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Never ending story



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    goldon said:

    Anyone know if we get Oil & Gas from the Falklands after chucking the Argies out.
  • PaintedOnePaintedOne Member Posts: 236
    Essexphil said:

    yawn yawn

    Essexphil said:

    Tikay10 said:

    Time for some balance, common-sense & truth.

    Read that. Calm science, and some weird shouty people. Who continue to rant without any concrete evidence, other than showing politicians are not Scientists (just like anti-vaxxers).

    Instead of trying to rubbish the, frankly, brilliant work of mid-late 2020 after the initial panic, here is my take on some genuine questions in relation to this.

    1. History tells us that viruses tend to weaken over time. To continue to be relevant, a virus needs to do 2 things-firstly, not kill its host, and secondly to become more transmissible before symptoms appear, while changing various components to sidestep natural immunity. You can see the equivalent of the journey between alpha/delta to omicron in various other communicable diseases. Wasn't inevitable that this would happen in this way, but always likely. Did we keep restrictions for too long?

    2. The early panic in 2020 was pretty much inevitable. The vaccines were produced at brilliant speed-but (much like a flu jab) were always likely to provide a great short-term solution but a limited medium-term one

    3. At what stage was it clear that the risk had drastically reduced? We may have been slow to adapt

    4. There are questions about some decision-making. Which falls into 2 groups:-

    (a) Some dim decisions. The Nightingale Hospitals cost a fortune, but there was never the medical resources to make them effective. Massive waste of money. Much cheaper, and much more realistic, was to use some of the smaller Hospitals for this purpose. As an example, in my area the major Hospitals are Colchester/Ipswich. But Clacton or Harwich hospitals could have been used purely for Covid patients. Another was the shameful release of Covid patients into Care Homes

    (b) some shameless profiteering by some politicians. How can it be acceptable to (for example) award a contract worth £millions to your mate who runs the village pub, has zero experience, and there is no Competitive Tendering? PPE in particular was not handled well
    the whole thing was by design , just stop making excuses for them , they are child trafficking pedophiles who are trying to **** your life up in whatever way possible, its a multi faceted attack and is still going on with all the bs war and what is being pushed because of it , gas , fuel , e.t.c

    next you're going to tell me carbon is not the fuel of life and extinction rebellion are not a paid organization

    his-story , who's story ?

    this event was planned , they even done a documentary on it and it started in the exact same place in uk lmao

    enjoy your climate lockdown or your pwer cuts because of russia lmao

    oh dear

    bbc would be proud
    Wow. You need serious help.

    "By design?" Whose design?
    "Child trafficking pedophiles"? Really?
    "Multi faceted attack? Really?
    "bs war"? Really?
    "extinction rebellion...a paid organisation"? Really?

    Governments get away with stuff precisely because of people like you. Full of generalities. With fantasies of some secret new world order.

    Ignoring the tens of thousands of real deaths. The massive debts caused by all of this-owed by the very Governments you believe have "planned" it.

    And allowing the individual, opportunist wrongdoers to get off scot-free. While you prattle on about the "big picture".
    governments get away with stuff because the normies think they wouldnt do anything to hurt them and never question anything..

    remember party gate oooo ooo they had a party when everyone else was locked down. Of course they did they knew there was nothing to be scared of and they were laughing at you
  • PaintedOnePaintedOne Member Posts: 236
    Tikay10 said:

    ""Child trafficking pedophiles"?"

    Oh deary me.

    ask yourself this , where do all the missing children go every year in this country , thousands and thousands of them , no normal person or gang could get away with it I'm afraid to say ..

    not rocket science

    you not heard of adrenochrome ?

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,379
    A party full of people just laughing at all of us.

    Well jel.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Shouldnt the mortality rate be high due to people dying from the vaccine!?? I read here it was deadly!

    With 90%+ of the population taking up the vaccine, surely you would expect a higher than normal mortality rate!???

    Just a little reminder of your post on page 3 of this thread.....
    VespaPX said:

    "Ms Greene appears to need psychiatric help, & that's even before her bizarre COVID & anti-vaccine rantings".

    God bless Twitter.

    Banned for posting facts...

    Get on GETTR

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Oh that's ok then.......

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    The reply from a "doctor"

    Pronouns & rainbow flags in his bio, no suprise there..
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,098
    VespaPX said:

    The reply from a "doctor"

    Pronouns & rainbow flags in his bio, no suprise there..

    He's not a "doctor". He is a Doctor. More specifically, he specialises in Paediatric Medicine. Even more specifically, infectious diseases in children. Which puts him in a far better position to know what is best for children's health.

    I expect he is not alone in being exasperated with the endless guff about the supposed risks from the people you read. The simple fact is that the risk of not having various vaccines is massively higher than of having them. And he would rather resources were allocated to treating patients, rather than esoteric witch hunts. Particularly as he appears to spend considerable time treating terminally ill children.

    The pronouns? He is a man who, for ease of reference, likes to be known as one. Didn't see the rainbow flag, but looking at his comments, he certainly has sympathy for the LGBT community. Have to say that, in my view, that is totally irrelevant as to whether or not he is a good Doctor.

    He does appear to dislike pseudoscience. And "bigots".

    It's all a question of who is more credible in relation to children's health.

    I'm going with the specialist Paediatrician. You can quote the bloke who writes copy for Country Squire Magazine. It's a free country.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    Essexphil said:

    VespaPX said:

    The reply from a "doctor"

    Pronouns & rainbow flags in his bio, no suprise there..

    He's not a "doctor". He is a Doctor. More specifically, he specialises in Paediatric Medicine. Even more specifically, infectious diseases in children. Which puts him in a far better position to know what is best for children's health.

    I expect he is not alone in being exasperated with the endless guff about the supposed risks from the people you read. The simple fact is that the risk of not having various vaccines is massively higher than of having them. And he would rather resources were allocated to treating patients, rather than esoteric witch hunts. Particularly as he appears to spend considerable time treating terminally ill children.

    The pronouns? He is a man who, for ease of reference, likes to be known as one. Didn't see the rainbow flag, but looking at his comments, he certainly has sympathy for the LGBT community. Have to say that, in my view, that is totally irrelevant as to whether or not he is a good Doctor.

    He does appear to dislike pseudoscience. And "bigots".

    It's all a question of who is more credible in relation to children's health.

    I'm going with the specialist Paediatrician. You can quote the bloke who writes copy for Country Squire Magazine. It's a free country.

    @Essexphil wins "Reply of the Week".
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2022
    So discussing vaccine injuries and deaths is nonsense now?
    Isn't that part of the science?

    I thought medical professionals were supposed to have empathy.
    I wonder if he would say that the bereaved members of the audience?
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Just more nonsense....

    This case was the reason J & J was pulled in Ireland.

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    More nonsense....

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Keep jabbing

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    'Never ending story'...... how apt.... covid as a pandemic has been and gone, the vaccines did their job, those who didnt want it have also returned to normal life... only those who made a fool of themselves claiming the virus and the vaccines was something other than what they were (a contagious illness and a solution), want to go on about it....

    The only alternative was to stop talking about it and in a roundabout way admitting they got it wrong (there was no micro chip in vaccines, it wasnt to have control over people, etc etc)... so we still have this insistance to save face.....

  • PaintedOnePaintedOne Member Posts: 236
    poor stephen wright , took the shot to protect his patients and died , now his wife tries to inform but no she is a liar and a fraud and it didn't happen , even though it says it on his death certificate.

    let's all believe doctors who are paid by the msm or pharma companies, ya look how virtuous we are , i did my bit to protect others , even though it was all bs you still defend these murderers

    give up vespa, you can't bring them back from the dead
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    The trading paedo guy is back.... I had another nutjob doing work at my house who believed this... im guessing you follow the guy that claims there is 20,000 children under Central Park in New York, Esther Ranzen is in on it and King Charles was a result of artificial insemination for Lord Mountbatten to have as a play thing...

    This is all in a 'conspiracy bible', that has been circulated along with covid conspiracy by the same guru and the work guy was reeling it all off word for word....

    The guy i refer to btw, has lost his house and business now following this bible...... Probably the saddest and most insane example of following social media that i have heard to date.
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