The tea party members are made up of players that play Poker on here and participate in Forum discussions - if your argument holds water they make a Cuppa and celebrate.
I need to play players who dont put their money in with just a hope and a prayer, to improve my results? A comment like that can only be seen as supporting the fact online poker odds are a different animal.....
You are reading things differently to what I said ....but that's what you do .......twist things to try and support your argument
I never said anything about how to improve your results
I agree that the tea club technique of filling the page with as many inane quotes as possible, is the best way to deal with something that ultimately, is not something that can be tackled with 'a clever answer'........
What do you expect to achieve by keeping on it's not random ..see 888 What do you suggest should happen to make Sky R.N.G. more random for you..... I say for you, because you're the only one complaining...the majority are happy with the randomness ....... tea two sugars ta!
What do you expect to achieve by keeping on it's not random ..see 888 What do you suggest should happen to make Sky R.N.G. more random for you..... I say for you, because you're the only one complaining...the majority are happy with the randomness ....... tea two sugars ta!
How do you make a random number generator more random?
perhaps keep trying to hide up the question of 888 pokers magical 3 of a kind or better which happens automatically in a certain situation by putting monkey videos up.
I agree that the tea club technique of filling the page with as many inane quotes as possible, is the best way to deal with something that ultimately, is not something that can be tackled with 'a clever answer'........
Can it be tackled with a F.B.H. If so I volunteer.
Lost heads up in the 3 rebuy with AJ to 85
Conclusive proof that online is rigged to the big stack
I may have run amazingly to get down to the last 2 but let’s disregard that bit
He was protesting the Cliff's were not White enough.
I never said anything about how to improve your results
Want to show off to other players or had a beat? Brags, Beats and Variance is for you!
Quite ironic that your Forum Avatar is an Ape
Think they're BANNED now
What do you suggest should happen to make Sky R.N.G. more random for you.....
I say for you, because you're the only one complaining...the majority are happy with the randomness ....... tea two sugars ta!