Just had one of the more interesting sessions since i started the diary so thought i should share it. Just as a quick update yesterday i was on a heater on the 10nl mastercash and made about £70 on them in a couple of hours but probably lost the equilavent playing hypers a few of which were against a player who i knew was a profitable spot but was running good against me, have to accept that in hypers so tried not to let it affect my confidence and willingness to continuously take these guys on.
So the last couple of hours i played a number of games with a player who i have only really seen playing hypers last few days, he wouldn't rematch but would be regged in the lobby as soon as the game ended, anyway his style is very different to what i may usually encounter so i had to adjust to the fact that stacking off with middle pair and very wide preflop was going to be the right play the majority of the time. He must of taken me for around 40 after a few games. Just to explain the style a little more he would happily call off 3bet jams with hands like 89s which means that although you feel good getting it in with a10 type hands he will win a decent percentage of the time and therefore the variance is alot higher playing one of these guys than someone who plays very abc and exploitable. Similarly if you flopped top pair and stacked off he had no problem getting it in with two overcards like aq on a 9high flop, which again means a fair amount of time he will make some kind of hand.
Anyway so having played them few games and started to doubt my ability to beat him, combined with yesterdays results i thought it might be better to step away, i gave myself a few minutes to compose myself and decided i was definetly good enough to beat this guy and i will plough through even if i end up on a massive loss for the session. So i ended up two tabling with this guy at 10s then when he lost he would jump to 21 then back down again untill i won my money back and a little more. My hands started holding up and with that my confidence grew to play back at him and not take a passive line, most importantly i never tilted badly which regardless of profit is the factor i'm most happy about as a couple of months ago i don't think i would of turned the session around and would probably of bemoaned my luck and claimed he was so awful but ran good and therefore was unbeatable etc.
So after ending our last hyper game he moved to a 50nl HU with about £27 so i decided i couldn't pass up on the oppurtunity to play this guy at cash where i believe i would have a huge edge with no blind increase and a decent idea of his game, even though i have never played that level and was slightly aware of the fact i was raising to a pound every hand which might not sound big to others but to me is very strange for just my standard raise HU. It ended pretty quickly probably after 20-25 hands when i flopped two pair and stacked him, after all that and the swings of the hour and a half i have decided to take a couple of hours break.
Just had one of the more interesting sessions since i started the diary so thought i should share it. Just as a quick update yesterday i was on a heater on the 10nl mastercash and made about £70 on them in a couple of hours but probably lost the equilavent playing hypers a few of which were against a player who i knew was a profitable spot but was running good against me, have to accept that in hypers so tried not to let it affect my confidence and willingness to continuously take these guys on. So the last couple of hours i played a number of games with a player who i have only really seen playing hypers last few days, he wouldn't rematch but would be regged in the lobby as soon as the game ended, anyway his style is very different to what i may usually encounter so i had to adjust to the fact that stacking off with middle pair and very wide preflop was going to be the right play the majority of the time. He must of taken me for around 40 after a few games. Just to explain the style a little more he would happily call off 3bet jams with hands like 89s which means that although you feel good getting it in with a10 type hands he will win a decent percentage of the time and therefore the variance is alot higher playing one of these guys than someone who plays very abc and exploitable. Similarly if you flopped top pair and stacked off he had no problem getting it in with two overcards like aq on a 9high flop, which again means a fair amount of time he will make some kind of hand. Anyway so having played them few games and started to doubt my ability to beat him, combined with yesterdays results i thought it might be better to step away, i gave myself a few minutes to compose myself and decided i was definetly good enough to beat this guy and i will plough through even if i end up on a massive loss for the session. So i ended up two tabling with this guy at 10s then when he lost he would jump to 21 then back down again untill i won my money back and a little more. My hands started holding up and with that my confidence grew to play back at him and not take a passive line, most importantly i never tilted badly which regardless of profit is the factor i'm most happy about as a couple of months ago i don't think i would of turned the session around and would probably of bemoaned my luck and claimed he was so awful but ran good and therefore was unbeatable etc. So after ending our last hyper game he moved to a 50nl HU with about £27 so i decided i couldn't pass up on the oppurtunity to play this guy at cash where i believe i would have a huge edge with no blind increase and a decent idea of his game, even though i have never played that level and was slightly aware of the fact i was raising to a pound every hand which might not sound big to others but to me is very strange for just my standard raise HU. It ended pretty quickly probably after 20-25 hands when i flopped two pair and stacked him, after all that and the swings of the hour and a half i have decided to take a couple of hours break. The cash game hand.. benc Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £47.45 x Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £27.45 Your hole cards Q 10 benc Raise £0.75 £1.50 £46.70 x Call £0.50 £2.00 £26.95 Flop A 10 Q x Bet £2.00 £4.00 £24.95 benc Raise £4.50 £8.50 £42.20 x Raise £5.00 £13.50 £19.95 benc All-in £42.20 £55.70 £0.00 x All-in £19.95 £75.65 £0.00 benc Unmatched bet £19.75 £55.90 £19.75 benc Show Q 10 x Show A 5 Turn 9 River 7 benc Win Two Pairs, Queens and 10s £54.90 £74.65 Posted by benc
I wonder who that could be, his style at hypers was totally tilting. You seem to deal with the more creative players much better than I do! I had one soo called reg, shoved 22 on a hyper for 25 bb, the only reason I could think he did this was because he doesnt know how to play post flop oop.
Back to this player from edinburgh ahem, I dont know why you feared playing nl50 cash. A competent players edge at cash will be much bigger than at hypers, therefore, it was a pure +ve move, wp.
Couple of games vs you where fun yest, I think personally I can play better against competent players who know what they are doing. I should stop playing hu though, because at the mo I cant beat donks, and that is the general way to making a profit, still had a nice bink in the me on tuesday to boost the br.
"Back to this player from edinburgh ahem, I dont know why you feared playing nl50 cash. A competent players edge at cash will be much bigger than at hypers, therefore, it was a pure +ve move, wp."
Yep i was well aware that it was a +ev move against this specific opponent, it was more the fact i was unsure if i would be comfortable enough to play my normal game at stakes i had never played before but im glad i seized the oppurtunity.
I didn't particularly enjoy our games lol as you are one of the guys i know will mix it up with me, pretty sure i stacked off in one of the games with 92o or something. There are only a few guys who play at the stakes i play who i would rather avoid, one of them jokingly (i think) accused me of bum hunting the other day, but i was actually annoyed i had regged up to play him more than once (i still dont make a habit of looking who is sitting before i reg) as again it's much easier to play the guys who dont understand the structure and will only 3bet without monsters or play back without a hand. I think one of my biggest strengths is adjusting to different types of fish, which is probably made easier by the fact i think or at least not ago like a fish so can beat them lol but yeah its all about adjusting, the style i play against the majority of players i come up against if i played the same against the better players i would get crushed. I'm sure you can beat the donks ace you just have to work out what are normally some very obvious tendencies and then take advantage, which i'm sure you are more than capable of doing so don't just conclude you cant beat donks atm, just find a way to beat them and print out the money. Well done on the ME cash by the way, hopefully play one myself again soon.
"Back to this player from edinburgh ahem, I dont know why you feared playing nl50 cash. A competent players edge at cash will be much bigger than at hypers, therefore, it was a pure +ve move, wp." Yep i was well aware that it was a +ev move against this specific opponent, it was more the fact i was unsure if i would be comfortable enough to play my normal game at stakes i had never played before but im glad i seized the oppurtunity. I didn't particularly enjoy our games lol as you are one of the guys i know will mix it up with me, pretty sure i stacked off in one of the games with 92o or something. There are only a few guys who play at the stakes i play who i would rather avoid, one of them jokingly (i think) accused me of bum hunting the other day, but i was actually annoyed i had regged up to play him more than once (i still dont make a habit of looking who is sitting before i reg) as again it's much easier to play the guys who dont understand the structure and will only 3bet without monsters or play back without a hand. I think one of my biggest strengths is adjusting to different types of fish, which is probably made easier by the fact i think or at least not ago like a fish so can beat them lol but yeah its all about adjusting, the style i play against the majority of players i come up against if i played the same against the better players i would get crushed. I'm sure you can beat the donks ace you just have to work out what are normally some very obvious tendencies and then take advantage, which i'm sure you are more than capable of doing so don't just conclude you cant beat donks atm, just find a way to beat them and print out the money. Well done on the ME cash by the way, hopefully play one myself again soon. Posted by benc
HU sngs not going very smoothly at the moment can't string a few wins together think my play has suffered a little bit from losing one too many games in an annoying manner, but will soon be back on track was bound to happen at some point just need to ride it out . Played a couple of omaha games for something a little different one of which i managed to donk a river straight against KK which i can imagine is the norm in omaha so that was good fun, every hand seems like the nuts pre flop though so if i play regularly will have to learn abit more about it.
In contrast to HUsngs playing on the 10nl mastercash has been going very well and has probably evened out any sng losses and maybe put me slightly on profit not to sure, as i mentioned the other day i had a very nice profit for one evening two tabling them and am doing that a bit more regulalry, i feel like im beggining to understand how to play cash again, definetly more of a TAG style rather than trying to win everypot and stationing regs down with middle pair and seeing a set everytime lol. I'm playing at the moment and am on a decent bit of profit between the tables if i don't end up losing it i might buy in for the £33bh, feel free to hunt me down and try win some easy money..
Yes i got a reply, wasnt really what i was hopeing for but i am going to stay on the site just playing Double Your Monies at the moment as i have a real edge in these. But hopefully if the format is changed back to what it should be then i will continue the challenge.
In contrast to the other day i seem to have got back into my game HU(i think playing some normal structure games helped me get back in the flow of things) but lost my momentum in cash, although i am definetly at fault for most of the money i lose at cash playing way to loose and agressive and calling check raises omn the river everytime even though i know i'm beat. I think because of my roll i don't care enough at 10nl to be really disciplined so i played stupidly and either win big or lose big but thats good as it means no pressure and no horrible feeling of how much money i have wasted after a session if it has been bad. I know i can win money if i play the patient game but thats no fun when you have been working hard and want to just relax and have some fun. In the summer i plan on really getting into cash and getting better, does anyone know of any good videos-books that really helped your cash game?
I have been playing some standard and speed games mixed in with the odd hyper recently, depending on how much spare time i have to sit and play, i've also been playing a lot more HU omaha, really enjoy playing them and i seem to do well but i can't tell if i'm just running very well, my opponents are really bad or i have managed to grasp a good way to play the game. Over a larger sample i'm sure i will work out whether this was just an early heater or i have some talent.
Anwyay so no serious grinding for the moment due to dissertation and other uni related stuff, but i'm hoping to play a few of the ukosp events over easter even if i do double the work on some day so i have time to grind a few of the tournys and hopefully get a decent result.
No idea whether i played this hand ok, should i ever check the turn in omaha? is my hand too vulnerable to slowplay or is it enough of a monster to play in this manner.
Played about 2-3 hours yesterday again having some fun on mastercash, was playing pretty solid and patient and doing quite well i had both the 10nl mastercash tables open and one 20nl quickly built up a good stack untill i lost a massive hand. I'll post the hand in a minute i'm sure any cash player will pull me up on all my many mistakes in the hand.
Heads up went really well despite making a slight loss on cash i ended +50 for the day, mainly due to coming up against some incredibly soft opponents on some £21 hypers. If i stop withdrawing and get myself up to 2k bankroll i would love to have a proper go at them as barring the very good players who normally playa lot higher but drop down the player pool on average seems as bad as the 5s and 10s.
Anyway from today i am going to start tracking my bankroll on here again, My current roll is £1107.21 i have withdrawn £420 since the beggining of feburary to cover a range of things which explain why my bankroll has not changed much. However i'm not planning on making a withdrawal untill summer now barring exceptional circumstances so i think it is a good time to start tracking my games again. I also hope that having to put my results on the forum again will stop me chucking away buy ins at 10nl every day trying to play like a hero in every pot lol
I will update at the end of any sessions i have with what i have played and profit/loss and bankroll.
Right so both players i hadn't played with that long, but player A was awful and willing to stack of with literally anything i had won a big pot previously against him and i think he stacked off with a high or something so quickly categorized him as not knwoing what he was doing. Player B was playing very strange and unorthodox, was also betting and calling off very light and generally donking about in most pots. I'm not entirely sure why i flatted with AK i would 3bet here so often normally, but even so i'm not overly concerned with the flat as my hand is disguised and i know i can win a big pot against these players if the right flop comes. I told myself to fold the turn after player B flatted but i levelled myself that they were both awful and would show up with much worse so jammed it in knowing if i called i was never folding any river.
Any advice would be much appreciated as in reflection i'm still not sure whether i should stack off in that spot, against a player i deem competent i think its probably just about a fold when he flats, but against these guys i thought i was going to be winning enough of the time to make it the right play?. My early reads on opponents made the decision i think.
Hi benc, i'm not playing these levels of course, but i guess it's all relative. yeah,raise p/f flop ok once 10 comes on turn & you bet & get raised by pl A & pl B calles...hello but as you say both playing loose,i can see why u made this all-in.
i did exactly the same y'day against a loose player,after stacking him and he re-loaded, i had AK flop came 9AJ i c-bet he calles i bet turn he calles i go all-in on river he calles holding 99 (trip 9's)..£20 odd gone so i know just how u feel and how it's so easy thinking you must be ahead,(even though your hand was stronger,2 pairs,it was still beatable.) it's so easy against these type of loose players to think we must be or assume we are ahead,so much of the time,so get carried away with the emotion of the moment,i think,instead of trying to anaylise what they could well be holding.(but it's easier said than done,and it's another part to this game that i know i am aware of and will therefore be working on.) but also,we remember all the times we make these plays and lose the hand and forget the times we make these moves and win the hand,which as long as they out-weigh the losing times,will be a winning play,long term. dev
lol shaun you can't be any fishier than me at those tables at the moment the regs probably keep an eye on the lobby for when i appear early evening at the moment hoping they are the lucky person to get a bankroll boost.
Thanks for the reply Dev, I don't usually play 20nl but have done in the past so am comfortable at that stake. I felt i was playing well and had a bit of profit behind me from 10nl so sat down. I definetly think i could find a fold against some of the regs i have encountered recently as you know they are only ever showing up with a set or a straight in that spot, but player B from what i have seen could of been flatting with anything there ranging from one pair, worse two pairs, gutshot etc so i'm happy with my decision to get it in and have to accept them turning over the nuts every so often. It's a sign of how far i have come mentally though that i wasn't massively bothered, i guess hypers have made me better at dealing with losses. A year ago i would cursed my luck for weeks and gone on mega tilt lol
Definitely going broke here to fella given what you've said about the oppo. When player B calls the raise turn before you jam it does look a bit of a gross spot but nearly impossible to get away from if you've seen them stack off with junk before.
Didn't post here before but follow your diary from the beginning.
Just wanted to say keep up the good work, great results.
Altought you must have jinxed me yesterday. After our game I'm just having a big downswing, just keep getting outdrawned and suck out on. So could you please un-jinx me before I come back from work for night session?? Thanks
Yeah Nick the guy that turned over q9 was literally giving money away i reckon it was the giver on another account lol our table was good fun during that session i was playing so disciplined then you turned up and i had to start bluffing every pot we were in..
Thanks Mariusz, i tend to have that affect on people HU i think my play is just that tilting... lol On a serious note i'm sure it's just one of little bad spells that must happen time and time again with the amount of volume your putting in. I will allow you some of my rungood just this one time though.. GL
Played a mixture of turbos, hypers, PLO, speed and one dym last couple of hours, mainly one tabled, all of the games were at £5 level except two £10 hypers. In total i played 19 games got to go to uni for a bit but will hopefully play a few more games this evening.
It must have been him lol 67 was certainly good on that board as well. Yeah i enjoyed it mate was hoping to forget it though given the sick laydowns i made...Still making up my mind as to whether you'll have it or not next time (probably not)
Just finished up for the evening, was a strange session and i tilted worse than i have in a long time at one point which culminated in regging a £42 game against one of the biggest winning regs on sky which in reflection was just truly idiotic. That is now officialy the highest sng i have played and i have to say i really didn't feel comfortable playing that particular game.
In regards to the tilt i don't understand why i went off on one tonight for a little spell i'm used to getting coolered and bad beats with the amount of volume i put in and although tonight was a slight deviation from how i would expect to run in these games it was by no means really unusual. Normally you can attribute it to frustation in other areas of your life but i am genuienly at a loss to explaining it. Even so i managed to take a little break and sort of recompose but i was still stuck in that mindset where it didn't matter how good i got it in i felt there miracle card was coming.
I will leaving reviewing some of the hands during that spell for tomorrow, all the games were at hypers except the £42 game which was a speed game, the hypers were mainly 10s with some 21s mixed in. Luckily i took down the £42 game ironically getting very lucky getting it in on the turn with trips against fh and rivering a better fh, i cant explain how good that river felt probably would of already excluded myself from the site for a week if it hadn't come. Anyway after i took that down i went on a great run, strange how it works like that.. i won 4 out of 4 £10 against the same opponent then beat that opponent again at a £21 when he/she jumped up, all in succession, so that turned a big loss around into profit again before finally losing my last £10 game.
Anyway so the 2nd session dug into some of the 1st session profit but i'm just mightly relieved i'm not sitting here writing about a big loss. I definetly have a problem with chasing losses still climbing higher and higher which is worrying as i guess i could easily of ended up regging even higher if i lost the £42. I would love sky to implement a tool that allows you to type in a stop loss that stops you from playing for the day if you hit it lol Probably the only way i could stop myself.
So the last couple of hours i played a number of games with a player who i have only really seen playing hypers last few days, he wouldn't rematch but would be regged in the lobby as soon as the game ended, anyway his style is very different to what i may usually encounter so i had to adjust to the fact that stacking off with middle pair and very wide preflop was going to be the right play the majority of the time. He must of taken me for around 40 after a few games. Just to explain the style a little more he would happily call off 3bet jams with hands like 89s which means that although you feel good getting it in with a10 type hands he will win a decent percentage of the time and therefore the variance is alot higher playing one of these guys than someone who plays very abc and exploitable. Similarly if you flopped top pair and stacked off he had no problem getting it in with two overcards like aq on a 9high flop, which again means a fair amount of time he will make some kind of hand.
Anyway so having played them few games and started to doubt my ability to beat him, combined with yesterdays results i thought it might be better to step away, i gave myself a few minutes to compose myself and decided i was definetly good enough to beat this guy and i will plough through even if i end up on a massive loss for the session. So i ended up two tabling with this guy at 10s then when he lost he would jump to 21 then back down again untill i won my money back and a little more. My hands started holding up and with that my confidence grew to play back at him and not take a passive line, most importantly i never tilted badly which regardless of profit is the factor i'm most happy about as a couple of months ago i don't think i would of turned the session around and would probably of bemoaned my luck and claimed he was so awful but ran good and therefore was unbeatable etc.
So after ending our last hyper game he moved to a 50nl HU with about £27 so i decided i couldn't pass up on the oppurtunity to play this guy at cash where i believe i would have a huge edge with no blind increase and a decent idea of his game, even though i have never played that level and was slightly aware of the fact i was raising to a pound every hand which might not sound big to others but to me is very strange for just my standard raise HU. It ended pretty quickly probably after 20-25 hands when i flopped two pair and stacked him, after all that and the swings of the hour and a half i have decided to take a couple of hours break.
The cash game hand..
Yep i was well aware that it was a +ev move against this specific opponent, it was more the fact i was unsure if i would be comfortable enough to play my normal game at stakes i had never played before but im glad i seized the oppurtunity.
I didn't particularly enjoy our games lol as you are one of the guys i know will mix it up with me, pretty sure i stacked off in one of the games with 92o or something. There are only a few guys who play at the stakes i play who i would rather avoid, one of them jokingly (i think) accused me of bum hunting the other day, but i was actually annoyed i had regged up to play him more than once (i still dont make a habit of looking who is sitting before i reg) as again it's much easier to play the guys who dont understand the structure and will only 3bet without monsters or play back without a hand.
I think one of my biggest strengths is adjusting to different types of fish, which is probably made easier by the fact i think or at least not ago like a fish so can beat them lol but yeah its all about adjusting, the style i play against the majority of players i come up against if i played the same against the better players i would get crushed. I'm sure you can beat the donks ace you just have to work out what are normally some very obvious tendencies and then take advantage, which i'm sure you are more than capable of doing so don't just conclude you cant beat donks atm, just find a way to beat them and print out the money. Well done on the ME cash by the way, hopefully play one myself again soon.
In contrast to HUsngs playing on the 10nl mastercash has been going very well and has probably evened out any sng losses and maybe put me slightly on profit not to sure, as i mentioned the other day i had a very nice profit for one evening two tabling them and am doing that a bit more regulalry, i feel like im beggining to understand how to play cash again, definetly more of a TAG style rather than trying to win everypot and stationing regs down with middle pair and seeing a set everytime lol. I'm playing at the moment and am on a decent bit of profit between the tables if i don't end up losing it i might buy in for the £33bh, feel free to hunt me down and try win some easy money..
In contrast to the other day i seem to have got back into my game HU(i think playing some normal structure games helped me get back in the flow of things) but lost my momentum in cash, although i am definetly at fault for most of the money i lose at cash playing way to loose and agressive and calling check raises omn the river everytime even though i know i'm beat. I think because of my roll i don't care enough at 10nl to be really disciplined so i played stupidly and either win big or lose big but thats good as it means no pressure and no horrible feeling of how much money i have wasted after a session if it has been bad. I know i can win money if i play the patient game but thats no fun when you have been working hard and want to just relax and have some fun. In the summer i plan on really getting into cash and getting better, does anyone know of any good videos-books that really helped your cash game?
I have been playing some standard and speed games mixed in with the odd hyper recently, depending on how much spare time i have to sit and play, i've also been playing a lot more HU omaha, really enjoy playing them and i seem to do well but i can't tell if i'm just running very well, my opponents are really bad or i have managed to grasp a good way to play the game. Over a larger sample i'm sure i will work out whether this was just an early heater or i have some talent.
Anwyay so no serious grinding for the moment due to dissertation and other uni related stuff, but i'm hoping to play a few of the ukosp events over easter even if i do double the work on some day so i have time to grind a few of the tournys and hopefully get a decent result.
Good luck at the tables.
Heads up went really well despite making a slight loss on cash i ended +50 for the day, mainly due to coming up against some incredibly soft opponents on some £21 hypers. If i stop withdrawing and get myself up to 2k bankroll i would love to have a proper go at them as barring the very good players who normally playa lot higher but drop down the player pool on average seems as bad as the 5s and 10s.
Anyway from today i am going to start tracking my bankroll on here again, My current roll is £1107.21 i have withdrawn £420 since the beggining of feburary to cover a range of things which explain why my bankroll has not changed much. However i'm not planning on making a withdrawal untill summer now barring exceptional circumstances so i think it is a good time to start tracking my games again. I also hope that having to put my results on the forum again will stop me chucking away buy ins at 10nl every day trying to play like a hero in every pot lol
I will update at the end of any sessions i have with what i have played and profit/loss and bankroll.
Current Bankroll: £1107.21
Any advice would be much appreciated as in reflection i'm still not sure whether i should stack off in that spot, against a player i deem competent i think its probably just about a fold when he flats, but against these guys i thought i was going to be winning enough of the time to make it the right play?. My early reads on opponents made the decision i think.
i'm not playing these levels of course, but i guess it's all relative.
yeah,raise p/f
flop ok
once 10 comes on turn & you bet & get raised by pl A & pl B calles...hello
but as you say both playing loose,i can see why u made this all-in.
i did exactly the same y'day against a loose player,after stacking him and he re-loaded, i had AK flop came 9AJ
i c-bet he calles i bet turn he calles i go all-in on river he calles holding 99 (trip 9's)..£20 odd gone
so i know just how u feel and how it's so easy thinking you must be ahead,(even though your hand was stronger,2 pairs,it was still beatable.)
it's so easy against these type of loose players to think we must be or assume we are ahead,so much of the time,so get carried away with the emotion of the moment,i think,instead of trying to anaylise what they could well be holding.(but it's easier said than done,and it's another part to this game that i know i am aware of and will therefore be working on.)
but also,we remember all the times we make these plays and lose the hand and forget the times we make these moves and win the hand,which as long as they out-weigh the losing times,will be a winning play,long term.
Thanks for the reply Dev, I don't usually play 20nl but have done in the past so am comfortable at that stake. I felt i was playing well and had a bit of profit behind me from 10nl so sat down. I definetly think i could find a fold against some of the regs i have encountered recently as you know they are only ever showing up with a set or a straight in that spot, but player B from what i have seen could of been flatting with anything there ranging from one pair, worse two pairs, gutshot etc so i'm happy with my decision to get it in and have to accept them turning over the nuts every so often. It's a sign of how far i have come mentally though that i wasn't massively bothered, i guess hypers have made me better at dealing with losses. A year ago i would cursed my luck for weeks and gone on mega tilt lol
Thanks Mariusz, i tend to have that affect on people HU i think my play is just that tilting... lol On a serious note i'm sure it's just one of little bad spells that must happen time and time again with the amount of volume your putting in. I will allow you some of my rungood just this one time though.. GL
Profit/Loss: +£29.50
Current Bankroll: £1136.71
In regards to the tilt i don't understand why i went off on one tonight for a little spell i'm used to getting coolered and bad beats with the amount of volume i put in and although tonight was a slight deviation from how i would expect to run in these games it was by no means really unusual. Normally you can attribute it to frustation in other areas of your life but i am genuienly at a loss to explaining it. Even so i managed to take a little break and sort of recompose but i was still stuck in that mindset where it didn't matter how good i got it in i felt there miracle card was coming.
I will leaving reviewing some of the hands during that spell for tomorrow, all the games were at hypers except the £42 game which was a speed game, the hypers were mainly 10s with some 21s mixed in. Luckily i took down the £42 game ironically getting very lucky getting it in on the turn with trips against fh and rivering a better fh, i cant explain how good that river felt probably would of already excluded myself from the site for a week if it hadn't come. Anyway after i took that down i went on a great run, strange how it works like that.. i won 4 out of 4 £10 against the same opponent then beat that opponent again at a £21 when he/she jumped up, all in succession, so that turned a big loss around into profit again before finally losing my last £10 game.
Anyway so the 2nd session dug into some of the 1st session profit but i'm just mightly relieved i'm not sitting here writing about a big loss. I definetly have a problem with chasing losses still climbing higher and higher which is worrying as i guess i could easily of ended up regging even higher if i lost the £42. I would love sky to implement a tool that allows you to type in a stop loss that stops you from playing for the day if you hit it lol Probably the only way i could stop myself.
Total for the day: +£19
Bankroll: £1126.21