I was in for about 5 hours. No real hands of note throughout. Ended up going out when from 20ish bigs I 3bet the button with A 10 and got a call from original raiser. Flop of A A 5 and we get it all in on the turn. He had AQ and it was gg me. Thought it might be really bad at the time but now I'm fine with it.
Pat had a really bad one. He had chipped up to 80k at the end of the first level. This would have had him right up with the chipleaders. Oddly someone else on his table actually covered him. He raised AQ and flopped AAQ. He got it all in on the flop with the guy covering him who had AK. The K hit and Pat was gone. Would have had over 160k when the average was about 32k.
Eamonn sailed through day one playing really well and loads above average stack. He didn't get any cards at all on Day 2 and did brilliantly to get into the money. He ended up going out in a really standard spot. He was beating himself up a bit about it but that was silly. His play was absolutely fine. He made about 500 in the end
Played a little bit of cash on the Sunday. There was only 1/2 running and I didn't have enough on me to sit comfortably at the table. Average stack was playing around 600 euro. I played for a short while and won a nice pot with KK and came off with around 140 profit.
A few fun things from the tourney. I thought I might have a really good table at the start. We were 4 handed and a couple of hands in and on the river one of the players clicked back a raise. The chap called and showed the nuts! Set of Kings v the nut flush and a tiny, tiny pot. I looked at the dealer and he rolled his eyes. I think he did the right thing. He explained to the player that he should really issue him a penalty for soft play but was just going to warn him on this occasion. It certainly wasn't deliberate in my eyes and he just didn't know what he was doing.
I had a slightly annoying hand with a French sounding gentleman. He 4bet me really small and I peeled in position with 7's. He extravagantly Hellmuth style checked every street dark. The board had ran out 9 9 8 6 2. I thought that I might be able to get a call out of AK. He'd shown a liking to calling rivers with A high already. He tanked for a couple of minutes and then called. I flipped over 77 and he shook his head and said "good". He then showed his hand, QQ! knob
There was a Belgiumer on the table who had built up a stack. He lost a lot of it in one hand when the nut flush guy from earlier 'got there'. He mouthed off a load of stuff in Belgium speak and when asked if he'd been swearing by one of the players said "yes off course, he's shitt" Very next hand he 3bets me from the sb and I peel with KQ diamonds. I do a get there on the river and shove all in after he leads. He snaps and then snaps! He managed to damage the table with his card protector. This you may find that hard to believe until I tell you that the protector was a travel plug ☺
IPO Review Part 1 - The Poker This bit will be quick. I didn't win. I was in for about 5 hours. No real hands of note throughout. Ended up going out when from 20ish bigs I 3bet the button with A 10 and got a call from original raiser. Flop of A A 5 and we get it all in on the turn. He had AQ and it was gg me. Thought it might be really bad at the time but now I'm fine with it. Pat had a really bad one. He had chipped up to 80k at the end of the first level. This would have had him right up with the chipleaders. Oddly someone else on his table actually covered him. He raised AQ and flopped AAQ. He got it all in on the flop with the guy covering him who had AK. The K hit and Pat was gone. Would have had over 160k when the average was about 32k. Eamonn sailed through day one playing really well and loads above average stack. He didn't get any cards at all on Day 2 and did brilliantly to get into the money. He ended up going out in a really standard spot. He was beating himself up a bit about it but that was silly. His play was absolutely fine. He made about 500 in the end .... Played a little bit of cash on the Sunday. There was only 1/2 running and I didn't have enough on me to sit comfortably at the table. Average stack was playing around 600 euro. I played for a short while and won a nice pot with KK and came off with around 140 profit. .... A few fun things from the tourney. I thought I might have a really good table at the start. We were 4 handed and a couple of hands in and on the river one of the players clicked back a raise. The chap called and showed the nuts! Set of Kings v the nut flush and a tiny, tiny pot. I looked at the dealer and he rolled his eyes. I think he did the right thing. He explained to the player that he should really issue him a penalty for soft play but was just going to warn him on this occasion. It certainly wasn't deliberate in my eyes and he just didn't know what he was doing. I had a slightly annoying hand with a French sounding gentleman. He 4bet me really small and I peeled in position with 7's. He extravagantly Hellmuth style checked every street dark. The board had ran out 9 9 8 6 2. I thought that I might be able to get a call out of AK. He'd shown a liking to calling rivers with A high already. He tanked for a couple of minutes and then called. I flipped over 77 and he shook his head and said "good". He then showed his hand, QQ! knob There was a Belgiumer on the table who had built up a stack. He lost a lot of it in one hand when the nut flush guy from earlier 'got there'. He mouthed off a load of stuff in Belgium speak and when asked if he'd been swearing by one of the players said "yes off course, he's shitt" Very next hand he 3bets me from the sb and I peel with KQ diamonds. I do a get there on the river and shove all in after he leads. He snaps and then snaps! He managed to damage the table with his card protector. This you may find that hard to believe until I tell you that the protector was a travel plug ☺ Posted by Jac35
Great update mate. Was looking forward to finding out how you got on. Sorry to hear you didn't do a win.
Good signs were there from the off. I managed to get on a plane by myself for the first ever time. Was sure I was going to forget something important. Quick 40 minute flight and I landed at Dublin. Was met by Eamonn (CPFC) and checked in and went for some food. We arranged to meet Pat (Day4eire) in Temple Bar. We met Pat in the Dubliner and were then shown all the sights. We stayed there for 3 hours and then moved 25 yards to the next bar where we stayed for another 3 hours.
About 1.00 I decided I was knackered and we decided to call it a night. Quite how I didn't get into the hotel till well after a 3.00 is a bit of a mystery. Good night from what I remember. I recall some girl from Torquay (not ZOED) start talking to me and she kept saying she was posh. I wasn't so sure even though she did say that her name was Georgia. She didn't seem to take too kindly to me suggesting that she'd been named after the US Masters or Eamonn constantly getting her name wrong and calling her Gemma.
On Saturday after I bust out I was by myself. I couldn't find Pat and Eamonn was a bit inconsiderate and was still playing poker. I knew there were some Sky people there so messaged Sam. She told me Paula was there. Great! trouble is I wasn;t 100% what she looked like. Sam was very helpful and said look for the pretty, loud lady with the big b$$bs. I suggested to Sam that it may not be good for my short term health if I went up to every woman in the hotel and assessed their chest and then asked if they were called Paula. We did meet up. She was with Keith who's a great bloke and had a brilliant story about a French guy. Really can't repeat that one. Longman was there, Jim and Pocket6's as well. All were great and a bit of a session begun.
Paula told some hilarious stories, again can't really repeat them. Sometime after midnight she suggested that we dance. I commented on the lack of music. "Think of a song and just dance to that. We'll start ballroom and then break off. I'm doing A Town called Malice" We begun and then broke off. Some of the raised eyebrows were a surprise to me as I though I did the Locomotion very well.
Met up with Pat on Sunday at 12.00 as Eamonn was back for Day 2. He sighed with relief as I said that I was just drinking coke as otherwise I'd do well to make 18.00. We had a few cokes and then Pat suggested that maybe we should just have a pint with the Liverpool game. Was never gonna end well!
Had a great weekend. Still recovering. Eamonn and Pat were fantastic hosts and looked after me. ......
Who'd have thought that a reasonable buy in event attracting a load of like minded people would do so well About 1650 entrants. If only someone thought of that idea and packaged it under a strong brand name. I think they'd be onto a real winner.
Hi Jac I enjoyed our game of PLO8 tonight and shared joy of winning football teams. I often read your blog but this is the first time I have posted on it. I have a question. I have never played live and have only been playing for 18 months or so and I was intrigued by something you said in a post the other day. Someone should have been penalised for soft play? What is that all about? I sometimes find that I am unsure as to whether I am ahead in a hand or not and if ever I do go to an SPT would be horribly embarrassed if there are rules I do not know about, and get warned for calling instead of betting. Could you explain this further please? Thanks Nick
Hi Jac I enjoyed our game of PLO8 tonight and shared joy of winning football teams. I often read your blog but this is the first time I have posted on it. I have a question. I have never played live and have only been playing for 18 months or so and I was intrigued by something you said in a post the other day. Someone should have been penalised for soft play? What is that all about? I sometimes find that I am unsure as to whether I am ahead in a hand or not and if ever I do go to an SPT would be horribly embarrassed if there are rules I do not know about, and get warned for calling instead of betting. Could you explain this further please? Thanks Nick Posted by pompeynic
Hi Nic
Welcome to thread
The soft play was when on the river the guy just called with the nuts. He couldn't possibly be losing and so has to raise.
Please don't worry about playing live. Certainly not at SPTs. Part of what made them so good. Everyone helps each other. The dealers will try and help as well. I doubt that there's ever been a player who wasn't nervous first time they played live. Experienced players will recognise it and won't give you a hard time.
If we do get another Sot and there's anything you're not sure about before the tourney starts, just find me or someone like Tikay and we'll sort it.
IPO Review Part 2 - Everything else Good signs were there from the off. I managed to get on a plane by myself for the first ever time. Was sure I was going to forget something important. Quick 40 minute flight and I landed at Dublin. Was met by Eamonn (CPFC) and checked in and went for some food. We arranged to meet Pat (Day4eire) in Temple Bar. We met Pat in the Dubliner and were then shown all the sights. We stayed there for 3 hours and then moved 25 yards to the next bar where we stayed for another 3 hours. About 1.00 I decided I was knackered and we decided to call it a night. Quite how I didn't get into the hotel till well after a 3.00 is a bit of a mystery. Good night from what I remember. I recall some girl from Torquay (not ZOED) start talking to me and she kept saying she was posh. I wasn't so sure even though she did say that her name was Georgia. She didn't seem to take too kindly to me suggesting that she'd been named after the US Masters or Eamonn constantly getting her name wrong and calling her Gemma. On Saturday after I bust out I was by myself. I couldn't find Pat and Eamonn was a bit inconsiderate and was still playing poker. I knew there were some Sky people there so messaged Sam. She told me Paula was there. Great! trouble is I wasn;t 100% what she looked like. Sam was very helpful and said look for the pretty, loud lady with the big b$$bs. I suggested to Sam that it may not be good for my short term health if I went up to every woman in the hotel and assessed their chest and then asked if they were called Paula. We did meet up. She was with Keith who's a great bloke and had a brilliant story about a French guy. Really can't repeat that one. Longman was there, Jim and Pocket6's as well. All were great and a bit of a session begun. Paula told some hilarious stories, again can't really repeat them. Sometime after midnight she suggested that we dance. I commented on the lack of music. "Think of a song and just dance to that. We'll start ballroom and then break off. I'm doing A Town called Malice" We begun and then broke off. Some of the raised eyebrows were a surprise to me as I though I did the Locomotion very well. Met up with Pat on Sunday at 12.00 as Eamonn was back for Day 2. He sighed with relief as I said that I was just drinking coke as otherwise I'd do well to make 18.00. We had a few cokes and then Pat suggested that maybe we should just have a pint with the Liverpool game. Was never gonna end well! Had a great weekend. Still recovering. Eamonn and Pat were fantastic hosts and looked after me. ...... Who'd have thought that a reasonable buy in event attracting a load of like minded people would do so well About 1650 entrants. If only someone thought of that idea and packaged it under a strong brand name. I think they'd be onto a real winner. Posted by Jac35
What a great weekend. Was a complete pleasure meeting yourself and Pat (Day4eire) and all the other sky peeps. Sorry you didn't get to see more of the sights on the friday night, I'm sure the next pub along would have been equally as good Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Bring it on next year.!!!
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Hi Nic Welcome to thread The soft play was when on the river the guy just called with the nuts. He couldn't possibly be losing and so has to raise. Please don't worry about playing live. Certainly not at SPTs. Part of what made them so good. Everyone helps each other. The dealers will try and help as well. I doubt that there's ever been a player who wasn't nervous first time they played live. Experienced players will recognise it and won't give you a hard time. If we do get another SPT and there's anything you're not sure about before the tourney starts, just find me or someone like Tikay and we'll sort it. Posted by Jac35
+1 to that, Nick.
One thing I ALWAYS do before EVERY Live Event that Sky Poker hold is have a word with the TD & the Dealers before it starts, & ask them, & the other players, to cut a little slack to those who have not played "Live" before. No other Tour does this but it makes an amazing difference, & helps with the general atmo, too. We want people to ENJOY their day out, just as we want people to enjoy poker generally.
Which, in a piece of seamless spam, reminds me, the Sky Poker UKPC has received a nomination for "Best UK Tournament, 2014", which I'm pretty chuffed about, to be honest.
Part 1 - The Poker
This bit will be quick. I didn't win.
I was in for about 5 hours. No real hands of note throughout. Ended up going out when from 20ish bigs I 3bet the button with A 10 and got a call from original raiser. Flop of A A 5 and we get it all in on the turn. He had AQ and it was gg me. Thought it might be really bad at the time but now I'm fine with it.
Pat had a really bad one. He had chipped up to 80k at the end of the first level. This would have had him right up with the chipleaders. Oddly someone else on his table actually covered him. He raised AQ and flopped AAQ. He got it all in on the flop with the guy covering him who had AK. The K hit and Pat was gone. Would have had over 160k when the average was about 32k.
Eamonn sailed through day one playing really well and loads above average stack. He didn't get any cards at all on Day 2 and did brilliantly to get into the money. He ended up going out in a really standard spot. He was beating himself up a bit about it but that was silly. His play was absolutely fine. He made about 500 in the end
Played a little bit of cash on the Sunday. There was only 1/2 running and I didn't have enough on me to sit comfortably at the table. Average stack was playing around 600 euro. I played for a short while and won a nice pot with KK and came off with around 140 profit.
A few fun things from the tourney.
I thought I might have a really good table at the start. We were 4 handed and a couple of hands in and on the river one of the players clicked back a raise. The chap called and showed the nuts! Set of Kings v the nut flush and a tiny, tiny pot. I looked at the dealer and he rolled his eyes. I think he did the right thing. He explained to the player that he should really issue him a penalty for soft play but was just going to warn him on this occasion. It certainly wasn't deliberate in my eyes and he just didn't know what he was doing.
I had a slightly annoying hand with a French sounding gentleman. He 4bet me really small and I peeled in position with 7's.
He extravagantly Hellmuth style checked every street dark. The board had ran out 9 9 8 6 2. I thought that I might be able to get a call out of AK. He'd shown a liking to calling rivers with A high already. He tanked for a couple of minutes and then called. I flipped over 77 and he shook his head and said "good". He then showed his hand, QQ! knob
There was a Belgiumer on the table who had built up a stack. He lost a lot of it in one hand when the nut flush guy from earlier 'got there'. He mouthed off a load of stuff in Belgium speak and when asked if he'd been swearing by one of the players said "yes off course, he's shitt"
Very next hand he 3bets me from the sb and I peel with KQ diamonds. I do a get there on the river and shove all in after he leads. He snaps and then snaps!
He managed to damage the table with his card protector. This you may find that hard to believe until I tell you that the protector was a travel plug ☺
Enjoyed the write-up, far better angle on the coverage than the way tournis get written up by professional poker journos!
Part 2 - Everything else
Good signs were there from the off. I managed to get on a plane by myself for the first ever time. Was sure I was going to forget something important.
Quick 40 minute flight and I landed at Dublin. Was met by Eamonn (CPFC) and checked in and went for some food. We arranged to meet Pat (Day4eire) in Temple Bar. We met Pat in the Dubliner and were then shown all the sights. We stayed there for 3 hours and then moved 25 yards to the next bar where we stayed for another 3 hours.
About 1.00 I decided I was knackered and we decided to call it a night. Quite how I didn't get into the hotel till well after a 3.00 is a bit of a mystery. Good night from what I remember. I recall some girl from Torquay (not ZOED) start talking to me and she kept saying she was posh. I wasn't so sure even though she did say that her name was Georgia. She didn't seem to take too kindly to me suggesting that she'd been named after the US Masters or Eamonn constantly getting her name wrong and calling her Gemma.
On Saturday after I bust out I was by myself. I couldn't find Pat and Eamonn was a bit inconsiderate and was still playing poker. I knew there were some Sky people there so messaged Sam. She told me Paula was there. Great! trouble is I wasn;t 100% what she looked like. Sam was very helpful and said look for the pretty, loud lady with the big b$$bs. I suggested to Sam that it may not be good for my short term health if I went up to every woman in the hotel and assessed their chest and then asked if they were called Paula.
We did meet up. She was with Keith who's a great bloke and had a brilliant story about a French guy. Really can't repeat that one. Longman was there, Jim and Pocket6's as well. All were great and a bit of a session begun.
Paula told some hilarious stories, again can't really repeat them. Sometime after midnight she suggested that we dance. I commented on the lack of music. "Think of a song and just dance to that. We'll start ballroom and then break off. I'm doing A Town called Malice" We begun and then broke off. Some of the raised eyebrows were a surprise to me as I though I did the Locomotion very well.
Met up with Pat on Sunday at 12.00 as Eamonn was back for Day 2. He sighed with relief as I said that I was just drinking coke as otherwise I'd do well to make 18.00. We had a few cokes and then Pat suggested that maybe we should just have a pint with the Liverpool game. Was never gonna end well!
Had a great weekend. Still recovering. Eamonn and Pat were fantastic hosts and looked after me.
Who'd have thought that a reasonable buy in event attracting a load of like minded people would do so well About 1650 entrants.
If only someone thought of that idea and packaged it under a strong brand name. I think they'd be onto a real winner.
I enjoyed our game of PLO8 tonight and shared joy of winning football teams.
I often read your blog but this is the first time I have posted on it. I have a question.
I have never played live and have only been playing for 18 months or so and I was intrigued by something you said in a post the other day.
Someone should have been penalised for soft play? What is that all about?
I sometimes find that I am unsure as to whether I am ahead in a hand or not and if ever I do go to an SPT would be horribly embarrassed if there are rules I do not know about, and get warned for calling instead of betting.
Could you explain this further please?
What a great weekend. Was a complete pleasure meeting yourself and Pat (Day4eire) and all the other sky peeps.
Sorry you didn't get to see more of the sights on the friday night, I'm sure the next pub along would have been equally as good
Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Bring it on next year.!!!
One thing I ALWAYS do before EVERY Live Event that Sky Poker hold is have a word with the TD & the Dealers before it starts, & ask them, & the other players, to cut a little slack to those who have not played "Live" before. No other Tour does this but it makes an amazing difference, & helps with the general atmo, too. We want people to ENJOY their day out, just as we want people to enjoy poker generally.
Which, in a piece of seamless spam, reminds me, the Sky Poker UKPC has received a nomination for "Best UK Tournament, 2014", which I'm pretty chuffed about, to be honest.
Don't forget, you can vote for it.......;)
Paul, LOVED the IPO Trip Report.
Was the real Paul Jackson - the poker player - there?
Thanks for sharing.