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At what point does it become more than just a game?

shipppp09shipppp09 Member Posts: 16
Long term lurker/player here, very infrequent poster, but something today and over the last couple of days has been bothering me. I quite particular in the games that I play, its a small pool and you spent a lot of time playing the same players. Most are fine but I've been playing one player who can't help himself to comment, every game, on the way I play, berating my play, telling me I'm playing incorrect, trying to give my chips away, yada yada you get the picture.

Now I'm a big boy, I've been around for years, I know the needle has been around forever and generally it doesn't bother me, but for whatever reason this has bothered me, it's almost stopped me sitting down and regging the games because I know once the game starts, it'll be a few hands before the berating starts.

Just leaves somewhat of a sour taste in the mouth and well, after what we've all been through the last 18 months, the last thing I want to do is get berated at the tables, during my leisure time away from work. I know I can mute the chat and I will from now on but just think it's such an unessessary thing to do.

I'd like to think the sky poker community is known for being inclusive for all level of players and nobody should feel like they are scared to reg a mtt/sng/cash game in fear of being berated, I know most are sound, but unfortunatly it can't be said for everyone.

On a side note, I notice Party Poker removed their chat boxes during the recent update for this exact reason, so something they clearly think is an issue.


  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    Hey, I don’t play much at the moment.

    When I do - mainly around the Spt satellites-it’s with a similar group of recognisable players and I can genuinely say there is virtually NO berating/abusive language/ etc…lots of banter and lots of chat but I can’t remember the last time I saw much offensive chat,genuinely.

    The most abuse I’ve seen recently is probably me call @MISTY4ME a cammyjunt, because he is a cammyjunt! 💩🤪👹

    Perhaps you need to reconsider where and what games you play?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,686
    edited January 2022
    Morning @shipppp09

    Sorry to hear this.

    I get the drift of your final paragraph, but I don't believe that, effectively, denying the chat function to all players because of the actions of a few is the right way forward.

    You do have the option to mute their chat, or have the chat function turned off completely of course.

    These little chat box warriors (very often also the very same players who get some perverse kick out of slow-rolling) are usually;

    Just people with poor communication skills & lack of self awareness.

    Sad or angry people, probably under the thumb & leading a sad life at home, so behind the keyboard on an online poker table they suddenly feel empowered & more brave.


    Rise above them, ignore them. That way, it is they who will feel frustrated, not you. Easily the best thing you can do is ignore them, it drives them nuts.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,008
    One thing that Tikay didnt mention, is that very few, if any of them are good players.
    I sometimes look these abusers up on Sharkscope, and have a little chuckle to myself.
    Most are not qualified to offer advice, and the majority have not opted in.
    On the other hand your ROI on Sky is 35.1%.
    Slightly better than @MattBates , one of the most respected players on the site.
    You can hold your head up.
    Just ignore them.
    Dont let them win.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I will tell you how it is...

    1 You have an extremely aggressive style that involves raising preflop most hands

    2 You will max bet the flop out of position, with KK in hand and the likes on a 245 flop at Hi Lo.

    3 With it being an online deck, you are hitting like K5 on the turn and river once reraising and ending up all in on the flop, at a fantastic rate compared to a real deck.

    With your style, it is going to attract comments in a chat box, which is there for poker talk, as it is not FaceFriend!

    You have to accept this extremely aggressive style, with most wins based on luck far in excess of mathematical odds, you are the ultimate type of player that will attract negative comments. As advised, turn off the chat box if players pointing out the obvious offends you!
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,008
    Most players would be very pleased about getting accused of being aggressive.
  • gregkdy82gregkdy82 Member Posts: 532
    TheWaddy said:

    I will tell you how it is...

    1 You have an extremely aggressive style that involves raising preflop most hands

    2 You will max bet the flop out of position, with KK in hand and the likes on a 245 flop at Hi Lo.

    3 With it being an online deck, you are hitting like K5 on the turn and river once reraising and ending up all in on the flop, at a fantastic rate compared to a real deck.

    With your style, it is going to attract comments in a chat box, which is there for poker talk, as it is not FaceFriend!

    You have to accept this extremely aggressive style, with most wins based on luck far in excess of mathematical odds, you are the ultimate type of player that will attract negative comments. As advised, turn off the chat box if players pointing out the obvious offends you!

    Well done @TheWaddy you've just outed yourself as a complete moron who has no clue about poker. I'm sure after proving how stupid you are the op won't feel as bad the next time you berate him at the tables. WP.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    What a strange bunch of people there are on Sky! Players who play a super aggressive bullying style, crying about comments in a chat box, mentioning that THEY are being bullied.

    A guy saying i know nothing about poker, cos i said calling all ins with KK on a 245 flop at hi lo is not the best idea!

    And a moderator asking what the difference is between an online deck and a real deck.

    Well when sites defend their decks by saying in prewritten statements as standard that 'we only make profit from rake and tourrnament fees, so we would not benefit from not having a random deck'.... obviously this will ring major alarm bells as its an outright lie.

    So if 3 players at cash have £1000 in front of them and one flops a straight and bets out...the other 2 call and one hits a nut flush turn and the 3rd hits a full house river.... all £3000 is in the middle and the sites main income is from rake.

    If you would like to comment on if there are many similar hands, way in excess of maths... how you think this would not benefit the site in rake, as you state,,, then we have a conversation.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    TheWaddy said:

    What a strange bunch of people there are on Sky! Players who play a super aggressive bullying style, crying about comments in a chat box, mentioning that THEY are being bullied.

    A guy saying i know nothing about poker, cos i said calling all ins with KK on a 245 flop at hi lo is not the best idea!

    And a moderator asking what the difference is between an online deck and a real deck.

    Well when sites defend their decks by saying in prewritten statements as standard that 'we only make profit from rake and tourrnament fees, so we would not benefit from not having a random deck'.... obviously this will ring major alarm bells as its an outright lie.

    So if 3 players at cash have £1000 in front of them and one flops a straight and bets out...the other 2 call and one hits a nut flush turn and the 3rd hits a full house river.... all £3000 is in the middle and the sites main income is from rake.

    If you would like to comment on if there are many similar hands, way in excess of maths... how you think this would not benefit the site in rake, as you state,,, then we have a conversation.

    You do know rake is capped.........right?
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    & a chair..oh & some more beer..
  • TrebleAAATrebleAAA Member Posts: 12
    Ship let your ROI do the talking, ignore the idiots...the best players never berate others on chat as they know it's not in their interest as a winning player to do that. 2 options, ignore turn/off chat, or laugh at loud to yourself in the knowledge without saying anything you have managed to get under the skin of your opponents and they are likely off their A game as a result.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    You do know rake is capped.........right?

    It was just an example.

    Clearly reaching the rake cap, as often as possible, is going to result in increased company profit. This is a fact regardless of whether someones opinion is that a deck is completely random or not.

  • SnapCrackSnapCrack Member Posts: 1
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2022
    I'm quite confused by this thread. Generally people that berate other players in the chat box are copmplaining because the player is "playing bad" and they don't approve of that. It's obviously totally idiotic to tell players they are playing badly, even if they are, as not only might it encourage them to educate themselves to play better or to simply leave, but also it's pretty rude.

    In this thread we have waddy berating shippy for playing aggressively although we can see that shippy is winning very nicely and we can assume playing very well.

    It strikes me that waddy's strategy of attempting to stop shippy playing well by berating him in the hope he'll start playing badly, may not work. I can see how he might have to fall back on moaning about randomness rather than taking the obvious lesson, which is to look at how shippy is playing, think about what he is doing and try to learn from it and improve. Maybe if Waddy was to do that he would soon be finding himself thanking shippy in the chatbox and they can be cordial again.

    It seems waddy has identified three things shippy does and we can see shippy is a healthy winner...

    1 You have an extremely aggressive style that involves raising preflop most hands

    2 You will max bet the flop out of position, with KK in hand and the likes on a 245 flop at Hi Lo.

    3 With it being an online deck, you are hitting like K5 on the turn and river once reraising and ending up all in on the flop, at a fantastic rate compared to a real deck.

    I guess my question is why don't you just do what he does and turn yourself into a big winner instead of moaning about it?
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,656
    NChanning said:

    I guess my question is why don't you just do whjat he does and turn yourself into a big winner instead of moaning about it?

    Waddy believes that OP is in fact playing very badly, but is only winning because the deck is rigged in his favour.
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871

    NChanning said:

    I guess my question is why don't you just do whjat he does and turn yourself into a big winner instead of moaning about it?

    Waddy believes that OP is in fact playing very badly, but is only winning because the deck is rigged in his favour.
    I know but I think Waddy has been trying to say that this £10bn multinational corporation have paid a team of developers to rig the site in favour of Shippy BECAUSE he is very aggressive preflop and bets any flop sometimes with hi-only hands. Surely if he makes himself like Shippy then he'll get the same benefit, unless he believes that Shippy is being favoured by the site for some other reason...(he never moans and isn't rude in the chat box?)
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,671
    '2 You will max bet the flop out of position, with KK in hand and the likes on a 245 flop at Hi Lo.'

    Surely even then with an 'online deck' Waddy is only getting halved (assuming he is in the hand and not just commenting on a hand he witnessed)? Waddy is obviously so good that he isn't continuing on that board without at least a low hand (A3xx being the obvious candidate), or am I missing something? Lots of other factors to consider as well - stack sizes, previous action, players, table dynamics, bounties, ICM etc etc all of which may have made OPs play fine.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Im taking NChanning is Neil, much respect.

    I will take this opportunity to try and clear up what actually happened here, as there is alot of people jumping to conclusions, including that i attack people, im a terrible player, think this, think that.

    This is the score. We play heads up omaha hi lo SNGS.

    Shipp has put this post up, told me about it and has complained to customer services about me being 'abusive'. I took exception to this, as i have never said anything to him personally other than comments like 'unlucky with the giveaway attempt', when the deck obliges for the umpteenth time. Anything in the chat box is geared to 10% and below chances dropping in on the river, when all in. When playing Shippp, this is an often occurence due to his aggressive style.

    A typical comment would be 'they simply dont allow giving away do they' and 'bink, bink,bink', as i believe there is an element of the deck that is designed to maximise profit.... after all, all businesses operate on how they can maximise profit. I accept this as part of online poker.

    I simply dont know why this player has got upset about this, as i never mention him as a person or put up anything worse than the above. I have had players saying 'i hope your kids die' in the chat box, so im not sure where he is coming from to find what i put 'abusive'.

    In my original post, i was simply trying to point out that his aggressive style and his total willingness to gamble it up, whilst hitting sub 10% chances at an incredible rate... will always make him a candidate for negativity of some kind in the chat box... at no point did i say his aggression is not the way to go to be a winning player. Read it again, you may see my post in a different light, was just saying his style will be one that attracts negative chat box, so turn it off if it offends.

    I can assure all that i have an ROI far in excess of Shippp, despite being called a 'moron', 'stupid' and 'idiot' in these posts, which is rich whilst being a thread on online chat abuse! Im quite happy with my posts. I will maintain that sub 10% chances come in at a fantastic rate, nowhere near 10%, put it that way, that maths dictate.... i still have a fantastic ROI and thats why i accept it, i know the situations to avoid, where the result will be standard, but will always voice my frustration, as we need change and nothing will happen without a voice.

    For example on 888 Poker, i noticed on heads up Omaha heads up sngs, that if a player gaveaway cheaply (eg had straight on a flush and FH board) and ended up decimated... the very next all in preflop, would double up. So after noticing it was doing it automatically (most omaha hands heads up preflop are 50/50ish, so you would expect to win half) i recorded 458 losses on the run before leaving. Not one win at a 50/50 in 458 attempts after noticing hundreds before recording it. I have to take notice in what the maths is telling me.

    And lastly, Shippp has always. ALWAYS sat with me ... and not me sitting with him, EVER. So hes so upset, but chooses to play me which his entirely own decision. Bit weird, somethings not quite right, im sure most would agree that this does not fit in with his claims, if my comments where really that bad.

  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    TheWaddy said:

    For example on 888 Poker, i noticed on heads up Omaha heads up sngs, that if a player gaveaway cheaply (eg had straight on a flush and FH board) and ended up decimated... the very next all in preflop, would double up. So after noticing it was doing it automatically (most omaha hands heads up preflop are 50/50ish, so you would expect to win half) i recorded 458 losses on the run before leaving. Not one win at a 50/50 in 458 attempts after noticing hundreds before recording it. I have to take notice in what the maths is telling me.

    :D:D:D:D:D:D brilliant stuff
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