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Straight from the toes - Quickfeet's blog



  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Starting balance: £70.01

    All games this week £5.50 DYM

    Monday: Played 4 won 2

    Saturday: Played 2 won 0

    Ending Balance: £59.31

    So the two games on Saturday were abit of a set back. Serves me right for trying to read a rather long email while playing.

    Sadly, I am not sure how much time I will have for poker in the coming weeks. Aside from my commitments with The Movement Centre, Chester FC and Oulton Park, I am starting something that will either be a pipe-dream or a lasting legacy that defines my life! How’s that for high stakes?

    Hopefully, I will be able tell you more in a few weeks.

    Even if I have no time to play poker, I promise to keep in touch with all my friends on the Forum.

    All the Best, Quickfeet
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    I am starting something that will either be a pipe-dream or a lasting legacy that defines my life! How’s that for high stakes?

    Well I gotta say that HAS piqued my interest...
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    All the best with your plans @QUICKFEET hope it all works out for you. GOODLUCK
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Starting balance: £59.31

    No time for poker one week ago but yesterday I played 10 £5.50 DYMs and won 5

    Ending balance: £54.31

    So I left it with a cliff-hanger a fortnight ago. On the edge of a pipe-dream or a life-defining project.

    Well, it’s looking like the latter!

    The project is to set up a charity to help people with speech problems. Although I have difficulty controlling my arms and legs, my speech impediment is by far my biggest frustration.

    When I am at a football match or Oulton Park, I find it difficult to be understood when I chat to people. This means I am effectively trapped within myself – you’ll know from my writings on here that I have lots to say for myself! I love to socialise and have a laugh with people.

    When I was young, I rarely had speech therapy – there was never any budget. I have done some asking around and that seems to be the case today, so I believe there is a need for my charity. I have established some good fundraising contacts over the past few years and I believe I could raise the money once we have determined the exact service the charity will deliver.

    I have a long way to go. It will be a good while before it is up and running. I hope to have a meeting with someone high up locally in the NHS next week to discuss where the charity could help.

    I only decided to "go for it" a few weeks ago but it seems to be gathering pace nicely. Four or five of the best fundraising people I have got to know in recent years are already supporting me.

    The charity has a name – Saluto which is Latin for “to greet; to wish health to”.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    QUICKFEET said:

    Starting balance: £59.31

    No time for poker one week ago but yesterday I played 10 £5.50 DYMs and won 5

    Ending balance: £54.31

    So I left it with a cliff-hanger a fortnight ago. On the edge of a pipe-dream or a life-defining project.

    Well, it’s looking like the latter!

    The project is to set up a charity to help people with speech problems. Although I have difficulty controlling my arms and legs, my speech impediment is by far my biggest frustration.

    When I am at a football match or Oulton Park, I find it difficult to be understood when I chat to people. This means I am effectively trapped within myself – you’ll know from my writings on here that I have lots to say for myself! I love to socialise and have a laugh with people.

    When I was young, I rarely had speech therapy – there was never any budget. I have done some asking around and that seems to be the case today, so I believe there is a need for my charity. I have established some good fundraising contacts over the past few years and I believe I could raise the money once we have determined the exact service the charity will deliver.

    I have a long way to go. It will be a good while before it is up and running. I hope to have a meeting with someone high up locally in the NHS next week to discuss where the charity could help.

    I only decided to "go for it" a few weeks ago but it seems to be gathering pace nicely. Four or five of the best fundraising people I have got to know in recent years are already supporting me.

    The charity has a name – Saluto which is Latin for “to greet; to wish health to”.

    Great stuff - you write really nicely but should you ever need a copywriter for anything (website, marketing etc) I'd gladly work pro bono.

    See here for more details/contact if you think I might be able to help at all:

    No dramas if not, though, and vbol with it all.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Many thanks @SR23!
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    Admirable and inspirational. I wish you all the very best of luck in your venture.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    Brilliant project.

    Best of luck with this @QUICKFEET
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    edited July 2020
    Hi @QUICKFEET I have only just come across your inspiring posts. I wish you all the success in the world with your charity. I also loved your post about Istanbul. I am also a huge Red fan (what a couple of years we are having!) I was in Istanbul too. I remember the journey to the ground, it seemed like the game was being played in Chernobyl!! I remember also at half time being somewhat resigned to the fact that it was not to be but singing You'll Never Walk Alone at the top of my voice along with all the fans (who remained ha ha). The feeling at the end of the game was, and still is, indescribable. The group I was with eventually got back to our hotel where we sat drinking and reliving the game until dawn. I then had an early flight back to the UK and staggered into a taxi (drunk only on emotion to be honest), eventually got home only to realise that I had left all my clothes still in the hotel room. Ah well!! I sat on the sofa watching the parade around Liverpool, crying my eyes out as it hit home what we had done. Other than meeting my husband and all the other wonderful personal stuff that goes with family, it was without doubt the greatest 24 hours of my life. Good luck with everything. Now I have found this blog, I shall definitely be following it.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    @TVSpice thanks for your comments. Reading your words brought it all back and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up - even after all this time!
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Starting balance: £59.31

    Still playing £5.50 DYMs. Bad day on Monday when I lost 3 out of 4 games, then won 4 out 8 tournaments the rest of the week.

    Ending balance: £38.31 – could do with a winning run…

    Bit more work with my speech therapy charity this week – been putting together a video to explain why I started it. Been doing pieces to camera so that people can see what an impact my speech impediment has – when I edit it, I will have to add subtitles as I could barely understand myself when I played the recordings back and I knew what I was saying!

    I don’t know how my close family understand me as well as they do – years of practice I guess! Someone I worked with who was quite good a catching what I was saying regularly visited Glasgow and said the key was to listen to me as you would to a person with a very broad accent!

    My meeting with the NHS lead has been put back a couple of weeks – hopefully that will give my embryonic charity some real direction.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    All the very best with Saluto.

    Speech therapy seems to be another all too familiar example of a fantastically useful yet hugely under resourced service.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Thanks @Phantom66. First time I have logged on since last Sunday. Hectic week.

    Good luck with your amazing work too... you are going to build a marvellous legacy for your son.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    Best of luck with the charity @QUICKFEET
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Balance at time of last update (July) - £38.31
    Balance now £51.30

    Long time no blogging!

    Lots of things kept me away from the virtual tables at Sky from July until the past week or so.

    As UK motor racing came out of lockdown in July there was reporting to do on events at Oulton Park and also the Hyperdrive ST-XR Challenge which I cover in depth.

    Around the same time, it became clear that Chester FC wouldn’t be able to fully open its stadium to fans once the football season began any time soon due to the pandemic. Indeed, so far, we haven’t been able to admit ANY supporters at all due to government restrictions. This is a big issue as gate receipts are our main source of income thus some intensive fundraising was required and through the generosity of our fans, we raised >£130k. The National Lottery also donated funds for the National League to distribute to clubs to cover the loss of gate income… at least that’s what we thought would be the basis of the distribution… the methodology used to decide the allocated amounts is still being disputed!

    Furthermore, I was still heavily involved in projects for The Movement Centre as well as looking to set up my own speech therapy charity.

    So July into early August was hectic but then my life came to a shuddering halt. After 4 or 5 days when I couldn’t keep food down I was admitted to hospital extremely weak. I had an enlarged gall bladder and abdominal sepsis. I spent 8 days in hospital and, because of Covid, there were heavy restrictions on visitors which was especially tough for me as my speech impediment means I struggle to communicate with anyone outside my family – and I was too weak to use my toe operated keyboard.

    After I came out of hospital it took me about a month to feel completely back to normal at which point I had lots to catch up on, particularly regards to motor racing.

    While I was recuperating, my mother seemed to get a new lease of life and was full of energy whenever I needed her. She must have found it really tough when she was unable to come and visit me in hospital. Six weeks after I came home I had a telephone consultation with the hospital. They offered to remove my gall bladder but I declined as I seem to be managing ok with medication and dietary changes.

    Now my workload is easier. The UK motor racing season has ended and I have stepped down from the Chester FC board when my 3 year term ended last Thursday – although I still intend to help them out as a volunteer. I have also stepped down from The Movement Centre to focus on my own speech therapy charity. With the latter I have made contact with quite a few people who may be able to help take things forwards.

    I missed playing poker. I scratched the itch one evening in September when I played 2 £5.50 DYMs at the same time but I felt frustrated afterwards as on 1 table I won almost every hand but on the other I was completely card dead so although I “broke even” with regards to my pot contributions it cost me £1 in rake. This seemed to be all too common – gone are the days when I was making good returns rarely by playing a hand on Sky Poker DYMs. I once spun up to £500 on them… or maybe I am getting too impatient in my old age!

    It wasn’t until this past week that I had time to play any more poker. Those two DYMs had played on my mind, had those been cash tables I would have been well in profit. So I have played “an hour” of two-tabling 2p/4p cash almost every day this week – although usually the sessions have been much less than an hour as I tend to quit when I am ahead.

    I only had one losing session and as you can see from the numbers at the top of this post, I am well over a tenner up so it’s something I intend to continue with. I must try a longer session sometime.

    Hopefully, this blog will become weekly again now life as settled down.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    Great to have you back QF.
    Motor racing, footie, covid, gall bladder, & poker all in the same post.
    Gotta be a first on skypoker?
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    Great post. Welcome back :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited November 2020

    Great to hear from you.

    After all the moans & groans I read on here & in life, you are an inspiration.

    Sounds like a tough 6 months for you, but as expected you coped.

    You are such a boss.
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    Think I briefly shared a cash table with you the other night. Welcome back!
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    Good to see you back @quickfeet and I hope you are feeling much better. Good luck at the tables but even more luck for setting up your charity.
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