Hi Dev nice to see you back, Glad the results were ok from the specialist, you can now relax a bit and get stuck into your poker again. Good luck Glen Posted by _G_
ty Glen
yeah deffo good news,although tbh i didn't even know about the problem untill i met the specialist last Wednesday. so all's well anyway.
I noticed you dropped down from NL10 to Nl4 . You should win at the NL4 . The only problem is you don,t really learn anything - Did you try the 5p action tables ?
They seem to be a lot easier than NL10 and you can,t lose as much. At least you know you can always go back to DYM,s even if they are a bit monotinus. I,m sure you,ll be back in profit in no time
GL Devon Fish I noticed you dropped down from NL10 to Nl4 . You should win at the NL4 . The only problem is you don,t really learn anything - Did you try the 5p action tables ? They seem to be a lot easier than NL10 and you can,t lose as much. At least you know you can always go back to DYM,s even if they are a bit monotinus. I,m sure you,ll be back in profit in no time Paul Posted by MP33
Hi Paul, i did drop down fron nl10 to nl4 after a bad session(lost £100), during the January cash competition that was running. didn't try the 5p action tables,but tbh i don't think i would have even won there either. i know that all of the cash levels are beatable,but i just can't seem to be able to make the break-through at any level,which i am finding very frustrating,to say the least.
i'll give you todays example.... been playing cash 1c/2c on another site.won 4 sessions in a row winning $21 which although isn't very much,is still winning,and i was happy with that. today, trying to win more points for an extra $10 bonus(like skys c4p) ,i moved up to the 3c/6c (2p/4p) level and lost $32. (just withdrawn last $50 & closed account) it just doesn't make any sense to me.i don't think i played particularly badly but i guess i must have or i wouldn't have lost,would i. i know the level is higher but it's not a great difference in standard,certainly no better than the 2p/4p level here.
so i guess it's 'back to the drawing board'....again. lol
feeling low at the mo,so not a good time to be making any decisions. i'll chew it over for the next day or so and see what comes up.
anyway,it's no big deal.it's only a game of poker after all,and a hobby at that. it's looking likely though that i'll be back playing DYM's again atm,i feel. at least i've got some idea how to play them. lol
thinking back to some of the hands i lost KK to AA set of 4's to set of Q's that's $12 gone then i lost about 5 biggish hands to opponents flushing on river,must have been another $15 to $20 there that kinda day. then to top it all off,after failing to hit several flush draws myself,(with 2 cards to come,i should mention,not just 1 card),i folded the 2nd nut flush draw on the turn knowing i was behind against 2 opponents,only for my dream card to come on river,which would have given me $17 aaaagh.what is it they say 'it's all about timing' lol (yes, i could/should have called but the way it was going for me,i felt saving the $5 it would have cost me to see river card was the better option at the time.still not sure now if i did the correct play there long term?) (think i did...$5 to win $17. that's $12 profit for $5 stake. less than 2.5/1)
anyway,it's a new day...sunday. roast beef is cooking slowly in the oven,everything else is prepared,so happy days again. lol
still unsure as to where i go from here.any advice would be most welcome. my instincts are saying 'go back to DYM's' but i know that i possibly could make more money playing cash,long term. notice the word 'could' lol i also know that if i don't make the cash breakthrough this time of asking,it's probably not going to happen at all.so that is a BIG reason for me to continue trying. just don't know how much more i can take tbh.i know it's only been 2 months but it really has felt more like 6 as it's just been set back after set back. but on a positive note,i've not actually lost that much money,(about £45 in total) so maybe i should give it at least another month or two.
lol still unsure as to where i go from here.any advice would be most welcome. my instincts are saying 'go back to DYM's' but i know that i possibly could make more money playing cash,long term. notice the word 'could' lol i also know that if i don't make the cash breakthrough this time of asking,it's probably not going to happen at all.so that is a BIG reason for me to continue trying. just don't know how much more i can take tbh.i know it's only been 2 months but it really has felt more like 6 as it's just been set back after set back. but on a positive note,i've not actually lost that much money,(about £45 in total) so maybe i should give it at least another month or two. have a nice day (* *) ^ dev Posted by devonfish5
Hey Dev, I haven't posted in a while and thought it'd be nice to show my face, I hope you are well. I can fully understand your struggle with cash. I myself was a long term winning sng player, long before I could even hope to break even at a reasonable cash level. It is often underestimated how different the two format of games are.
I think a lot of it is down to what you truly want. If you have the heart to do everything you can to become a winning cash player, there is no doubt in my mind you'll eventually get there. All I'd suggest is dropping the number of tables at the start, RIGHT DOWN and STUDY. There are a select few winning cash players on this forum that would go out of their way to give you key tips on your play if you provided them with some hands to go over. Perhaps most importantly is that you have to be comepletely critical of yourself, always looking to improve.
When you play a hand in cash you often have a lot more options than in DYMS - you really have to think 2 streets ahead, think what cards would be good to bluff, what cards would be bad for us to bluff, how much you should bet in relation to our table image and given opponents skill. You have to be so critical of your game in every hand, always looking to improve, to get more value, to get away from hands other grinders can't. Push every edge you can. I'd heavily recommend analytical no limit holdem by Thomas Baker. I'd also heavily recommend reading the micro stakes cash section on 2+2 forum, because it'll open your eyes to a lot of common mistakes made by players.
In Response to Re: a new year..a new game...CASH..is the journey over? : Hey Dev, I haven't posted in a while and thought it'd be nice to show my face, I hope you are well. I can fully understand your struggle with cash. I myself was a long term winning sng player, long before I could even hope to break even at a reasonable cash level. It is often underestimated how different the two format of games are. I think a lot of it is down to what you truly want. If you have the heart to do everything you can to become a winning cash player, there is no doubt in my mind you'll eventually get there. All I'd suggest is dropping the number of tables at the start, RIGHT DOWN and STUDY. There are a select few winning cash players on this forum that would go out of their way to give you key tips on your play if you provided them with some hands to go over. Perhaps most importantly is that you have to be comepletely critical of yourself, always looking to improve. When you play a hand in cash you often have a lot more options than in DYMS - you really have to think 2 streets ahead, think what cards would be good to bluff, what cards would be bad for us to bluff, how much you should bet in relation to our table image and given opponents skill. You have to be so critical of your game in every hand, always looking to improve, to get more value, to get away from hands other grinders can't. Push every edge you can. I'd heavily recommend analytical no limit holdem by Thomas Baker. I'd also heavily recommend reading the micro stakes cash section on 2+2 forum, because it'll open your eyes to a lot of common mistakes made by players. All the best Pat Posted by patwalshh
ty Pat, very much appreciate your comments buddy. tbh i think i've maybe gone into this possibly with the wrong mind-set.i knew it was always going to be a struggle trying to beat this cash game,which of course it has been. there is so much more needed in ones armoury needed to beat this format than just having a 'tight' image and simply 'playing the cards' as i have been doing. i am going to continue with it though even though my heart is telling me to return to DYM's. i will look into other areas to try and improve and thankyou for the tips.i'll be looking at the 2+2 forum later today. i will also be observing some players in greater depth, at the levels i'd like to be playing at. best wishes with your game Pat, all the best ian
Hiya, have not had a chance to read the whole thread, what cash game are you struggling to beat 4nl or 10nl? Also what do you think your leaks are? Posted by calcalfold
Hi calcalfold, both levels tbh mate. as to my leaks,i'm sure players i've played against would be able to answer thast better than me. i think it's basically the whole concept of the game i'm struggling with.i don't think i have any major leaks just a number of small ones,which once rectified should see me alright....well hopefully. lol
the only thing i have to cling onto is the fact that it did take me several 1,000 hands to get to grips playing DYM's,and i'm hoping that playing this 'crazy' cash game,will be no different.
thanks for posting calcalfold. best of luck with your game too. ian
ok so i've closed my 888 account,and am back with all you lovely people playing cash here at Sky again...hooooray.
felt a little happier with my game and how i played y'day even though i only played 2 tables at nl4 and won..yes WON £1.03 i know it could have been so much more had i not lost this hand....(see below)
anyway,i actually enjoyed the session,maybe the 1st one,since switching to cash this year,so maybe there is some hope at the end of the tunnel. lol
anyway,see how today goes,i know just how up & down cash is,so i'm not getting too carried away,just yet. lol
I dont like betting the turn as well, and like the call even less. My reasons:
The 7, doesnt really change anything, whatever he was calling with on the flop, he will almost certainly call the turn, plus J9 has now also got there. Barrelling an over card perhaps is ok, sometimes. But the turn bet means now if you brick the river you either have to give up, or consider bluffing big on the river, and at 4nl thats just giving money away usually.
Bet the flop, c/f the turn imo, or call a small bet if you think they will stack off should a flush card hit.
That is not to say never fire two barrels, and you might have been right vs this vallian (i dont know) but just I wouldnt make a habit of it. An A or Q will give you some showdown value, but thats about it a lot of the time.
Granted it does set up stacks nicely for when you hit, but tbh mate, at 4nl people often call an over shove all in regardless.
hi buddy, imo if u r going to play AQsuited then hitting 2 spades on flop is almost perfect to set up a big win. of course i know i'm behind here most of the time but it's all about 'risk & reward'. i was risking a little 14p on flop then 28p on turn,once i was re-raised on turn i knew i was behind but called that bet knowing a spade on river would probably get me his stack...which it did. yes,it aint going to hit every time but i played the hand exactly as i had planned from the start. dev
Glad you're better.
We've missed you posting.
Always positive and enjoyable to read
Glad the results were ok from the specialist, you can now relax a bit and get stuck into your poker again.
Good luck
yeah,not been much fun but should get back on track from today.
had a long 1st session back today over 6 hrs all for $1.31 lol.
still as i always say ' a Win is a Win lol
best wishes buddy...
yeah deffo good news,although tbh i didn't even know about the problem untill i met the specialist last Wednesday.
so all's well anyway.
best wishes buddy
I noticed you dropped down from NL10 to Nl4 . You should win at the NL4 . The only problem is you don,t really learn anything - Did you try the 5p action tables ?
They seem to be a lot easier than NL10 and you can,t lose as much. At least you know you can always go back to DYM,s even if they are a bit monotinus. I,m sure you,ll be back in profit in no time
i did drop down fron nl10 to nl4 after a bad session(lost £100), during the January cash competition that was running.
didn't try the 5p action tables,but tbh i don't think i would have even won there either.
i know that all of the cash levels are beatable,but i just can't seem to be able to make the break-through at any level,which i am finding very frustrating,to say the least.
i'll give you todays example....
been playing cash 1c/2c on another site.won 4 sessions in a row winning $21
which although isn't very much,is still winning,and i was happy with that.
today, trying to win more points for an extra $10 bonus(like skys c4p) ,i moved up to the 3c/6c (2p/4p) level and lost $32. (just withdrawn last $50 & closed account)
it just doesn't make any sense to me.i don't think i played particularly badly but i guess i must have or i wouldn't have lost,would i.
i know the level is higher but it's not a great difference in standard,certainly no better than the 2p/4p level here.
so i guess it's 'back to the drawing board'....again. lol
feeling low at the mo,so not a good time to be making any decisions.
i'll chew it over for the next day or so and see what comes up.
anyway,it's no big deal.it's only a game of poker after all,and a hobby at that.
it's looking likely though that i'll be back playing DYM's again atm,i feel.
at least i've got some idea how to play them. lol
over & out
yeah....don't think it'll ever be over,well maybe when i'm i'm in that little black box. lol
(* *)
feelin a little better this morning after y'day.
thinking back to some of the hands i lost KK to AA set of 4's to set of Q's that's $12 gone
then i lost about 5 biggish hands to opponents flushing on river,must have been another $15 to $20 there
that kinda day.
then to top it all off,after failing to hit several flush draws myself,(with 2 cards to come,i should mention,not just 1 card),i folded the 2nd nut flush draw on the turn knowing i was behind against 2 opponents,only for my dream card to come on river,which would have given me $17 aaaagh.what is it they say 'it's all about timing' lol
(yes, i could/should have called but the way it was going for me,i felt saving the $5 it would have cost me to see river card was the better option at the time.still not sure now if i did the correct play there long term?)
(think i did...$5 to win $17. that's $12 profit for $5 stake. less than 2.5/1)
anyway,it's a new day...sunday. roast beef is cooking slowly in the oven,everything else is prepared,so happy days again. lol
still unsure as to where i go from here.any advice would be most welcome.
my instincts are saying 'go back to DYM's'
but i know that i possibly could make more money playing cash,long term.
notice the word 'could' lol
i also know that if i don't make the cash breakthrough this time of asking,it's probably not going to happen at all.so that is a BIG reason for me to continue trying.
just don't know how much more i can take tbh.i know it's only been 2 months but it really has felt more like 6 as it's just been set back after set back.
but on a positive note,i've not actually lost that much money,(about £45 in total) so maybe i should give it at least another month or two.
have a nice day
(* *)
have not had a chance to read the whole thread, what cash game are you struggling to beat 4nl or 10nl?
Also what do you think your leaks are?
very much appreciate your comments buddy.
tbh i think i've maybe gone into this possibly with the wrong mind-set.i knew it was always going to be a struggle trying to beat this cash game,which of course it has been.
there is so much more needed in ones armoury needed to beat this format than just having a 'tight' image and simply 'playing the cards' as i have been doing.
i am going to continue with it though even though my heart is telling me to return to DYM's.
i will look into other areas to try and improve and thankyou for the tips.i'll be looking at the 2+2 forum later today.
i will also be observing some players in greater depth, at the levels i'd like to be playing at.
best wishes with your game Pat,
all the best
both levels tbh mate.
as to my leaks,i'm sure players i've played against would be able to answer thast better than me.
i think it's basically the whole concept of the game i'm struggling with.i don't think i have any major leaks just a number of small ones,which once rectified should see me alright....well hopefully. lol
the only thing i have to cling onto is the fact that it did take me several 1,000 hands to get to grips playing DYM's,and i'm hoping that playing this 'crazy' cash game,will be no different.
thanks for posting calcalfold.
best of luck with your game too.
so i've closed my 888 account,and am back with all you lovely people playing cash here at Sky again...hooooray.
felt a little happier with my game and how i played y'day even though i only played 2 tables at nl4 and won..yes WON £1.03 i know it could have been so much more had i not lost this hand....(see below)
anyway,i actually enjoyed the session,maybe the 1st one,since switching to cash this year,so maybe there is some hope at the end of the tunnel. lol
anyway,see how today goes,i know just how up & down cash is,so i'm not getting too carried away,just yet. lol
b/roll now £289.78 (down £41.94 this year.)
c4p 49 lol
b lucky
woooohoo won £9.06
b/roll 298.84 (down £32.88 this year)
c4p 65
2 tables nl4
played solid,no big 'coke ups' tonight. lol
happy days...again.
watching darts on Sky
over & out
I dont like betting the turn as well, and like the call even less. My reasons:
The 7, doesnt really change anything, whatever he was calling with on the flop, he will almost certainly call the turn, plus J9 has now also got there. Barrelling an over card perhaps is ok, sometimes. But the turn bet means now if you brick the river you either have to give up, or consider bluffing big on the river, and at 4nl thats just giving money away usually.
Bet the flop, c/f the turn imo, or call a small bet if you think they will stack off should a flush card hit.
That is not to say never fire two barrels, and you might have been right vs this vallian (i dont know) but just I wouldnt make a habit of it. An A or Q will give you some showdown value, but thats about it a lot of the time.
Granted it does set up stacks nicely for when you hit, but tbh mate, at 4nl people often call an over shove all in regardless.
all imo of course.
imo if u r going to play AQsuited then hitting 2 spades on flop is almost perfect to set up a big win.
of course i know i'm behind here most of the time but it's all about 'risk & reward'.
i was risking a little 14p on flop then 28p on turn,once i was re-raised on turn i knew i was behind but called that bet knowing a spade on river would probably get me his stack...which it did.
yes,it aint going to hit every time but i played the hand exactly as i had planned from the start.