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Can he give away the lot completely for free? Errr no....



  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    I asked you what you meant by a ‘lo rich deck’, I’ve never heard of that term, just as I’ve never heard of a ‘bank holiday deck’, so it was worth the clarification.

    Then you said you don’t benefit from miracle rivers or the attempted giveaways, yet it was clear in the 1 game I saw that you got very lucky to survive.

    Really isn’t difficult to debunk you if you’re willing to state your position clearly and not change definitions.

    If I had access to the hand history database at Sky I’d have put your tripe to bed months and months ago.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    When the chips went in on the first hand, I had raised preflop and he had checked the flop, so the push of 350 is an attempt to get him to fold whilst i do hold a paired ace, when he is telling me his hand is weak. I have no chips and im pot committed.

    We had been talking about 'giveaways' and as i have 45% on the low and him 0% ....and 30% to 65% on the hi, when the chips went in.... its quite silly to suggest i have nothing and im trying to giveaway....

    The second hand we are 50-50 on the flop when i bet 400. Pot comitted, im like 6-4 dog on the turn when the chips go in.

    Now lets compare that to the hand i put up. On the turn, where we have minimal chips in the pot, low blinds... he ends up all in ........ i have 100% on the hi and 92.5% on the low, with him knowing that his hand is nothing too when he does it, no cooler.

    Now you accuse me of changing the definitions and not stating my position clearly. Can it be any clearer? And you are one of Skys finest are u!?

    I think the problem is players are commenting on a game they have never played, or certainly have little clue about!
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    As you guys will still support 'the pro' on this.... maybe have a word in private away from the forum and try and explain to him why my example the opponent appears to be trying to giveaway for free, whilst his example the odds and play speak for themselves....

    Or maybe even better, tell us on here that he is correct!
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    TheWaddy said:

    As you guys will still support 'the pro' on this.... maybe have a word in private away from the forum and try and explain to him why my example the opponent appears to be trying to giveaway for free, whilst his example the odds and play speak for themselves....

    Or maybe even better, tell us on here that he is correct!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the definition of insanity.

    Every thread, every troll, every hijack.

    Thank you for bringing these anomalies to our collective attention. When we can be bothered to give a darn we will remember that it was you who enlightened us.

    In the mean time. Sshhhhh ! The adults are trying to have some quiet time.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    The first support is in ... from a self confessed non hi lo player... anyone else?
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    TheWaddy said:

    The first support is in ... from a self confessed non hi lo player... anyone else?

    Bbmike knows his way around hi lo.
    I’d back him heavily v you heads up
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Lol thats 2 of the clique.....
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    If you are truly not seeing the difference between the hands, i can see why you are not understanding anything im saying. thats 3 of you. Any more?

    Ideally id like the full clique to support it...
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    TheWaddy said:

    Lol thats 2 of the clique.....

  • TsaaaarTsaaaar Member Posts: 368
    Someone has forgotten to take their meds
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Could i giveaway? Well its the end game, large blinds and he only has 500 left so obviously im calling. But on the flop, his AA over my KK, even gets an ace flush draw to my king flush draw.... Drawing very thin now...

    But i did give a wry smile as this is the situation where he has flopped just too well, i kind of fancied the enhanced deck to do the job... and booom, there it is, the 4% river! At least i can too benefit during end game lunacy, every hand a swaying excitement extravaganza!
    yorkie63Small blind100.00100.00560.00
    TheWaddyBig blind200.00300.002140.00
    Your hole cards
    • K
    • Q
    • 9
    • K
    TheWaddyUnmatched bet340.001320.001680.00
    • A
    • 5
    • A
    • 4
    • K
    • Q
    • 9
    • K
    • 10
    • 2
    • 10
    • 7
    • K
    TheWaddyWin highFull House, Kings and 10s1320.003000.00
    No qualifying low hand
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    I don’t think that hand counts in your definition of a giveaway, blinds are too large
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Hey your'e learning, a statement that shows some understanding. A+
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Hypnotist is the ultimate 'try to lose player'.... as in this example.... loads and loads of these type of plays, where he chases draws that can only win him half of the pot if he hits.... not a great idea heads up.... i can not beat this player online.... he chases backdoor draws, where he has nothing but that on the flop..... i can not beat him due to the barrage of exact cards he requires......
    TheWaddySmall blind30.0030.001530.00
    HYPNOTISTBig blind60.0090.001380.00
    Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 9
    • K
    • A
    • 4
    • Q
    • 3
    • 8
    • J
    • 2
    • 9
    • K
    • A
    • 10
    • 8
    • 9
    • A
    HYPNOTISTWin highStraight to the Queen1440.001440.00
    TheWaddyWin low8-low1440.001560.00
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2023
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    He flops nut flush draw, you just have a low and you expect to scoop?
  • poppy765poppy765 Member Posts: 1,535
    I can see that you think that this player has made bad choices,
    but you have said multiple times that you adjust your play to accommodate what the deck produces.

    Is it possible that they are doing likewise?

    They have also worked out some strange formula to predict hands?

    Or is it possible that stuff happens and we should all move on knowing that every suckout has a corresponding miracle save?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Ive played this guy for months now, with him chasing high hands on all lo boards and other basic errors. Im just not beating him, yet it should be so so easy.

    Im not sure what i can be expected to think, when i already have an opinion, then bump into a player like this for a few months and find him unbeatable.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Just lost another 2 to him.... god knows how many on run now..... backdoor, backdoor, backdoor..... id love a rational explanation....
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    edited July 2023
    you can't beat luck don't matter how skillful you are......luck always wins, there is no explaination for the madness, its just how it is.
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