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Sets Are Best - CraigSG1 Diary. UPDATE



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi @FORDAKIDZ - thanks, i always wonder who reads, it can feel like im talking to myself at times! And i look forward to that, love Stargate!

    Hi all, had a very busy day today. My partners birthday and some family round made the day fly by, but its been very enjoyable.

    As for the pokers, had a very close call to a win tonight but got busted in 4th in two hands after being not only joint top but one card away from a huge chip lead 3 handed!

    The night started very very slowly, not picking up any hands. In an hour i had JJ and 77 twice and then a load of junk. The £5 and £7 BH didnt bear fruit, losing a 3 way pot with 1010 v AJ v 44 on the river and a race in the other.

    In the £2 i stayed patient and managed to win a 3 way all in with QQ v AJ v 33. That got me back in it and i managed to chip up and stay relevant. Made it into the money and then for a good pot made trip Aces on the flop - checked it over and 99 jammed. I called and he hits river 9. That sucked but i did managed to bluff a few spots and get back up and then take the chip lead when wondering how i was going to play my KK 4th in chips open jams 99 and i call and win.

    We get to the FT (was 5 handed as two busted at same time - i claimed a big head prize against a guy with one bb when i managed to hit a four flush v his flopped top pr) as chip leader and things stay five handed for a long time before a car crash of a hand gets us to four.

    Then disaster. If i hadnt been getting results this would have gutted me more but at the minute is just an annoyance. We have a short stack with 4bb go all in, i call bb K2o and limper calls. Flop is K53 and limper open jams. Hes very loose so i call and he has Q3o. See, loose!

    Turn is a 3(!) and not only that but mr 4bb has 43! So if i win i have a huge chip lead and two good head prizes. But i didnt. Then next hand i have KQ on the button, raise and mr Q3 jams. I have to call and he has A7 and an A on the flop seals it with a K on the river rubbing it in.

    Thats me for three more days but i do get five off after. See you all then.

    Its A Flip

    16 - 16
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    Another enjoyable update, thanks @CraigSG1

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi all,

    Tough few days at work but all done now, had a wonderful day at the beach with my family. The girls surprised us both by going in the sea upto their feet and then falling in! Took some convincing at times but they did great!

    My night went ok in the grand scheme, i played well but didnt particularly run well. Busted the FR with 99 v A9 all in pre. River A. The £5 i also got rivered in two spots to bust when well, well ahead.

    The £7 was the same, had this guy who played every hand do this to me....
    CraigSG1Small blind30.0030.004165.00
    mcreigh12Big blind60.0090.001850.00
    Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    CraigSG1Unmatched bet2865.002720.002865.00
    • 10
    • 10
    • 9
    • J
    • 2
    • 5
    • 10
    • Q
    • 8
    MAXAZZWinStraight to the Queen2720.002720.00

    Then to rub it in he flops top set with 1010 v my A10 to bust me!

    I made 9th in the £2 after a long, long, long bubble. It went on for half an hour or so with shallow stacks, everytime the shortstack winning! I did well, picking spots with no hands to get to second but then lost couple small spots to go 9/10 before I then ran into QQ with Q9s with about 8 bb v 10bb.

    Its A Flip

    16 - 17

    New competition coming soon!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi @Tikay10 - if possible can I have my free entry for tonight’s 6:30 BH please. Thanks.

    So it seems next month I won’t have a lot of nights to play which is annoying but what can I do?

    That means I’m going to keep next month’s competition a simple one. Two prizes up for grabs and all you have to do is guess how many times I get AA and then how many times they get cracked! So the formula for entries if you could please as an example: 10 - 2

    Some info: I will probably play around twelve nights in the month and three MTTs a night and maybe the odd DYM/6 max.

    Good luck. Entries close July 1st 6pm
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    CraigSG1 said:

    Hi all,

    Tough few days at work but all done now, had a wonderful day at the beach with my family. The girls surprised us both by going in the sea upto their feet and then falling in! Took some convincing at times but they did great!

    My night went ok in the grand scheme, i played well but didnt particularly run well. Busted the FR with 99 v A9 all in pre. River A. The £5 i also got rivered in two spots to bust when well, well ahead.

    The £7 was the same, had this guy who played every hand do this to me....

    CraigSG1Small blind30.0030.004165.00
    mcreigh12Big blind60.0090.001850.00
    Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    CraigSG1Unmatched bet2865.002720.002865.00
    • 10
    • 10
    • 9
    • J
    • 2
    • 5
    • 10
    • Q
    • 8
    MAXAZZWinStraight to the Queen2720.002720.00

    Then to rub it in he flops top set with 1010 v my A10 to bust me!

    I made 9th in the £2 after a long, long, long bubble. It went on for half an hour or so with shallow stacks, everytime the shortstack winning! I did well, picking spots with no hands to get to second but then lost couple small spots to go 9/10 before I then ran into QQ with Q9s with about 8 bb v 10bb.

    Its A Flip

    16 - 17

    New competition coming soon!
    Yeah that 10s hand sucked, no idea what the villain is doing there. Very unlucky.

    Have you considered playing a couple of the other tourneys around the time you play, such as the £2 rebuy and 7:30pm £5.50 BH ? Or do time constraints prevent you from playing any later than you do?

    As for the new comp, I'll predict you get AA 24 times and have them cracked 6 times. Hopefully 0 of course. :smile:
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603


    "Hi @Tikay10 - if possible can I have my free entry for tonight’s 6:30 BH please. Thanks."

    No problem.

  • _Mr_Chips__Mr_Chips_ Member Posts: 257
    For the AA comp I'll use a deck of cards for my guesses

    Dealt AA 52 times (full deck)
    Cracked 13 times (1 suit)

    but hopefully the poker gods are smiling upon you and you win them all. GL
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Well, what a bummer of a night.

    Im in a bit of a rut at the moment, i dont think im playing that bad but my god the beats i have took. I was going to post hand histories but ill just describe the hits.

    First bust out was in the FR - i utg 3x KK, next to act quickly jams all in and i call. He had AJ and flops a J and rivers a J to knock me out.

    I couldnt get much going at all in the £2. I lost a decent pot with KK again, i big 3b a raise and call only for villian to snap cold call with J9s. The others fold and i lose to trip jacks on a JJ468 board. I then get snap called by an utg limper with J5s who busts my AK with a pr of 5s.

    The £7 was a doozy too. Villian min raises and has two callers and i complete with A5o. Flop is AAx and villain bets 3/4 pot, others fold and i call. Turn is a brick and he jams. I call and he has QQ. River is a Q!

    To finish it off the £5 was filled with not many hands, i did chip up before approaching the hour mark with about 20+bb i lose with KQ v a short stack AK and then find a good squeeze spot with A10s only to run into JJ to bust.

    Coming off all the success i have had makes this easier to take and of corse i know thats how it goes but when it happens across the board night after night its hard. I dont mind losing flips or getting coolered or not making draws etc but when your busting to guys hitting runner runner and 2 outers etc its tough mentally. Add to that my schedule being erratic you want to make the most of your chances.

    Well, chances are ill be back tomorrow and who knows - i may take one down!

    Its a Flip

    16 - 17

    Thanks @Tikay10 - only the one bounty to take from that (and my whole night!).


    Yeah, my schedule is definitely hindering the MTTs i would love to play. I have played the £2 rebuy to some success and may swap that with my £2BH soon but for that i have a simple strategy - i dont rebuy. I know i can be leaving value out there but i personally think the MTT itself does not warrant the investment of rebuys. The prize pool is not big enough value wise if you consider you could easily pump £10 and more into it and if you do that each and every time you play it suddenly the £120+ top prize doesnt seem worth it. AND the fact that late on it just becomes a **** shoot with the quite frankly ludicrous blind jumps taking the skill element away. I do do well in that sort of situation because i understand the spots you just have to take but it still leaves a lot to luck.

    Remember, get those entries in for my competition - Aces or bust.

  • poppy765poppy765 Member Posts: 1,534
    AA: 21 times
    Cracked: 5 times

    Goodluck on the tables :)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    I feel utterly deflated right now.

    Bombed all my tourneys, two incredibly bad called bad beats to bust and run into a flopped full house two hands in a row to bust in the other and then i dont know why i do it but lost a over a stack on 10nl to yet some more bad luck and i made a good bluff on the river only to get called by the one hand that could call and that being a rivered set of Aces!

    Im still playing ok in my tourneys (not sure in cash, say i should quit but my head goes a bit and i play ok just lose some bad pots. I even check on hand replayer for pot odds on each street and im betting well just getting called! And then when i feel i could bluff i dont only to find if i had i would have won the pot).

    I do feel my head space fluctuating again. Getting frustrated quicker but i am still trying to think clearly but the killer is i then hit those bad calls/luck and my head goes that little bit again.

    Not sure what im doing tomorrow so good luck to all.

    Its a Flip

    17 - 17
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Another disaster of a night.

    Consistently running into nut hands or gut shots hitting for fun. Folding in tight spots that would have hit big hands and pots and calling the ones that miss. Have someone bluff all in one hand and have a flush with 104s v your top two (and someone who had a set and made quads) with the next.

    Frustrating and soul destroying. Feel pretty down. Night off tomorrow.

    Its a Flip

    19 - 17
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    Had a great day yesterday looking after the girls and then a very early night to try and catch up on some sleep which worked somewhat, got 7 hours which is most for a long while.

    Wasnt sure about tonight but i was in an ok place so gave it a go but only played two MTTs. The £2BH (which im still in on break, 1/11 just in the money) and a few moments ago i busted the £5 in a very frustrating way. I was 4th in chips with AK utg and a shortish stack goes all in and the table chip leader who is calling and raising EVERY hand and also calling very wide (and all ins K6, K9, Q10, 55 etc) just cold calls. I dont want to get bluffed off plus he does call with hands i will crush so reraise all in and he snaps with 88.

    88. The other guy turns out to have AK too and we miss to bust an almost 30k pot. So not only a huge gamble call by him he wins. Again. A pot like that normally always guarantees me top 10 finish and usually a FT so that was gutting.


    Right, made it to the FT 3/6 and made it to three way 2/3 and then my eventual HU opponent was very short stacked and beat my 1010 with KQ and then my Ax with KQ again. This would be a theme!

    Stacks fluctuated and i eventually knocked out the guy who was big chip leader going into three handed and that gave me a huge chip lead over my opponent HU. I then lost AJ v 88. Ax v KQ (again) and stacks where level. We swapped leads for well over 30 minutes of heads up play with each time i had him all in for the win he won - culminating in me losing 22 v KJ TWICE(!), once for the win and then next for his win.


    Its a Bluff.

    20 - 20

    Coming to the end of this and its quite remarkable that my 50/50s have in deed been 50/50(!) in the forty flips ive had. I did have a big lead in my first couple of days but that evened out. Its just when you win flips that is the most important thing.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Erm, well. I've just had a huge string of river bad beats to bust three if my four games in about twenty minutes.

    I flop top two with KQs and lose to runner runner two pair v A7o (not sure why called flop). I then turn nut straight and lose to rivered better straight. I flop top two and lose to river flush. I make second nut flush (with a pair on flop) on river and lose to nut flush.

    I get 1010 all in on flop against A7 top pr 7 and it goes runner runner straight on board for chip lead pot!

    Finally - after many attempts the river worked for me for my first bounty when i was in BB and flopped pr n FD and button jammed flop with top 2.

    Got called by J8 - he makes quads obviously.

    Got 8th in the £2 - ran 66 into an agg players 77 on the button v my bb. *shrug*

    Getting battered a bit lately but staying strong.

    The end of Its a Flip and congrats to:

    @goldnballz for guessing the wins (43) actual 20
    @Toffeeandy for guessing the losses (31) actual 20

    Could @Tikay10 sort the guys out with the £5 tokens when possible.

    Tomorrow starts Aces or Bust and so far i think only three entries. I will extend the deadline to July 2nd midnight and not divulge any information on that front until then.

    Get your entries in folks!

  • ToffeeandyToffeeandy Member Posts: 943
    CraigSG1 said:

    Erm, well. I've just had a huge string of river bad beats to bust three if my four games in about twenty minutes.

    I flop top two with KQs and lose to runner runner two pair v A7o (not sure why called flop). I then turn nut straight and lose to rivered better straight. I flop top two and lose to river flush. I make second nut flush (with a pair on flop) on river and lose to nut flush.

    I get 1010 all in on flop against A7 top pr 7 and it goes runner runner straight on board for chip lead pot!

    Finally - after many attempts the river worked for me for my first bounty when i was in BB and flopped pr n FD and button jammed flop with top 2.

    Got called by J8 - he makes quads obviously.

    Got 8th in the £2 - ran 66 into an agg players 77 on the button v my bb. *shrug*

    Getting battered a bit lately but staying strong.

    The end of Its a Flip and congrats to:

    @goldnballz for guessing the wins (43) actual 20
    @Toffeeandy for guessing the losses (31) actual 20

    Could @Tikay10 sort the guys out with the £5 tokens when possible.

    Tomorrow starts Aces or Bust and so far i think only three entries. I will extend the deadline to July 2nd midnight and not divulge any information on that front until then.

    Get your entries in folks!

    The way poker is going for me just now I'll take any sort of win, even a hollow one like this, thanks @CraigSG1 !

    For the AA thing:

    Dealt them 41 times
    Cracked 11 times.

  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,922
    I'll go 54-15 for the competition please.

    Good luck for the month.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,358
    AA 17
    Cracked 5
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,821
    edited July 2022
    Also my biggest win for a while, that :D

    No worries if the token is only sorted when Tikay returns from Vegas.

    AA comp:

    Dealt 13 times
    Cracked 2 times
  • coo1-umcoo1-um Member Posts: 2,996
    Good Luck with this.

    My guess for July.

    Dealt Aces = 25 times
    Cracked = 6 times
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    Bit of an up and down night. Quickish bust outs in two MTTs and a deep run in the £5 before running into the limped KK of a guy who ran super loose and aggressive but also hit everything and held.

    AA or Bust:


    Entries close very soon.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    After a tough late shift finishing gone midnight i then had a very busy day taking the girls to Pink Pig Farm near Scunthorpe. We had a great time but it was nice to put up my feet and fire up the Mac.

    Had an absolute rollercoaster in the £5 - i double up early after flopping the FH and turning quads and getting well paid with a bounty i then next hand ran trip Qs into a guy who plays every hand and calls down light happen to have made a FH with AA! Move up and down a bit before another absolute loose caller (one hand after snap cold calling a 3b all in with 102s to win v AK) make a river flush v my flopped top 2. He then two hands later snaps my all in with QJs v my AKs and wins on the river.

    The £2 started well but i kept running into hands everytime i started to build up a stack before losing two flips and then into KK to bust.

    The £7 didnt go much better, didnt get paid on two hands then again ran into a PP against a serial limper to devastate my stack. Hung on for a little before getting a bad call with a draw only for him to hit straight away. That would have been a nice double up and the perfect example to how im running at the moment.

    I certainly am not running very well and i will admit to letting that get to me and effecting my play. Im starting to button click again and tonight i did do much better actually thinking about my hands but running into the top ends of the opponents is te way of things. Hopefully my luck can turn again.

    Soon i hope.

    Entries are closed and so far in Aces or Bust the tally is thus:

    2 - 0
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