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Sets Are Best - CraigSG1 Diary. UPDATE



  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    Absolutely crushing it, well played :)
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    CraigSG1 said:

    Hey ho,

    Nearly didnt play tonight as i was a bit tired with the very early starts but the mrs was watching tv so i fired up the mac and after about half an hour wish i hadnt bothered.

    The little bit of bad run that has followed me past couple of days continued. I lost to runner runner flush twice all in on the flop with a dominating hand and lost a few races or hands when the river got me and to cut a long story short busted the FR, £2 and £7 BHs with only one head to show for it.

    Right around all this i had a **** of a journey in the £5 (which i am currently in 2/12) and that is some story.

    I honestly cant remember having my stack fluctuate from hero to short so much and in some amazing fashions. At one point i will admit i was livid but i at least didnt let that lead my play and i stuck at it and im so glad i have!

    I had this one tussle with a particular player who just didnt fold and called down so light. He both doubled me up and took my chips time after time before thankfully after an hour i bust him and took his big head prize. Talking of head prizes i dont remember having as many as i do before the last two tables ever!

    I also lost in the exact same spot with the exact same hand in the exact same way sb v bb allin 1010 v my AQ and i again hit my card to then lose to a river 10! At the time i was chip leader and that would have given me a huge advantage.

    So far im now 4/11 so back to it....

    Sigh. Was 1/8 now 7/7 because mr all in every hand purrer01 just beat my A10s with KJ.

    Wow - now some luck for me - 85s sb v bb. 844 flop - get all in against terrytwomore and he has Q4o and i hit runner runner flush. 4/7.

    Wow - some more luck. A5s v short stack A7 - i hit 5 and now 1/6. See roller coaster or what!! Head prizes galore!!!! Deep breaths....

    Oh, and we now already have a winner in the bounties league - congratulations @splashies as i now have 90 bounties with 16 so far in this one!! I must admit i thought it would be a good competition but i have played well and more importantly run so well this month it is up there with my best ever run in the 17 years ive been playing.

    So - 1/4 and another head prize but i must say its not an enjoyable FT at all. The guys i have left are just limp, all in or fold guys. Hold the phone...

    My god what a CRAZZYYYYYYYY last two hands right now!!!!! Jeez, let me get my breath!!

    As i was typing that last sentence i got dealt AA in the bb and mr all in guy purrer01 on the button 3x it (not done that for a long time) so i min raise and he calls. Flop is Kh with two clubs - i jam (and he snaps with Q10 for a fd. The turn is a 10 and im holding my breath and thank god it bricked out on the river. I bust him and now big big chip leader.

    NEXT hand i have 99 and raise button, BOTH go all in and i call. Before i can properly glance at their hands i noticed ive flopped a set, one guy has 88 and he too has flopped a set(!!!!) and the other guy has AQ and i just cant believe ive won this MTT for the FOURTH time this year!

    Im so happy and i dont care i wont get a lot of sleep for work tomorrow - well, i may for the first few minutes in morning!!!

    CraigSG1 388000 1 £139.05 + £87.69 Head Prizes 20
    bigfatfish 0 2 £83.94 + £10.03 Head Prizes 3
    jamesbonn 0 3 £50.73 + £15.43 Head Prizes 6
    purrer01 0 4 £39.91 + £20.60 Head Prizes 5
    terrytwomore 0 5 £33.99 + £12.67 Head Prizes

    TWENTY heads, thats just mind boggling to me.

    Well, i best go and calm down so i can sleep tonight. And to think i wasnt going to play tonight... :blush:

    MAY BOUNTIES: 94 (29 MTTs)

    Crushing with a capital Crush. VWP.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    Congrats on the win, smashing the bounties for the month wp
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    Great stuff last night Craig, well done.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    Just to clarify, has @splashies now won the "guess how many bounties" fun comp?
  • FORDAKIDZFORDAKIDZ Member Posts: 225
    Well played Craig, you deservered the win and 20bootys. wow thats massive.

    Any prize for second :)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Evening peeps,

    Thanks to @Asho28, @splashies, @TheEdge949, @benc, @Tikay10 and @FORDAKIDZ for your kind words. Im still really happy about last night.

    And yes Tikay - splashies is the winner so congrats to him. I never would have thought i would get to that number never mind surpass it!

    Ive not only been proud of my efforts and play but also not falling into the trap of positive tilt. Ive just played and adjusted my new methods and its working. I just have to keep this up and know that this will end and just to keep playing my way whatever happens.

    Tonights efforts saw a blank in the £7 and FR. An amazing start in the £5 where i took 3 heads quickly and a chip lead stack before losing in two cooler spots and then going card dead eventually trying to squeeze with 77 and running into QQ.

    I came 9th in the £2 thanks to a good start - with some luck when beating Asho28 QQ with JJ thanks to running straight cards button v sb. My final hands being A8 v KJ - guy flopped trip Jacks but i hit running flush cards and then very next hand lost them with AQs v AKs and then two hands later my A10 losing to a limp called KQ thanks to his flopped trip Qs!

    The twist and turns! I have had some good run lately so i have to remember that when earlier in the week i had been losing to a lot of runner runner cards.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    "And yes Tikay - splashies is the winner so congrats to him. I never would have thought i would get to that number never mind surpass it!"


    @splashies let me know what you wish to play & when, & I'll get it sorted.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    Tikay10 said:

    "And yes Tikay - splashies is the winner so congrats to him. I never would have thought i would get to that number never mind surpass it!"


    @splashies let me know what you wish to play & when, & I'll get it sorted.

    9.30pm £11BH on Monday would be great please.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    splashies said:

    Tikay10 said:

    "And yes Tikay - splashies is the winner so congrats to him. I never would have thought i would get to that number never mind surpass it!"


    @splashies let me know what you wish to play & when, & I'll get it sorted.

    9.30pm £11BH on Monday would be great please.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi - last night for a few days. Date night and lates at work meaning probably only one night in the next 10/11 days.

    At least i'll be happy with how things have gone and a break might be good, may even have some study time and listen to a few podcasts so if anyone has some recommendations that would be appreciated. About low stakes MTTs.

    As for tonight i wasnt feeling it yet felt obliged to play because i wont be able to play for so long and i didnt play that well. Gambled a lot, had a bit of fun with it if im honest but kept running into flopped straights! Lol.

    I guess a bit of positive tilt also so i think this break will do me good, leave me chomping at the bit when i get the next chance. Although i then have to remember to be patient and not play lots of hands!

    Good luck to all and @splashies - dont forget the small print you signed. I'm entitled to 50% of any profit you make off your £11BH on Monday so good luck :wink:

    Until next time, go well!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    splashies said:

    Tikay10 said:

    "And yes Tikay - splashies is the winner so congrats to him. I never would have thought i would get to that number never mind surpass it!"


    @splashies let me know what you wish to play & when, & I'll get it sorted.

    9.30pm £11BH on Monday would be great please.

    I've now registered you for that, gl mate.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    Thanks both :)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi all,

    So, with June fast approaching I would like to announce my idea for that months competition.

    Its a Flip!

    There will be TWO prizes up for offer, each a £5.50 MTT token.

    The idea: Everyone believes they run bad in flips, i won't lie, i certainly do! So this month i will be recording every flip im apart of and using this very small sample size as a definitive answer to that question! I jest of course but the idea is everyone gets to guess how many flips i win and how many i lose.

    The criteria is simple;

    * It has to be all in pre flop.
    * Overcards versus a pair (from the classic AK v QQ to 73 v 22).
    * Be between me and one other player.
    * Any hand of poker i play from Sng, cash and MTTs will count (although i expect it will be almost 100% MTTs).

    If anyone has any questions you have between now and the end of this month - the competition will start from the 2nd of June.

    Some information i have is i will have roughly 15 days of play available to me, i will be playing my normal schedule of about 3 MTTs a night (maybe the FR but i doubt i will gain enough points in the weeks). To fill out any table space if i bust early i normally play a SnG sometimes.

    So there will be one winner from the how many i win table and one from the how many i lose table. All you have to do is put down two numbers - for example:

    Win: 50. Lose: 50

    Good luck and spread the word! :smiley:
  • ToffeeandyToffeeandy Member Posts: 943
    Win 69
    Lose 31

    Good luck
  • poppy765poppy765 Member Posts: 1,534
    Win 50
    Lose 40
    Well done on your great results so far!
  • FORDAKIDZFORDAKIDZ Member Posts: 225

    Win 77
    Lose 66
    Looking foward to your updates, they have become essential reading.
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    Win 54
    Lose 45

    Gl for the coming month mate.
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,821
    Win 43
    Lose 49

    Good luck!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    Thanks for your comment @poppy765 - im very happy with how things have gone.

    @FORDAKIDZ - Thank you, i really appreciate these comments as sometimes you wonder if you are just talking to yourself! Its not a bad thing though, it helps sorts out things in your head to get them written down.

    Managed to pop onto the site for a bit of the pokers tonight, think its going to be another 6/7 days before my next chance but that will be a six day break. These lates are a killer at times but i do get the advantage of spending time with my daughters.

    For a large part of tonight things just didnt go well, the usual minefield of players that at times are hard to get through. I would chip up and then lose some decent pots to some sucky run outs. I admit it did get frustrating at times but i have to remember these spots are where i make a lot of chips and its not always going to go well.

    I did get some profit from tonight though, i managed a tenth in the £7 BH to rescue the night and could have been so much better but for the 7 on the flop calling the guy who had just been super aggressive and all in a lot with AK and he had A7.

    The early parts had been the same as earlier, chipping up and losing pots in bad ways but this time i managed to win a few too to keep me in the game. For the bad luck i got in that spot i did get some very good luck with around 30 left when i had 18 bb and went with 99 against an active player who isolated an all in - he turned out to have KK but i spiked a 9 on the flop!

    That gave me the chip lead for exactly one hand because the guy i beat with KK quickly jammed his remaining stack and i had AJ. With a guy who seemed on tilt and a big bounty prize i called but he had QQ and won the hand. You have to laugh. With out that dynamic i probably would have folded.

    Another night of what could have been. :wink:

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