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£1050 to £2050 challenge/// Diary of a HUSNG Hyper grinder// Current Balance: £1230.2



  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding:
    Just finished up for the evening, was a strange session and i tilted worse than i have in a long time at one point which culminated in regging a £42 game against one of the biggest winning regs on sky which in reflection was just truly idiotic. That is now officialy the highest sng i have played and i have to say i really didn't feel comfortable playing that particular game. In regards to the tilt i don't understand why i went off on one tonight for a little spell i'm used to getting coolered and bad beats with the amount of volume i put in and although tonight was a slight deviation from how i would expect to run in these games it was by no means really unusual.  Normally you can attribute it to frustation in other areas of your life but i am genuienly at a loss to explaining it. Even so i managed to take a little break and sort of recompose but i was still stuck in that mindset where it didn't matter how good i got it in i felt there miracle card was coming. I will leaving reviewing some of the hands during that spell for tomorrow, all the games were at hypers except the £42 game which was a speed game, the hypers were mainly 10s with some 21s mixed in. Luckily i took down the £42 game ironically getting very lucky getting it in on the turn with trips against fh and rivering a better fh, i cant explain how good that river felt probably would of already excluded myself from the site for a week if it hadn't come. Anyway after i took that down i went on a great run, strange how it works like that.. i won 4 out of 4 £10 against the same opponent then beat that opponent again at a £21 when he/she jumped up, all in succession, so that turned a big loss around into profit again before finally losing my last £10 game. Anyway so the 2nd session dug into some of the 1st session profit but i'm just mightly relieved i'm not sitting here writing about a big loss. I definetly have a problem with chasing losses still climbing higher and higher which is worrying as i guess i  could easily of ended up regging even higher if i lost the £42. I would love sky to implement a tool that allows you to type in a stop loss that stops you from playing for the day if you hit it lol Probably the only way i could stop myself. Total for the day: + £19 Bankroll: £1126.21
    Posted by benc

    Interesting to hear you are a psychology student. Sometimes knowledge can be detrimental, in that you seem to analyse yourself a lot and this may (or may not) actually hinder your development. 

    On the flip side with no income apart from poker, I guess you should be more cautious. I always believe that you play better poker when you have that security of a job. 

    Your forays into cash are not a bad thing, as long it isnt a tilt reaction. Cash is quite soft on sky, but you have to know who the regs are and not sit with 5 nits. 

    Guess it was my turn for the sick outdraw this time !

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Yeah i can see where your coming from, sometimes ignorance can be bliss lol i think overally though it is definetly a positive e.g. by reflecting on why i would go on mega tilt and what reasons could possibly have led to that i can then aim to combat it happening in the future and approach certain situations in different ways, easier said than done though.

    In regards to income i get student loans and grants and for the first two years of uni i lived on that alone, which although meant i had to be prudent was by no means difficult.  The amount of withdrawals i have made since october is akin to having a part time job on the side, which has led to alot more financial security and alot less worry about any money i invest in poker. In all honestly i could lose my roll and still feel comfortable financially as it is all profit anyway. However thats not to say it isn't still a massive amount of money to me and losing like £50 this time last year would of been hurrendous, like 2 weeks worth of food or something, which is why i think mentally although i'm growing to deal with the large amounts of money involved its hard to truly de-attach yourself from real life and what the money means to me and could mean to others.

    The cash forays have been purely for fun and have been non tilt related or a stupid mid session decision. I'm glad i didn't decide to sit at a cash table last night though that could of been interesting.

    I fully expected you to win that hand as soon as it was flipped it was one of them nights, although you were definetly due one. I made some awful lls and plays against you just in that game, think i 4bet jammed 56s at one point full expecting you to call lol anyway gl if your playing today mate.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Played sporadically throughout the afternoon just about to have a break. HU continued to go pretty awful so i thought it wuld be best to move to something else and have a little break, played a CJ sat and had a very nice stack with 5 left jammed AQ into a limp they tank called with KJ and got there so no complaints there have to get it in. Played some 10nl mastercash waiting didnt really get anywhere was getting owned my one reg in the odd pot i played either that or he was running very good, then bluffed off a few quid after getting fed up of sitting around folding for 45 mins. Also played a bounty hunter sat which i went out of very quickly with 8s against As.

    Anyway eventually things turned round when i went back to HU won a couple of 10s in a row jumped to 21 when i saw a reg i know sitting down, was fortunate enough to run into another one as well both of whom i feel have a decent edge over. Went on a mini heater where i cudn't seem toput a foot wrong, made a couple of big calls that were right and my hands were holding when i got it ahead.

    Sharkscope seems to have missed out the last hour of play which is annoying as that is how i have been tracking. So i'll post it here for tracking (bragging) purposes. Very nearly jumped up to a £50 hyper against one of the oppos who i felt was maybe tilting and i have a big edge against but decided against it.

    So i'm going to have a break for couple of hours and maybe play an mtt or something tonight. £21 games should really be my max stake with my roll, and i don't want to be playing them without at least 50bi really.

    Bankroll: £1160.80
    16 Mar '13 at 17:16 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 17:13 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 17:11 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 17:09 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 17:06 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 17:05 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 17:00 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 16:55 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 16:46 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £9.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Mar '13 at 16:41 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Quick update for yesterday evening, i ended up playing some sats and the £2.20 rebuy mtt when i got back to playing. Joined with 20bbs so decided to go all out to build a big stack busted once rebought built an ok stack then didn't adjust and ended up busting that not long after the addon period. Sats included a couple of all in ones to try get into the 4kbh and one direct which was pretty standard flip if i remember correctly.

    Heads up made up some of the losses from above, was pretty standard only played 10s and did fairly well. Going to uni today to do a 5 hour work session with no distractions, i prefer to try sit down and do aload of work because i fail massively at doing little bits at a time. Hopefully i'll get to play some HU later this evening.

    Sharkscope missing that hour or so of games has messed up my track on how much profi/loss i'm in, but i'll work out what my roll was the other day and then get back on track for when i next update.

    Bankroll: £1147.20
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Well tonight was a disaster which culiminated in a £150 loss, it started off hurrendously losing 3 games in a row in very frustrating circumstances. The it all evened out and i got up about £40 and felt like i was on top of my game and playing well. All the games barring a few were £21 hypers. Then everything changed, in truly brutal fashion, I just had to force myself to stop after a sick run of card. i think the last couple of games were probably more tilt related but before that it was just beat after beat and although i had kid myself i could deal with it when push came to shove i clearly cudn't. I should of stopped after the first couple of beats but cudn't resist playing on and ended up down alot.

    I try to be honest in all my posts and i really don't think i have had a worse hour or so in all the time i have played poker. Still its not the end of the world i stil have 50bi for the 21s but will probably avoid playing them now without 75bi as i am now fully aware of how truly brutal a bad hour can be. I'm not totally disheartened its been very swingy playing these games the last few days i had to expect it would happen at some point soon. I know i'm good enough to win at that level but maybe i just need to patient and wait untill i have built a bigger roll before really having a crack at the £21 games.  A 7bi downswing is not even that bad at hypers, but with my roll another 10-15 bis and i would really start to lose confidence so best to be prudent and get back to grinding the level i know for sure i can crush and can deal with the swings.

    Bankroll: £1005.95
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Well just for future reference and as a reminder to have some discipline and stop if things are not going my way...
    17 Mar '13 at 22:02 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:56 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:52 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:51 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:49 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:48 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:43 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:36 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £19.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:33 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-21.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    17 Mar '13 at 21:28 Poker Heads-Up (Hyper) £-10.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Just seeing that 34 minutes of poker is pretty brutal to look over again. I decided to take it easy for a few days on the poker after that capitulation i clearly wasn't in the right mindset and accepting when to give yourself a little break and come back refreshed is quite important i think sometimes.

    I excluded for a couple of days from sky which ended late last night luckily as one of my mates was running deep in the mini so meant i could watch it. Initially the next day after the session above i reviewed some hands and thought i would just carry on playing but when i played a couple of games i could feel a bit of tilt hangover if that makes sense, like willing to go crazy just because i lost a flip which led to the small exclusion. I decided to watch some free videos on HU  and read some more of the mental game of poker, something it mentions is accumulated emotion which i think is a really interesting concept. The passage below sums it up pretty well and i think relates quite well  to how i felt  when i played again the next day ,instantly feeling aggrieved at losing a flip or being rivered for a small pot. I would definetly reccomend it, i'm slowly making my way through it but it's quite alot to take in so try to go over a few times so it sets in my mind.

    "The next time you play, you aren’t starting from scratch; there’s still some residual
    emotion hanging around from the last time you played. It may not seem like much, but this extra emotion (tilt, overconfidence, doubt) means that
    your threshold has lowered and less emotion than normal needs to accumulate before you cross it. Consequently, you tilt quicker, you protect a win
    faster, or your mind goes blank after playing fewer big pots".

    Another concept he mentions is entitlement tilt, which i think i also have a problem with, still i know there is alot of work to be done to continue to become a better player and its better to be aware of my problems rather than ignorant to them.

    "The real problem with entitlement tilt isn’t that you believe you are a better player than your opponents. In many cases, that’s probably true. The real
    problem is that you believe being a better player means you should never lose. Pay close attention to what this belief is essentially saying about
    your mindset and the real issue emerges: overconfidence".

    For the moment i'm just taking it easy, going to play some mtts tonight and maybe a bit of cash and just try to make the right decisions and not constantly concern myself with profit. Apologies for the barrage of text and good luck any person who had the patience to reach the end of the post.

    Bankroll: £1,004.35

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Tonight i decided to concentrate on playing some mtts and managed to get a decent cash in the 12k BH which was good as i needed a bit of a confidence boost.

    I ended up playing a few mtts, played a bh, a couple of rebuys and maybe one other earlier in the evening,busted most of them in annoying fashion e.g. js v a5, aj v a10, top set aiof v overpair and they get there on the river. Despite this i knew i was making the right decisions so tried to stay calm and convince myself if i carried on making right decisions my luck would change and decided i would play the main and mini whatever. I regged the main and the mini then played the £7 semi final sat and the £3.60 late reg sat managed to win a seat in the late reg sat so pre regging turned out to be a good decision as it only cost me about £10 to play it in the end.
    benc014£67.02 + £79.63 Head Prizes
    As you can see finished 14th for a decent cash, was pretty standard all night. Was getting a bit short and not picking up many hands so didnt want to just blind out, serial button raiser opened for 3x for 3rd time in a tow on my bb so i jammed junk (q3) and he snapped me off with a8 and held. I was happy with how i played though and as i mentioned a nice confidence boost and bit of vindication for the work i have put into sorting my mindset out and being patient when things were not going my way.

    A nice £100 plus evening, been swingy lately but hoping i have put a few things right and can start moving my bankroll in the right direction.

    Bankroll: £1,110.99

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding:
    Tonight i decided to concentrate on playing some mtts and managed to get a decent cash in the 12k BH which was good as i needed a bit of a confidence boost. I ended up playing a few mtts, played a bh, a couple of rebuys and maybe one other earlier in the evening,busted most of them in annoying fashion e.g. js v a5, aj v a10, top set aiof v overpair and they get there on the river. Despite this i knew i was making the right decisions so tried to stay calm and convince myself if i carried on making right decisions my luck would change and decided i would play the main and mini whatever. I regged the main and the mini then played the £7 semi final sat and the £3.60 late reg sat managed to win a seat in the late reg sat so pre regging turned out to be a good decision as it only cost me about £10 to play it in the end. benc 0 14 £67.02 + £79.63 Head Prizes As you can see finished 14th for a decent cash, was pretty standard all night. Was getting a bit short and not picking up many hands so didnt want to just blind out, serial button raiser opened for 3x for 3rd time in a tow on my bb so i jammed junk (q3) and he snapped me off with a8 and held. I was happy with how i played though and as i mentioned a nice confidence boost and bit of vindication for the work i have put into sorting my mindset out and being patient when things were not going my way. A nice £100 plus evening, been swingy lately but hoping i have put a few things right and can start moving my bankroll in the right direction. Bankroll: £1,110.99
    Posted by benc

    Nice figs sir, those £21 hypers are brutal arent they, I did a similar thing to a player who I should have beaten but took two nasty beats, then tilted off nearly 200 quid. Personally although I am down on hu sngs this year so far thanks to monkey tilt, the mtt picture is much more rosy, won over $1700 which is very pleasing as I dont consider myself a mtt player. Cash is up and down but I am far more selective on table selection as I said before and this is starting to pay off. Not points chasing these days as much as I used to. 

    Nice cash you had on the bh, no doubt theres a big win on the way.  

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding:
    Tonight i decided to concentrate on playing some mtts and managed to get a decent cash in the 12k BH which was good as i needed a bit of a confidence boost. I ended up playing a few mtts, played a bh, a couple of rebuys and maybe one other earlier in the evening,busted most of them in annoying fashion e.g. js v a5, aj v a10, top set aiof v overpair and they get there on the river. Despite this i knew i was making the right decisions so tried to stay calm and convince myself if i carried on making right decisions my luck would change and decided i would play the main and mini whatever. I regged the main and the mini then played the £7 semi final sat and the £3.60 late reg sat managed to win a seat in the late reg sat so pre regging turned out to be a good decision as it only cost me about £10 to play it in the end. benc 0 14 £67.02 + £79.63 Head Prizes As you can see finished 14th for a decent cash, was pretty standard all night. Was getting a bit short and not picking up many hands so didnt want to just blind out, serial button raiser opened for 3x for 3rd time in a tow on my bb so i jammed junk (q3) and he snapped me off with a8 and held. I was happy with how i played though and as i mentioned a nice confidence boost and bit of vindication for the work i have put into sorting my mindset out and being patient when things were not going my way. A nice £100 plus evening, been swingy lately but hoping i have put a few things right and can start moving my bankroll in the right direction. Bankroll: £1,110.99
    Posted by benc
    nice cash benc,
    patience is a virtue remember.
    i have just started playing a MASSIVE  tournament this week (3 times)...the 7.45pm £100 gtd,deep stack.(£1.10 entry)  lol
    it's 5000 chips and a 12 min blind structure.
    i've had 2 cashes; £7.11 & £9.11 & a near miss 28/144   so not a bad start.

    you never know...might even get on to one of your tables one nice!!!
    be lucky

    ps; last night f/t  5/6 guy shoved i've got 77 dwell....fold.  flop  7aj  aaaagh
         few hands later  66  i shove  last player...long dwell....calls with a8...hits 8 on river.   aaaaagh
    never mind hey...all good fun.  4&1/4 hrs for £1.10 and an £8.01 profit...can't be bad!!!  lol

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Thanks Ace, taking your advice of spending bit of time on a different discipline paid off again, a nice boost in confidence and decent cash which will motivate me to keep playing mtts when i know i can dedicate an evening to it. Hopefully i will go on a heater just in time for ukosp( i can dream anyway).

    Hey Dev i know them tournaments well, i used to play the £2.20 9.15 deepstack alot earlier on in my poker days which is the same structure, this was when my bankroll was just my spare money so like £20 or something and mincashing would feel like a heroic achievement after the slog lol. It really helped my game i think especially learning to be patient with a monster stack in the early blinds. I'm sure if you carry on playing them regularly you will have alot of success and will helo improve your mtt game. If you plan on playing any of the ukosp minis or micros then we may well meet, maybe at the final table lol

    ps if you get in a pair against Ace rag late on in an mtt they will always get there, its the unwritten rule of poker lol
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2013
    I'd recommend posting that 77 fold on the FT in the clinic Devon, because given how shallow some FTs are on Sky, with 5th in chips jamming, it sounds like it should be an easy call, but hard to say with positions, stacks etc.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Had some run good in 5 aside today, facing the unbeaten league leaders and expecting a hammering we managed to win 5-4 and i scored a last minute winner finishing off a barcelona esque move lol would love to see about getting back into sunday league next year, as much as i enjoy sunday lay ins nothing can beat turning up to an away ground early on a sunday morning the morning after a night out and grinding out a win on a cold winter day.

    Anyway back to poker didn't play much regged a 5.75 bh when i got home, the play was crazy to watch people stacking off exceptionally light so i knew i could sit tight get paid off which i did with 10s eventually, then i jammed a3s in my sb after a bb raise he snapped me off with k10 and i held so had a decent stack. Then straight after biggest stack at the table opens utg i 3bet massive hoping to get it in she smooth calls and insta jams a Q high flop i obv call and she turns over nut flush draw and gets there on the turn. Will definetly look to play some of them a bit more, seems like loads of value to be had. Still ended up on little bit of profit for the afternoon through some HU games and hopefully will get some games in later but not sure yet as may be busy.

    Bankroll: £1,116.92
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Didn't get to play since i last posted, the outlasting charlotte jackson freeroll i managed to play about 4 hands before i had go out to the cinema to watch the identity thief with my gf and sister as she was down. That meant i had to miss both the freeroll which had loads of value because of lots of players were away and wasn't a massive field and also the england game, so a double whammy there should of made them sit in all night and watch me grind and watch football lol, still i won a big pot before i had to leave and came home to find i had somehow mincashed so wasn't all bad.

    Had a long day of shopping and walking around in the snow so want to get on the grind play some mtt and sats whatever takes my fancy, will probably play the £33 bh whatever. Hopefully wwith all the regs at spt it will be a bit of a softer field or is that a bit optimistic lol, maybe mix in some 20nl as well at some point.


  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Quick summary as need to get some sleep, highlight of the night was taking down 3rd in the £2.20 rebuy for around £50 and also won a sat in the ukosp £24 semi for £5.20 although it didn't run tonight because only got two runners lol so after some haggling with customer service who claimed i de-regged it i managed to find out it had been cancelled and that i would get information monday about being put into another semi, so need to make sure i don't forget about that.

    That was the good part of the night, the £33 bh went badly was short quite early doubled up felt good about accumulating a decent stack got AK in against a2 and the 2 flops gg, mini built a big stack quickly started to spew a bit then got 10s in against a gutshot and lost. Just getting used to what i'm sure is very standard mtt variance if you play regularly. In the 5.75 i stupidly cudnt lay down AKs when we both had monster stacks and i had been 4bet i jammed he flipped KK can't say i didnt expect it dont know why i couldn't lay it down, was no need to risk my stack against a good player whilst we were still deep in relation to blinds. Then played some 20nl HU cash for bit of fun enjoyed playing some pretty poor players but quickly donated a calling station £30 with some ill timed bluffs, made it all back but then did a buy in to a player with a play i was quite happy with but cudn't quite get it through. Then i sweated a mate play some 8nl and 10nl hu cash for a bit which was good fun quite enjoy watching others and thinking about how i would approach certain situations.

    Anyway all in all an enjoyable night a final table decent cash, a decent shot at getting into ukosp main1 and a bit of fun donating some money at hu cash.


  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2013
    Morning, wp last night in the 2 quid rebuy. 

    I have said this a million times but these mtt's are ridiculously popular on stars and other sites. Until sky realises that their MTT proposition is going stale, ie theres only soo many players that will play bh's (and I will the speed ones but generally nothing else) then the site numbers will remain stagnant. They are soo popular on stars that they set up turbo 180 man $3 sng rebuys which fill up regularly during the day, its easy to 4 table them as they fill up quickly. 

    Now back to the 18:30, this is a goldmine. You should always take a rebuy straight away, this gives you a massive edge over the donks who just treat the mtt as a freezeout. You can be far more agg in the knowledge that if you have a bad beat or you just play a hand badly you can buy straight back in. The addon is 5k chips, no brainer there but there are still plonkers that wont take it. By the time you get to the second hour you should have a healthy chip stack and theres only 70-80 runners with 13 getting paid.  
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding:
    Morning, wp last night in the 2 quid rebuy.  I have said this a million times but these mtt's are ridiculously popular on stars and other sites. Until sky realises that their MTT proposition is going stale, ie theres only soo many players that will play bh's (and I will the speed ones but generally nothing else) then the site numbers will remain stagnant. They are soo popular on stars that they set up turbo 180 man $3 sng rebuys which fill up regularly during the day, its easy to 4 table them as they fill up quickly.  Now back to the 18:30, this is a goldmine. You should always take a rebuy straight away, this gives you a massive edge over the donks who just treat the mtt as a freezeout. You can be far more agg in the knowledge that if you have a bad beat or you just play a hand badly you can buy straight back in. The addon is 5k chips, no brainer there but there are still plonkers that wont take it. By the time you get to the second hour you should have a healthy chip stack and theres only 70-80 runners with 13 getting paid.  
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    Played it 3 times lately and finaled it twice coming 5th and 6th.

    The problem is the ridiculous jump in blinds which has twice happened just on or around the final table bubble.

    We go 75/150, 80/160, 90/180, 100/200 early on in the tournament.

    Then at the business end we go from 1.25k/2.5k straight to 2k/4k and then to 3k/.6k. 

    I love turbos and am all for moving the game on but that jump, turning a stack of 75k for example, a very nice, playable 30xbb stack into 12xbb within a 6 minute period jst as we hit the business end of the mtt is just ridiculous. 

    Just add 2/3 more levels at the end, replace some earlier ones or just add them in anyway.

    15 minutes longer isn't that big a deal when the tournament lasts 2 hours+ anyway. 


    Agree it's mega soft though.  
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding:
    In Response to Re: An insight into heads up grinding : Played it 3 times lately and finaled it twice coming 5th and 6th. The problem is the ridiculous jump in blinds which has twice happened just on or around the final table bubble. We go 75/150, 80/160, 90/180, 100/200 early on in the tournament. Then at the business end we go from 1.25k/2.5k straight to 2k/4k and then to 3k/.6k.  I love turbos and am all for moving the game on but that jump, turning a stack of 75k for example, a very nice, playable 30xbb stack into 12xbb within a 6 minute period jst as we hit the business end of the mtt is just ridiculous.  Just add 2/3 more levels at the end, replace some earlier ones or just add them in anyway. 15 minutes longer isn't that big a deal when the tournament lasts 2 hours+ anyway.  /rant Agree it's mega soft though.  
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I know being a poker purist this does your head in JJ (how are you ?), however, it exposes the weaker players even more. The way I look at it, the first hour is about building a stack, having the rebuy is like an insurance policy. So get to hour 2 in good shape and you should cash 50 % of the time if you play optimally. Checking my scope I have cashed 25 times since 1 Jan with 7 final tables. I have played it probably around 80 times. My scope shows a ridiculous roi of something like 409% when i filtered it down to this mtt only. Not sure if thats right.

    I have said before I do not consider myself a mtt player but I cant schedule an evening of poker without avoiding this now. 

    Sky need to get on this, the one speed rebuy they have before 8pm nearly always cracks its gtee, they should have more say ever 1/2 hour. 
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Cheers Ace as i mentioned last night i had no idea i could rebuy up to a 4k stack early i can definetly see the benefits in doing that. I always take the addon as well and have noticed in the odd time i have played that some players do not take the option. I will be looking to play them more often when i have the time so i'm sure we will continue to bump into each other.

    The jumps did seem pretty ridiculous for the latter stages of a tournament where you want a bit of room to play rather than having to just jam/fold. It just turned into a bit of a desperate shovathon except for the guys that would raise/fold 50%+ of there stack pre lol Definetly agree that the structure needs looking at just so there is a little more room to play late on.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2013
    Played a bit of everything today, easing my way back in with the odd hyper at £10.50 level, played some HU cash and 6max cash and also a few sats and the rebuy again.

    Mtts: played £12 tsp semi, the £2.20 rebuy and a couple of micro sats for £2.40. Probably spent about £8 in total on the rebuy but cudn't get anywhere and in general just couldn't seem to get it in with the best hand today.

    Hu Sngs: think i played 4 hypers today won 3 of them and lost 1, going to not properly grind these for the minute just play them when i have a decent bit of profit behind me as my capitulation is still fresh in the memory and i don't want to end up mega tilting by playing aload and going crazy and climbing up again. Eventually i will get back to grinding them though as i know when i'm playing well and have the right mindset i can turn a profit from them.

    Cash: Went very well today, HU i ended up a bit. won a flip early on with ak v js so was a buy in up, then had another player sit who i felt i had a big edge over and quickly took alot of him when he started to steam. Although he started hitting the deck big time and made most of it back off me. got Js in against 109 on 10 high flop and he rivered the 9, then 10s against k5 in 3bet pot which he got two streets of value from me after hitting his K. Despite that i turned a profit and was happy i didn't just spew of the rest of my profit. 6max i managed to build a big stack with a couple of big hands. One of them was a bit bizzarre was playing a player i know is very good at the level and somehow ended up getting in AQ against 89 for stacks with neither of us holding anything, 89 had open ender and i had a gutshot and everything missed an A high took it down. Probably a pretty awful play long term from me. Then i won a big hand with j9s against Qs when i turned a straight and got it in so was pleased with how that went and i'm feeling a bit more confident playing 20nl.

    All in all i think i spent a fair amount on mtts but luckily cash paid for it all with some profit, also very happy that my bankroll is heading in the right direction again since my little break.

    Bankroll:£1154.70    C4P:£47.12
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