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Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [new update]



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2012
    Hi m8.Havent posted yet on this thread until now but here goes.You,re a young kid with massive ability from what I've read so far.Its a no brainer that you'll have the ups and downs somewhere along the way.Thats just being realistic.But from my point of view you seem to be beating yourself up(if I'm wrong then apologies man) a bit too much.You keep goin the way you are at the moment and you'll be fine in the long run.Dont get yorself too down m8.Aint good for your health.
    Be good n run good.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Hi m8.Havent posted yet on this thread until now but here goes.You,re a young kid with massive ability from what I've read so far.Its a no brainer that you'll have the ups and downs somewhere along the way.Thats just being realistic.But from my point of view you seem to be beating yourself up(if I'm wrong then apologies man) a bit too much.You keep goin the way you are at the moment and you'll be fine in the long run.Dont get yorself too down m8.Aint good for your health. Be good n run good. Cheers. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Hi Paul means a lot for you to post that. I just like to push myself and sometimes I make things a bit dramatic for the thread. After this week, I'm going to have a break with some serious time away from the tables. 

    All the best

  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2012
    Hi Pat,

    Your blog is a very intresting read.Good luck with your DYM challenge.I have been on a few tables  at the £5 games with you.10 hours a day is really tough going so I wish you luck.

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Hi Pat, Your blog is a very intresting read.Good luck with your DYM challenge.I have been on a few tables  at the £5 games with you.10 hours a day is really tough going so I wish you luck. Pat
    Posted by day4eire76
    Hi Pat thanks for your comments. Hopefully see you on a few more dyms in the future.


    I finally ran okay yesterday. Profit wise, a great day. But ROI, is only at 6%, so definitely something to improve on. Had some funny games with my fair share of coolers, got top set all in vs 2 players on a Qxx board only to hit a full house and it to lose to a straight flush lol. On the contrary, I had 150 chips with 5 players left in an £11 DYM, at either 150/300 or 200/400, everyone else had a full stack+, it went limp, limp utg, sb shoves with AQ, origional limper calls with 1010, second limper calls with QQ and takes it down!!!

    Secondly, sharkscope seems to have implimented a new feature for DYM streaks, which I have a nice star for. Lets see how long it lasts:

    Lets do this.



  • WWFCBlueWWFCBlue Member Posts: 245
    edited September 2012
    Really enjoying reading this Pat, for some reason imagined you as an older player, not one of us uni students ;) 
    Good luck with the rest of the SnG champ challenge!
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Really enjoying reading this Pat, for some reason imagined you as an older player, not one of us uni students ;)  Good luck with the rest of the SnG champ challenge!
    Posted by WWFCBlue
    Ahh thank you man, yeah I'm only 19. Where abouts do you study? 
  • WWFCBlueWWFCBlue Member Posts: 245
    edited September 2012
    Yeah I'm 19 too, going back for 2nd year at De Montfort Uni in Leicester, studying Accounting and Finance (fun!).
    Don't grind anywhere near as much as you - more of an MTT player, play a bit live in Leicester as well, and managed to bink a seat for the 6-max SPT so got that to look forward to
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Yeah I'm 19 too, going back for 2nd year at De Montfort Uni in Leicester, studying Accounting and Finance (fun!). Don't grind anywhere near as much as you - more of an MTT player, play a bit live in Leicester as well, and managed to bink a seat for the 6-max SPT so got that to look forward to
    Posted by WWFCBlue
    Ahh yeah, I know the place. Some of our modules must be fairly similar. Haha, I really want to cut back as soon as this promotion is over and get back to normality. Nice work on the seat and best of luck. 
  • WWFCBlueWWFCBlue Member Posts: 245
    edited September 2012
    Yeahh fairly similar courses. Cheers, and good luck getting through the rest of the week!
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Yeahh fairly similar courses. Cheers, and good luck getting through the rest of the week!
    Posted by WWFCBlue

    Ty mate!


    Less than 24 hours left... 

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012

    Swingy last day to finish the SNG challenge. I'll write a big review tomorrow/tuesday. Fingers crossed, I've made it, but I've got a bit of a sweat. It would be a pretty insane achievement to make top 6 from 98% £10 and £5 DYMs. 

    Satellited into the Primo and I'm currently attempting to grind a stack up. Feel free to rail me! 

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    Scrap that just ran KK into aces for top 3 stack to finish 50th FML!
  • frascatifrascati Member Posts: 76
    edited September 2012
    Wow I see you made it Tuesday well done

    I will be watching/railing(no chat) remember everything I've taught you!!

    Don't play AJ b4 the first level!!!  hope you get some good cards

    Good luck

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2012

    congratulations Pat on making 'the final 6'

    hope you play well and run well tomorrow

    good luck m8

    (* *)

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Swingy last day to finish the SNG challenge. I'll write a big review tomorrow/tuesday. Fingers crossed, I've made it, but I've got a bit of a sweat. It would be a pretty insane achievement to make top 6 from 98% £10 and £5 DYMs.  Satellited into the Primo and I'm currently attempting to grind a stack up. Feel free to rail me!  Peace
    Posted by patwalshh
    VWD Pat!  Will def rail.
  • thomas87thomas87 Member Posts: 174
    edited September 2012
    well done Pat on making the top 6. Now go win it!

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012

    Saturday 11th September  SPT Final, Dusk Til Dawn Nottingham 


    3:25pm  All in I announced. A snap call and the flashing of two red aces was all that was needed to seal my fate.  

    Sunday 12th September - Nottingham 

    Half asleep, I lay in bed at my budget hotel - watching as the end credits of the film I’d been subconsciously viewing for the last hour rolled across the screen, ironically, almost a tribute to my very hope of cashing a big tournament under my Skypoker sponsorship package - another opportunity I’d let split through my fingers 

    In my sombre state, I attempted to piece together the damage that was the night before. Not only was I suffering from a crippling headache, the result of all too many vodka lemonades - but an equally crippled bank balance, a mixed result of my sobriety, wish-wash of emotions and the cruel sting that was hard luck at the devil’s wheel. I trudged to the bathroom for one last glass of water, turned the lights off. 20 seconds after my head hit the pillow; I was fast asleep, dreaming of what could have been. 

    Pat , Pat’. I rose up from a deep sleep, dazed and confused. It was PJ, my fellow roommate for the SPT, and notorious DYM grinder ‘JingleMa’. I tried to focus, ‘....Challenge....SNG... TV was all I heard as I tried to gather my bearings.  

    Monday 13h September 

    Bemused, and not fully familiar with the previous night’s conversation, I asked. “Wait, so you’re telling me, there’s actually a promotion for sit and go players on Skypoker”. ‘Yes, didn’t you listen to anything I said’? As I heard the full details of the promotion, the idea got more and more humorous. “Oh how brilliant it’ll be to watch 6 high stakes DYM grinders battle it out”. I sarcastically chimed. “We don’t stand a chance”.  

    As I began my 3 hour solo drive back to Bath, my mind pondered on the opportunity that lay before me. I thought to myself, with an insane work ethic, and an equally insane mental frame of mind, ‘anything is possible’ 

    Wednesday 12th September 

    Just like a new relationsh... Oh wait I won’t go there. Let me start again. 

    Wednesday 12th September 

    Just like a diet, or saving money - at first the prospect of working towards and achieving something is new, challenging and exciting all at once – but ultimately, as you’re forced to put the work, effort and will into it, it becomes harder and harder to carry on. Not even mid way through the week, and I was exhausted. Just like my energy, my results had been nothing short of a downward spiral. Seemingly, the only thing moving in the right direction was my Poker points. Could I actually do this I asked myself? It’d be one unbelievable achievement if I could.  


    Gradually, game by game, poker point by poker point, time passed. Just to have a glimmer of hope to make it, I’d put everything on hold - to have that small chance of success, I’d had to isolate myself, ignore my emotions and mental fatigue – and push through it. The challenge wasn’t about the money, it was about proving that I could push myself through the hard times, the difficulties, and achieve something I could be proud of - and if I didn’t make the top 6, I'd be able to look myself in the mirror and not think of the week or myself as a failure, but be happy that I’d worked harder than I ever had done before and put everything I possibily could into it. 

    Monday 17th September 2012 


    In autopilot mode I awoke at 9am, booting up the computer, ready for another gruelling day of DYMs. It soon dawned on me that this day was different, the deadline had been passed and the hardest mentally straining week of my life was over. The Sng challenge grind was over! I quickly packed and by 9.30am my things were loaded in my car and I was on my way back to Devon to take some well deserved time off poker, unwind and be with those I have recently neglected, my faithful family, dog and true friends.  


    4:43pm – ‘Hi is this Patrick..... I’d just like to inform you that you’ve made the final 6 for the SNG Championship tomorrow at 7:15pm – Congratulations. 



    Final thoughts

    After this week, I feel as though I’ve learnt more about true hard work and dedication, than I ever have done in my life. Regardless of the outcome. I can say, that for me, it’s not about the destination, it’s what I've truly learnt about myself, others’, my abilities and ultimately, my possibilities along the way. With my 2nd University year fast approaching, I definitely have something to apply this to. (Just think, it only took me 7 gruelling days and 850 DYMs to learn that)  


    I thank you for reading my journey so far.  


    Patrick Walsh 



  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited September 2012
    I envy a young man with our ability in poker. Good discipline.
    Well deserved.

    Regards Alan

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2012
    Well done Pat great effort and great result.
    Also impressed you managed to break even/win a little over the course off the challenge.
    P.s. sent you pm a few days ago that doesn't really matter now
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited September 2012

    Congrats mate & nice story lol, it's almost like I was there... ;-)

    C u 2nite!
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