In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Thank you very much. You can only beat what's in front of you. sets us up nicely for an easy 3 points this weekend btw what was all that rubbish about Watford being top last weekend?. You got me doubting myself Posted by Jac35
Watford will win that League, they have a great system, change the Manager every fortnight. How can that fail?
What were yout thoughts on how that thread next door developed after Teddys great post?
I was really surprised and disappointed at the attitude of a couple of guys on there, who normally write well, towards the recs like me. Their approach seemed very short sighted.
I also clicked on your profile by mistake.
It looks as though we both might be being slightly econimical with the truth
While you're here Tony. What were yout thoughts on how that thread next door developed after Teddys great post? I was really surprised and disappointed at the attitude of a couple of guys on there, who normally write well, towards the recs like me. Their approach seemed very short sighted. I also clicked on your profile by mistake. It looks as though we both might be being slightly econimical with the truth Posted by Jac35
I was staggered by the whole thing. Biggest story in Online Poker since 'Stars & Tilt got closed down for defying the law in the USA. Amazing stuff.
And yes, a very short-sighted attitude by the Pros on the whole matter, sheer greed, they are destrroying their own livelihoods by being so short-sighted.
Makes me laugh when we see "Sky Poker is rigged" every day on here, & yet there are games on 'Stars where a recreational CANNOT WIN, & Pros are sat waiting, with seating scripts & all sorts of fancy third party software designed to ensure they get first dibs at any recreational that comes along. Now THAT is what I'd call "rigged". It's an absolute disgrace, imo. It'll destroy online poker, too, unless they wise up.
Now we can start to see why Sky Poker is doing so well these days - they have never allowed third party software, & nor should they. IMO, of course. All the other "regular" sites will soon go down the same road, I guarantee you.
Whether 'Stars will, I just don't know.
I should add that I've always been a huge fan of 'Stars, they are, without doubt, the best, but their sheer size & success means it's so hard to win on there, so I don't play there these days. But I think thry are bang wrong on this third party software thing.
Did you know there are 129 different types of Third Party Software permitted on 'Stars?
Recs can and most definately do win in those games. Edges are very slim in hypers and volume is where regs build solid and sustainable edge. Its worth noting that if the definition of 'rec' is a player who is not a winner then its not clear how recs could ever be winners or be expected to be.
Hypers are fun low edges games. And recs wont have noticed any difference after the formation of the divison groups. Regs have always colluded, just that before division groups they colluded by never playing each other. If you want to see how that works filter the cash heads up lobby and see that collusion in action
Now regs have to play each other. Thousands of gamds. The only people who have suffered are bad regs who only played recs and played essentially way above their skill level.
3rd party software is another debate. But the groups were a natural and neccesary response to that software. I play the 15s on stars and the groups start at the 30s. A terrible things for me as i cannot now move up and wait in the sharky queue and wait for a rec. I have to play the regs that level.bad for me but surely better for the game. Recs wont notice; If they want a game they will play a reg just as they always have.
Even now there are self proclaimed regs at the 15s that moan when i sit them as they think i should simply wait in line and not block their lobby as they only want to play recs. The system is terrible for these players. And so it should be.
Recs can and most definately do win in those games. Edges are very slim in hypers and volume is where regs build solid and sustainable edge. Its worth noting that if the definition of 'rec' is a player who is not a winner then its not clear how recs could ever be winners or be expected to be. Hypers are fun low edges games. And recs wont have noticed any difference after the formation of the divison groups. Regs have always colluded, just that before division groups they colluded by never playing each other. If you want to see how that works filter the cash heads up lobby and see that collusion in action Now regs have to play each other. Thousands of gamds. The only people who have suffered are bad regs who only played recs and played essentially way above their skill level. 3rd party software is another debate. But the groups were a natural and neccesary response to that software. I play the 15s on stars and the groups start at the 30s. A terrible things for me as i cannot now wait in the sharky queue and wait for a rec. I have to play the regs that level.bad for me but surely better for the game. Recs wont notice If they want a game they will play a reg just as they always have. Even now there are self proclaimed regs at the 15s that moan when i sit them as they think i should simply wait in line and not block their lobby as they only want to play recs. The system is terrible for these players. And so it should be. Posted by TeddyBloat
Mighty Rams! 2-0 down last night and came back to win 5-2. Who do we want in the quarters? Lowly Sheff Utd and a chance to humiliate Clough? Posted by Jac35
Fair play, McClaren seems to have learned to give pretty decent half time teamtalks since he left Forest... not quite on a par with the comeback from 0-4 down at the start of this reign, but cracking result nonetheless.
Hope a decent cup run helps to distract your boys in the league
Thanks for sharing the Sharks stuff with us last week Teddy. It was truly fascinating. I'm admittedly very naive with all this but you'd have a really tough time convincing me that third party software can be good for the game.
I take your point on it forcing the bad regs to play good players. They are in the minority though. The vast majority of players on stars will be fun recreational players. Up until last week I was blissfully unaware that if I lumped $1000 into stars to play a load of $50 heads up games, I would without fail be matched with a good pro. I would gave been under the illusion that I would certainly come up against some good players but also that I may well play against people similar to myself who just want a game.
It's very different to me going over to DTD and sitting in an uncapped 1/2 with the likes of Goulder and Linton. I would be a huge dog in this game but I would have gone into it with my eyes open.
I think it's disgraceful that stars are endorsing this.
The same applies to huds. As I've played on Sky for the last few years I've never had or learned to use huds. I read something astonishing on the thread on the other forum. There was a pro who was annoyed that regs had a chip on their shoulder about Pros using huds. His argument was that he had spent a lot of time learning how to use them and recs shouldn't moan. What? Absolutely ludicrous. He was annoyed that someone wouldn't like the fact that he could use a piece of software to assist him in beating them rather than his own skill at the game.
I may be a dinosaur but when I started there was satosfsction to be had when you folded bottom set to the rock when he raised on the river and were proven right. Or you called the maniac with 3rd pair and were right.
I'm not sure how much satisfaction can be gained from taking a pot down with a cold 4 because some software tells you that the first guy raises light and the 3better does this a very high % of the time.
I'm not arguing for 3rd party software, simply asserting that once it exists the division system is entirely sensible and harms regs not recs - who will play a reg as usual. Tbe truth is you would never have sat the $50 hyper lobby and played anyone other than a pro. They have always policed their lobbies. If they scoped you and saw you were a winning player you might have been able to bumhunt the level, but now regs have to play each other.
I doubt there is a format where recs only play recs.
As an aside it is worth noting that even the outliers amongst the elite such as colman who has edge over people in the top 2% of hyper players and lifetime winnings of $3m in the format has done so with a winrate of around 52%. If you or i played exactly 100 games with him there wed have a decent shout off coming out the otherside in profit.
Recs get good value as the games a fast low edge and hella fun. And they can and do have winning months.
We could look at Sharky from other angles as well. Is it not just a form of collusion?
I play mainly £22 and £33 Dyms on here at the moment. I register blind to the games and sometimes will come up against 5 good regs and other times there will be poor players in the game. I feel comfortable at these games and so I'm happy to play anyone.
We can have a look at a hypothetical situation.
For ease i'll make the numbers up.
There are 10 good regs and 200 poor players. I suggest to the other good regs that we will never register for a game when there are 2 of the good players already registered. We will play the game straight but with 4 poor players in the game then we should cash more frequently.
I doubt Sky would look too kindly on this. Is it though vastly dissimilar to what is going on on stars?
No its not the same. The hypothetical situation more closely resembles the situation before divisions when regs would avoid each other
If you want to see what that looks like open the hu cash lobby.
Im sure implicit collusion does occur in the dym pool - its just that it is refered to as 'table selection".
Stars have publically stated that as long as casual players can get a game they are not concerned with regs who dont want to play because they are getting sat by better players. Regs v regs is great for stars as often neithr player can beat the rake and money leaves bankrolls, cash outs are reduced amd more games run. Therein lies their interest.
Again i am not arguing for 3rd party software only for the appropriate response to it given it exists
Don't mean it to come across as I'm arguing with you Teddy. Certainly not the intention. Just find it all so different to when I first started playing. You're certainly correct with the Dyms actually. There are some players that I notice deregging games when a couple of good players register. Posted by Jac35
No worries i am happy to field questions. The situation is format specific and so alien to those looking in, and for good reason
Completely understand why its controversial and fascinating in equal measure
Theres a thread on another forum where a $100 reg using sharky was placed into a $5k turbo and snap sat by ben sauce123 sulsky. He lost half his bankroll through an erroneous misclick by the software. The hunter becomes hunted...
Theres a thread on another forum where a $100 reg using sharky was placed into a $5k turbo and snap sat by ben sauce123 sulsky. He lost half his bankroll through an erroneous misclick by the software. The hunter becomes hunted... Posted by TeddyBloat
Oooh, that's gonna hurt!
What's happened to your team Teddy. Do you think that they'll get out of it? I hate to see long time established clubs going out of the league.
The money dried up a while back and living within our means is difficult now that transfer fees are a thing off the past for clubs like tranmere. We used to develop players and sell them on, now all decent young players come through well funded academies.
We seem to bring in 5-6 good loanees a year and if any perfom well they get recalled within a few months. We had years punching above our weight and we could now easily go the way of luton grimsby et al.
Think we'll settle and hopefully survive, but the days of being a contender are gone.
And yes, a very short-sighted attitude by the Pros on the whole matter, sheer greed, they are destrroying their own livelihoods by being so short-sighted.
Makes me laugh when we see "Sky Poker is rigged" every day on here, & yet there are games on 'Stars where a recreational CANNOT WIN, & Pros are sat waiting, with seating scripts & all sorts of fancy third party software designed to ensure they get first dibs at any recreational that comes along. Now THAT is what I'd call "rigged". It's an absolute disgrace, imo. It'll destroy online poker, too, unless they wise up.
Now we can start to see why Sky Poker is doing so well these days - they have never allowed third party software, & nor should they. IMO, of course. All the other "regular" sites will soon go down the same road, I guarantee you.
Whether 'Stars will, I just don't know.
I should add that I've always been a huge fan of 'Stars, they are, without doubt, the best, but their sheer size & success means it's so hard to win on there, so I don't play there these days. But I think thry are bang wrong on this third party software thing.
Did you know there are 129 different types of Third Party Software permitted on 'Stars?
What chance has the casual recreational got?!
The misplaced sense of entitlement is staggering.
Hope a decent cup run helps to distract your boys in the league
It's very different to me going over to DTD and sitting in an uncapped 1/2 with the likes of Goulder and Linton. I would be a huge dog in this game but I would have gone into it with my eyes open.
I play mainly £22 and £33 Dyms on here at the moment. I register blind to the games and sometimes will come up against 5 good regs and other times there will be poor players in the game. I feel comfortable at these games and so I'm happy to play anyone.
We can have a look at a hypothetical situation.
For ease i'll make the numbers up.
There are 10 good regs and 200 poor players. I suggest to the other good regs that we will never register for a game when there are 2 of the good players already registered. We will play the game straight but with 4 poor players in the game then we should cash more frequently.
I doubt Sky would look too kindly on this. Is it though vastly dissimilar to what is going on on stars?
What's happened to your team Teddy.
Do you think that they'll get out of it? I hate to see long time established clubs going out of the league.