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Every Don has its day

The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
edited April 2016 in Poker Chat
Decided to have another attempt at doing a diary. 

The Background
As many may remember I've had a couple of diarys now where I've completey failed. Mostly because I've tilted playing lots of NL4 and played/run bad. However in around August time, i decided to take what as meant to be a few weeks off to recover my head. I always felt like i was a half decent poker player, but I have the mental strenth of a cabbage. Alot of that was down to issues i have in my personal life and i felt to sort them i had to stop playing poker, aswell as giving up several other things. 

More recent history
Well I gave up smoking about a month ago, still going strong despite one mishap. My partner is also expecting our first child. I moved in December, and returned to the tables when my internet came back. I started playing MTTs again, on another site. I had mixed success, one final table and a few deep runs seen me turn $30 into $130 rather quickly. That dropped then back to $130. Then i had a night of disaster. I had a bad spell, playing not great, making some bad calls. Mixed with a little runbad, i lost the lot - in a single 24 hour period playing micro mtts. 

That was a lesson on the game i needed when comming back however. I have been playing the odd live game with my father during my break, but until you grind again its easy to forget how brutal poker can be sometimes. 
I did say to Scouse one day I'd play the DTD and thats when i remembered i still had £20 in my Sky account. Although quitting smoking has seen an increase to our life roll, given we have previous depts to clear and other issues, we haven't yet seen the benefit of that, so no reload money was avalible. I played the DTD and Final tabled one event. Cant remember which one. That paid for a few unsuccessful games that week. 

The return to Sky
This week back to £20 i played the Friday night orfordable. Busting early left me with a roll of around £17. For no apparent reason other than bordom on the friday night, i couldn't sleep so came on and was railing a friend. I decided to reg for a tournament. Given not many good MTTs past 11pm i regged for the 11.30 bounty hunter. £5.75 from a £17 roll was probably a huge gamble, expessially for an mtt, but I knew i get paid soon and i can reload then. However i played one of the best games I've ever played, taking it down including heads for just under £190. 

That obviously gave me some bankroll to play with and I could start to grind MTTs properly. With the rule of playing purely for fun, meant I didn't have to tilt myself by saying I cant register for set tournaments because i cant afford it. Although i do have a limit. The next day another small FT took my roll to £230. Given I think i only cashed in 2 tournaments on Saturday and played alot i felt £50 profit was awesome. 

Then came the big one on Sunday. I played lots of sats, mostly because of one thing. I've never cashed in a main event on sky. I have no explination for it. I know in some its been bad beats, other its been coolers. Mostly its standard stuff. A couple i have played badly in. But it seems like a huge wieght that i have on my shoulders now. However I failed to make the primo, although i did play other sat and made all those tournaments. Including the £30k roller semi. I went onto win that seat, although on recommendation used my new found wealth to register and take the cash. I'll decide on the day if I will play or not. With other results that took my BR to £320. 

Monday seen me rise to £330. Thanks to another FT in the DTD. 

Tuesday was wake up day. And the days where my diary will most likley be at its most popular is days like Tuesday. I couldn't sleep so I'd played some cash on Tuesday morning. NL20 mostly because i couldnt get a seat lower. 2 mistakes seen me finnish £30 down. Although i think at one point it was looking at much worse. The rest of the day i played a mix of mtts and NL10. The return of cash brought back the "run bad" I'd experianced while playing NL4.

Although I noticed one thing key this time around. The one thing i won all day was a sat into the main. Which i busted KK v QA all in pre standard stuff. However I felt like i wasn't playing well. I asked a friend to rail me and try spot errors, of coarse hes at the other end of a skype convo so could only comment on showdown hands. He spotted nothing as a result. 

I went all the way down as low as £220. Before bed i played an hour of NL4 and did recover back to £224. But i still wasn't playing great. I wasn't going to sleep but decided it would be best to sleep and refresh the brain. 

Upon waking up I registered purley for about £50's worth of MTTs. Over a large period of time. I'd missed all the sats bar i think two for the ME so decided to give it a miss. One of the early tournaments i tore up. I was playing well. I'd busted a few others with standard hands. But in this one I was deep and playing some great poker. With 9 left I was a runaway chip leader. However a crash back down to Earth with some craziness later, i finished 5th (the major hands of this are in BBV if anyone wants to see). I still feel like i should have won that tournament, but I can't control calls by others, and i certainly cant control the run out of the board going against me. 

I de-reg'd from my last 2 tournaments of the night after that as they hadn't started yet, and i knew i was in tilt zone. I showed a disapline i never used to have. I went for a bath and watched a film with Mel. She went to bed and feeling much more refreshed, i late-regged into one of the speed bounty hunters and the 2am £100 GTD. I finnished second in the bounty hunter, including heads for £26. Never got going in the 2am. 

The Goals

Cash in a Sky Poker ME
Become a profitable player long term
Don't Tilt

What I shall be playing

Probably a small amount of cash

Starting Bankroll:  £257.18

Starting Points: 622

as you'll see in the pic, i started in loss. Strangely i was always in profit on sky until 2012. At some points in decent profit too. So I'm hoping that 2013 graph returns to the previous way and i can just put it down to a bad year. 


  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited February 2013
    nice read Sir. good luck, I'm sure this diary will be successful ;-) 

    joinme sweat sessions are good if u want people to spot leaks, id be more than happy to watch a few times if we're both online or w/e. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    nice read Sir. good luck, I'm sure this diary will be successful ;-)  joinme sweat sessions are good if u want people to spot leaks, id be more than happy to watch a few times if we're both online or w/e. 
    Posted by percival09
    Ah i love joinme sweats. Once BT sort out my upgrade to fiber optic id be happy to do that, until then i cant. You see internet in Scotland is made by sheep 
  • bolly580bolly580 Member Posts: 603
    edited February 2013
    join me sweat sessions good although it slows ur internet down and there feed often delayed.

    I prefer to just have skype chat going and just say what hand ya got on what table to the guy sweating ya who got em all open.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    you maybe right bolly. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Ok so if I'm going to have any go at tonights ME sats i best head off to bed now. 

    In future will more than likley just update at night and count any am tournys in a single night time update. But until i get sorted I'll update more often. 

    After my update I late reg'd into yet another Speed bh. bar timed its literally all sky offer during the night. - Hint hint sort it out. Anyways that went pretty badly, 1st hand on a blind. 2 all ins i fold. Move table. 2nd hand QQ, 2 callers T7x 2 heart flop. Turns out i was peeled by T7. Meh. 

    So i went onto NL10 for abit. Couldn't win a thing. Even when i got 4bet jammed on when i had aces, the other guy had aces, but at least they held. :P. 

    After a while i decided to go to the shop. It is valentines day, not something I really care about, but I know it means alot to Mel. Got her some flowers, for a full fiver. I mean seriously. Although we did need other basics for the fridge too so I had to go. Upon returning home karma smashed the stairs against my head. Mel did like her flowers though, and my head wasn't broken. 

    I'd left the PC on and it was 7.48 when i got in. I spotted the 7.30am Speed Bounty Hunter had 2 minutes of late reg, 5 left with 2 cashing, and had a small amount of overlay. I jumped in. 

    I got slightly lucky in some spots, mainly when I 4 bet shoved BvB with A8. I expect I can force a fold alot of the time in that spot. However the opponent had jacks, i rivered my ace. In another spot, 3 handed its my SB, BTN folded i shiped with KTs v a 5BB stack in the BB. I was only 15BB myself, chip leader was about 20BB. BB called with KJo but i flopped the nut flush. Hu was different but i feel i deserved to win that, opponent did get slightly unlucky that the 2nd time they wanted to 3bet i woke up with aces. Their 3bet commited them to the pot. 

    Given how often i was opening HU a 3bet was a pretty standard move, timing was just unlucky. 

    The_Don90180001£17.88 + £10.18 Head Prizes1£3.43wi0302£9.62 + £4.34 Head Prizes2£3.94
    Bankroll: £265.58

    Points: 658

  • bolly580bolly580 Member Posts: 603
    edited February 2013
    another tip for improving...

    often when you hear advice you say to yourself yh that makes sense thats what i would do anyway. Or when im tutoring friends thats what they say "oo i was guna do that anyway"

    But then when left to their/your own devices they dont do it and play differently, so as simple as it sounds jsut every decision sit back and think just for a min, like say to yourslef (if not mass multi tabling) right every decision im guna take like 5 secounds to just go over everything, even if its something absolutlely standard.

    be amazed how much it improves ya game
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited February 2013
    yeah good to know you have everything sorted now don gl m8 with the diary always was interested in your last diaries
  • reelerreeler Member Posts: 422
    edited February 2013
    m8 i can relate to you aswell i have also stopped smoking 5 weeks now and lots going on in my life been on a bad run aswell bad luck and bad play because of bad luck tilt etc
    i wanna do a diary aswell but my grammar aint very gd i think am a decent player too as your self but need to seriously get a grip of my bank roll management and learn to not tilt
    yesterday for instance i lost a hand by bad beat after playin for hours playin magic then i get bad beta and tilt lose lots then come off have break then start again get aa against opponent dunno what he has but he raises and i have aa i re raise him he calls board jjq he bets i call turn q he shoves i fold wtf he then shows me 3 8 off i was ragin then tilted again

    i calmed down then reviewed what i had done after he had bet again i shud have shoved if i lose i shrug it off but i need to learn to do this as i know i can be a gd player
    tilt is my number 1 enemy at the moment
  • Giant811Giant811 Member Posts: 613
    edited February 2013
    Nice openeing post and great result today, consider that bogey thoroughly killed! Good luck!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day One

    Well today was a weird one. Having struggled to get any sleep, i asked mel to make sure i was awake for 4pm. Upon waking up I reg'd for every single normal sat for the main, not really paying much attention to cost. I did have an attitude of well I could hopefully bink a couple. Therefore be playing the main on profit before a hand is played. Obviously it didn't work out that way, and mostly standard hands, but the odd cooler aswell seen me spend a harsh £50 to get there. I'd also registered for a few normal mtts and got nowhere.

    Honestly it was only when I seen my bankroll i realised I'd spent as much as £50 qualifying for a £33 tournament. Insane really. I didn't cash in the other tournaments either. Meaning for the main and mini i had really put the pressure on myself. 

    Although i relaxed. I made a huge error in the mini at 30/60 blinds. That left me short and i can;'t even remember the exit but that wasn't the major hand anyways. I know the error, it was bad, and I will attempt to ensure it doesn't happen again. At least not in the near future.

    The main had some really interesting hands. I think on my first table i got a little lucky. I had one very aggro opponent who strangely made life much easier for me. I had position so alot of my desisions where made for me. Still not convince the call below is correct with someone to act behind but I'll take it. 

    Folded to BTN who opens. SB 3bet jams, effective stacks are 50bb. I call with AQ as hes done it alot. BTN folds. I hold v AT.

    Upon a table move i went onto pick up my first head. Previous to this I'd had one interesting hand v Mattbates, and picked up some other small pots. Bar the AQ v AT this was my first in pre hand. 

    Folded to BTN who 3x i shove in SB with jacks.BTN has less than 10BB has to call. I hold v A4

    Literally 2 hands later i lost what i think was my only flip in the entire tournament for my attempt at a second head. Not sure my 4bet shove is right, but im pretty certain Im ahead of the peelers range, and unless they go bounty hunting im isolating the all in stack. I dont feel I can ever flat as i leave myself open to doing exactly what i do here. 

    I open 77. SB calls, BB shoves 10BB. I reshove SB folds. BB has AQ board runs out 8K8Kx

    I then ended up on a rather tough table. Lack of spots, unsuprising really, meant i had to create spots, and in the end, that resulted in me having to pull off a huge suckout. Although to be fair i didnt expect not to be live if i was called.

    Folded to me in SB with 8BB and an aggro table. I shove 67s similar stack in BB calls A6. xx485 runout

    I then got moved tables again, I cant denie i rather enjoyed not being on the previous table. No disrespect to any of the players on this one. Aces with 10 bigs and an open is just lovley. 

    77 opens UTG i have aces in BB. I shove and hold.

    And the next major hand again see's me holding aces. Happy with how i played this, not sure if im happy with the double up or disappointed i didnt get the head. Werid one.

    I open AA. 2BB stack calls, BB peels. Q33 flop BB donks, i shove BB calls. 77 in BB. A3 for 2BB stack. 

    I did eventually take my 2nd head of the tournament well into the money though. Having missed out on 2 i thought it might never happen. 

    I opened JJ, JT shoved i held

    And then the crippler with 13 left. Happy with the hand tho. 

    AJ i shoved KQ called

    So we can cross of the main event problem from my goals, seems a waste of a good objective having done it on day one of the new diary. Will amend the origional post to say win of coarse. :) 

    Having said that I feel once i got into tonights main I played well. Ive cut out some snippets of major hands - dont expect this kind of post all the time. But i felt this was run or ups and downs, but one where theres not a single hand where I have a regret. Thats not to say i played perfect, but i played each hand well enough i thought. If anything I'm slightly disappointed i only got 2 heads and came 13th I feel i really had a chance towards the end. However what will be will be, and lets face it if I don't get lucky with the 67s I don't cash at all. 

    Closing Bankroll:  £330.91

    Points:  754

    EDIT: Hand historys went nuts posting in browser too. hense the now lack of them. sorry
  • DagnamitDagnamit Member Posts: 299
    edited February 2013
    Welcome back Don and congratulations to you and Mel.  I hope you reach all your goals, and I look forward to reading all about it.  Have fun :)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    Welcome back Don and congratulations to you and Mel.  I ho pe you reach all your g oals, and I look forward to reading all about it.  Have fun :)
    Posted by Dagnamit
    Thank you dagnamit. 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2013
    good luck Don, and congratulations on the baby news - nothing more challenging than being a parent.

    run golden

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    good luck Don, and congratulations on the baby news - nothing more challenging than being a parent. run golden
    Posted by rancid
    Thanks Rancid. Yeah mixed emotions about it. In one sense I'm very excited, on another I'm exteremely worried. Probably just natural. 

    Gotta walk golden before i can run :P 

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : Thanks Rancid. Yeah mixed emotions about it. In one sense I'm very excited, on another I'm exteremely worried. Probably just natural.  Gotta walk golden before i can run :P 
    Posted by The_Don90
    Just think how Mels feels about giving birth )
    Mums have it the hardest )
    Parenting is the most natural thing and you will be surprised how natural it becomes when the baby arrives.

    I always remember bringing our first baby home from the hospital and we both felt so excited and anxious all at the same time. We just plonked the baby down on the middle of the room and said "What now ! "

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : Just think how Mels feels about giving birth ) Mums have it the hardest ) Parenting is the most natural thing and you will be surprised how natural it becomes when the baby arrives. I always remember bringing our first baby home from the hospital and we both felt so excited and anxious all at the same time. We just plonked the baby down on the middle of the room and said "What now ! "
    Posted by rancid
    I'm slightly worries by your "plonking the baby in the middle of the room" 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : I'm slightly worries by your "plonking the baby in the middle of the room" 
    Posted by The_Don90
    ) Baby was in a car seat

    You will become really emotional regarding anything to do with baby/kid stories
    You suddenly start to relate to all this, like the fox dragging the baby out of the back door !!
    U think OMG it could be mine !!

    So apart from anxiety, fear and panic - you will be fine )

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don has its day. : ) Baby was in a car seat You will become really emotional regarding anything to do with baby/kid stories You suddenly start to relate to all this, like the fox dragging the baby out of the back door !! U think OMG it could be mine !! So apart from anxiety, fear and panic - you will be fine )
    Posted by rancid
    im guessing my standard responce of ill punch that fox square in the chops would be used anymore. 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2013
    Day 2 Part 1

    Standard early morning tournaments i guess. Weird for me to be awake at this time. I went to bed after posting last night, about 2 hours later woke up. Couldn't get back to sleep. 

    So I regged for a few tournaments. The first one 2 cash im chip leader crazy hand. I float but turn 3rd to nut straight wth 3 to flush on board. Oppo continues with a bet for most of his stack and i get it in. Turns out he had just top pair and an open ended. Neither of us had a spade. he rivered the better straight. Was either 5:1 chip lead with 3 left and all bar one head. 

    Anyways I regged up for some more, winning one of the games. The 8am i think. 

    I also picked up a couple of heads in others but haven't really got going. Can't complain standard hands. I also did do a ME sat for tonight. First one of the day for £2. I lost a flip then lost AQ v KJ both v the same guy :(

    Anyways i think its nap time now. Doupt ill play tonights main, unless i decide to buy into the standard semi, but £12 seems alot for a sat. Even with a £300+ BR. 

    Strange things morning tournys, you win one, win your buy in back in another, pick up 1/3rd of you money back in others, yet still make a small loss. Ha, maybe not the best time for playing. 

    Bankroll: £329.93

    Points: 797
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited February 2013
    Congrats on your news (and your good form at the tables) :)
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