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Does the Sit and go over 30 pounds ever get played?



  • Bean81Bean81 Member Posts: 634
    Lol. ICM ranges incorporate the situation.

    A more interesting debate in your trivial example would be what range should CO and BTN shove. What do you shove there?
  • johnmontyjohnmonty Member Posts: 100
    5 stacks all 4-10bb or 25bb 30bb and 2x1 bb just the same! Yeah cause chip leading a mtt half way through means you should win it… totally gutted to come 9th in a £250 live comp rather than come 1st in a £1 hu sng 3 out 4 times a day and cry rigged, got me there.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    TheWaddy said:

    Bean81 said:

    It takes a certain level of self-confidence to think your opinion is more valid than mathematically solved ranges, I'll give you that. Michael Gove would be proud. Who needs experts and a "silly mechanical approach" when you can play Wad Theory Optimal?

    To prove that it's all of us on this forum that can't grasp a "basic understanding", I think you should post those two hands on 2+2 with exactly the same wording. Let us know how you get on.

    So you just go with ranges regardless of the situation. I see.

    Your in a 4 seat table where 3 get tickets. You got 25k in the bb, small blind has 30k. Blinds are 1k/500. First 2 fold, who both have 1k left. Small blind pushes all in on you.

    You hold AA. Bean81 and JohnMonty apparently auto call, cos their charts tell them to and in this case its a no brainer to them.

    You will now probably deny this. Despite during all this you have totally ignored why it is wrong to call.... and a clue for you.... its nothing to do with range.

    Which part of the "situation" do you think the solver used to compute those ranges is not accounting for?
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    edited June 2023
    TheWaddy said:

    But i would say that to blow a chip lead like in Glasgow, suggests you were just working from your DYM, ahhh Q7 thats a call, mechanical online technique.....

    You obviously don't watch Poker on TV......

    How many times have you seen the Chip leader on the Final Day , actually Win the Tournament? :*

    I'm watching WPT re-runs on AYOZAT TV (CH 186-ish on SKY) and it's extremely rare that the Chippy at the start of the Final Day, actually WINS the Tourney..... no matter how big their lead is.

    Have you ever actually been in the position John was ?

    .....or is it Only In Your Dreams '£1 Heads-Up Boy' ? :*

    .....or should that be '£1 Heads-Up OLD Yoghurt' ........Mr Hayes @HAYSIE will get that one ;):D
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    TheWaddy said:

    But i would say that to blow a chip lead like in Glasgow, suggests you were just working from your DYM, ahhh Q7 thats a call, mechanical online technique.....

    It would be so good to meet you at an SPT Mr Waddy. I'm sure you would find all of us far more pleasant than what you see on here ....... as long as you could enjoy a drink (of whatever you drink)..... and lots of Banter. It really is a fantastic Community on SKYPoker, especially at the SPT LIVE events

    .....unless you 'Bore us All with how we should play Poker'

    ...... and you can show us how good you are with a 'Plastic Deck'

    Looking forward to seeing you in the SPT sat's one day in the future (the best way to win a seat or 4 (ask Danny @FeelGroggy and John @johnmonty)

    ......GOOD LUCK as ALWAYS :)
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    johnmonty said:

    5 stacks all 4-10bb or 25bb 30bb and 2x1 bb just the same! Yeah cause chip leading a mtt half way through means you should win it… totally gutted to come 9th in a £250 live comp rather than come 1st in a £1 hu sng 3 out 4 times a day and cry rigged, got me there.

    'i just wanted a rise out of you' quote has come back to haunt you it seems....
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,091
    Bean81 said:

    Phil, everything you need is in that screenshot, apart from the first prize. You could assume that's $2,200 on Party. It's not a bounty tournament.

    What's your range for jamming btn?

    It's one of those situations where, if you are playing lots of tables, ABC poker tends to make you (or at least me) jam too wide. The massive/tiny stacks alter this considerably.

    For me, I think (assuming monster stack is calling with any 2) it is A 10/77+
  • Bean81Bean81 Member Posts: 634
    Essexphil said:

    Bean81 said:

    Phil, everything you need is in that screenshot, apart from the first prize. You could assume that's $2,200 on Party. It's not a bounty tournament.

    What's your range for jamming btn?

    It's one of those situations where, if you are playing lots of tables, ABC poker tends to make you (or at least me) jam too wide. The massive/tiny stacks alter this considerably.

    For me, I think (assuming monster stack is calling with any 2) it is A 10/77+
    I'm impressed. A8 and 88+. Wad reminded me of this hand, because somebody on 2+2 used it as an example of how bad Pav is, when 55 isn't even close to a jam.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    ****, got done by the blasted ICM call again in the Sunday Major Freeroll, thats twice on the run now.....

    Can we really not get to bet on the next card out, i mean we all knew what that turn card meant for what the outcome would be.... the 'exciting' random hands continue....

    I stuck around, next hand 2 all in on flop, first guy has top pair, other guy just has inside straight draw which hits on turn.... but wait.... this then gives first guy a backdoor flush draw... which HE gets on river.... Hoooray! Oh its certainly keeping the casino overspill interested thats for sure :o
    TheWaddySmall blind25.0025.001800.00
    WoebegoneBig blind50.0075.004145.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    james12212Unmatched bet15.003800.0015.00
    • A
    • K
    • 7
    • 5
    • 9
    • Q
    • J
    • 6
    • 8
    james12212WinStraight to the 93800.003815.00
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Meanwhile, heres a hand from Glasgow SPT.... ahhh, ohhhhh... is that it? A dominated ace just lost, in a straight forward manner? Seriously wheres the fun in that?

  • johnmontyjohnmonty Member Posts: 100

    I see you missed this one in your unbiased postings
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2023

    This one too
    Oversight perhaps
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited June 2023
    Yes there was that 'one' wasnt there, the river 5... hours and hours and there was that one... AJ beatin AK preflop all in? Where were the twists and turns were a king flopped but then AJ got runners for a straight? You know like you see every 30mins online?

    I wish Tony hadnt shut down the quads thread, as yday in heads up i saw 2 straight flushes, one royal flush and 5 quads. Just 2 players, sniff, no full table.

    I remember reading Gus Hansens 'every hand revealed' .... for a perceived loose player at the time, it was amazing that the hands played out pretty darn average. I thought it would be him playing 7 5 suited and some crazy happenings... but no, the entire tournament was pretty straight forward.

    Not once was there a hand where it went like this. Raise with QsQh... Jimmy fricke calls, unknown player calls.

    Flop is Qc 10c Jh

    I continue bet 5k

    Jimmy Fricke raises to 20k

    Unknown player pushes all in. I all in. Fricke calls

    Unknown player shows Ad Kd, flopped nuts

    Fricke shows Ac Jc

    Turn is 4c, Fricke takes lead

    River 10d

    Full house!

    I mean every tournament online, you see this over and over right? If you going to say no, its an outright lie. Even in the above Sunday Major freeroll, ive posted 2 silly hands, i saw others in the short time i was in it. That tourny lasts about an hour, i was in for what 20mins tops.... Hansens book covers days.

    If 'every hand revealed' was written about an online tournament, of course it would virtually all be like this. Would have been a great read for the boredom kids, im sure most wouldnt have finished the book in its actual form.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    It’s hilarious
    £1 player telling a professional player how bad his play is
    Reminds me of this. Wonder how many know the story?

  • Williams12Williams12 Member Posts: 217
    Jac35 said:

    It’s hilarious
    £1 player telling a professional player how bad his play is
    Reminds me of this. Wonder how many know the story?

    I know it was a fan coming on right
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    Looks like Harry Redknapp telling Julian Dicks to finish his ciggy before he gets over to left Back :)
  • Williams12Williams12 Member Posts: 217
    MISTY4ME said:

    Looks like Harry Redknapp telling Julian Dicks to finish his ciggy before he gets over to left Back :)

    are u a women who knoes her football?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    All i do know is that he/she must play alot of golf with Julian Dicks....

    Only the other day they said in my personal message box that 'there is nothing better i like than than playing a round with Dicks'.... which i did find a bit odd i must admit.....
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    edited June 2023
    TheWaddy said:

    All i do know is that he/she must play alot of golf with Julian Dicks....

    Only the other day they said in my personal message box that 'there is nothing better i like than

    than playing a round with Dicks'..

    .. which i did find a bit odd i must admit.....
    Looking to learn HUp Hi/Lo PLOpping .....just so I can play with the BIGGEST DI CK around ;):D
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Gulp..... You should maybe keep this for the personal message box :o
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