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Every Don has its day



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    Today's the first day in a while where I've honestly not wanted to write here, but here we are at 2.30am because its important imo that we post on the bad days aswell as the good. And in truth today the poker is the side event.

    I will start with the poker, very small volume today. I had planned bigger but as I'll go into later I wasn't feeling it.

    Firstly the 4.30 didnt run. Big shame as that would have added the winning contingent to my day ;) but seriously disappointed it didn't run, no more repeats guys :)

    I'd planned to meet a friend for dinner so I knew one tabling day on phone incase im still in when I need to go out, 2.30 lasted about 10 mins before running into a set of 3's, the 3.30 lasted 40 mins of grinding around starting stack before the exact same fate, running into a set of 3's. That left me tableless till 6.30. Bit of bad RNG early and we found ourselves just over half stack at 1150, which is key for how our exit plays out. 930 stack opens, 1060 stack shoves, SB who is big stack at table at this point reshoves. We have AT, I don't love it but even if they were to show me they were holding KK (for the 1k stack) and QQ (for the lad that covers us) I'm still making that call, we're getting a good price plus a potential bounty with about direct chip equity. Plus the times we do win we get back to 1.5 starting, plus a head and momentum. Momentum was the one thing I really needed today. That left the last tournament as the 7@7. we lasted 3 hands, folded hand 1, opened AQ bricked flop and got donked pot into hand to so -60 chips. Hand 3 was I think a mixed of varience for yest and the poker gods highlighting to me I wasn't in the mindset today. 3b infront of us and we're in BB with AA, i opt for the cold 4 and 3b opponent calls. Pot to stack ratio is 1:1 so I'm not getting away from overpairs on most boards, and TTK im certainly not, it goes in on turn against TT. After yesterdays 9s quads against aces AIP no complaints.

    The real issue I had today was mindset, not poker related. I played all 4 of the mtts I did at fairly close to A game, I made good decisions and varience wasn't with us, I accept all that. The main issue was as I've mentioned previously I have some IRL issues, poker has been an amazing distration from this. Today there was an incident relating to one of those, and I'd posted in a group chat I'm in about it. One of my friends in that group chat has a difference of opinion on a decision I made months ago related to the issue, and while I feel I'm in right, he feels I could have managed it different and maybe got different results. He replied to my message just before I went into the 6.30. I had regged up the rebuy, 7.30 and the 7.35 and was considering another main shot. But after a very heated debate with 2 tournaments on the side that lets be honest could have gone better, At that point I just felt extremely angry. And my mind was anywhere but poker, I made imo the sensible decision to un-register from those tournaments accept the guidance of the poker gods and go do something where I can control everything. I'm not posting this for sympathy but rather this is me acknowleging how far I've came. 10 years ago I'd have tried to play through that, probably rebought in the rebuy 5 times, and came here ranting about how terrible I run 24 hours after we've had a good 3 figure score.

    That said I forgot about stars tournaments yesterday so I do need to correct that and say its only my second most profitable day, but still one Im very happy with.

    As only Sky played on today only balance update is here for £1308
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    In truth I'm not really sure how to describe today in a nutshell.

    Painful at key moments is probably the correct wording. We've had high volume today including a few shot takes. I can't be happier with how I'm playing and the fact the losses today have been kept to a minimum really highlights that.

    First up I'll cover the eurosite, just the two 5.05 Majors entered again. 1 head in the €5 one, and so close to a run, but really bad luck in key spots prevented that, coolers and flips just went against us. The €10 one, my days how blooming soft is this, I took 2 re-entries on this, ran puke in all 3, the site does odd things when u have your money in and all 3 exits i was 85% or higher when money went in, sure i seen a 5bet pot where somehow 26o was still hanging around too, I need to no re-enter when I bust but when its this juicy its hard not to.

    Sky, we played the 9.30 got 2 head, had a fifth of chips in play 9 handed and bust 9th. Not sure how that happened, wierd exit too. BBY in the 11.30, Got 3rd with 1/2 heads in the 12.30 just went card dead at the wrong time before losing a flip. 3.30 was a seriously grim exit that meant i took a break till the 5.05's to just regain composure. We also played the 2pm but i think that one is one i played fairly spewy in.

    Evening sky session, 5.30, 6.30, 7@7, rebuy, 7.30, 7.35, main and mini all entered. Thats how fast I was busting that I actually got all these while maintaining 4 table limit, bar for a brief period when mini loaded.

    I cant mind much of many tbh so ill focus on what i can, made tp in rebuy and stacked off against aces, meh, treating it as an addon freezeout so out we go. 7@7 we got 7th again i think with 2 heads, lost a flip to bust in 7th waited for a spot and left with no fold equity over an open. One of those again card dead at the wrong moments,

    Main we got 2 heads before a puke orbit busts us, to have AA AA and 88 in an orbit 5 handed and leave with 0 chips is disheartening. First AA in BB we 3bet of a 3x open and call and take down, on btn we have 88 and get it in against a 15bb stacks AK and lose the flip then AA in BB again UTG 3x btn calls we 3b leaving a pot bet behind if called, TJs calls and it flops a FD+TP which got there. Mini was a grind where we took no heads, and then bust KK v QQ so main and mini exits were fun :neutral:

    7.30 we got two heads and another losing flip to finish 6th. Not even sure how I end up in this flip tbh we're 3 out of 6 and 3b jam 25bb over chip leaders open, early on the final table was clear he was going to put ICM pressure on the larger stacks, so with 9s I remove that option, he snapped with KQo.... sigh.

    Overall its a losing day, but I'm delighted I ground through some very very tough spells, some brutal exits, some insanely sick hands to keep losses at a minium (how do you have two final tables and make a loss)

    Closing Balances
    Sky £1302
    Eurosite €252

    In the words of Anrie I'LL BE BACK
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    I hate heads up lol.

    Another very grindy day, No afternoon session as have an appointment on thursdays for the next 8 weeks at 2-4pm so limited by that.

    So started at 5.05 with the 2 eurosite comps, no luck there, 2 pretty sick busts inc a 1 outer but such is life. no heads either.

    Sky had a good schedule of 5.30, 6.30, 7@7, rebuy. 7.30 main and mini.

    Ill start with main where we started poor, but ground back to just under starting, before running Jacks into an unorthodox played Aces. No jack to save us.

    Mini was abit better 1 head there but again very grindy mtt no major hands bar when we got a head when we shoves A3s and got called by KJo by the one stack we covered. Bust little before the money shoving 7bb QQ into AK didn't win the flip (I need to learn to win flips).

    5.30 we bubbled with I think 2 heads, tough at the end table wasnt favourable and we'd been nursing a short stack since losing two flips, took a spot and player had it behind. 7@7 was good though we got 3 early heads there and a stack, obviously abit faster of a structure so forced to get money in sometimes and eventually btn shoves 10bb with QJs we reshove sb with KQs and BB who we cover by 0.75bb calls with AJo. We get there and bb regets there, Even if i see hands with 2 head potential I think we are still getting money in there, so no dramas. Little disappointed not to run deep with that start but such is life.

    The rebuy, in rebuy period was smooth sailing, no dramas, built uip the biggest stack I've had in ther rebuy period, but no heads. We did take one after the add-on for £7 back but alas not to be cant remember the exit but was about 5 from money. Just didn't get enough hands post rebuy period to really make a run at this and with the strucutre as I've said we need the deck to work with us.

    The 6.30 is painful, I'll start with positives, we came second with 4 heads. Another really good grind this one, we never had major hands till late in the day, no heads heading to the bubble one of the shortest stacks and the deck gave us some nice hands to shove, got no calls and then some nice hands to open got no calls, and slowly this builds up, we actually went over bubble amoung the chip leads. We then took 2 heads on route to FT where we ground to chip lead, back to 4th back to chip lead, back to 3rd then bust 4th and 3rd in quick succession to go heads up. Nice time for AA to bust 3rd. HU I made alot of adjustments in my style to our opponent who played drastically different hu to how i expected based on their 4 and 3 handed play, but also to how I'm used to on sky. eventually we get JJ v 55 AIP for the win, both 5s appear. Before we rebuild and then get AA v 97 in on the flop he has a huge combo draw but we block a flush out, I'd underrepped against the opponent so i could have taken a small pot pre, or go for the juggular which i did, that would come to haunt as he turned the flush and we didnt get the redraw. Pretty sore HU to lose in all honesty but opponent also played very well and forced me to adjust so well played to them.

    Closing Balances
    Sky: £1359
    eurosite: €237

  • JammyFkerJammyFker Member Posts: 477
    Great reading @The_Don90 B)

    Firstly best of luck and you seem to be going fast in the right trajectory, so I will look out for you in a HU soon ;) Some great self analysis and you seem to have a great instinct for poker and your opponents - Love that <3.

    You might be interested in Championship Manager 01/02 one of the best games ever made imo - probably the best management sim where u can get lost for days, and the simplicity to play a few seasons in one day. Easy to get stuck back into and play classic databases or up to date, whatever takes ur fancy. ODB (Original Database) still rocks and some of the best players in any era. I can send you how to install and play if you so want, but I have a feeling you can do it without a problem yourself.

    See you on the felt I Imagine sooner rather then later >:)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    JammyFker said:

    Great reading @The_Don90 B)

    Firstly best of luck and you seem to be going fast in the right trajectory, so I will look out for you in a HU soon ;) Some great self analysis and you seem to have a great instinct for poker and your opponents - Love that <3.

    You might be interested in Championship Manager 01/02 one of the best games ever made imo - probably the best management sim where u can get lost for days, and the simplicity to play a few seasons in one day. Easy to get stuck back into and play classic databases or up to date, whatever takes ur fancy. ODB (Original Database) still rocks and some of the best players in any era. I can send you how to install and play if you so want, but I have a feeling you can do it without a problem yourself.

    See you on the felt I Imagine sooner rather then later >:)

    Thank you so much :)

    Ive played alot of the old CM's over the years and in some facebook groups with people who play them regular. Some cracking groups for the retros. Typically these days if historic I'll use the mad scientist databases for a historic feel. They can be great fun.

    I think I've came across you a couple of times and thankfully dont think we've had a major clash from my memory. See you soon :)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    JammyFker said:

    Great reading @The_Don90 B)

    Firstly best of luck and you seem to be going fast in the right trajectory, so I will look out for you in a HU soon ;) Some great self analysis and you seem to have a great instinct for poker and your opponents - Love that <3.

    You might be interested in Championship Manager 01/02 one of the best games ever made imo - probably the best management sim where u can get lost for days, and the simplicity to play a few seasons in one day. Easy to get stuck back into and play classic databases or up to date, whatever takes ur fancy. ODB (Original Database) still rocks and some of the best players in any era. I can send you how to install and play if you so want, but I have a feeling you can do it without a problem yourself.

    See you on the felt I Imagine sooner rather then later >:)


    I wouldn't mind this, if it's no trouble?
  • JammyFkerJammyFker Member Posts: 477
    @waller02 Hey.

    I wouldn't mind this, if it's no trouble?

    Details sent B)

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    JammyFker said:

    @waller02 Hey.

    I wouldn't mind this, if it's no trouble?

    Details sent B)

    Nice one, thanks a lot 👍
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    Firstly really glad to see people connecting here... and hope @waller02 enjoys his journey into retro championship manager, also good to see you about mate, bring back your friday streams too dude lol.

    I took yesterday off, had a much needed barbers appointment along with my usual Friday pro clubs night. Nice to switch off for a day, reflect on some hands, how things have gone and come back fresh today or that was the plan. I often had some poker on youtube on in the background, just keeping fresh on modern game stuff and refreshing myself, again this is a better way for me to learn than charts and solvers.

    I truth one of my more volatile health conidtions flared up today, so even playing has been a small miracle. With this one its alot more intense than my other ones and harder to manage. Meds eased it but I'm now at max dosage and they wearing off. So shorting session in the evening than normal.

    Ill start with the eurosite. 1 head here in the 2 usual comps, that head coming in the €5 one. We bust the €10 one first hand, flopping a set in a 3b pot against J9o's flopped straight. Sigh. This is why i keep re-entering this but the roll there has taken a hit and I need to stay disiplined. The €5 we finished 11 from the money getting into a 120bb pot which would have been a final table stack if we win, opening KTcc to 4 callers, get raised on a board of Ac Jc 3s, so got it in. Dind't hit any of our outs against AJ. Still a very profitable spot to take.

    Sky was a day where we just maximised anything on offer. And for that I'm extremely proud of myself. Because that means we show a small profit for the day. We played 2.30 and bust early A9dd on ATJddAx against KQ and KQ. In truth we can fold the river here and I think that was a good hand to start day as it helped me wake up a little about range thinking. 3.30 I cant mind much.

    We got second in the 4.30 with 2 heads, If any Heads up sicko wants to teach me heads up play ill pay in cuddles lol. In seriousness, we completely got the max out of this mtt, we had 5bb at one point 3 handed, ground back up and eventually a 4-1 dog hu, exit is sigh TP+NFD vs turned 2 pair. A tonne of outs that didnt come, I think if we win that hand we win the hu. Final table for 5th in the 5.30, i bluffed off my stack twice in the 5.30, both times using NF blocker to bluff one running into a stubborn top pair leaving us short early, very brave call that on that board but I need to remember to not ask people to fold top pair at this level. The second was on final table and ran into a baby flush oops.

    We also played and bricked the 6.30, 7.30 and 7@7. Had too many tables going for the rebuy and when i Bust the 5.30 i was just feeling awful so no more regging up at that stage. 7@7 was only frustrating exit, standard KK v AK AIP. 7.30 we bluff caught and got outdrawn then didnt hold KQ v K6 to recover, and the 6.30 I honestly dont remember.

    Closing Balances.
    Sky: £1379
    Euro: €224

    Overall +5 for the day give or take.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    Vomit is the only way I'm going to describe today. But I stuck with it, had some shots and actually had my longest session since returning. In terms of time played and amount of mtts entered.

    Things seemed to start well in the 2.30 as we got to 8k chips and 2 heads before the break, we couldn't build on it though as awkward table moves hindered us before flopping broadway getting shoved on for 6x pot against a bare flush draw and not holding. Sigh, spotting signs of sensory overload I rested till evening session.

    3 mtts on eurosite tonight as they had a special event on and well looking at schedule tonight was the only night id play. No bone across the board, we bust the €10 without winning a hand again, €5 got nowhere, and 1 head in the special. Not a great haul.

    We got 6th in the 5.30 on sky for £24 (we legit got more in heads than we did for final table) we ran puke on final table once again, losing every pot we entered. sigh. And well that set the tone. We got 5 heads in the 7@7 but again some luck factor went against us so again couldnt build on a strong start, everything else was busting early. In total we entered, 5.30, 6.30, 7@7. 7.45?, 8.15, 8.45, megastack (shot) and the 2 9.30 comps. We got one head in the mega stack before being cripped with 88 v 75 for a massive pot. All in on 742, 5t 5r. 1 head in one of the 11's too. Played alot more aggro than normal in that one and eventually a 4b bluff went wrong. We never really recovered from that. But that was also me trying things and we learn from those things, very reggy table so a good opportunity to attempt some of the strats I've learnt that I can't always use in games where I'm just looking to make a hand.

    After that I took an hour to chill, try and reset, I thought I'd had enough punishment for one day but then my brain went, no we dont need sleep, we're playing well get some more on the go.

    We got 26th in a $1 PKO on stars, but 4 other busts there meaning we show a loss despite a 3.5 hour deep run there. I really wish I could see EV charts on all the sites, but my tracker does provide for stars, we're just a cool -500bb. I reckon the Eurosite would be drastically worse than that too.

    But its not over, as I was exiting all these tournaments I loaded the eurosite back up. And well Ive got no idea how, but we got second in a standard €5 freezeout. This was standard to the extreme, when I say we had very few major hands i mean it. 2 doubles when we had insane equity both times (TJdd v J8hh on Jx7d3d) and the other was 55 on 5J3r against AJ. Othet than that I quietly watched as the lad we got heads up against casually bad beat most of the field. We got to hu with him a 10-1 dog. Got it to just under 2-1 and I think if i get that chip lead we have a huge edge. We got aces in pre.... it was our turn for the bad beat exit. I wish I could blame my HU game but honestly some of my hu beats over this week are actually pretty comical.

    Closing Balances
    Sky: £1342
    Euro: €239
    Stars: $70
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    I'm seriously unsure how to write up todays post in all honesty. Nobody wants to hear the endless lines of puke coolers and beats I've been on the wrong end of. So I'll do best to report this fairly.

    Firstly I took all of yesterday off, had kids in morning for extra time, then napped and then had a pool game at night, which in losing 15-1 probably felt better than todays poker did for most of the day.

    I'll start with sky today. we played thr 10.30, 12.30, 1.30, 1.45, 2pm, 2.30, 3pm and the 3.30. Evening session was 5.30, 6.30, 7@7. rebuy and 7.30.

    In total we took 2 heads and 0 cashes. Its honestly one of the grimmest days of poker I've hand. Up until the very last mtt of the day it was my biggest losing session ever. We'll get to that but that saved the day almost. Sky however remains my biggest losing day on the site. Alot entered, and we just ran so vomit. We didn't really make many hands, and thats part of the issue, but in the very few we did make, we didnt win. I think peak stack over all those mtts was 2.5x starting. To some up day on sky, memorable exits were checking Q9s on bb and flopping Q96, KQ open shoving we call and 66 calls behind, JJ we open 2 calls to J99 flop, K turn get it in v slowplayed KK. and 75s open from btn 2 calls 46A flop 3 turn money goes in against A3 and A river. Again no complaints all 3 of these hands the money goes in but today was like that very consistently. After the 7.30 I had 1 mtt left and had no willpower to keep playing beyond it so did have the mini registered by un-regged just out of sanity.

    To Eurosite we played 4 mtts today. The usual 2 majors and 2 random daytime comps. First day time I didn't realize how late into late reg it was and was not a good entry point tbh. We played 2 hands and bust in standard fashion think that was a €10 entry. The other was one of the 10bb things that @DOHHHHHHH recommended, we took 2 entries into that and came third for €7 or so back inc heads.

    The €10 major we nearly broke our duck. 3/18 with 15 cashing, but no heads as we'd just ground to that point expertly. A9 v K9 AIP and AK v A9 AIP meant we bust in 18th. We win the K9 one too, we're chip leader and take a bounty big enough to pay for the mtt. I will break the duck on this mtt, but today wasn't the day.

    To the day saviour. The €5 major. another heart-breaking finish, equalling out best finish in this comp tho with 3rd. In truth that was probably over achieving the maximum avaliable result with the cards given to us. We were 3/21 on the bubble and missed draw moved us to 6/21, but then it happened again. We open JJ, 2 callers, BB who covers us, and guy to our left who we cover just. A33 flop, okay done with this hand with this ICM siutation. Checks round J turn, guy to our left slow played AA. Twice in one day.... PUKE. Instead of crossing bubble comfortable we limped over with 4bb. From there we very carefully picked spots, won a couple of flips, and suddenly we were on FT with 17bb. 1 double then busting the guy who went into final table as chip lead with 120bb (that was an epic blow up) meant we were second in chips comfortable once more, playing well and locked the largest head prize on the table. Then we open 89dd 2 callers again the guy that covers us and 3rd in chips, 2 diamonds on the flop, diamond turn. Get it in v the guy we cover whos peeled with K7dd. Back to 4bb with 7 left. 1 double and a few spots later, we're final 4, 3/4. Double the 4/4 again left with 4bb. but He then clashed with chip leader who was on an insane heater (the K7dd guy, bust 3 people in one hand too), we then doubled through him 3/4 times with him calling literally any two cards on us, before eventually one of those any two card combos bust us. He has a 12-1 chip lead at time of us busting. €60 for 3rd there plus a further €25 in heads, doesn't get us back to evens but drastically reduces losses for the day.

    Closing Balances
    Sky: £1265
    Euro: €300
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Bound to be a few bad days Don, just keep playing your best poker & you'll be fine in the long run.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    Tikay10 said:

    Bound to be a few bad days Don, just keep playing your best poker & you'll be fine in the long run.

    100% and I know that.

    The biggest positive I can take from today is old me would have jacked it in at the 3.30 when I took an hours break instead. We then got a result which ends the night on a hard worked positive, ready to take that momentum into tomorrow. :)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    Well as much as I can say about today is it was an improvement on yesterday.

    Another day with alot of mtts entered. I'll start with Euro site today we played 5 mtts over there, a daytime standard one, where we went semi deep but no bone think maybe a head back, then the 2 majors, back to form with the €10 not winning a hand, and a brutal exit in the €5 where we got AK in against AJ and AJ for a 150bb pot and a head. Very high varience spot that one, shorter stack opened 4x and with 3 callers I'm happy taking down the 15bb or so in middle so i opted to 3b jam for 50bb effective, In truth i dont think i have any other 3b size here, shorty called and for whatever reason the big stack called. They covered us by 3bb and we were 1/2 in chips at the time so a mad spot. J in the door anyways. We then played the two turbo 6 max majors later on to keep table count up. 1 head in the €5 before I made a pretty big miss-step, flatting AQ pre when it was a routine 3b, once under repped we cant fold TPTK villian had opened uber wide and flopped the world. We 3b we take it down pre. We learn from that mistake. 3 heads and a cash in the €10 one tho, finishing in 9th in the end, running tp into a bare flush draw and back door straight draw, think he ended up backing into the straight flush for abit of a fun way to bust. Disappointed with that result as going over bubble we were 3/16 but oop to chip leader who I'll be honest played a very strong icm game and it really hurt us. Down a few euros there.

    Sky we played a fair amount aswell, I think 12.30, 2.30, 3.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7@7, rebuy, 7.30 main and mini.

    We got two results on sky, both sadly third place finishes in the 3.30 and 7.30. Again looking at it I got the absolute maximum out of every result we had on offer today. We also took 3 heads in the 12.30. And I can't remember many exit hands bar the 7.30 which was ICM insane, we'd just lost chip lead to villian literally hand before and both cover the other guy by 2-1 but still only 20bb deep ourselves. We ran TT into their AA. That said we had had some luck to make that final table, where we were extremely short for vast amounts and binked 2 get theres to give us chip lead going onto final table, 2 heads to go with each of the third places. Main we never got going and took 1 head before busting.... I feel like i should have this saying ready to copy and paste :neutral:

    So overall a small loss today but signs of improvement, especially from last few days.

    Overall its a small losing day, I was always planning to do a little withdrawl at the end of the month, I'll update in the next update how much we've taken out and adjust closing balances accordingly then. I do feel we're playing well, and learning more about modern poker each day, my game definately feels very different to how it did two years ago.

    Rest of the week wise, no session tomorrow as I'm booked in for a minor procedure, should be a in and out in a day job. And the kids back Friday and obviously always reduced volume on a Friday anyways.

    Closing Balances:
    Sky £1257
    Euro €294

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Definitely withdraw a few bob today Don, then reset & go again. No point winning money at poker & then just spending it on poker. Put it to good, real-life use.

    Hope the procedure goes OK.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    Enjoying the updates @The_Don90, keep 'em coming.

    I might take @Tikay10's advice and withdraw some of my winnings today. I fancy an ice cream if it gets as hot as it did yesterday!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    Enut said:

    Enjoying the updates @The_Don90, keep 'em coming.

    I might take @Tikay10's advice and withdraw some of my winnings today. I fancy an ice cream if it gets as hot as it did yesterday!


    Nearly enough for two ice-creams there.

    aylabayla 69000 1 £25.53
    nick153 0 2 £17.25
    Kwabs 0 3 £10.35
    @Enut 0 4 £8.28
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    Tikay10 said:

    Enut said:

    Enjoying the updates @The_Don90, keep 'em coming.

    I might take @Tikay10's advice and withdraw some of my winnings today. I fancy an ice cream if it gets as hot as it did yesterday!


    Nearly enough for two ice-creams there.

    aylabayla 69000 1 £25.53
    nick153 0 2 £17.25
    Kwabs 0 3 £10.35
    @Enut 0 4 £8.28
    Ah but I fell short of the money in the £5.50 one last night, taking only one head. A quick review suggests that the net profit on the night was £1.36. I'm thinking of setting up a GOFUNDME page for the ice cream now.

  • JammyFkerJammyFker Member Posts: 477
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