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Why is this site so false,



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373


  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited December 2020
    PKRPar said:

    nothing makes me happier than a misterpj post.

    I'd call him the donald trump of poker. does what ever he can to ajust bad things in a way he likes, blames everyone but himself and refuses advice and tips he doesn't like.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Delighted, you have moved, to Dane Bowers!
    Know Dane, very very well.
    The Rectory, but, U wouldn't have Scooby. ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
  • mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
    MattBates said:

    mushroom1 said:

    Regarding the whole flip-turned-87%'er, @Tikay10 and @MattBates are correct.

    However, there is a side-plot, here. Not all flip losses are equal. For one, the specifics of a lost hand can have an impact in future play.

    I can't remember who said or wrote it, but there is definitely truth in this probably mis-remembered quote...

    It's not how you played the hand where you were unlucky, but how you play the following hand.

    It doesn't even have to be an unlucky loss, it works it changing it to...

    It's not how you played the big losing hand....

    Mindset is a much underrated factor in the analysis of, almost all, forms of competition.

    In his fascinating Book of Poker Tells, Mike Caro suggests that poker games are in a constant state of flux. He tells of an experiment carried out (now some time ago) in America which explains the concept well.

    Is anyone familiar with this? You may have a better recollection of the specifics than I do.

    I agree, when you constantly have 10bb or less there is a big impact on losing an all in.
    Technically, you are correct, again, though I was trying to take this discussion in a (far) less literal direction. :D
  • jcrazar1jcrazar1 Member Posts: 45
    I can agree with your % logic misterpj!
    Until the king landed u were 100% favorite.
    Hope u run well in your next tourney mate. Good luck!
  • DoyleBrunDoyleBrun Member Posts: 1,296
    Apologies as this was on another site I had JJ v KJ of hearts v KK AIP after the turn 2 hearts on the board no jack, so the only card that could help was the jack bingo jack on the river. If there are odds for it to happen it can happen, no I don't play that site 24 hours a day as a favoured player as I still get bad beats on their as I do on all the sites I play. I have had some horrendous bad beats on Sky just as I have given them out I win a small amount of money each year which is commensurate with my knowledge of poker and the more I learn the luckier I get.
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871
    mushroom1 said:

    NChanning said:

    I have just one need for a long answer of more than three characters...what percentage of the time do you think 92% chances SHOULD win?

    Neil "Bad Beat" Channing must, surely, know the answer to this?
    Hopefully we all know the wasn't a trick question. I do wonder sometimes what some people are thinking though.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    I will wish, each and everyone (a few, through gritted teeth) health, wealth and happiness in 2021.

    Now then, 'aggro' Neil & Tony.
    At least, you two scribe with Eloquence

    But, all I expect, to hear is, variance, bad luck, downswing, et al.
    That, my friends, is the easiest, 'one size fits all' put down, that's the antidote, to all angst, easy.

    Now then, ยฃ5.50 bounty hunter, 2nd hand of the tournament, if this, is for 'us mere mortals' the BOG standard norm, relentless against, just like you are about to see,you expect, 'us' to stay mute silent? Democracy! come on.

    What we have here, is a pocket pair, and (yet again) a flopped SET
    What we have here, is the flop, checked (95% hand equity)
    What we have here, is the turn, making two pair into a set.
    What we have here, is the two pair Jam, (9%) into the snap calling SET 91% good
    What we have here, is the 9% hand equity into the 91% hand equity ALL IN ALL IN
    What we have here, (yet again) is yet Another spectacular RIVER variaRinse,
    Lads, I assure you, ti's relentless, this 'bad luck' against, not just that, and the FACT, not a clue what it is like, to hit, just as shown below, makes it, a 'tad difficult' to purchase, what's being sold!

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Merry Christmas!
    The majority of the issues you have isn't down to variance, it is down to you playing hands badly but you ignore whenever anyone mentions this and only show selected hands.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    When I posted, at 06.30 am, one, found one, asking a Rhetorical Question!

    what, would it take? for the two poker legends, mentioned above, to possibly raise an eyebrow?

    Well,having posed, that Rhetorical question, (06.30) marched boldly, into the next ยฃ5.50 bounty hunter, an hour deep, with five left, we get this
    misterpj (naturally small stack!) flops two pair,with suited Qd2d from the big blind
    Player A (medium stack) flops two pair, with suited Kh2h from the small blind (nice work)
    Player B the grande stack, flops a pair of KK 7 kicker, on a 2 Q K rainbow board
    Three players, All in, on the flop, FT.
    Hand Equities 70% KK 22 14% QQ 22.. 10% pair of KK..
    Guess, how the (big stack) 10% chance, got there?
    Bit of your, turn river runner runner 7 7 for the BOAT

    I propose a forum poll
    Eyebrow raised YES
    Eyebrow not even a Twitch NO

    vote 1 misterpj Eyebrow raised YES

  • bev60bev60 Member Posts: 43
    bev60Small blind100.00100.006842.50
    Grey7Big blind200.00300.003875.00
    Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 3
    • 7
    • 9
    • 7
  • bev60bev60 Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2020
    The amount of money you invest in attempting to get your money in good is basically adding up to more than your all in equity returns.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    You mean, like this Bev?
    Note, the absence of comment, on 90 % good with a set ยฃ5.50 bounty hunter, and the big stack, taking a huge 3 way,with 10% hand equity into two players, with flopped two pair, turn river runner runner 7 7 ยฃ5.50 bounty hunter

    But, I can Reraise that, sat next to a Phenom, on my left,
    Phenoms take a ยฃ50 roll, to ยฃ10,000 in less than a year, and, not surprising ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

    All the betting, completed on the turn.
    One player, 78% hand equity, tuther player 22% hand equity
    I stick with, Phil Hellmuth, 'all I ever want to do, is get my money in, best, way best'
    See, thing is, in some quarters, of six handed no limit hold em poker, that, is considered, SKILL ๐Ÿ’‹

  • FeNdeR36FeNdeR36 Member Posts: 22
    petition to make 90% the new 100% !!

    How dare my opponents realise their equity?! I am entitled to 100% of the pot at any point in the hand when my equity breaches the 55% mark and that's that. Anyone who disagrees is statistically challenged.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    only you raise an eyebrow most of us don't bat an eyelid
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Happy To Oblige
    And, ho ho ho, a normal snap shot, from just 4 mtts today, hands posted, cough cough

    But, I will Reraise All In, again

    How about, another Bounty Hunter
    How about, a pocket pair
    How about turn the Big Boat, fullhouse
    How about, 85% good, huge hand, (relevant)
    All betting, done after the turn, pre River
    And how about, a variaRinse river 15% hand equity take down

  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    edited December 2020
    Misterpj, do you understand that if you are 90% favourite and 10% likely to lose, that on 1 in 10 times you will lose. I get that when you lose a hand, it feels like that moment is 100% of the time, but it is not. But what annoys me most of all is that most of the "bad beats" you post aren't even bad beats. A 1 in ten chance is not even a bad beat, its just life, it happens everyday, all the time, to everyone, it 1 in 10. A bad beat is only a 1 in 20+ chance, get over it.
  • tai-gartai-gar Member Posts: 2,715
    @misterpj I quite like your posts. They are easy to understand, very descriptive and don't go on too long.

    The content is interesting and shows different hand scenarios from which everyone can learn.

    Keep it up I am sure that it is not just complaining on your part.
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