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craigcu12 diary.



  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited March 2013
    nh, bad time for me to bluff, it happens from time to time
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary:
    nh, bad time for me to bluff, it happens from time to time
    Posted by TINTIN
    although i did make the call i was feeling nervous about it after the amount of FH's i have not won with recently
    £5.81 56s vs JJ F 6d 8h 5h T 6c R Jc
    £4.06 with 44 vs K10o F 4h 10d 6h T Kh R Ks
    that bad beat i shown
    KKvs AA 4s Ks Ah 6s 4h
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013

    my bankroll after this afternoon is £117.33 that is an increase of £11
    the amount on each table was +7p -4p +£3.42 -13p +£1.20 +1.06 -10p -25p -£1.62 +36p +£7.83 -£1.20
    i had a lot of differant tables as i had some interuptions so got removed.
    the hands were
    £3.08, £3
    £1-£2 6 hands
    the only big loss was -£2.25

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013

    the premium hand that was wasted due to limping

    Canary11 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.02
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.86
     Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 7
    xCall  £0.04 £0.10 £5.35
    BUCKETBOY Call  £0.04 £0.14 £3.12
    rich1961 Call  £0.04 £0.18 £13.39
    BOBWOLF Fold     
    Canary11 Fold     
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 7
    • 5
    • 2
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.09 £0.27 £3.77
    xRaise  £0.27 £0.54 £5.08
    BUCKETBOY Fold     
    rich1961 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.18 £0.72 £3.59
    • 6
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.36 £1.08 £3.23
    xCall  £0.36 £1.44 £4.72
    • 8
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.40 £1.84 £2.83
    xCall  £0.40 £2.24 £4.32
    craigcu12 Show
    • 2
    • 7
    • K
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Two Pairs, 7s and 2s £2.07  £4.90
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013
    well as mr tk says you win some and you loose some and i just have to accept the losses because if i want outcomes like this
    shabaz1969 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £5.45
    i8thegas Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.17
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    vodkadoll Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £5.46
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.52 £0.78 £3.42
    shabaz1969 Fold     
    i8thegas Fold     
    vodkadoll Raise  £1.60 £2.38 £3.86
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.42 £5.80 £0.00
    vodkadoll Call  £2.14 £7.94 £1.72
    vodkadoll Show
    • K
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 7
    • 5
    • 6
    • 8
    • 5
    craigcu12 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 5s £7.34  £7.34
    i have to accept the times like this
    pell01 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.59
    javesy Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.17
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £3.91
    clubhammer Call  £0.20 £0.46 £3.76
    Ferg_LFC Fold     
    MrsCrossy Raise  £0.36 £0.82 £8.22
    pell01 Fold     
    javesy Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.48 £1.30 £3.43
    clubhammer Call  £0.48 £1.78 £3.28
    MrsCrossy Raise  £1.64 £3.42 £6.58
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.43 £6.85 £0.00
    clubhammer Fold     
    MrsCrossy Call  £2.11 £8.96 £4.47
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    MrsCrossy Show
    • K
    • K
    • 9
    • J
    • A
    • 6
    • 7
    MrsCrossy Win Pair of Kings £8.28  £12.75
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013
    at the end of my session today my bankroll is £112.99
    i won 8.79 in the ukops mini for a buy in of 5.50
    and on the 6 tables i played on i got +£4.39 -£2.99 +4.71 -30p +£2.43 and-£1.67
    the reason the bankroll is smaller than it was earlier was i had a bad seesion during the 6pm happy hour loosing betwenn about £16
    my heavy hands got
    losses of £3.86 and 3 hands £1-£2
    the wins were
    £2.40 £2.07
    £1-£2 4 hands
  • spinky6108spinky6108 Member Posts: 253
    edited March 2013
    Hi Craig
    Its such an up and down game stick with it. Just when you think you have beaten it along come the losses. It will change round though.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013

    after this afternoons session i my bankroll has made a very big recovery with my tables getting me +£2.58 +£6.08 +47p +£5.55 +£1.20 +£1.66 +£2.54 +81p and just one loss of 28p
    and one of the hand that helped big time was non other than another QQ which i went all in preflop

    0897774780 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £0.91
    yBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.57
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    SLYSI71 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £2.28
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.24 £0.34 £3.60
    nuk_em Fold     
    xCall  £0.24 £0.58 £2.92
    0897774780 Fold     
    yAll-in  £4.57 £5.15 £0.00
    SLYSI71 Fold     
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.60 £8.75 £0.00
    xAll-in  £2.92 £11.67 £0.00
    yUnmatched bet  £0.77 £10.90 £0.77
    • A
    • K
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 8
    • 8
    • 4
    • 10
    • 4
    • 3
    • 6
    craigcu12 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 4s £10.08  £10.08
    had a poor session at 6 where i left after just 10 minutes
    but this evening things were ok with my 6 tables getting +£3.48 -62p +£1.06 +£1.79 +6p and +£1.11 so my bankroll is£130.84
    my big hands were
    £2-£3 7 hands
    £1-£2 9 hands
    losses £3.34 £2.71 £2.34 £1-£2 9 hands
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013
    had a good session today on the cash tables and a fairly good time with tournaments although the tournaments got ruined when my last one lost me all my chips when two donks shoved with 77 and 88 after i raised to 3xbb the 5xbb with JJ on both occasions. the guy with 77 should have already noticed that i held JJ when i raised to 90 so surely the even bigger raise would signal the jj-AA and not 22-66.
    overall i got +£2.64 +£1.69 -£3.40 +£1.26 +84p +£1.22 and -50p. it the ukops micro i won 5.97 for a buy in of £2.20 while the ukops mini i won £12.55 for buy in of £5.50
    i was very lucky in the ukops mini because had i missed my K on the river i would have went out to a better FH
    Galo67 Small blind  50.00 50.00 2160.00
    craigcu12 Big blind  100.00 150.00 2081.25
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • 3
    bush71 Fold     
    dospairos Fold     
    JCB50 Call  100.00 250.00 7945.00
    adzey Fold     
    Galo67 Call  50.00 300.00 2110.00
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 4
    • K
    • 3
    Galo67 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  150.00 450.00 1931.25
    JCB50 Call  150.00 600.00 7795.00
    Galo67 Fold     
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet  300.00 900.00 1631.25
    JCB50 Call  300.00 1200.00 7495.00
    • K
    craigcu12 All-in  1631.25 2831.25 0.00
    JCB50 Call  1631.25 4462.50 5863.75
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • 3
    JCB50 Show
    • 4
    • 4
    craigcu12 Win Full House, Kings and 3s 4462.50  4462.50
    my big cash hands they were
    £1-£2 6  hands
    only 3 losses they were £2.01 £1.30 £1.04
    my bankroll now is £134.66 and i did spend £5 on a bet on 5 teams i though would win in the premier league matches
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited March 2013

    at one time i did have a bit difficulty with a calling station because after he decided to not even min raise on the river with the second nut flush

    zit Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.85
    xBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £7.04
     Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £3.12
    zit Fold     
    xCall  £0.16 £0.42 £6.88
    • 2
    • 8
    • 5
    craigcu12 Check     
    • Q
    xBet  £0.04 £0.46 £6.84
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.29 £0.75 £2.83
    xCall  £0.25 £1.00 £6.59
    • 10
    xBet  £0.04 £1.04 £6.55
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.85 £1.89 £1.98
    xCall  £0.81 £2.70 £5.74
    craigcu12 Show
    • 9
    • A
    • J
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Flush to the Ace £2.49  £4.47
    i was left thinking to myself is my AA still the better or could he have two pair with all the high cards this board had
    lpride Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £1.90
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.44
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Gledders Call  £0.04 £0.10 £2.13
    xCall  £0.04 £0.14 £5.29
    lpride Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.16 £0.30 £3.28
    Gledders Call  £0.16 £0.46 £1.97
    xCall  £0.16 £0.62 £5.13
    • J
    • K
    • 10
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.31 £0.93 £2.97
    Gledders Fold     
    xCall  £0.31 £1.24 £4.82
    • 2
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.32 £1.56 £2.65
    xCall  £0.32 £1.88 £4.50
    • 6
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.44 £2.32 £2.21
    xCall  £0.44 £2.76 £4.06
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 6
    • 9
    craigcu12 Win Pair of Aces £2.55  £4.76
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited April 2013
    this month hasn't been a good month for me with poker and didn't finish off well it was a mistake playing today because my mind couldn't stop thinking about money as i now need to buy a new cooker as the oven has gone on my current one.
    so my bankroll finished with £92.21 due to a heavy loss today and my points for march reached a total of 3.7K.
    my aims for april are
    1. spread my playing time out.
    2. don't get so stressed with my loosing hands in tournaments
    3. try getting my BR to reach £250-£300
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited April 2013
    3.7k thats some total!

    It's hard craig losing at the game, i had a shocker yesterday, it's just part of the game. Good with the bad. It's a great feeling winning and the opposite when we lose. Just keep your chin up.

    With MTTs theres not much we can do, unlike cash when we can just reload. If tournies are not going so well at the mo, maybe give it a break away from them.

    You do really well at cash at 2p 4p, i look forward to hearing you have your br up to 300.

    Good luck Craig
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited April 2013

    the outcomes here are for yesterday because it was getting too late so i didn't think i would have time to type them
    over the whole day i played on 24 tables with 14 gaining money totaling £27.43 and 10 loosing money totaling £13.76 so i managed to get a total of £13.67
    the profits i got were +£3.33 +£3.41 +£5.02 +£6.01 +7p +£3.08 +£3.82 82p +£1.87 81p £2.40 £2.82 and £6.22
    the losses i had were -76p -£3.20 -34p -£2.52 -6p £6.88 16p 54p and £6.49
    the hands that day got
    £3.77 £3.17
    £2-£3 8 hands
    £1-£2 18 hands
    hand losses were
    £1-£2 17 hands
    my bankroll is £105

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited April 2013

    it's not very often i see the table go like they did this afternoon.
    i had an awful start but out of nowhere things started going my own way
    first i was not ver happen when i got rivered by this L.A.G.

    Slider73 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.88
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.96
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    xCall  £0.04 £0.10 £6.82
    mlcJKA Fold     
    scrumdown Call  £0.04 £0.14 £4.85
    Slider73 Call  £0.02 £0.16 £3.86
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.16 £0.32 £3.80
    xRaise  £0.32 £0.64 £6.50
    scrumdown Fold     
    Slider73 Call  £0.32 £0.96 £3.54
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.80 £1.76 £3.00
    xCall  £0.64 £2.40 £5.86
    Slider73 Call  £0.64 £3.04 £2.90
    • 5
    • A
    • 2
    Slider73 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.04 £4.08 £1.96
    xCall  £1.04 £5.12 £4.82
    Slider73 Fold     
    • 8
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.96 £7.08 £0.00
    xCall  £1.96 £9.04 £2.86
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • K
    • 8
    • 4
    • 3
    xWin Straight to the 5 £8.36  £11.22
    not long after that i got hit by a villian who was very passive.
    Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.33
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.09
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    yCall  £0.04 £0.10 £1.39
    xCall  £0.04 £0.14 £2.69
    dabbersu08 Call  £0.04 £0.18 £4.92
    Grave Call  £0.02 £0.20 £3.31
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.16 £0.36 £3.93
    yCall  £0.16 £0.52 £1.23
    xCall  £0.16 £0.68 £2.53
    dabbersu08 Call  £0.16 £0.84 £4.76
    Grave Fold     
    • 2
    • Q
    • 6
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.42 £1.26 £3.51
    yCall  £0.42 £1.68 £0.81
    xCall  £0.42 £2.10 £2.11
    dabbersu08 Fold     
    • 2
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.24 £2.34 £3.27
    yAll-in  £0.81 £3.15 £0.00
    xCall  £0.81 £3.96 £1.30
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.27 £7.23 £0.00
    xAll-in  £1.30 £8.53 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £1.40 £7.13 £1.40
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • K
    • Q
    • J
    • A
    • A
    • 8
    xWin Two Pairs, Aces and 2s £6.59  £6.59
    then on another table the same thing again with another passive villian.
    jimgwyn25 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.25
    pokermask Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £10.67
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • 10
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £3.98
    Thedoctor9 Fold     
    xCall  £0.20 £0.46 £3.35
    jimgwyn25 Fold     
    pokermask Fold     
    • 6
    • A
    • 4
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.24 £0.70 £3.74
    xCall  £0.24 £0.94 £3.11
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.20 £1.14 £3.54
    xCall  £0.20 £1.34 £2.91
    • 8
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.32 £1.66 £3.22
    xRaise  £0.64 £2.30 £2.27
    craigcu12 Call  £0.32 £2.62 £2.90
    • A
    • A
    craigcu12 Muck
    • A
    • 10
    xWin Three Aces £2.42  £4.69
    so when i saw that L.A.G. leave i was thinking to myself well things are looking costly for you today craig.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited April 2013
    but then when i decided to change my playing style i recovered all my losses
    it must have been 3rd time lucky this time when this villians passive play failed to win him the pot
    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.66
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £6.94
    toonborr Big blind  £0.04 £0.10 £1.26
     Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 9
    toonborr Check     
    ianb007 Fold     
    xCall  £0.02 £0.12 £4.64
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 10
    • 9
    • 9
    craigcu12 Check     
    toonborr Check     
    • 6
    craigcu12 All-in  £6.94 £7.06 £0.00
    toonborr Fold     
    xAll-in  £4.64 £11.70 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £2.30 £9.40 £2.30
    • A
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • 8
    • 9
    • J
    craigcu12 Win Three 9s £8.71  £11.01
    then came another passive bit of play where the KK min raised then just called the reraise of 28p allowing me the chance to call my 44 which then hit the set.
    jimbo111 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £0.51
    seabs23 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.36
     Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 4
    craigcu12 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £3.90
    xRaise  £0.08 £0.18 £3.17
    garazmafia Fold     
    theedge112 Raise  £0.28 £0.46 £3.60
    jimbo111 Fold     
    seabs23 Call  £0.24 £0.70 £3.12
    craigcu12 Call  £0.24 £0.94 £3.66
    xCall  £0.20 £1.14 £2.97
    • 4
    • 7
    • Q
    seabs23 Check     
    craigcu12 Check     
    xBet  £0.86 £2.00 £2.11
    theedge112 Fold     
    seabs23 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £1.72 £3.72 £1.94
    xAll-in  £2.11 £5.83 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £1.25 £7.08 £0.69
    craigcu12 Show
    • 4
    • 4
    • K
    • K
    • 5
    • 8
    craigcu12 Win Three 4s £6.54  £7.23
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited April 2013
    the hand that puzzled me the most was this hand
    ianb007 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £6.07
    xkjaguar8 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.20
     Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 2
    lfc1989 Fold     
    xRaise  £0.08 £0.14 £3.27
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.32 £0.46 £10.81
    ianb007 Fold     
    xkjaguar8 Fold     
    xCall  £0.24 £0.70 £3.03
    • K
    • J
    • 7
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 5
    xBet  £0.04 £0.74 £2.99
    craigcu12 Call  £0.04 £0.78 £10.77
    • 8
    xBet  £0.60 £1.38 £2.39
    craigcu12 Call  £0.60 £1.98 £10.17
    • J
    • J
    craigcu12 Show
    • 5
    • 2
    craigcu12 Win Flush to the King £1.83  £12.00
    the reason for my raise preflop was because i thought to myself if the tables are so passive and fold so easy the button could be a good chance to bluff.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited April 2013
    Nice hand, i know we are scared of the higher flush but it's so hard to put him on a flush, in position i would probably have shipped the river, but the calls good 2 bringing down a nice pot.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited April 2013
    todays tables went quite well my small gains below £1 totaled £5.07 that came from 9 tables my others were £1.54 £1.75 £2.77 £3.28 £3.93 £4.31 and £6.89 the losses be low £1 totaled £2.44 from 4 tables the other losses were £4 £3.97 £3.47 £1.63 and £1.49.
    my bankroll now is £114.21
    as for my big hands they were
    £4.13 £4.03
    £3-£4 4 hands
    £2-£3 5 hands
    £1-£2 13 hands
    the losses were
    £4.63 £4
    £3.28 £3.05
    £2-£3 3 hands
    31-£2 9 hands
    as for tournaments well i tried the mini and luck went against me again with this hand
    alias15 Small blind  20.00 20.00 4880.00
    toots123 Big blind  40.00 60.00 1120.00
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • Q
    craigcu12 Raise  120.00 180.00 1140.00
    ZOED Fold     
    PredatorT1 Fold     
    xAll-in  1170.00 1350.00 0.00
    alias15 Fold     
    toots123 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  1050.00 2400.00 90.00
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • Q
    • 9
    • K
    • 4
    • 8
    • 4
    • 7
    • K
    xWin Two Pairs, Kings and 4s 2400.00  2400.00
    the big think with tournament i believe causes me to struggle is nl4 lacks bluffs aggression and c bets so it is so easy for me to bluff work out when i am behind....
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited April 2013
    That 52s hand. If you are not betting that kind of flop, or raising that kind of river I dont think you should be playing at all pre flop.

    Flat calling the river means you are scared of a better flush. If you are going to always be afraid of the better flush, dont play low suited junk.
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary:
    the hand that puzzled me the most was this hand ianb007 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £6.07 xkjaguar8 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £4.20   Your hole cards 5 2       lfc1989 Fold         x Raise   £0.08 £0.14 £3.27 craigcu12 Raise   £0.32 £0.46 £10.81 ianb007 Fold         xkjaguar8 Fold         x Call   £0.24 £0.70 £3.03 Flop     K J 7       x Check         craigcu12 Check         Turn     5       x Bet   £0.04 £0.74 £2.99 craigcu12 Call   £0.04 £0.78 £10.77 River     8       x Bet   £0.60 £1.38 £2.39 craigcu12 Call   £0.60 £1.98 £10.17 x Show J J       craigcu12 Show 5 2       craigcu12 Win Flush to the King £1.83   £12.00 the reason for my raise preflop was because i thought to myself if the tables are so passive and fold so easy the button could be a good chance to bluff.
    Posted by craigcu12
    bet the flop build the pot and definately raise that river
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