Just a couple of things I have noticed in the hands you posted.
When you are acting behind a raise and caller, preflop, and you have a really strong hand you tend to raise by the pot amount.
I would look to increase your bet size to 2/3 times the pot. This will tend to lead to one of two things happening. 1, you take pot down there and then. 2, you end up with 1 caller giving you a much bigger chance of winning pot post flop.
In some of your hands that you posted I think you are falling into the trap of not trying to put your opponent on a range. Eg when there are 2 suited cards on flop and villain calls your flop and turn bet and then check, raises river when flush hits you are calling the all in. You need to think what hand can they possibly do that with.
hi trebor, ty m8, yes,i'm really struggling with bet sizing atm i think,which is not helping later streets. betting bigger is something i'm not used to playing dym's for so long, and needs attention. yes,i'm sure placing players 'on a hand range' is needed. i guess i've gone so far in the hand and am refusing to fold when flush hits.
ty for your help...very sweet of you to help. cheers dev
Putting my limited brain to some use on my lunchtime I'd read your last 7 hands posted as:
H1 - would bet bigger pre, although in this instance probably the AJ still calls. Likely I'd slow down and check/call the turn as there are two others involved and it Jc has brought home flush and straight draws. Given you are drawing to the nut flush there seems some value in seeing the river if it isn't too expensive.
H2 - I'd raise pre, that may mean he folds the blind, or 3-bet and then fold to your 4-bet? Once the flop comes I think you have to get it all in. U/L
H3 - I'd probably check to the raiser and let them bet for me here and consider a check-raise to protect a hand that could well be ahead at this stage. Turn is a rotten card but for £1.51 to win £6.03 has to be called (unless you put oppo on a really tight range of QQ/KK/AA/AK/AQ - can't imagine thats ever the case?)
H4 - I'd raise bigger pre again and may take it down without a flop. After that has to be a call and figure you are against a flush/straight/straight and flush draw. U/L.
H5 - Think this has been played OK. Safe to think he has a Jx and you are still ahead on turn/have to fold to the river (vul btw). Only possible suggestion would be a re-re-raise on the turn (thinking he just has trips vs FH), but... meh... he probably calls all-in on the river anyway even without the full house, so perhaps the way you played it is preferable and saved money WTFDIK
H6 - I think I go bust here as well unless you think a 3-bet would be called with a 6 in it. U/L.
H7 - Probably should consider a 4-bet here, not sure 65 would have come along for the ride then. I'm guessing I have 3-bet AJ or AK (guessing not AQ or would have def c-bet) so you'd have won that pot easily. If it was AK I probably would have donked my money off against you pre, because I think I'm the worst player at NL 10 this week lol. On the flop as well, given a check from the pre-flop aggressor, I think you have to throw out a bet here. Maybe the button fishes in position, but I think a lot of players will fold the gut shot given pre-flop action and facing a half decent flop bet.
I'm sure the better players can offer better advice, but hopefully a different perspective on hands can help at least a little?
BTW I may be just lack notes at mo - but is the drop down to NL8 a better option, not sure many regs are playing there as any NL8 reg is likely to have stepped up for the rake race and be fighting it out with the NL20 regs to see who can dominate NL10?
ps it is interesting to see that, like my own review of hands, the big losses almost always seem to be tied to premium hands.
Given that means tight pre-flop play and not getting silly with daft hands, is it fair to assume that win/lose at this level is largely a combination of:
1) how many times you get premium hands in any given session 2) how much variance hits you 3) how well you do at maximising value when you do get a premium hand
In some ways, given you can't really control the first two, does that mean there is almost more value in trying to assess the winning hands and ensuring you play these optimally so as to offset the bad luck of not getting big hands/being outdrawn?
ps it is interesting to see that, like my own review of hands, the big losses almost always seem to be tied to premium hands. Given that means tight pre-flop play and not getting silly with daft hands, is it fair to assume that win/lose at this level is largely a combination of: 1) how many times you get premium hands in any given session 2) how much variance hits you 3) how well you do at maximising value when you do get a premium hand In some ways, given you can't really control the first two, does that mean there is almost more value in trying to assess the winning hands and ensuring you play these optimally so as to offset the bad luck of not getting big hands/being outdrawn? Posted by shakinaces[/
I'll combine 1 and 2
It's not variance when we allow our opponent to see a turn for free, it's bad.
You have to bet to maximise value when we have a big hand.
Out of interest Dev, you bet the first qq hand on flop but not the second. Why?
I think jackally was spot on when he said at these stakes bet,bet,bet with good hands , fold when raised.
I've not looked closely at the other hands but at a quick glance you've been coolered a few times.
Keep going Dev, you are doing well and will definitely 'get there' but please please stop trapping with big hands.
played a lot better today,betting bigger i think and aggressive too. i'm trying hard but it's so diferent to anything like i've ever played b4,so i know i'm making basic errors but i am trying...honest. lost a £20 allin hand with 555AA but oppo hit 4 outer A or k needed on river.so could easily haver been a £34 win session.
back grinding hard but have no plans of winning champ promotion...might come top 5 or so,i think. gl all laters dev
Hi Dev, Putting my limited brain to some use on my lunchtime I'd read your last 7 hands posted as: H1 - would bet bigger pre, although in this instance probably the AJ still calls. Likely I'd slow down and check/call the turn as there are two others involved and it Jc has brought home flush and straight draws. Given you are drawing to the nut flush there seems some value in seeing the river if it isn't too expensive. H2 - I'd raise pre, that may mean he folds the blind, or 3-bet and then fold to your 4-bet? Once the flop comes I think you have to get it all in. U/L H3 - I'd probably check to the raiser and let them bet for me here and consider a check-raise to protect a hand that could well be ahead at this stage. Turn is a rotten card but for £1.51 to win £6.03 has to be called (unless you put oppo on a really tight range of QQ/KK/AA/AK/AQ - can't imagine thats ever the case?) H4 - I'd raise bigger pre again and may take it down without a flop. After that has to be a call and figure you are against a flush/straight/straight and flush draw. U/L. H5 - Think this has been played OK. Safe to think he has a Jx and you are still ahead on turn/have to fold to the river (vul btw). Only possible suggestion would be a re-re-raise on the turn (thinking he just has trips vs FH), but... meh... he probably calls all-in on the river anyway even without the full house, so perhaps the way you played it is preferable and saved money WTFDIK H6 - I think I go bust here as well unless you think a 3-bet would be called with a 6 in it. U/L. H7 - Probably should consider a 4-bet here, not sure 65 would have come along for the ride then. I'm guessing I have 3-bet AJ or AK (guessing not AQ or would have def c-bet) so you'd have won that pot easily. If it was AK I probably would have donked my money off against you pre, because I think I'm the worst player at NL 10 this week lol. On the flop as well, given a check from the pre-flop aggressor, I think you have to throw out a bet here. Maybe the button fishes in position, but I think a lot of players will fold the gut shot given pre-flop action and facing a half decent flop bet. I'm sure the better players can offer better advice, but hopefully a different perspective on hands can help at least a little? BTW I may be just lack notes at mo - but is the drop down to NL8 a better option, not sure many regs are playing there as any NL8 reg is likely to have stepped up for the rake race and be fighting it out with the NL20 regs to see who can dominate NL10? Posted by shakinaces
hi shakinaces, had a quick look through hands and i'm trying to take it in and watch snooker at same time. it's prety obvious that i'm needing to bet even BIGGER especially pre-flop and b4 the river to A get rid of the rubbish hand callers pre and B also to stop river callers. it's only been a week and i'm sure it will and is getting better. thanks again for the post mate... i'll have another look later. dev ps;good point about playing nl8 and if it wasn't for this cash champ promotion on atm,i deffo would. i'm never one to back down from a challenge though,am i,so i'll continue playing at nl10 as long as i'm not losing more money playing,than i think i'll receive from this promotion. also the way i see it is if i can hold my own at nl10 after just a week or so of playing then i haven't got a whole lot to worry about,have i.
ps it is interesting to see that, like my own review of hands, the big losses almost always seem to be tied to premium hands. Given that means tight pre-flop play and not getting silly with daft hands, is it fair to assume that win/lose at this level is largely a combination of: 1) how many times you get premium hands in any given session 2) how much variance hits you 3) how well you do at maximising value when you do get a premium hand In some ways, given you can't really control the first two, does that mean there is almost more value in trying to assess the winning hands and ensuring you play these optimally so as to offset the bad luck of not getting big hands/being outdrawn? Posted by shakinaces
again m8 all good points. the BIG hands are always going to have a major result in each session i think. i guess over time the luck if u like evens out so i'm thinking how we play each street becomes important and could help us here. i'm sure u r right,i do need to look at my winning hands and i'm sure atm i'm not extracting max value,which is again something i'm also working on. which again has an inpact on my results. i'm more iterested though atm in my losing hands because if i can minimise the damage done there,the rest should come. it's hard taking so much in but it is becoming easier day by day as i'm learning so much from each session. the feedback has been great so thanks again to everone. dev
In Response to Re: a new year..a new game...CASH...down again,but not out. :
ps it is interesting to see that, like my own review of hands, the big losses almost always seem to be tied to premium hands. Given that means tight pre-flop play and not getting silly with daft hands, is it fair to assume that win/lose at this level is largely a combination of: 1) how many times you get premium hands in any given session 2) how much variance hits you 3) how well you do at maximising value when you do get a premium hand In some ways, given you can't really control the first two, does that mean there is almost more value in trying to assess the winning hands and ensuring you play these optimally so as to offset the bad luck of not getting big hands/being outdrawn? Posted by shakinaces[/ I'll combine 1 and 2 It's not variance when we allow our opponent to see a turn for free, it's bad. You have to bet to maximise value when we have a big hand. Out of interest Dev, you bet the first qq hand on flop but not the second. Why? I think jackally was spot on when he said at these stakes bet,bet,bet with good hands , fold when raised. I've not looked closely at the other hands but at a quick glance you've been coolered a few times. Keep going Dev, you are doing well and will definitely 'get there' but please please stop trapping with big hands. Posted by Jac35
hi Paul the 1st QQi've raised up and been called by 2 players i think.maybe could have raised a bit bigger i guess but would have probably been called by 10 10 anyway second QQ i've called the raise.i thoought i didn't want to re-raise that bet and inflate pot and oppo could have had KK OR AA and gone all-in pre,which is backward thinking i know coz if he had those hands i'd have lost anyway. maybe then i should have re-raised pre to find out or take it down?
i'm literally playing on instinct atm and not with to much finesse. so if i can keep around level with my b/roll for this month i'll be happy tbh. any profit would be nice obviously and is what i'm looking for,but it is literally one day at a time.
Dev your playing 10nl you said ealier your just going to play 8nl Posted by shaun09
did i
wish i had now... just had my second worst poker session ever...
lost £100
cash b/roll £214.08 (down £99.54)
lost f/houses to bigger ones trip QQ to trip KK you name it...i lost it.
i'm going to have to try and finish top 3 or 5 and hopefully might break even. lol you never know though it could all turn around again tomorrow,i suppose. i'm not worried though as all my cash b/roll i have is purely for this cash adventure and if i lose it all i lose it all. it's that simple. i know i can grind it back playing dym,s so no worries. i always knew playing nl10 could have big swings and today has confirmed it. i am still enjoying playing cash as it's so diferent to what i'm used to. i could have played it safe i guess and played nl8 or nl4 but where's the fun in that.
i'll be back later today....so come and find me. lol dev
In Response to Re: a new year..a new game...CASH...down again,but not out. : hi rancid, think you must be physic or something....you've just read my mind. so many regs playing atm so i'll drop down to nl4 for the next couple of weeks i think. should be interesting to see how i get on. gl m8,i'm sure you will be high up there for sure too. dev Posted by devonfish5
This post dev, then some one mentioned you should just drp down to 8nl
As I said before your going to struggle, NL10 tables are tough atm for this level Areas of your game need improving, but I ain't going to tell you how to play because that would be silly of me if your going to be at my tables ) When you flop set versus me (QQvAA), do you think you played it ok - it was a winning hand for you but maybe ask yourself them questions.
drop down to nl4, come back to nl10 in Febuary
or stay at nl10 and if you lose your money, get it back via promo and use it as a learning curve
ty m8,
yes,i'm really struggling with bet sizing atm i think,which is not helping later streets.
betting bigger is something i'm not used to playing dym's for so long, and needs attention.
yes,i'm sure placing players 'on a hand range' is needed.
i guess i've gone so far in the hand and am refusing to fold when flush hits.
ty for your help...very sweet of you to help.
Putting my limited brain to some use on my lunchtime I'd read your last 7 hands posted as:
H1 - would bet bigger pre, although in this instance probably the AJ still calls. Likely I'd slow down and check/call the turn as there are two others involved and it Jc has brought home flush and straight draws. Given you are drawing to the nut flush there seems some value in seeing the river if it isn't too expensive.
H2 - I'd raise pre, that may mean he folds the blind, or 3-bet and then fold to your 4-bet? Once the flop comes I think you have to get it all in. U/L
H3 - I'd probably check to the raiser and let them bet for me here and consider a check-raise to protect a hand that could well be ahead at this stage. Turn is a rotten card but for £1.51 to win £6.03 has to be called (unless you put oppo on a really tight range of QQ/KK/AA/AK/AQ - can't imagine thats ever the case?)
H4 - I'd raise bigger pre again and may take it down without a flop. After that has to be a call and figure you are against a flush/straight/straight and flush draw. U/L.
H5 - Think this has been played OK. Safe to think he has a Jx and you are still ahead on turn/have to fold to the river (vul btw). Only possible suggestion would be a re-re-raise on the turn (thinking he just has trips vs FH), but... meh... he probably calls all-in on the river anyway even without the full house, so perhaps the way you played it is preferable and saved money WTFDIK
H6 - I think I go bust here as well unless you think a 3-bet would be called with a 6 in it. U/L.
H7 - Probably should consider a 4-bet here, not sure 65 would have come along for the ride then. I'm guessing I have 3-bet AJ or AK (guessing not AQ or would have def c-bet) so you'd have won that pot easily. If it was AK I probably would have donked my money off against you pre, because I think I'm the worst player at NL 10 this week lol.
On the flop as well, given a check from the pre-flop aggressor, I think you have to throw out a bet here. Maybe the button fishes in position, but I think a lot of players will fold the gut shot given pre-flop action and facing a half decent flop bet.
I'm sure the better players can offer better advice, but hopefully a different perspective on hands can help at least a little?
BTW I may be just lack notes at mo - but is the drop down to NL8 a better option, not sure many regs are playing there as any NL8 reg is likely to have stepped up for the rake race and be fighting it out with the NL20 regs to see who can dominate NL10?
Given that means tight pre-flop play and not getting silly with daft hands, is it fair to assume that win/lose at this level is largely a combination of:
1) how many times you get premium hands in any given session
2) how much variance hits you
3) how well you do at maximising value when you do get a premium hand
In some ways, given you can't really control the first two, does that mean there is almost more value in trying to assess the winning hands and ensuring you play these optimally so as to offset the bad luck of not getting big hands/being outdrawn?
just finished a 3+ hr session so will look at all posts later today.
won £13.87
cash b/roll £314.82 (up £3.00) lol
c4p 110
total 1030
9 tables nl10 3+ hrs
played a lot better today,betting bigger i think and aggressive too.
i'm trying hard but it's so diferent to anything like i've ever played b4,so i know i'm making basic errors
but i am trying...honest.
lost a £20 allin hand with 555AA but oppo hit 4 outer A or k needed on river.so could easily haver been a £34 win session.
back grinding hard but have no plans of winning champ promotion...might come top 5 or so,i think.
gl all laters dev
ul on that hand, brutal run out for you
why have you got c4p then a total
what's the differance :S
had a quick look through hands and i'm trying to take it in and watch snooker at same time.
it's prety obvious that i'm needing to bet even BIGGER especially pre-flop and b4 the river to A get rid of the rubbish hand callers pre and B also to stop river callers.
it's only been a week and i'm sure it will and is getting better.
thanks again for the post mate...
i'll have another look later.
ps;good point about playing nl8 and if it wasn't for this cash champ promotion on atm,i deffo would.
i'm never one to back down from a challenge though,am i,so i'll continue playing at nl10 as long as i'm not losing more money playing,than i think i'll receive from this promotion.
also the way i see it is if i can hold my own at nl10 after just a week or so of playing then i haven't got a whole lot to worry about,have i.
the BIG hands are always going to have a major result in each session i think.
i guess over time the luck if u like evens out so i'm thinking how we play each street becomes important and could help us here.
i'm sure u r right,i do need to look at my winning hands and i'm sure atm i'm not extracting max value,which is again something i'm also working on.
which again has an inpact on my results.
i'm more iterested though atm in my losing hands because if i can minimise the damage done there,the rest should come.
it's hard taking so much in but it is becoming easier day by day as i'm learning so much from each session.
the feedback has been great so thanks again to everone.
the total is how many i have for the month.
wish i had now...
just had my second worst poker session ever...
lost £100
cash b/roll £214.08 (down £99.54)
lost f/houses to bigger ones
trip QQ to trip KK
you name it...i lost it.
i'm going to have to try and finish top 3 or 5 and hopefully might break even. lol
you never know though it could all turn around again tomorrow,i suppose.
i'm not worried though as all my cash b/roll i have is purely for this cash adventure and if i lose it all i lose it all.
it's that simple.
i know i can grind it back playing dym,s so no worries.
i always knew playing nl10 could have big swings and today has confirmed it.
i am still enjoying playing cash as it's so diferent to what i'm used to.
i could have played it safe i guess and played nl8 or nl4 but where's the fun in that.
i'll be back later today....so come and find me. lol
Areas of your game need improving, but I ain't going to tell you how to play because that would be silly of me if your going to be at my tables )
When you flop set versus me (QQvAA), do you think you played it ok - it was a winning hand for you but maybe ask yourself them questions.
drop down to nl4, come back to nl10 in Febuary
or stay at nl10 and if you lose your money, get it back via promo and use it as a learning curve