DEEP! Excellent post and well written as always. I haven't posted much on this thread tbh but I always read and love how honest and open you are when you write. This is def one of the best threads on the forum Posted by waller02
Well said Pat Sometimes you forget the important things in life and concentrate on less meaningful things. I found this out the hard way last year i wont bore you with the details but i was in a bad place and it wasnt untill i started looking at myself and people who mean the most to me that i could grow and become happy with myself. Anyway how you been mate? i havent posted for a while hope your ok, i can see your running well. Jamie Posted by thomas87
Nice to have you back Jamie. Honestly, if you want to send a PM about it feel free. I really admire your post, especially the bolded.
I've been good thanks, just settling back into University now. Results have been great, so no complains from me there. I hope your doing well. No word of a lie, I was going to text you either yesterday, or the day before to see how you were and it completely escaped me.
Quality read m8.Keep pluggin away and whatever turns out for you,as long as you know you did your best at that time,you can keep your head up.Learnin not to feel sorry for the hand lifes dealt you isnt easy at times,but if you're able to accept whats been and gone,then you can move on lad.
In Response to Re: Patwalshh - *Searching for happiness and learning to accept the past* : I thoroughly appreciate the feedback, thank you. In Response to Re: Patwalshh - *Searching for happiness and learning to accept the past* : Nice to have you back Jamie. Honestly, if you want to send a PM about it feel free. I really admire your post, especially the bolded. I've been good thanks, just settling back into University now. Results have been great, so no complains from me there. I hope your doing well. No word of a lie, I was going to text you either yesterday, or the day before to see how you were and it completely escaped me. Posted by patwalshh
Quality read m8.Keep pluggin away and whatever turns out for you,as long as you know you did your best at that time,you can keep your head up.Learnin not to feel sorry for the hand lifes dealt you isnt easy at times,but if you're able to accept whats been and gone,then you can move on lad. Keep goin. Cheers Paul Posted by bignoise10
Glad you enjoyed the read Paul. It certainly isn't an easy thing to do at all. Good to have you in the thread.
Great post Pat! I do still lurk in here by the way, just don't always get round to posting. Some very good points made in your post above. Posted by Lambert180
I'll read your long post later because I'm soooooooo tired right now and even looking at it kinda scares me, but I'll definitely give it a read as it probs includes a lot of good **** in there. I'm just gonna reply to your thread title for now .... the present moment is all you can EVER do anything about. Accept the past, don't worry about the future, and enjoy the present moment to the best of your ability ;-) and if you're not enjoying, then change, as you say, your life is your life and you're in control of your own happiness. You should only ever rely on YOURSELF for happiness, not anybody else, and that's why you see so many dysfunctional relationships, because of that very reason. GLGLGL
Hi pat. I'm a man of few words, just like to say that was a truly inspirational post. Keep it up, and thanks. BTW. When are you going to come clean, and tell everyone you are actually a 65 year old retired teacher and not a 19 year old student lol.
I'm just gonna reply to your thread title for now .... the present moment is all you can EVER do anything about. Accept the past, don't worry about the future, and enjoy the present moment to the best of your ability ;-) and if you're not enjoying, then change, as you say, your life is your life and you're in control of your own happiness. You should only ever rely on YOURSELF for happiness, not anybody else, and that's why you see so many dysfunctional relationships, because of that very reason. GLGLGL Posted by percival09
Great post and I agree with a lot of it. Feel free to express your views on my post
Hi pat. I'm a man of few words, just like to say that was a truly inspirational post. Keep it up, and thanks. BTW. When are you going to come clean, and tell everyone you are actually a 65 year old retired teacher and not a 19 year old student lol. Regards Alan. Posted by ajmilton
Little update for everyone to say that I haven't disappeared. I've had a few things on my plate as of late and without Jinxing it, met a female friend who I really like, trying to comitt to American Football a little more than I did last year, University and Priority. I even headed home this weekend, and somehow made it out of Torquay alive lol.
Month is still on track to be very good (even with being rivered in £900 pot and bubbling the Roller). Don't want to post any graphs yet, but come the first of the month - expect to be overwhelmed by them.
(Ps Jamie, I haven't forgotten you at all. Just finding it difficult to get some time to reply to you!)
Best of luck to everyone for the rest of the month.
"There is something about the winter's sun. The Florescence of the beaming rays the calmness of the flowing sunshine: convinces me about the warmth, of the winter's sun"
October is now over, which not only signals an end to a beautiful month, but also signals an end to any remainder of Summer that lingered in the air. For me, it was an emotional rollercoaster. The month started with me bubbling the Sky Roller. I then went on a huge DYM heater. Probably one of the most beautiful DYM graphs you'll see for my stake:
Mid way through the month I decided to give £2/£4 a shot. Which came to a crashing end with me getting it in on the flop and being rivered in a £900 pot to a regular. Leaving me to buy a bottle of vodka at 1am - eventually shake it off and re-build my damaged roll.
Luckily for me the DYM heater continued, and thanks to a total of 3 streak bonuses (yes 3), my roll was once again looking healthy within no time.
Various statistics are below.
Interestingly I decided to include the 'most profitable' and 'least profitable' players I faced this month. I'm delighted with the figures below.
Opponents least profitable against:
Opponents most profitable against
(I'd just like to appologise to Troy for running like God all month. I don't think the poor guy won a flip vs me! He's definitely a great player and one of the few DYM regulars I admire on the site.)
Also made priority which is a nice bonus. I had to make a big withdrawal to pay off some bills. For now, it's back to the daily grind - dreaming of that elusive big score.
It's crazy to think how much of an impact people can have on you. How such individuals can dazzle you with an intangible aura, how the seemily smallest of influences can lead you astray, or indeed push you forward. Sometimes it's even hard to judge yourself. Although I'm a strong believer in free will, I also believe that everything happens for a reason. The people we meet, the things that influence us. Things can be as easy or as complicated as we want them to be. So why make them more difficult? Sometimes thinking deeper can make things more difficult, but when it comes to relying on yourself to think deeper - having that skill and that past experience that we so often rely on as a Poker player, is invaluable. Yes I could be a kid talking s*** right now. But what would that matter. You have the option to think as deep or as shallow as you want - so why fret. Be happy.
It's crazy to think how much of an impact people can have on you. How such individuals can dazzle you with an intangible aura, how the seemily smallest of influences can lead you astray, or indeed push you forward. Sometimes it's even hard to judge yourself. Although I'm a strong believer in free will, I also believe that everything happens for a reason. The people we meet, the things that influence us. Things can be as easy or as complicated as we want them to be. So why make them more difficult? Sometimes thinking deeper can make things more difficult, but when it comes to relying on yourself to think deeper - having that skill and that past experience that we so often rely on as a Poker player, is invaluable. Yes I could be a kid talking s*** right now. But what would that matter. You have the option to think as deep or as shallow as you want - so why fret. Be happy. That's a level right there. Patwalshh Posted by patwalshh
Hi Pat - I've been readinig your diary with interest however never posted. For such a young head you are already extremely wise and this will hold well for your future, I only wish I had the same outlook when I was your age.
Hi Pat - I've been readinig your diary with interest however never posted. For such a young head you are already extremely wise and this will hold well for your future, I only wish I had the same outlook when I was your age. Run good mate Graeme Posted by spurs_13
Really appreciate the feedback Graeme. As I've previously said, I find writing things down on here to be a great way to articulate my thoughts. To know that people enjoy reading certain posts, really inspires me to continue writing. I know a lot of it is probably interpreted as hippie BS by some, but I'm fine with that. If we thought the same way, life would be fairly dull.
I also want to highlight the fact that I don't do drugs - smoking etc. So none of my thoughts comes from anything like that.
I feel mentally refreshed with just having had a few days off from Poker. I previously mentioned that I'd met a girl. Me and her are still getting on really well, so I've been seeing her a lot. Very intelligent girl who she studies Italian and French - she makes me look stupid lol. Sadly she's gone home for a few days, because she has a reading week.
My best friend from home came to Bath on Saturday - we went out and eventually hit Bristol. We then decided to make a weekend out of it, got drink and went over to a 'squeeze' of his house yesterday and had a laugh.
Back to Poker for the time being. Roll's depleted after a big withdrawal, so I've got a lot of work to do. Also need to catch up with Priority pace.
In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (October Review) : lol!!! Why on earth would anyone suspect that??? haha. that's incredible. Great work in October btw, very impressive results. GL this month. Whats your worst poker downswing? (interpret the question as u wish) Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Haha JJ. Oh and thank you. Obviously DYM wise it was above and beyond my wildest expectation.
Downswing urmm. Cash game wise, I've had a few bad shots gone wrong for the tune of £500+ when I used to tilt cash was the place I'd spew. But SNG wise nothing too bad (touch wood). I've had like a 30-buyin downswings but that was at relatively low stakes, so I can't complain too much.
I'm a man of few words, just like to say that was a truly inspirational post.
Keep it up, and thanks.
BTW. When are you going to come clean, and tell everyone you are actually a 65 year old retired
teacher and not a 19 year old student lol.
Regards Alan.
The Florescence of the beaming rays
the calmness of the flowing sunshine:
convinces me about the warmth,
of the winter's sun"