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School Meals Outrage.



  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,355
    This will be the Tories new slogan for the election.....
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    HANSON said:

    gregkdy82 said:

    Sick hearing about this 'free school meals'. Everyone in the UK receives enough money to feed themselves and their family. Unemployed have also already had a pay rise during the pandemic of £20 per week surely that could cover a child's lunch everyday?

    I would have been eligible for free school meals all throughout my childhood but my Mother had some pride and self respect about her so would send me off to school with a nice packed lunch and a couple of £ in my pocket everyday.

    Marcus Rashford can just **** right off. If he were really so concerned about this issue why can he not have a whip round of all his club and international team mates. I'm pretty sure these cu nts will have more spare money between them than the government atm.

    i have to say i agree with with most of what you say maybe not so much with last bit ..

    every low income family are able to claim and receive benefits like working tax credits , child benefit , housing benefit , income support those that are unemployed have benefits they can claim too .. now I'm not saying all claimants have no sense of money management but when i see people complaining about this issue and not having enough to feed there children yet some have plenty of cigarette's , beer ,mobile phones and of course drugs and lets face facts here some parent/parents put there needs before there kids,,, at the end of the day benefits should be paid in vouchers for food and utility credits not in cash to be spent on everything but essentials like feeding there children ..

    no doubt i will get abuse for this comment from some but i do not believe the government should be held responsible for paying for everyone's life choice some will say but those that have lost there jobs and have bills to pay like credit cards how are they meant to live well take note don't buy on credit , don't run up bills ,, LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and only buy what you can pay for with money you got in bank .. fed up with the do gooder syndrome from those that have plenty .. if you think some one should be paying for it then pay out of your pocket not the tax payers
    Why would you think you would get abuse?
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 8,501
    rabdeniro said:

    This will be the Tories new slogan for the election.....

    I miss the Dead Kennedys:-

    "Playing ethnicky jazz
    To parade your snazz
    On your 5 grand stereo"

    Meanwhile, new slogan:-

    "Give us a quid
    To starve a kid"
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,284
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,832
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    goldon said:

    There is.
    About 1.3 million kids get one every day that schools are open.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,832
    no such thing as free
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    HANSON said:

    gregkdy82 said:

    Sick hearing about this 'free school meals'. Everyone in the UK receives enough money to feed themselves and their family. Unemployed have also already had a pay rise during the pandemic of £20 per week surely that could cover a child's lunch everyday?

    I would have been eligible for free school meals all throughout my childhood but my Mother had some pride and self respect about her so would send me off to school with a nice packed lunch and a couple of £ in my pocket everyday.

    Marcus Rashford can just **** right off. If he were really so concerned about this issue why can he not have a whip round of all his club and international team mates. I'm pretty sure these cu nts will have more spare money between them than the government atm.

    i have to say i agree with with most of what you say maybe not so much with last bit ..

    I am certain that had @Tikay10 seen the last bit, it would have been deleted.

    every low income family are able to claim and receive benefits like working tax credits , child benefit , housing benefit , income support those that are unemployed have benefits they can claim too ..

    People are able to claim benefits in situations where they qualify for a particular benefit.

    now I'm not saying all claimants have no sense of money management but when i see people complaining about this issue and not having enough to feed there children

    It would seem that we dont see anything wrong with free school meals in term time for the poorest families.
    Yet children are surely also entitled to eat in school holidays.
    Struggling families face increased costs during school holiday periods, yet as far as I am aware benefits dont increase.

    yet some have plenty of cigarette's , beer ,mobile phones and of course drugs

    I assume you have conducted a survey, and have evidence to back up this claim.
    There is probably a very small percentage of parents that struggle with things like gambling, drugs, alcohol, and neglect their kids as a result.
    So are you really suggesting that in these cases we should blame the kids, and let them starve.

    and lets face facts here some parent/parents put there needs before there kids,,, at the end of the day benefits should be paid in vouchers for food and utility credits not in cash to be spent on everything but essentials like feeding there children ..

    You cant blame the kids, its not their fault, and they shouldnt go hungry.

    no doubt i will get abuse for this comment from some

    Any abuse you get for this will be in my view well deserved.

    but i do not believe the government should be held responsible for paying for everyone's life choice some will say but those that have lost there jobs and have bills to pay like credit cards how are they meant to live well take note don't buy on credit , don't run up bills ,, LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and only buy what you can pay for with money you got in bank .. fed up with the do gooder syndrome from those that have plenty .. if you think some one should be paying for it then pay out of your pocket not the tax payers
    You may not have noticed but we are in the middle of a pandemic.
    The government have been paying many millions of people to stay at home.
    Although some like the self employed seem to have been forgotten about.
    It is not just those on benefits that will be struggling, there are those on zero hours contracts, and those that earn minimum wage that cant go to work, and will only receive a percentage of the minimum, to name but a couple.
    Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs in the last few weeks.
    It takes about six weeks from making a universal credit claim, to actually receive any money.
    They claim that you can get a loan, but these have to be repaid, and will therefore reduce the payments that you would receive until the loan is repaid in full.
    Benefits are not designed to make anyone rich.

    You seem to be saying it is ok for the government to give a couple of grand per month to the fairly well off, but ignore hungry kids.

    The cost of free school meals per week for those that are entitled, is half the daily cost of the eat out to help out promotion.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    goldon said:

    no such thing as free

    Well the kids dont pay for them.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    Mr Johnson's food tsar has told the Times the government has a moral obligation to stop disadvantaged children going hungry, and must set aside questions of ideology.

    Henry Dimbleby says he does not understand why Downing Street has not "owned" the row over free school meals given its commitment to levelling up - and accuses ministers of walking into a "massive bear trap".

    The Metro highlights remarks to the BBC by the Conservative leader of Walsall Council, Mike Bird, who claimed the issue was a "political football" created by the Manchester United player, Marcus Rashford, and suggested parents struggling to feed their children should shop at Marks and Spencer.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    edited October 2020
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    HANSON said:

    gregkdy82 said:

    Sick hearing about this 'free school meals'. Everyone in the UK receives enough money to feed themselves and their family. Unemployed have also already had a pay rise during the pandemic of £20 per week surely that could cover a child's lunch everyday?

    I would have been eligible for free school meals all throughout my childhood but my Mother had some pride and self respect about her so would send me off to school with a nice packed lunch and a couple of £ in my pocket everyday.

    Marcus Rashford can just **** right off. If he were really so concerned about this issue why can he not have a whip round of all his club and international team mates. I'm pretty sure these cu nts will have more spare money between them than the government atm.

    i have to say i agree with with most of what you say maybe not so much with last bit ..

    every low income family are able to claim and receive benefits like working tax credits , child benefit , housing benefit , income support those that are unemployed have benefits they can claim too .. now I'm not saying all claimants have no sense of money management but when i see people complaining about this issue and not having enough to feed there children yet some have plenty of cigarette's , beer ,mobile phones and of course drugs and lets face facts here some parent/parents put there needs before there kids,,, at the end of the day benefits should be paid in vouchers for food and utility credits not in cash to be spent on everything but essentials like feeding there children ..

    no doubt i will get abuse for this comment from some but i do not believe the government should be held responsible for paying for everyone's life choice some will say but those that have lost there jobs and have bills to pay like credit cards how are they meant to live well take note don't buy on credit , don't run up bills ,, LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and only buy what you can pay for with money you got in bank .. fed up with the do gooder syndrome from those that have plenty .. if you think some one should be paying for it then pay out of your pocket not the tax payers
    Boris Johnson’s failure to U-turn quickly is helping the ‘nasty’ party label stick

    If you are going to do a U-turn, you need to do it quickly. Yet ministers are in slow motion mode on providing free school meals during the school holidays. The signs are that they will bow to the inevitable as part of a government-wide spending review on 25 November.

    They are edging towards a disguised volte-face by expanding holiday clubs after a trial in 17 areas this summer. They could present this as providing catch-up educational opportunities as well as a meal, denying a U-turn even though everyone would know it was.

    While the government dithers, the saga dominates the headlines and the Treasury meter runs faster and faster. Henry Dimbleby, the government’s food adviser and co-founder of the Leon restaurant chain, has sent Boris Johnson a £1.2bn plan including a holiday activity and food programme, a healthy food voucher scheme and extension of free school meals.

    Spending £522m on “Eat Out to Help Out”, so middle-class people could boast they had got £50 off their bill or had used the scheme three times in a week, was awful politics while the government refused to spend £20m on free school meals in this week’s half term in England. They continued in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    It is true that in-work poverty is a scourge. The number of people in work but in poverty is estimated to have risen from 2.3 million to 4 million since 1996-97. Of these, 1.9 million are full-time workers, 1.4 million part-timers and 0.7 million full-time self-employed. Yet extra help for the self-employed in the pandemic might soon be pared back

    One reason why the Tories are in danger of ignoring those at the bottom of the pile is a lazy assumption that the poor don’t vote, or don’t vote Tory. Tim Montgomerie, a Downing Street adviser on social justice until walking out in frustration in February, told the BBC Radio 4’s PM programme: “I have no idea what the Conservative Party’s long-term strategy for social justice is.” He added: “What I struggled to see, both before the election last December and since, was a real focus on the very poor – the broken poor, people who don’t vote, who probably aren’t going to form party of a Conservative majority.”

    Tory MPs, bombarded with protests about free school meals, feel it is unfair to again be labelled the nasty party which hates the poor and the north. But the government has brought this on its own head. As Montgomerie tweeted: “In one single, stupid act the Tories are retoxifying their brand."
  • HANSONHANSON Member Posts: 898
    HAYSIE said:

    HANSON said:

    gregkdy82 said:

    Sick hearing about this 'free school meals'. Everyone in the UK receives enough money to feed themselves and their family. Unemployed have also already had a pay rise during the pandemic of £20 per week surely that could cover a child's lunch everyday?

    I would have been eligible for free school meals all throughout my childhood but my Mother had some pride and self respect about her so would send me off to school with a nice packed lunch and a couple of £ in my pocket everyday.

    Marcus Rashford can just **** right off. If he were really so concerned about this issue why can he not have a whip round of all his club and international team mates. I'm pretty sure these cu nts will have more spare money between them than the government atm.

    i have to say i agree with with most of what you say maybe not so much with last bit ..

    I am certain that had @Tikay10 seen the last bit, it would have been deleted.

    every low income family are able to claim and receive benefits like working tax credits , child benefit , housing benefit , income support those that are unemployed have benefits they can claim too ..

    People are able to claim benefits in situations where they qualify for a particular benefit.

    now I'm not saying all claimants have no sense of money management but when i see people complaining about this issue and not having enough to feed there children

    It would seem that we dont see anything wrong with free school meals in term time for the poorest families.
    Yet children are surely also entitled to eat in school holidays.
    Struggling families face increased costs during school holiday periods, yet as far as I am aware benefits dont increase.

    yet some have plenty of cigarette's , beer ,mobile phones and of course drugs

    I assume you have conducted a survey, and have evidence to back up this claim.
    There is probably a very small percentage of parents that struggle with things like gambling, drugs, alcohol, and neglect their kids as a result.
    So are you really suggesting that in these cases we should blame the kids, and let them starve.

    and lets face facts here some parent/parents put there needs before there kids,,, at the end of the day benefits should be paid in vouchers for food and utility credits not in cash to be spent on everything but essentials like feeding there children ..

    You cant blame the kids, its not their fault, and they shouldnt go hungry.

    no doubt i will get abuse for this comment from some

    Any abuse you get for this will be in my view well deserved.

    but i do not believe the government should be held responsible for paying for everyone's life choice some will say but those that have lost there jobs and have bills to pay like credit cards how are they meant to live well take note don't buy on credit , don't run up bills ,, LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and only buy what you can pay for with money you got in bank .. fed up with the do gooder syndrome from those that have plenty .. if you think some one should be paying for it then pay out of your pocket not the tax payers
    You may not have noticed but we are in the middle of a pandemic.
    The government have been paying many millions of people to stay at home.
    Although some like the self employed seem to have been forgotten about.
    It is not just those on benefits that will be struggling, there are those on zero hours contracts, and those that earn minimum wage that cant go to work, and will only receive a percentage of the minimum, to name but a couple.
    Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs in the last few weeks.
    It takes about six weeks from making a universal credit claim, to actually receive any money.
    They claim that you can get a loan, but these have to be repaid, and will therefore reduce the payments that you would receive until the loan is repaid in full.
    Benefits are not designed to make anyone rich.

    You seem to be saying it is ok for the government to give a couple of grand per month to the fairly well off, but ignore hungry kids.

    The cost of free school meals per week for those that are entitled, is half the daily cost of the eat out to help out promotion.

    where in the above have you concluded that i blame the kids when i was pretty sure i put the blame on the parents for there choices .
    as for doing a survey i do not need to do one i can watch T.V programs where there sat on there backsides complaining they do not get enough while smoking and drinking or queuing up at the local food bank with a ciggie hanging out there mouth
    I also put a solution up that if they paid benefits in the form of food vouchers and utilities credit or even set up deliveries with local supermarket instead of paying them in money into there bank accounts that some clearly do not spend on essentials .. unless YOUR blaming the kids as you seem to think the parents should be able to buy cigs, beer and drugs before they buy food ..
    as for this pandemic and job loses well sorry but ship happens adapt and move on if you got loans and credit cards to pay more fool them for borrowing so much based on there earnings when even before this pandemic there is always a risk of job loses..

    again the parents fault.. benefit money is not for paying your debts with its for feeding your kids and yourselves and keeping a roof over there heads why should the tax payer give you extra to pay debts off ..
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,750
    My daughter has worked in a care home ( on min wage) for over 5 years, her partner works as a mechanic.
    They have a 3 yr old child.
    Cost of their rent for a 2 bed house - £850 pcm. Nursery fees - £280 pcm for 3 afternoon’s pr week. Add in all the other day to day living expenses and ALL their money is spoken for.

    Her partner bought tools on credit to enable his getting on as a mechanic, the interest rate is steep.

    If he loses his job the government don’t pay him the same he was getting whilst employed.

    They applied for universal credit, they “ Earn too much”

    Many other families live from one pay packet to the next , if they are ‘ lucky enough’ to be employed.

    Please don’t make sweeping statements about it being “ The parents fault”
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    where in the above have you concluded that i blame the kids when i was pretty sure i put the blame on the parents for there choices .

    Blaming the parents, and tarring them all with the same brush, does nothing for the kids.
    They are still hungry.

    as for doing a survey i do not need to do one i can watch T.V programs where there sat on there backsides complaining they do not get enough while smoking and drinking or queuing up at the local food bank with a ciggie hanging out there mouth

    If it is on tv it must be true.
    We still have over a million kids going hungry during the school holidays.

    I also put a solution up that if they paid benefits in the form of food vouchers and utilities credit or even set up deliveries with local supermarket instead of paying them in money into there bank accounts that some clearly do not spend on essentials .. unless YOUR blaming the kids as you seem to think the parents should be able to buy cigs, beer and drugs before they buy food ..

    Alternatively you could sterilize all the women claiming benefits so they couldnt have kids in the first place.

    as for this pandemic and job loses well sorry but ship happens adapt and move on if you got loans and credit cards to pay more fool them for borrowing so much based on there earnings when even before this pandemic there is always a risk of job loses..

    Fortunately pandemics are a rare occurrence.
    The result will be millions of job losses, and finding a new job will be difficult.
    Many more people will struggle through no fault of their own.
    Not all those struggling to make ends meet claim benefits.

    again the parents fault.. benefit money is not for paying your debts with its for feeding your kids and yourselves and keeping a roof over there heads why should the tax payer give you extra to pay debts off ..

    Nobody gets their debts written off when they lose their job.
    The cost of feeding a child during the school holidays is £15 per week.
    A total cost of £20 million to cover the October half term.
    They spent £522 million on eat out to help out.
    During the lockdown the government were subsidising wages for the relatively well off to the tune of over £500 per week.
    They ploughed hundreds of billions into companies to keep them afloat.
    Nobody is arguing that the government should take over this responsibility forever.
    Nobody is arguing that the government should pay anyones debts off.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    tomgoodun said:

    My daughter has worked in a care home ( on min wage) for over 5 years, her partner works as a mechanic.
    They have a 3 yr old child.
    Cost of their rent for a 2 bed house - £850 pcm. Nursery fees - £280 pcm for 3 afternoon’s pr week. Add in all the other day to day living expenses and ALL their money is spoken for.

    Her partner bought tools on credit to enable his getting on as a mechanic, the interest rate is steep.

    If he loses his job the government don’t pay him the same he was getting whilst employed.

    They applied for universal credit, they “ Earn too much”

    Many other families live from one pay packet to the next , if they are ‘ lucky enough’ to be employed.

    Please don’t make sweeping statements about it being “ The parents fault”

    A voice of reason.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    edited October 2020
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    edited October 2020
    SUPER SUB Marcus Rashford scores hat-trick for Manchester United in 5-0 win over RB Leipzig on day his free school meals petition reaches 1m
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
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