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Play My Hand requests.....



  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    Could you play this unreal quad vs quads.. hand number : 0218176151 table : belton 0.02/0.04 date :: 28.12.09  time : between 14.25 / 14.35 i flop trips,, vs other player MCL512 floping full-house.. re-raises etc,, i turn quads,, vs river giving MCL quad 8s.. great hands t.y,, Lee
    Posted by IrishWOLF
    Irishwolf's hand here:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    Hand id 216332737, literally a couple of minutes ago in the £200 bounty hunter The table is full of calling stations, therefore when deal the Aces under the gun I chose not to limp hoping for action behind as it would probably have gone call call call call call. As it is, my 3x raise had that effect anyway and suddenly I have a bunch of opponents in a pot that's going to get out of control fast. Therefore when it comes flushing I bet big just trying to take it down, not presenting anyone with the odds to hit their flush - however once one has I suppose the other gets the odds - anyway with 2 people on the same flush draw they have less chance, right? Unfortunately turn comes a spade, I realise the mess I'm in, decide that if anyone puts me all in I'm going to call anyway so I may as well put the chips in first and hope for the redraw nut flush if it gets called. Obviously this doesn't happen. So how did I get myself into this horrible situation. Should I have bet bigger preflop, say 5x? (If so, it goes fold fold fold and I've wasted the best hole cards in hold'em, though better to win a small pot yadda yadda...), how about maybe the overbet or the all in on the flop just to take it down? And should I have gotten away when the turn card fell? Majj
    Posted by Majj
    Here's Majj's hand:

    And here he is with his GCSE art project:

  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    Hand number #218984735 Alias: EEN DYM SnG 30/12/2009 Flopped Quad 10's and still managed to get paid off of them, pretty much doubling my stack and saving my tourney life :P
    Posted by EEN
    EEN's Monster:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    Hand number: #220213898 Your alias: crw Tournament name / cash table number: Double Your Money Date and time: 18:27 03/01/2010 A description of what happened and why you would like us to play your hand: I think i was on the SB with A 8 Suited clubs everyone had folded up to me except the button or one under who just called. So on my turn i decided to raise by 3 big blinds (i looked at my position before but decided that because the other players just called and were playing quite tight previously i maybe been able to take it). I believe then that the big blind  folded and the caller from the button/1under snap called. This alerted me straight away. The flop came : 7c , Ac , 9h. I decided to place a bet around 1/2 the pot even tho i missed the flush and only hit a ace pair with a mid kicker. i decided to do this because i was the intial raiser before even tho i was alerted by this player for the snap call. Not long into the players turn he pushs all in. I had a think about how this person played this hand and how they previously played hands and i decided to fold. I think i lost about 1200 chips of  some 3000 odd. The reason i folded the hand was i believe the player had a Ace with higer kicker or even a ace and another pair. I think the had this hand because they quickly chucked it all in and i had quite a decent reputaion on the table. when they did the snap call pre flop i thought they probs had top connectors as if it was a high ace i would have thought they would have reraised but i suppose they could have been baiting me in. Anyway the reason id like you to have a look at this hand is because i would like to know how you think i played, what improvement i could have made, if i made a good fold, to see what the other player actually had and maybe it might be a good demostration of aces with not the best kicker. There is a couple of things id like to say sorry for. 1 the presentation of my post (i dont post alot) and 2 if i got any of the details wrong from the hand. thanks for looking and considering. may send it as an email coz i really am curious on this hand
    Posted by Crw
    CRW's Laydown:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    I think _urjoking_ emailed in this hand:

    email hands to
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    allias - donkeyplop hand number -  220544294 date/time -  04/01/10  @20:15 5.5k bounty hunter had kk so raised pre flop. got called by one guy. on the flop i raised again got raised 400. He had large chip stack so i thought he was bluffing! went all in, he called and he had aces and wiped me out!!! Would really like to know if i should of played this differant?? cheers
    Posted by donkeyplop
    Donkeyplop's hand:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    Hi there could you play this hand from my DYM???, I do realize my pre flop raise was too small as I did not want multiple callers but I was distracted at the time, then sure enough the flop looked horrible, my question is did I make a good fold here I put the other player on a OE or flush draw as he bet out 1k, I had enough chips to get the win as did he that makes me think he could have flopped a straight, all in all I figured it was not worth the risk at that point of the stt!     Alias "CardGenius"   hand number:  230580008 session 416028099
    Posted by CardGenius
    Tikay's turn to analyse some hands:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    #231020939 Open Satellite 5th February 2010 Roughly 17.40pm Felt I had a strong read on my opponent and played them off the hand with the correct play even though I was behind due to my missed straight draw.
    Posted by Ads2kuk
    Hand here:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    230693735 Turnbull13 Master Cash 6 05/02/10 - 7.40pm Had pocket 8's, flopped a ser? did i play the hand correctly? could I have taken more cash?
    Posted by turnbull13
    Tikay again:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    230878363 hurst05 master cash 9 about 3.30am i have q-k and get a very good read on my oppo and get him to fold with a bluff on the last 2 streets in a pot around £90 230879637 same table around same time another IMO good read on my oppo, faced a very strong re-raise on scary board but managed to put in a large re-re-raise to get him to fold
    Posted by hurst05
    Tikay, the pro's pro, at it again:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    Eagle 26 played these hands in a recent Primo - James is back for the analysis:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    #231020939 Open Satellite 5th February 2010 Roughly 17.40pm Felt I had a strong read on my opponent and played them off the hand with the correct play even though I was behind due to my missed straight draw.
    Posted by Ads2kuk
    Ads2kuk again:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    alias jasond1207  hand number 231458592  £15k primo the hand was played @21:19 was this a good fold
    Posted by JASOND1207
    Jason's Hand:
  • Sky_ChrisSky_Chris Member Posts: 67
    edited March 2010

    Apologies to some of the chaps who posted on page 8 - we did shoot the hands but they've already been deleted from our system! Post again with new hands and we'll make sure they get done in the coming weeks...


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    Hand History #241144251 (22:40 11/03/2010)
    1k gtd, (1.7k PP) - 360 runners.
    Standard raise from the button, called. Then the weak donk bet from villain, must be punished. The flat call on the flop screams flush draw! However, he leads again very weak on the turn......Stack sizes mean fold or shove here. I was very very very tempted to shove as I believe he has a flush draw, maybe TJ, TQ suited......
    Decided to fold as I have a playable stack still - but my instincts told me to shove here!!! Soooooo wanna know the guys hand......I know I couldnt get him off the draw - but was I ahead????
    I went on to finish the tourny in 2nd place - survival I guess, is key.
    Username - DOHHHHHHH
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2010

    Alias name: The_don90

    Hand id:  #241526918

    Reason why: I think the odds of hitting a royal flush with 10 9 suited for a 6 card straight flush/royal flush must be sky high.

    Time and date: about 30 mins ago today

    Tournament: £40 Garenteed

  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited March 2010
    What's the odds on splitting with pocket aces after hitting a set on the flop?

    mastercash #241863907
    pocket AA raised
    re-raised by pockt JJ
    I'm all-in
    called by JJ
    hit set AAA on flop
    The pot was split 12345
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Play My Hand requests.....:
    In Response to Play My Hand requests..... : Hand Number: 227129540 Alias: Deadluck Cash Table: Coventry Date/Time: 25Jan ~ 1.00am Description: Playing against a maniac (sazer) who plays it passively until the river where I hit my card that I need to make the flush but pairs the board. He Shoves his £8 stack into a pot of around £2.50 and I am forced to fold my flush with 3 hearts on the board. Disciplined fold or outplayed?
    Posted by Deadluck
    you mean i cant see my hand played out? :(
  • badbadbadbadbadbad Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2010
    Steve Mackenzie (for Manchester City in 1981) and Lawrie Sanchez (for Wimbledon in 1988).
  • CALLANIECALLANIE Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2010
    hi guys wanted your opinion advice comments etc on the following hand. id no241946588 which was played on 25p 50p cash table on sunday 14 march at about 6pm. personally i think my only mistake was calling stoneface initial raise with only an average hand. however once flop came down i dont think i did much wrong. i had him on a big ace or king which was right and dont believe i showed any weakness so how could he make the call on the river i know had the roles been reversed i would have had to fold. he had only just come to table and we have no previous history. would love it if you could show this hand and explain how somebody can make this call. any comments criticisms etc will be gratefully taken on board. many thanks neil purcell. aka callanie.
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