I,a now realsing after playing on line after I or two years , that your allowed to win when the system wants you t oo .iplay live f ace to face poker at various venues casinos,etc. people I play poker say I'm a fool , for playing on line . As they say its ifffy I After playing tonight I think there spot on.iwill now close my account ,as Ido not trust the sysem any more. Posted by boutime
So glad someone finally found the courage to open up and tell the world.
I found myself down to 13000 last hand before the 2nd break. Shoved my 13 bigs utg and was delighted to see call, 3bet, 4bet,5bet,6bet etc.
Up against Aces and 9's it was never in doubt that I'd treble up with my KQ.
From there things went rather well and I got to a high of 290,000. In the last couple of levels I lost a bit if a smelly one where the table big stack who was playing every pot and playing very well got there on the river for a 200k pot.
Won a couple of pots to get back a bit and despite my woeful limitations bagged up 235,000. It's well below average but going back at 3000/6000 there's still a fair bit of play in it.
Had a good day. Shared a table with Minty who is a lovely guy. Ran pretty well against him. Over bet shoved with 6high playing the board at one stage and was a little relieved when he passed. Called his shove with 6's and was in pretty good shape against his 5's. Flopped the set and he actually had gained more outs! But luckily I held.
Key hand of the day was 3betting QQ out of the bb and getting it in on 2 3 6. He had Ace 4 with the straight flush draw. Turned the Q and the river bricked, which was nice.
Not quite an SPT but still met up with plenty of Sky folks and as ever it's nice to put faces to names.
Busto unfortunately. Cashed for £500 in 55th 5 short of the £1k seat. Guess that's just not meant to be. A number of times I've come close to a seat for that. Not to worry though. Had a great time. Loved every minute of it. Gl to Slklist, Ivan and Ryan who I think are still in. Exit hand I think was pretty standard. I jammed 135,000 from the small blind at 6000/12000 with 2k running ante. Had K6. It gets through plenty of times and even when called prob still got 40% He had Ace 10 and I didn't improve. Great tournament and thanks to Adam, John and Gazza for the 10%'s. So pleased you've doubled your money. Sorry it wasn't a little more Posted by Jac35
Busto unfortunately. Cashed for £500 in 55th 5 short of the £1k seat. Guess that's just not meant to be. A number of times I've come close to a seat for that. Not to worry though. Had a great time. Loved every minute of it. Gl to Slklist, Ivan and Ryan who I think are still in. Exit hand I think was pretty standard. I jammed 135,000 from the small blind at 600/1200 with 200 running ante. Had K6. It gets through plenty of times and even when called prob still got 40% He had Ace 10 and I didn't improve. Great tournament and thanks to Adam, John and Gazza for the 10%'s. So pleased you've doubled your money. Sorry it wasn't a little more Posted by Jac35
Standard jam for north of 100 bigs blind on blind I'd say.
Bit of a set up hand tbh, never getting away from that.
I thought the atmosphere was really good at DTD. However, on my table for most of day1 was the sort of chap who can give live poker a bad name.
I didn't bother to get his name. His name in my head was 'pro boy'.
He was fully kitted out.
Hoodie - check
Poker site logo cap - check
Big headphones - check
He called the floor 5 times during the time he was there. He demanded clarification on matters. He said,too loudly, to me that it wasn't a £15 freezeout and if the dealers didn't know what they were doing, then they shouldn't be there.
One guy starting to count out a raise and one of his chips just about crossed the line as he was doing so. Instant shout "floor" and then to the dealer "I shouldn't be having to do your job. The line is a rule here and that is a call" Technically correct maybe but we all knew the players intention.
He talked about ranges, thin value and so on.
I had one lovely moment where I'd flopped a set from the bb and took the betting lead on the turn. I bet big on the river and he said my line only makes sense if I have a set. He then called with top pair and as I turned my cards he exclaimed "God, I'm good" I smiled back at him agreeing.
He seemed to like me, which was a shame because every time he wanted to moan about how bad the other players were, he turned to me.
There was a lovely finish to all this. On my table for the whole day was a guy called Kevin. Really great bloke, plays occasionally on Sky as SpecialB20. He had driven up from Falmouth at 04.00 to get there and was driving back on Sunday. He had been really unlucky and grinded 10 bigs for 5 hours. Ended up cashing as well, which was great.
Kevin wasn't a fan of pro boy but was far too polite to say anything. He just looked at me a few times and rolled his eyes. As you have to do when short he was making a few moves. 3 times he ended up all in against pro boy.
Hand 1 pro boy is big favourite with a dominating ace. Board pairs on the turn. "Double pair it for the chop" shouts pro boy. BINK
Hand 2 pro boy is favourite with AJ v 89. He flops the J. Turn brings a gut shot. "Give him a 10" shouts pro boy
Hand 3 pro boy is big favourite. Can't remember the actual hands. Before river "Give him a 6" shouts pro boy
Kevin is really struggling hard now not to laugh.
Iranian bloke with an amazing accent and a slightly high pitched voice, who was really good fun says "why you keep asking for the card that beats you? Is stupid" Pro boy not amused, rest of table struggling with their poker faces.
2 mins later pro boy is out. Bangs the table and leaves with the comment "can never beat bad players"
Everyone at the table looks at each other. Everyone smiles. We all know that, inside everyone of us is cheering
I've had a look at the situations vacant post. I don't think I'll be applying but I am prepared to do a job share.
I feel that some of the poor people who have lost with Aces occasionally get mocked in BB&V.
Therefore, I offer my services.
Anyone who has suffered an unfortunate run out of cards can post the hand here. I will be extremely sympathetic and will nod and shake my head at the appropriate times.
I think I'll call it the "I've had a Badbeat JacPost"
I salute you sir.
Can I have my 10% back please jacfraud35?
Well done yesterday Paul, great effort after that early setback.
LOVE to see folks who don't give up, or try to blame the world & his wife, when things go wrong.
Good luck today.
Will I see you at main event?
Standard jam for north of 100 bigs blind on blind I'd say.
Bit of a set up hand tbh, never getting away from that.