myself, you and Ben played against each other early on in a £55 DYM and it was either a case of big hands clashing and then avoiding each other due to it being early in the DYM or a bit of a levelling war against known players! 609438466 Posted by phil12uk
AVB brings a more modern way of thinking about football and IMO more hunger to wanting to do well. I'm still against the sacking of Harry, jsut can't see any football reasons for it, but after he went I was glad AVB was put in place. He's got a point to prove and I think the Spurs squad were a much better fit than the Chelsea one.
I've taken a look at that hand Phil. Five handed, I got the double up in my stack and it's a DYM. As much as people may think I'm Mr Crazy Level Bet, it's a DYM. What sort of range do you think I have in that spot? Did you fold Queens or something?
I can't really say their names but if you're looking for something along those lines put something up on the forum and I'm sure someone will contact you soon. Ok that last sentence looked like a line from a Gangster movie, whatever you do, don't go through the toll booth. Or go fishing.
We'll see but after tonight I can't see it being that soon, update up next!
The mid month grinding down is in full flow. You may have seen people talk about this last year during that huge rake race. The middle of the month is always the hardest to maintain. Because I've dropped down some stakes I have increased my volume but not enough to keep the inital pace going. As a result I think I'm running out of breathing room. Still very doable, but I wanted to set a quicker pace than this in order to take a complete break for a few days before the Feb grind.
Right now I'm playing so gosh darn tired. Donked some off today in the last cash sess and just couldn't focus on the MTTs. Made a little in earlier cash sessions and DYMs though before the 'sleepy eyes' kicked into full force. Played awful in that last session, was getting slapped around like an amateur and just not thinking. It wasn't clicking buttons, I just couldn't zero in to any feel for the session.
Note to self, buy an IV drip and and an extra large coffee pot. That might do it.
P/L: - £893.68
C4P: 19,543
Need to start putting in those 2k points days again. At least Sunday should have plenty running to give me a shot.
i'm glad it's going ok
yes multi-tabling is an art in itself,i think.i've been messing about experimenting with it for the last 6 months or so,i guess.
the most i did ever have running was 24...aaaagh
and a nightmare at the time. lol
obviously i'm nowehere near your levels and i guess i can afford to try things out,but i guess all mistakes and any losses i've had whilst doing this are all relative to our b/rolls.
my only conclusions are this;
more is better than less
too many is worse than too few
10 is more than 9
9 now seems easy
12-15 has becomes my most favourite
closely followed by 15-18
18-21 is doo-able but not advisable
24-30 forget it....
unless you're called beaney
oh,and a second monitor is essential.
i knew that was coming lol
it´s all about leverage
"honey, I will get his decorating done for you - for sure. and if I get a cheap second monitor - right here - right now - I´ll even be able to use gold leaf for the decoration. OK love.........."
Good point re Weighted Contribution, yes it does mean the looser players in theory won't need to play as many tables as they did before the change to maintain that level of points. I've found the need to adjust my game a little due to the change, I've gone tighter rather than looser which is something I didn't expect. Maybe what ego I had thought 'the nits are going to have to play my game now' and in my arrogance I thought it was going to be easier for me. I forgot that any adjustment made by opponents, any at all really, requires me to adjust. Some of the tighter players from before have come out all guns blazing and are doing better than they did when they were much tighter. Obviously others are finding it more of a struggle. I sort of dropped the ball by not preempting this and have been playing catch up since.
Happy grinding Sir!
24 tables? Yucky. I'm guessing this was DYMs? I can see me being able to do that for full ring DYMs but 6 max ones would be far too tough, you get to the bubble quicker and stay there for longer IMO.
Will get the second monitor and as I said before, I'm adding tables slowly, piece by piece. What's the rush?
Back to my head and its issues, at the moment when I hit 11+ tables I stop playing poker. It's no secret I'm much more of a flop and streets player in cash (my excuse for a certain amount of passive preflop play I guess). As soon as I turn it up to eleven then I'm clicking buttons. So the plan is to add one at a time, get to a level where I am as comfortable as I was before I added another, then go one more. And if I reach a point where I never get comfortable with a number, I drop one off and stay at one level forever more, well maybe not forever, just until I try again. I rely a lot on past experience with a player, general experience re: ranges/hand history, psychology and, I really hate this term, feel. When I play too many I'm not gathering any information for the future. When I play too many I start guessing and I'm no longer playing poker, I'm just clicking buttons.
I agree re: coaching as it stands now. I don't think that was always the case but people who think about the game and can actually coach it have got a ton better in the last decade. Before that all most people could teach you were the hand rankings, where to buy Super System and say 'go with your gut.'
Never gonna work....
I've taken a look at that hand Phil. Five handed, I got the double up in my stack and it's a DYM. As much as people may think I'm Mr Crazy Level Bet, it's a DYM. What sort of range do you think I have in that spot? Did you fold Queens or something?
As played, had to fold in a DYM