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    chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    edited December 2021
    chilling said:

    Good for the Tories leading by example.
    Sad for the sheeple following the rules.
    Use the Westminster lunch as a benchmark for the rules.

    Quote from Chris Whitty, ‘ it’s not about the virus,it’s about control’.
    Quote from Neil Ferguson, ‘ we weren’t sure if we could bring in a lockdown,but when we saw Italy did,we knew we could’.

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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877

    The Daily Star invites readers to play an "exciting new board game... Cluebo" - a version of the murder mystery puzzle. It imagines Boris Johnson's guess as being "everybody else, in the No 10 drawing room, with wine and nibbles".
    The new Covid measures - and the continuing row over the Downing Street party - are covered in depth in all of Thursday's newspapers.

    "Don't go to work, but do go to parties" is the headline in the Daily Telegraph. The paper says Boris Johnson faced an immediate backlash from the Tory benches at what it calls the "irrational" new Covid rules for England.

    The Guardian says the government has been "engulfed in a crisis of credibility sparked by the Christmas party scandal".

    "Plan B for us. Plan lie, lie, lie for him" is the view of the Daily Mirror, which says the prime minister desperately tried to avoid taking the flak "for rule breaking parties at No 10" last winter.

    The Times reports that the government's scientific advisors fear that "Plan C or D" might be needed after Christmas if infections are not slowed enough to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed.

    The Daily Mail says Mr Johnson has been accused of fast-tracking the curbs to distract attention away from the Christmas party row. It looks at what it calls the "intense hunt" for the "mole" who leaked the video of Allegra Stratton.

    Photos of her tearful resignation feature on the paper's front page. It takes the unusual step of dedicating a whole page to its leader column, where it says that while it is a "steadfast supporter of the Conservative Party" - it is "not unthinkingly loyal".

    The paper says "enough is enough" - demanding that Boris Johnson get a grip on the No 10 operation as "scandals are happening all too frequently".

    A mock-up of Boris Johnson as the Grinch features on front page of the Sun accompanied by the headline "Do as I say... Not as I Christmas do".

    The paper says there is "one rule for them" - you can do as you please until you get found out - but "four rules for us" - enforced face masks, vaccine passports, work from home if you can and Omicron Covid tests.

    The Daily Express quotes the prime minister as saying the new measures will provide the best chance for people to enjoy a "close to normal Christmas".

    But the Metro says the "PM is taking the public for fools" - and is now facing growing calls to quit.

    And the Daily Star invites readers to play an "exciting new board game... Cluebo" - a version of the murder mystery puzzle. It imagines Boris Johnson's guess as being: "everybody else, in the Number 10 drawing room, with wine and nibbles".
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    Tories admit throwing HQ party during Covid restrictions last December

    According to the Times, the “raucous” party took place in the HQ’s basement, was attended by No 10 aides and featured dancing and wine-drinking into the early hours despite indoor social mixing being banned at the time.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    PM faces mass Tory revolt over 'work from home but go to Christmas parties' message, vaccine pass chaos as website crashes - and businesses face devastation from crippling restrictions

    Boris Johnson dramatically triggered 'Plan B' measures to control the rampant Omicron strain at a press conference last night, with fears that infections are now doubling every few days and the NHS could be crippled. Millions of office staff will be urged to work from home from Monday, while masks will be required in theatres and cinemas, and Covid passports are being introduced for nightclubs and large venues. But Mr Johnson stressed that office Christmas parties should go ahead, sparking derision from critics. Desperate businesses have complained that the differing restrictions for venues 'don't make any sense'. Dozens of Conservative MPs are now threatening to rebel against the measures when a Commons vote is held next week - although support from Labour means they will still pass. In signs of Cabinet tensions, Sajid Javid this morning dismissed a hint from the PM that mandatory vaccination might be looked at in future, saying that would be 'ethically wrong'.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    STEPHEN GLOVER: As Boris Johnson's many enemies rejoice, I feel a deepening despair. Why does he keep shooting himself in the foot?

    STEPHEN GLOVER: When I first came across Boris Johnson nearly a quarter of a century ago, he was known by some of his colleagues as 'the greased piglet'.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    Find the video mole! As crisis over Tory Christmas party deepens, fingers are pointed at PR firm that filmed damning footage... and even No10 insiders sent it on email

    An intense manhunt is under way to uncover how the secret footage, filmed within the Downing Street complex, has become the subject of a leak.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    Police say they WON'T probe No10 party due to 'lack of evidence' as Boris Johnson is grilled about another festive bash that took place in his own Downing Street flat

    But as well as the December 18 party held by aides he was also asked whether the probe would be extended to events he is alleged to have attended.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    Were there SIX parties in Downing Street and Whitehall? Claims of a festive quiz, Friday wine sessions and a bash to celebrate Dominic Cummings' exit put even more pressure on under-fire Boris Johnson

    The row over last year's 'illicit' Downing Street Christmas party has rocked Westminster over the last week. But it emerged yesterday that the December 18 event may have been only one of as many as six Whitehall bashes held in the run-up to Christmas - at a time when the country was under stringent Covid restrictions. It was alleged there was a leaving do where the PM reportedly gave a speech, a quiz night (bottom right) and even a celebration in the Downing Street flat on the night Dominic Cummings left No10 (top right). There were also said to have been other parties in Whitehall departments and at Tory headquarters. The 'raucous' dos, at which several officials were said to have been seen 'rat-a**ed' on copious amounts of wine, have certainly left Whitehall with a lasting hangover as the events are probed by the Cabinet Secretary and the Met Police. Here the Mail details just what is known about what went on in Whitehall while the rest of Britain faced swingeing virus rules.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    'And I will tell 500 lies': Twitter erupts with fury and mocking memes after Boris introduces Plan B - and still denies Downing Street's party broke last year's rules

    Twitter users tried to find the funny side with posts portraying the British PM as a busker and a sign reading '0 days since s**t show'. Mr Johnson sparked mutiny on the Tory backbenches last night by triggering his Plan B restrictions in a bid to tackle the Omicron variant. The Prime Minister announced that working from home guidance will return, vaccine passports will become mandatory in large venues and the wearing of face coverings will be extended to theatres and cinemas. Mr Johnson also faces an uphill struggle to win over the public with No10 itself in meltdown over the allegations of an illegal Christmas party a year ago. In one of the memes Mr Johnson was portrayed holding a guitar with the words: 'And I will tell 500 lies, and I will tell 500 more... Just to see the public scared s**tless to set foot outside their own front door... TORY PARTIES! (TORY PARTIES) TORY PARTIES! (TORY PARTIES)'
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
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    chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    Boris has just released his Christmas Single.

    It’s my party and I’ll lie if I want to.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    Stony-faced and stonewalling questions: Behind the scenes on a calamitous day for Boris Johnson

    Boris Johnson at the end of a disastrous 24 hours. (PA)

    It started with ministers dodging questions in the morning, and ended with an evening press conference in which embattled Boris Johnson plunged the UK into tighter COVID restrictions. Yahoo News UK's political correspondent, Nadine Batchelor-Hunt, reports on a remarkable day behind scenes at Westminster that could prove an unwelcome turning point for the prime minister

    Conservative MP Roger Gale delivers repeats his earlier damning indictment of the prime minister's denials on Sky News.

    Asked if he believes there was a party, he says: "I've been told that food was delivered, that drink was delivered, that there was entertainment. So that sounds like a party to me. Doesn't it to you?"

    The day ends on a rare bright note for Johnson as the Met Police announces it will not investigate allegations of a party at Downing Street due to an “absence of evidence".

    But it is by no means the end of Johnson's troubles.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    Boris to take 'family time' as Covid chaos engulfs UK: PM visits Carrie and new baby daughter in hospital - as Tory fury mounts at 'non-sensical' Plan B and partygate probe widens
    Boris Johnson's wife Carrie has given birth to the Prime Minister's seventh child - a sister to Wilfred, one
    PM has two children with Carrie, four children with his second wife Marina and at least one from an affair
    Spokesman said: 'The Prime Minister and Mrs Johnson are delighted to announce the birth of a healthy baby girl at a London hospital earlier today. Both mother and daughter are doing very well'
    Prime Minister will not take two weeks of paternity but he will 'spend more time with his new family'
    Happy news came amid chaos at work over Mr Johnson triggering Plan B amid a mutiny from his own MPs
    Baby Johnson entered the world just as the Conservatives were fined £17,800 over the controversial donation to help cover the lavish refurbishments to the couple's Downing Street flat

    The Cabinet Secretary's investigation into Government Christmas parties has been widened to probe three alleged Christmas parties - but will not look at claims of a party being held in Boris Johnson's flat allegedly thrown to celebrate the exit of Dominic Cummings on November 13;
    The PM is also facing questions over whether he misled an investigation into a donation for refurbishments to his Downing Street flat after a watchdog fined the Tories £17,800;
    Mr Johnson is struggling to contain a Tory revolt today amid fury at 'non-sensical' new Covid restrictions and his handling of the No10 Christmas party debacle. Rebels are threatening to vote against Plan B next week but it is expected to pass because Labour is backing vaccine certificates, the wider use of masks and asking millions to work from home;
    The UK could breach 1million Omicron cases by the end of December, Health Secretary Sajid Javid warned;
    Britain's hospitality venues face losing £8billion over the Christmas season amid new Covid-19 restrictions with pubs and restaurants facing mass cancellations under Plan B, and concerns that measures could be 'catastrophic';
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    somniatissomniatis Member Posts: 219
    I always vote Conservative and I always will!

    If you lot worked as hard as our honourable members do then you'd all need a good old fashioned Xmas party too! Right?

    MPs work tirelessly and relentlessly on our behalf, day in, day out, and in all weathers, have you forgotten that? I think they deserve a party once a year don't you? We all make mistakes so why can't we just forgive and forget, and move on?

    My grandfather and father voted Conservative and I'll do the same! I'm a proud blue-blooded Conservative through and through! The Conservatives stand for lower taxes! More policing! And more fox hunting! Who doesn't want more fox hunting?

    Nothing has changed! I can't wait for the next GE.... [Insert name of dogmatic Tory voter here]
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
    edited December 2021

    The Daily Telegraph says that Boris Johnson's adviser on standards is on the "verge of quitting" - following claims that the prime minister gave misleading information about the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat.

    The paper reports that Lord Geidt - who investigated the way the renovation was funded - will consider his position unless Mr Johnson can explain why "vital evidence" was not shared. Yesterday, the Electoral Commission fined the Conservatives almost £18,000 for breaching the rules on reporting donations.

    The Guardian says if Lord Geidt was in fact misled, the PM faces a "potential suspension from the House of Commons". No 10 denies any inconsistency in the evidence put forward, but The Daily Mirror is not convinced, summing up the story with the headline: "Another Day...Another Lie".

    A YouGov poll for The Times suggests that more than two-thirds of voters now have doubts about Mr Johnson's integrity - as the row about last year's Christmas party at Downing Street continues. The paper says he is facing battles "on several fronts", with up to 100 Tory MPs expected to vote against his plans for Covid vaccine passports in England next week.

    The Daily Express believes the prime minister is "under the cosh", while the Metro says his only respite yesterday came courtesy of his wife, Carrie, giving birth to their second child.

    According to the i, possible successors to Mr Johnson are canvassing support - in case "things fall down" for him. The foreign secretary, Liz Truss, is understood to have been "quietly wooing MPs on the sidelines" while those close to Chancellor Rishi Sunak have apparently been doing the same. One of his allies disputes the story, while a spokesman for Ms Truss claims it's "total and utter rubbish".

    The Financial Times reports that the government has rejected demands from business leaders for additional support for companies facing a loss of trade because of "Plan B" Covid restrictions in England. The British Beer and Pub Association fears the rule changes will hit sales by up to 30%, but Treasury officials say there is already help in place.
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
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    HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 32,877
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