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Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [new update]



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012

    At the end of every month, I try to write a review of how I felt it went, my results, what I've learnt and my final thoughts. However today I started back for my second year of University, which interestingly also signalled an end to my unbelievable long 4 months of Summer (too long in my opinion). Nonetheless, I had a lot to contemplate.

    Previously, I've struggled to dealt with setbacks. Often making them worse by 'handling them in my own way' and ultimately making uncharacteristic choices as a result. Looking back, I feel I've had a lot of disappointment to deal with this Summer. However, I also believe it's all too easy to focus on the negatives in our lives and forget the things we're bless with - Our health, relationships with others and loved ones, our living conditions and various comforts we take for granted. So as I drove into University this morning with 2 of my housemates in the car, looking as lost First Year's struggled to find their classes, it gave me a chance to reflect. I was a lost first year just one year prior.

    A year ago I arrived in Bath, unsure of who I was really living with, whether I'd like my course, without a Poker roll and already overdrawn. This year I can walk into University with a confidence in my ability to overcome the degree, the reassuring knowledge of good housemates and friendships, tens of thousands of Poker hands of wisdom and a Rolex as a reminder of my journey along the way. Who knows where I'll be this time next year, but this is my life and my journey - I've just have to carve the right path through it. Thank you for reading my Journey so far.





    September was my best ever Poker month and including rakeback, totalled over 4 figures.

    (Approximate) Poker points earnt:

    - 12,005 

    = £372 in Rakeback.


    Previous months SNG results:




  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited October 2012
    Good luck Pat.  Isn't growing up fun? ;-)  Also, look on the bright side you can always pawn the watch!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited October 2012

    That is a GREAT Post Pat.

    I loved this part especially.....

    However, I also believe it's all too easy to focus on the negatives in our lives and forget the things we're bless with - Our health, relationships with others and loved ones, our living conditions and various comforts we take for granted.

    The current vogue in poker seems to be "tilt", & players appear to get "tilted" by all manner of things which, in the grand scheme of things, are not that big a deal really, & a little tolerance is not exactly hard.

    On a thread on another poker Forum recently, it ran to around 40 Posts, & in over 30 of them (I'm guessing the numbers but it's near enough), players said that this, that, or the other tilted them.

    "....I tilt so hard when that happens.....".

    We are talking, by the way, about trivial things, how people handle their chips in live poker in that particular case.
    I think I told this story on the TV Show recently, & I guess it's partly generation gap, youngsters & wrinklies see things different, but it was about my Grandad, Grandad Angell.
    I never ONCE saw him cross, angry, or mardy, despite the fact life was pretty tough for him, what with this & that. No running hot water, an outside toilet, no fridge, & it was a 3 mile walk to work to save a threepenny bus fare. (Sounds like one of those comedy sketches, this....).

    Anyway......., I asked him one day if he had ever thrown a strop or got upset with anything or anyone.

    He said, along these lines.....

    "...No, not really, no real point is there? Actually, yes, I do remember one occasion. It was during World War Two, and a stray jerry bomb landed on next door's house, went clean through the roof, killed all three occupants, & it made a right mess of my coal-cellar. That was a bit irritating..........

    I remember a politician in more recent times, too, (mid 1980's I think) after a terrorist bomb had been placed in his front garden & exploded.

    Asked to comment by the press, he said (something like)....
    "well if I am honest, I don't overly care for chaps who leave bombs in my front garden".

    Calm as a cucumber he was, too.
    Sorry 'bout that, got carried away there.

    Good luck with the Degree. What are you "reading", or studying?    
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited October 2012
    Great post - I try to approach life in the same manner. I think it's important to realise what truly does matter in our lives and I think you pin pointed the main ones there.

    Like you, I've also started year 2 today so I'm going to have to fit poker in with my work and that generally doesn't go well. The poker stays, and unfortunately, the work, well, that doesnt go so well. GL at uni and with poker!
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - The start of a transition? [Huge September Ahead]:
    Sickness. You just didn't get anything going from the moment I started railing - sorry for bokking u! It did cross my mind that the bubble hadn't burst when I left @ the break with 42 remaining, but i thought - "nah, my boy got this no probs". Looks my leaving didn't help either. I blame that blondie for messing up your mojo. ;-)
    Posted by JingleMa

    Ahh it was pretty disguisting to bubble, but it's just one of those things....

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - SNG Champ Challenge Review [Huge September Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - SNG Champ Challenge Review [Huge September Ahead] : hi Pat, i've had similar feelings myself of late,during the last few weeks of my DYM challenge. isn't it a lovely feeling,as it hardly matters as to what cards you get dealt,you just feel as though you will win the session no matter what. i have had this feeling now for the last 8 weeks so i'm hoping that it continues,as it is a great feeling to have going into each session and obviously fantastic for your b/roll too. still not having much success at the £5 level,but i will keep going back there every few weeks or so and continue trying. best wishes Pat with the cash too. i found playing cash that 6 tables was more optimal for me than playing 10/12,as i found myself missing 'spots' gl :) dev
    Posted by devonfish5

    Yeah that feeling is the best, it just feels so reassuring after long break even/downswings. 

    Just keep working on your game, and thinking about every possible decision you can make. Can I get a raise through here, can I get a shove through enough of the time for it to be profitable, can I bet less with my bluff which works the same as a slightly larger bet, can I get more value from this hand. Best of luck Dev. 

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    Good luck Pat.  Isn't growing up fun? ;-)  Also, look on the bright side you can always pawn the watch!
    Posted by Glenelg

    Believe me, I am never letting go of the watch. I'd rather sell myself on t... Actually I'll keep that to myself haha!

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    Great post - I try to approach life in the same manner. I think it's important to realise what truly does matter in our lives and I think you pin pointed the main ones there. Like you, I've also started year 2 today so I'm going to have to fit poker in with my work and that generally doesn't go well. The poker stays, and unfortunately, the work, well, that doesnt go so well. GL at uni and with poker!
    Posted by percival09

    Nice to know I'm not the only one trying to think a bit deeper. Best of luck with the second year of Uni. Are you in London now? 

    That is a GREAT Post Pat.

     Calm as a cucumber he was, too.   Sorry 'bout that, got carried away there. Good luck with the Degree. What are you "reading", or studying?    
    Posted by Tikay10
    I enjoyed the post Tikay. It definitely puts things into perspective. So much of the time it simply boils down to, what good would doing getting angry etc do here for me to make things better - 95% of the time, it's nothing, and often just counterproductive.  

    I study Business Management, which is a fairly broad degree. This year we're being taught everything from marketing to operations management and financial accounting. Including this one, I have 2 years of study left, with one year out for a placement. So if there's anything available at Sky... 

    Great to have you in the thread. 


    First day's results:

  • WWFCBlueWWFCBlue Member Posts: 245
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - SNG Champ Challenge Review [Huge September Ahead]:
    Just a quick update to say that I haven't fallen from the face of the earth. I'm just taking Poker a bit easier at the moment and not getting too much volume in.  On a side note, freshers is here! First year university students are just starting and as a result, a week of drinking begins. Went out for the first time last night with 3 of my best friends from home. Atmosphere was insane. A few funny stories which I will try to tone down and post. 
    Posted by patwalshh
    Only a week of drinking?! I thought it was just a drinking warmup for the rest of the year!
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - SNG Champ Challenge Review [Huge September Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - SNG Champ Challenge Review [Huge September Ahead] : Only a week of drinking?! I thought it was just a drinking warmup for the rest of the year!
    Posted by WWFCBlue
    I'm not a huge drinker actually, so 3 days in a week is definitely enough for me! I prefer to just save up and hit one night a week/every 2 weeks harder haha. I'm a letdown....
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012

    It's probably a good idea to outline some goals for this month. I have to bear in mind that I've started University again and the work will soon pile up - Nonetheless, I'm aiming for Priority. With a higher average buy-in (more £11 DYMs), I think it'll be very achievable. It's frustrating though, I definitely find the more volume I put in, the worse my results become, even if I feel no difference in my standard of play. It definitely correlates to something like this: 

    I've found that my hourly is highest when I find the right balance between L1 and L2 (L3). I once read what a Pro thought seperated the best Poker players, and he answered that it's not who plays the best, it's who plays the best consistently over a long period of time. Something for me to really bear in mind anyway. 

    I just want to highlight the fact that I AM NOT going for the Kings of Cash promotion. Although I'm starting to dabble in cash (£20-30NL), I don't feel ready to solely play it this month. I think a good mini-goal is to qualify for the Kings of Cash freeroll. 


    Yesterdays results were pretty insane. Probably my best DYM day ever:

    31 games, Av Stake £7.89, Average Profit £4.20, Av ROI 46.6%, +£130



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012


    There's a promotion running this month for Priority members who win 10 or more DYMs in a row with a buy-in of £11+. If you manage to do so I believe, you win your buy-ins back minus the rake. 

    99.9% sure (and it's yet to be confirmed) that I managed to do it within 4 days - 9 £11 DYMs and 1 £16.50 DYM. 

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012
    annnnnnnnd credited ^^ £105. 

    Insane heater to start the month. 


    On a side note, I've actually begun to note my P/L from cash on an excel sheet to keep track of my results. When it comes to cash my volume is dreadful, but hopefully I can improve on this. 
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012

    Poker wise this month has been incredible. Feels great to finally have some results after putting so much unrewarded volume in last month. Basically on track to retain Priority too:

    I'm going to try to keep a lot of personal things out of this thread. But just have to upload some pictures from this weekend. My friend from Devon came down to see me, great timing too, as we got invited to the most insane house party that my flatmate was asked to DJ at. Pictures where taken just as it was getting setup/starting. You can see how big the speakers were. 

    My flatmate Chris doesn't always have the best luck with girls. But he got SOOO much attention being the DJ, especially from the girls. Everyone kept bringing him drinks, I'm surprised he made it through the night lol. I'm in the grey shirt. I have no idea what my friend Josh is wearing either...



  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    annnnnnnnd credited ^^ £105.  Insane heater to start the month. -- On a side note, I've actually begun to note my P/L from cash on an excel sheet to keep track of my results. When it comes to cash my volume is dreadful, but hopefully I can improve on this. 
    Posted by patwalshh
    Nice - I got 9 in a row last time - when I thought I had ten. :-(
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead] : Nice - I got 9 in a row last time - when I thought I had ten. :-(
    Posted by JingleMa

    Ouch that sounds painful. You'll get there! If I get another streak going, I'm tempted to play the last 2 as high stakes DYMs to potentially build up a bigger reward..   
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012

    Always have a backup

    Over a year ago FTP shut down, causing me a considerable amount of difficulties - including tying 80% of my liquid capital I had at the time, indefinitely. It left me with the feeling of having nowhere to turn. Today I recieved the long awaited email regarding it's re-opening and re-instatement of my account balance. It's safe to say that this experience has taught me a great deal - always leave yourself outs! To set my money aside for a 'rainy day' and to spread my risk. 

    I currently study Business Management at University. Is it frustrating and meaningless at times? Would I rather live in Thailand and play Poker full time? Undoubtedly. But with so much volitility and uncertainty within the industry - there's no doubt in my mind that University and getting a job after is the right thing to do. Nonetheless, if all else fails. A Poker house on a beach in Thailand does sound tempting..




  • GreekWayGreekWay Member Posts: 462
    edited October 2012
    Are you coming to DTD for the SPT Patrick?
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    Are you coming to DTD for the SPT Patrick?
    Posted by GreekWay
    Unfortunately not. Solely because I'm really superstitious about luck and time's of the month. I'm playing an upcoming tournament series in Devon at the start of next month instead. 
  • GreekWayGreekWay Member Posts: 462
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead] : Unfortunately not. Solely because I'm really superstitious about luck and time's of the month. I'm playing an upcoming tournament series in Devon at the start of next month instead. 
    Posted by patwalshh
    Pity. I was looking forward to meeting you. 

    I feel so nice that Skypoker has some really nice young guns. :)
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited October 2012

    Blimey, that Tikay don't half talk a lot of smack sometimes:

    "Pat Walsh?
    Understood. People can come across badly online sometimes, just because well written communication does not come easily to many of us. Real life is the test, & I met him recently. Such as one can tell from a brief encounter, he ticked all the boxes for me -a firm handshake, ready smile, & good eye-contact. Those three things are a great litmus-test of a person's character, & I think he's a good egg."

    (From the Ask Tikay thread p.230).

    Don't worry, I put him right on p.232 ;-)

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - September Review [?? Ahead]:
    Blimey, that Tikay don't half talk a lot of smack sometimes: "Pat Walsh? Understood. People can come across badly online sometimes, just because well written communication does not come easily to many of us. Real life is the test, & I met him recently. Such as one can tell from a brief encounter, he ticked all the boxes for me -a firm handshake, ready smile, & good eye-contact. Those three things are a great litmus-test of a person's character, & I think he's a good egg." (From the Ask Tikay thread p.230). Don't worry, I put him right on p.232 ;-)
    Posted by JingleMa
    You do like to stick your oar in.. 

    Haha messing man, all taking in good humour. Hope your running well.


  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited October 2012

    Our perception and deviating from our life path


    A strong title, but stay with me on this one. I believe as we grow older, our perception of things ultimately changes. When we're young, a toy car may be our most valuable commodity - At that age, we may believe school to be the worst thing in the world. As we grow older (and somewhat wiser), we may start to take less for granted. We may begin to give the simple things in life the most value - such as the bliss of a carefree walk in the park with family or a loved one.

    For me personally, Poker has had a strong influence on my perception of the world. Speaking of one of the many positive impacts it's had on me. I feel as though I've built a big tolerance to many negative things in life. After taking hundreds of breathtakingly bad beats on the river, aggravating things such as inconveniences, incompetence and inconsiderate people; all becomes considerably more bearable. Rarely do I find myself getting angry over things, that would previously have made me 'flip'. Don't get me wrong, I'm hardly the Dalai Lama. But looking back, emotionally - I've come a long way.

    Speaking of negative things, Poker has warped my perception of money. It's far too easy to spend a month's hard earned winnings when you hadn't had to endure back breaking, 12 hour shifts, 6am starts, to earn it. Furthermore, when I'm playing, I trust my read 100%. I'm not afraid to go busto via a bluff-fishspewmonkey hand, if my reads tell me to check shove my 3rd pair on the river. (Interestingly I believe this fearlessness to be both of my weakest, and strongest qualities as a Poker player  - At the end of the day, if you can't trust yourself, who can you trust?)

    Just last week, it was this very fearlessness that cost me. For weeks I'd been railing the £300+ games on Sky. I watched as the regulars bumhunted unknown players. With the confidence that a successful month brings, and a soft £2/£4 game running, I took the plunge. I bought into that cash game for the most I ever had in my life. What proceeded, put me into a state of shock.

    It's funny, I've always felt as though everything I've done in life has lead me to where I am today. That everything eventually falls into place and that all the negativity we face along the way is for a reason. Sooner or later, the number of times I've tried and fallen short, just becomes meaningless - Because in the end, I get to where I need to be. Relate this very concept to yourself. How many times did things not work out for you? At the time you were upset or even devastated, but eventually you can see that it was a blessing that for whatever reason it didn't happen

    After losing a £900 pot to a lucky river card in that £2/£4 game, something reminded me to review a Poker pros 'well'. For those of you familiar with him, it's Phil Galfond (OMGClayAiken on FTP) So I did, and this is an extract: "Around that time I took the occasional shot here and there at 25/50 on FTP. I found one huge fish who loved to play me. I ended up playing him at 50/100 and ran terribly. I remember one hand where I reraised his minraise to 900 with KQo. He called. I bet like 1400 on the flop of 632r, he called. Turn 3o, I checked. He potted for like 4800 or whatever with 4500 behind. He was floating flops a lot and playing.... basically I was sure he wouldn't play a strong hand that way. I shoved for his last 4500. He tanked forever and called with 1 sec left and KJo. Valuetown!!!!!! J river..... I lost about half my roll that summer, mostly to that one fish... I stepped back and grinded 5/10 for a long time. I won a bunch and slowly moved up. The next time that I took a shot at 25/50 and 50/100, it stuck, and I played big ever since. That was a little over a year ago I think. I've had up and downs since, but nothing else super notable in my journey to where I am now."

    For now, those uncharacteristically suicidal shots into big games are put on hold.  As I play DYM by DYM, not only slowly rebuild my damaged roll, but rebuilding my equally damaged ego. I keep reminding myself, that everyday I'm improving, everyday I'm becoming more insightful. Losing that £900 pot on the river was meant to be. Next time I'll be smart about it and start at a level I'm comfortable at. It can take 100 setbacks, but it just takes one breakthrough. For now, I'm a 19 year old dreaming of what possibilities lay before me - hopefully one day soon, I can turn those dreams into a reality.






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