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Been playing 3 weeks on Sky poker and cannot believe this.



  • ZeroGZeroG Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2013
    Money out account closed.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited January 2013
    lol goodbye. haven't done yourself any favours. gl on those non-rigged sites.
  • ZeroGZeroG Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Been playing 3 weeks on Sky poker and cannot believe this.:
    lol goodbye. haven't done yourself any favours. gl on those non-rigged sites.
    Posted by percival09
    And you just show what this so called community is like.  Someone who wins no doubt on this rigged site.
  • ZeroGZeroG Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2013
    Before they close the account fully here is a conversation I have had with the support operators here on the site.  I find it funny that they cannot even supply this simple information request.  There is no confidential information secured in it and just fuels accusation about the poker industry.  You can draw your own conclusion from this and I have removed my real name for the sake of my own confidential information.  I am sure some people will assume this is just rubbish as they have with everything else they refuse to believe.

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    says:06:44:59 PM

    I know that still does not mean it is not rigged or people are cheating.  I know you are regulated by the Alderney gaming commission as are most sites

    says:06:46:04 PM

    the only way in which I would even consider staying here is if information was provided so analysis by an independent party of hands to show that your site operates inside acceptable variance, which I do not believe it does

    says:06:47:24 PM

    sorry that english was not particularly good.

    Lindsay M says:06:47:37 PM

    If you want to review it if you go through the agcc they can look at it for you

    Lindsay M says:06:47:56 PM

    we are audited regularly by independent auditors

    says:06:48:29 PM

    if that is the case where are the results?

    Lindsay M says:06:50:03 PM

    AGCC get the reults

    Lindsay M says:06:50:15 PM


    says:06:50:21 PM

    again kept inside the poker gaming community

    Lindsay M says:06:51:33 PM

    Ok its up to you, you can contact AGCC if you like, do you want to keep your account open for now?

    says:06:52:31 PM

    they make there money from sites like this.  Why would they do anything to jeopardise it.  Which is why the only way I would play on this site is if the raw data was analysed independently outside of the poker community.  As for the account no you can close it the money is out.

    Lindsay M says:06:54:15 PM

    Ok I will do that now for you, sorry you feel that way

    Lindsay M says:06:54:26 PM

    Your balance is £0

    says:06:54:37 PM

    If you can provide me with the data I have people at southampton university that are statistical analysis that can do the work as a favour for me

    says:06:55:00 PM

    I know my balance is £0 I cleared it before we begun this conversation

    Lindsay M says:06:55:03 PM

    Sorry but we cannot provide you with the data

    says:06:55:10 PM

    Can I ask why?

    Lindsay M says:06:55:31 PM

    If you had a balance I would have transferred the funds back to you, that's all

    says:06:55:47 PM

    I would be happy to sign a NDA as to not disclose the data outside of the required purposes

    says:06:55:53 PM

    and the why was about the data

    Lindsay M says:06:57:49 PM

    Unfortunately our external auditers is part of our gaming licence, for any individual who wishes to have their particular game looked at it is free of charge but you need to go through the agcc.

    says:06:58:05 PM

    I am interested as to why a company as big as sky is either unable or unwilling to proved data on poker hands played on there site for statistical analysis, by an independent party outside the poker fraternity.

    Lindsay M says:06:58:25 PM

    Its confidential information, even if you did sign a NDA we still couldn't, you can look at your own games through agcc

    says:06:58:51 PM

    what is confidential about hand on a poker table.  i am not asking for personel information here

    says:06:59:05 PM

    if I was part of the hand I would know it anyay

    says:06:59:13 PM


    Lindsay M says:06:59:54 PM

    I cannot offer you anymore help on this other than to suggest you contact agcc

    says:07:00:02 PM

    funny that

    says:07:00:09 PM

    why am I not surprised

    says:07:00:29 PM 

    could I ask that a transcript of this conversation be sent to my email address

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited January 2013
    lol she told you the same thing about 4320404024 times. stop wasting peoples time imo.
    edited January 2013
    Everytime I question the integrity of this site my posts get deleted, not too sure but I doubt it's against the rules...
  • snorkysnorky Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2013

    Area 51 disappeared how much more proof do you need!!!!!

    A site for conspiracy theories conspicuously disappears and no one knows where it is?

    The truth is out there


  • loolololloloololollo Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: Been playing 3 weeks on Sky poker and cannot believe this.:
    Money out account closed.
    Posted by ZeroG
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited January 2013
    > Refuses to post evidence of long periods of bad luck. (Hand Histories, Graphs, Tallying All-in EV)
    /> Asks Customer Support where to find data regarding the sites processes. Ignores solution/deems it unacceptable.
    /> Has multiple posters spend time and effort to engage in an in-depth discussion about why his beliefs may be misplaced, but sees them as cold, heartless, and patronising.
    /> Still expects to be taken seriously.

    I'm sorry man, you've had multiple options to figure this stuff out. Post Hand Histories, or contact the AGCC, but refuse both for no apparant reason than to fit with your own misplaced preconception that the site should bend over backwards for one unhappy customer.

    If poker is making you this unhappy then don't play. If you want to keep playing but remain skeptical about the behind-the-scenes of the site, contact the AGCC or start posting some meaningful material that people can get behind. We can do no more. :/
  • Sky_LeeSky_Lee Member Posts: 952
    edited January 2013
    This is getting shut down folks before it gets out of hand.

    I'll just remind you of a recent post in 'Poker Chat' about recent changes to the community..

    we are removing ‘Area 51’. The main reason for this is that, as you know, we have a forum rule on Sky Poker which doesn’t permit “Comments that can be construed to question Sky Poker's integrity, game fairness, security or random number generation”. Area 51 is where people generally go to do this. Having it could almost be seen to encourage it. As you know, trust is very important to Sky Poker (and to you too). We are independently regulated and certified so calling our integrity into question can’t be allowed or encouraged. Any posts of this nature will be deleted and may result in a ban from the Community.
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