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Ramblings of an old man



  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited November 2014
    Very unlucky Pal.

    Save all the run good for the weekend.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited November 2014

    Smashing the dingles must make you happy today paul, congrats on the win, enjoy the rest of you,re day

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Smashing the dingles must make you happy today paul, congrats on the win, enjoy the rest of you,re day
    Posted by stokefc
    Cheers mate

    Yeah we were good today. Always a good sign when you're beating the teams around you. Pity we've got another international break now. I hate them.


    It was a big night for the Outlaws last night.
    Jondabar played wonderfully and took the main down.
    Incredibly Samantha25 won a big mtt as well.
    I won a Dym and
    Hhyftrftdr err...railed.

    Playing main, mini and £55b/h tonight.
    Lets do some wins

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited November 2014
    GL Paul tonight! :)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Cheers mate Yeah we were good today. Always a good sign when you're beating the teams around you. Pity we've got another international break now. I hate them. .... It was a big night for the Outlaws last night. Jondabar played wonderfully and took the main down. Incredibly Samantha25 won a big mtt as well. I won a Dym and Hhyftrftdr err...railed. Playing main, mini and £55b/h tonight. Lets do some wins
    Posted by Jac35
    Always happy to help where possible :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    This seemed a good spot
    Lambert180 Small blind  100.00 100.00 4470.00
    TwistedEc Big blind  200.00 300.00 15055.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    eddie2011 Raise  400.00 700.00 4147.50
    alfarch30 Fold     
    Jac35 Raise  1000.00 1700.00 12775.00
    Lambert180 Fold     
    TwistedEc Fold     
    eddie2011 All-in  4147.50 5847.50 0.00
    Jac35 Call  3547.50 9395.00 9227.50
    eddie2011 Show
    • K
    • K
    Jac35 Show
    • A
    • A
    • K
    • Q
    • 9
    • Q
    • 7
    eddie2011 Win Full House, Kings and Queens 9395.00
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    So I got my head down and worked my way back into the tournament. Got close to the money and then bust in 13th to the guy from the hand above. He 4xed and I had 99 4 handed and 14bigs. Think it has to go in. Still Zero flips won this week.
    SUPERSNEDD Small blind  500.00 500.00 31052.50
    cocokabala Big blind  1000.00 1500.00 40234.00
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    eddie2011 Raise  4000.00 5500.00 43983.75
    Jac35 All-in  14605.00 20105.00 0.00
    SUPERSNEDD Fold     
    cocokabala Fold     
    eddie2011 Call  10605.00 30710.00 33378.75
    eddie2011 Show
    • A
    • K
    Jac35 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    • 7
    • Q
    • K
    • 5
    • K
    eddie2011 Win Three Kings 30710.00
    Ukops so far
    Monday £110 main bust with KQ on Q high flop when quite short stacked
    Wednesday £55b/h bust with set of 8's. Guy made straight on river
    Friday £110 main flopped top set on 9 5 2 rainbow and Chrisdbhoy hit a set of Q's on the turn and it all went in.
    Saturday £110 main 3bet shoved about 14bigs with 9's. Lost to Mr Bromleys AQ
    Saturday £55 3bet shoved 9's from 14 bigs and lost to AK.
    Also played the mini rebuy tonight. Lost huge flip with Rose with 10's v KQ and then bust with AK v her Q9

    Reasonably happy with how I've played this week. Don't think there have been any huge mistakes with exits.
    Deflating week but we go again tomorrow.
    Hoping I might have moaned in a bink. :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    Right. Done grumbling. Variance is always gonna be there in mtts.
    2 more shots tonight.
    Can't moan when Derby are top of the league, the weathers nice and off for a pub lunch.
    Afternoon nap should see me nicely refreshed for some krushings tonight :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    I've got back into good books with Mrs J after all the poker I've played this week.
    Just waiting to confirm tickets for Thriller and a posh hotel. We're also going to go to the Tower of London to see the ceramic poppies.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    Well I  finished my UKOPS tonight.
    2 off the bubble in the £20b/h
    Nowhere in the £55b/h where I played really badly.

    I had a run in the main.
    Very disappointed with myself right now. I played very solid all the way and then made a massive mistake to bust in 24th.
    I could give some justification for getting it all in but in truth I should never have gone broke in my exit hand. Just about every single thing I did in the hand was bad.

    I 3bet KJ out of my bb to Huuuume. He's playing good and raising every button. He peeled and we saw a K high flop. I led out and he called. Alarm bells should have gone off here and checking the turn seems good now. But I led. I'd also gained the 2nd nut flush draw on turn and so it was unlikely that I was drawing dead.
    He put me in and I spent 10 seconds thinking what an idiot I was and then with so much in the middle I called.
    He had the only K hand that I could really put him on. KQ. Pretty sure he 4bets AK pre. Didn't think he would peel too many small pairs either.

    Feel very stupid right now.

    Big thanks to all the people who wished me luck when we were in the money. I know there's a slight chance that they were only there to watch the Moorman :)
    But it was really appreciated.

    In the end out of £605 worth of mtts I cashed for £351. So got a bit back tonight but should have done much better.
    Need a little break from playing. I've got a lot of respect for the guys who do it night after night all year round. I'm knackered from just one week of it.

    Bit of balance needed for me.
    After the mini win last week and a few DYM wins I'm still up well over £1k for the month so no great need to play. Going to have to try and resist the double point DYMs this week.
    Think for the rest of the month I should spend a little bit of time with Penny and Harry.
    Also there's golf to be played and pubs to be visited. :)
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Cheers mate Yeah we were good today. Always a good sign when you're beating the teams around you. Pity we've got another international break now. I hate them. .... It was a big night for the Outlaws last night. Jondabar played wonderfully and took the main down. Incredibly Samantha25 won a big DYM as well. I won a Dym and Hhyftrftdr err...railed. Playing main, mini and £55b/h tonight. Lets do some wins
    Posted by Jac35

    Was a £2.25 one too :)

    Have funtimes off with the Mrs & Mini Jacko

    *still on page 4, seem to have readers block ;)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    If I was given the job of looking after the forum and SKY for a day I would change a few things.

    We're lucky that we have a forum in the first place. It's good as it is but why settle for good? Lets make it better.

    Firstly I would get rid of a load of stuff and clean it up a bit to make it more user friendly. Just look on the left hand side.

    It was a nice idea but it hasn't worked breaking up the clinic into different sections. Just looked now and to prove the point the last post in the SNG section was 10 days ago and the one before that 30 days ago.
    I'd just make it 'The clinic' again and would try and encourage people to post. Cash hand of the week, Dym hand of the week, Mtt hand of the week. A bit like TOTP the best would get seats into the mini roller.

    Sky Poker Premiership - OUT (why's it still there?)
    Sky Poker live - OUT
    BB&V - OUT (just lets the nutcases rant)
    Introduction and FAQ - OUT
    Feedback area - OUT
    New Sky Poker features guide -OUT
    The Football Corner - OUT

    Popular Threads and Blogs
    All of these can go. Garys thread can be accessed easily enough and I would move the blogs bit to another area. Orfords Odyssey had its last post over 2 years ago!
    I'd make sure the Promotions section was kept fully up to date. This will be one of the first things serious new players look at when they start on Sky. Lets at least give the right impression to start with.
    Dislike the app immensely. Good idea but needs improving.
    Bin the majority of the freerolls which only ever end up with people who have no intention of ever depositing grumbling about them. Just have 3 or 4 a month with worthwhile prizepools.
    100-2500 points freeroll
    2501-5000 points freeroll
    5001-7500 points freeroll
    7501-9999 points freeroll
    + the Priority freerolls remaining as they are.


    I'd go for a much simpler approach. There are presently 22 tabs on the left. I'd cut it down to

    The Rail
    The Clinic
    Diaries and Blogs
    Team Talk
    Betting Chat

    Julian writes some great stuff as the site pro. I'm on the forum a lot and rarely see that he has posted.
    I'd sticky his and Tikays blogs at the top of Diaries and Blogs.
    Also, sod warning people. Anyone who wants to write tripe like "Sky is rigged" " Ratings systems" etc, instant ban. We don't need them. Let them write their delusional crapp on Poker Scout.

    Ok, that will do
  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2014
    I would bring back TOTP for this :)
  • iatehorseiatehorse Member Posts: 50
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    .... Also, sod warning people. Anyone who wants to write tripe like "Sky is rigged" " Ratings systems" etc, instant ban. We don't need them. Let them write their delusional crapp on Poker Scout. .. Ok, that will do Pub ☺
    Posted by Jac35
    noooooo please leave these it makes me feel better about my rants, admittedly its normally the cat or the dog who get to hear the worst of it from me ......but when reading these it makes my rants at my self seem less mental....I also like some of the responses which always make me chuckle ,
    p.s love reading your diary

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited November 2014
    You need BBV, it's like getting rid of a sewerage system, you don't want it ending up everywhere.

    Does need a clean up though, laughable that Sky Poker Premiership is still there.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    What will I do if you take away BBV? :(

    Yeah it does need a spruce up I think.

    There will be **** on earth on the forum if you binned off the freerolls though ;)
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited November 2014
    +1 Paul

    Pretty much agree with all of that! I use to read the clinic every day and now barely look at them.

    Hand of the week suggestion is superb and great way to get the clinics going again.

    As for bbv...I agree just bin it! Tilts me lol!

    Top stuff!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited November 2014
    Yeah I'd vote for most of that... dunno how much those with the power to change things will take notice though... probably up to Tikay to share with the 'Suits'?

    Re: the freerolls, from a selfish point of view I obviously agree, but I assume they must drive additional monies to poker sites... afaik most (if not all) major sites continue to run them... there must be some CRM data that tracks how many players progress from freeroll to money/make deposits etc that shows them to be a valuable part of marketing a poker site... can't imagine they'd have been around for so long otherwise.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    I'm looking forward to hopefully playing a bit tonight. The rebuys and a few dyms is the plan.
    I've just played the once in the last 10 days. I did mean to have a little break after the ukops anyway but a bit of life stuff haa ensured that I've been away a little longer than intended. 
    I've got a bit of a buzz about playing again. When I'm just playing dyms night after night it can become a bit of a chore. Now I've had a short holiday from playing I can't wait to get stuck in again.

    Weighing up playing either the roller on Sunday or playing a live rebuy.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    I've been taping Sharkcage. Just watched an episode.
    Shannon Elizabeth came across really well I thought.
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